John Titor FAKE

As far as Jesus predictions, you could say the Muslims on a different "timeline" also, They planted a graveyard at the east gate because it would make the messiah unclean if he tried to enter jerusalem... LOL.

I would say the same things are in place already for Clintons "Rise to the White House now.
Gunna be hard to get past that easy gate Hillary. To get there she would be unclean.

Little metaphor of predictions for ya.

Heh. Love it! You're quick wit earns my respect. I may not agree with all your positions in your posts, but what fun would there be in that anyway? Your writing and your logic seems sound, and it doesn't seem you believe things just because someone said it was so.

But what I wanna know with this little hypothetical scenario, is how "they" (TPTB) are going to orchestrate the whole "die on the cross and resurrect after 3 days"? :D

Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to get back to the Cosmos marathon going on at the Science channel!
"they" (TPTB) are going to orchestrate the whole "die on the cross and resurrect after 3 days"?

As for Clinton and her Chances, Obama would more than likely be involved in a plane crash-he is a rock star, isn't he? That wouldn't be the first time people have mysteriously died in plane crashes around The Clinton's. It lays guilt squarely on unfortunate circumstances and If she waits possible the blame can be transferred to McCain and the neoconservative. That is the most likely scenario IMHO
I am still not sure if a scenario like that would allow her to "step up" completely. but...

As for the new messiah, We of course the answer would be EARTHQUAKES.(at the dome of the rock, and the east gate gets wrecked and rebuilt.)
"As for Clinton and her Chances, Obama would more than likely be involved in a plane crash-he is a rock star, isn't he?"

ahh, ronnie van zant style. :eek:
Am I suppose to be looking forward for any such News that may occur there of that sort in the future?

I just did not know that anyone was yet in a black hole even with the thinking. Perhaps there is just a communication problem in the world, and the leaders were not really saying what they thought they were saying or meaning, but just decided to communicate that way anyway knowing that as wanting to be a leader in this world, they were not going to tell anyone anyway anything as usual.

Nah - RTM ask me to speculate Timenot_0

I must have been a little sleepy because looking back on it now, I see how effing crazy it sounds now to make prophetic statements.

That would really be a first for me. Feels weird. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Anyone else care to throw something in the mix, whatever I was thinking I lost it.
Ask and thy shall receive however I was not interested in you RMT. From our former super thread we both already know you manipulate truth to serve the points you desire to make regardlessly of the facts of the matter.


I shall humor you

You say it is BS plain and simple

Truth is the TRUE skeptic does not prejudge. He leaves room open for any possibility to be scientifically examined under the best controls that can be applied. YOU RMT simply insist that "Titor is BS because artificial time travel is impossible". At the end of the day this is the sum total of your argument and reasoning. It is you evidence, your defense and your pre-conceived belief.

You say my wait will be long to see a boycott of the 2008 Olympics.

Then you go off on a tangent asking me to prove a negative.

anyways I do not feel like doing your homework for you. You always denounce other people saying they can not prove this and that but you never search for the information yourself but instead ask others to prove it too you. Let me put you on a path

You can start there but I would recommend using common sense search terms. Do your own homework.

And now I shall conservatively save band width and answer your second post reply. You could of just edited your first reponse post ya know. Anyways to continue.

You said

"Umm, I'll take your five bucks right now, because each and every president who has ever run for the office has been "concerned about retaining their power base.""

Well you will not get my 5 bucks because to win it they would have to be as selfless as George Washington who WAS NOT concerned about maintaining his power base. In fact after 2 terms he steeped down from the office of president not because anyone pressured him too but because he did not want to become an elected king.

Now as I said at the beginning of this post. I am not interested in you RMT. You are a not a skeptic
but just a person who enjoys arguing their own preconceived ideas to feel better about yourself and your life. You are filling some kind of void by arguing and belittling others. What that void is something only you can figure out. I am not online for this reason I am not here for that reason. YOU ARE. Why you are is for you to figure out if you want to evolve into a more rounded person.

No. I was seeking Darby. Darby who has been a part of this since day one. Darby who knows we invaded Iraq, that a soldiers winter was written that a woman did run and now said woman is Obamas right hand man... Admittedly I always thought that She would run for prez and win but I never considered a team effort , a him and her presidential team where she runs as Vice president. Darbys opinion is what I am curious about. Not you RMT. You are immaterial. You never spoke with Titor you have nothing to do with Titor except for your obsession to ridicule others for objectively evaluating the accuracy of his memories / predictions as they relate to us here and now.

Where are you at Darby?
"From our former super thread we both already know you manipulate truth to serve the points you desire to make regardlessly of the facts of the matter."

i mean no disrespect titorite, but i felt like you were the one doing the manipulating from that thread. my position totally changed in the time we were doing that thread. i think you are overlooking the facts that ray pointed out. its hard to have an open mind when your mind is closed for discussion in an area. if you only agree with the facts that agree with you, it is going to be hard for open minded people to agree with you.

"Darby who knows we invaded Iraq, that a soldiers winter was written that a woman did run and now said woman is Obamas right hand man... Admittedly I always thought that She would run for prez and win but I never considered a team effort , a him and her presidential team where she runs as Vice president. Darbys opinion is what I am curious about. Not you RMT. You are immaterial. You never spoke with Titor you have nothing to do with Titor except for your obsession to ridicule others for objectively evaluating the accuracy of his memories / predictions as they relate to us here and now."

for every piece of evidence that you have that makes you think titor was what he said he was, i have ten pieces of evidence proving he was not.

if you only accept evidence that agrees with your philosophy, that is the definition of closed mindedness. a person can never grow by ignoring their own faults.

when i was younger, and older person would tell me something and tell me to listen to them. i would ask, "why is this correct?" their answer would be, "because im alot older than you, thats why." i would then go on to tell them, "age does not determine intelligence." then they would say it does. i would then call them a bonehead, and that would be the end of that conversation.

then there were people like my grandfather. we had many discussions about philosiphy, and when i asked why, he told me what his opinions were, and then he told me to make up my own mind. it was a much more effective way to teach me something to say the least and it encouraged independent, rational thinking.
Now wait a sec, titorite is making a VALID point here I don't want missed.

Could the statement of the presidency"The President in 2009 was interested only in keeping his/her power base."

Actually mean Obama/Clinton(VP)?
Implying that Clinton(like Cheney) is a very powerful VP?

Did Titor say that in a sarcastic tone?
I enjoy the interpretation. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Ok thanks titorite. You guys can get back to what you were doing. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
I should have said my professor "Dr. Miller" who worked at GE. (we bring good things to life - perhaps that's another commercial similiar - Progress is our most important product - well some commercial from whenever.)
God rest his soul. (we well I was dumb - worn out from 4 pages per problem both front and back sides of the sheet for one calculus problem- earlier in my college and working to pay for it at the time. Yes, I got depressed (who made this course of study - 18 credit hours - gees) and did not make it, because at least I was paying for it. Now all you get to do is take out too big of a loan and the return??)

Well, back to Dr. Michio Kaku and his book "Parallel Universes" talking about the '60's and what was going on in science, how certain people thrawted some thinking that turned out to be true later, and what was going on at the time in the field.

I think it still goes on today still, but then sometimes the ego runs amuck perhaps!

The biggest thing today perhaps is some Goddard scientist having to appear before Congress who started up perhaps all this stuff about Global Warming. No doubt there are changes going on, but still not what he thought 30 years ago what this scientist was thinking - and anyway I think he is a physicist -- even if we only have 20 years left before he thinks whatever he thinks.

Ever hear of video conferencing - how come they don't have to do what they think about global warming either -- hypocrites it seems. More important than you - whatever?

Well, if anyone can get through some science books nowadays with what they think about what will become tools to use in the future -- by God, we ought to be able to create another spacetime for those type of people in the future - a sun - a planet - (include a black hole and other masses) and gladly stick them in that new spacetime. Well, that may be the start with a teeny tiny black hole that evaporates in 10 to the minus 100 seconds at the Planck's Scale.

Does anyone get an attitude after all that college?
Just an attitude anyone can have?
Somewhere along the way lately I scolded my Congressperson stating that people ought to again pay fines instead of perhaps just losing a job - at least it pay off the National Debt.

I just do not believe either political party, for I think they all think they know better than anyone else -- except I wonder why they really think that way. I thought you are suppose to worship God, not some opinion you may have.

Well, science will come up with more in the future.
Could the statement of the presidency"The President in 2009 was interested only in keeping his/her power base."

Actually mean Obama/Clinton(VP)?
Implying that Clinton(like Cheney) is a very powerful VP?

The point is... it COULD MEAN ANYTHING if you do not take his words at literal face value. And if you decide to not take his words at literal, face value, then what is the standard by which you measure interpretation? It is so UNscientific to try to make real events fit a non-specific interpretation, I don't know where to start.

But let's try simple boolean logic. And let us just START with President ONLY (because that is what Titor's words literally say).

If the 2008 elected Prez is a man....Titor is "right" because he included "his".
If the 2008 elected Prez is a woman....Titor is "right" because he included "her".
If the 2008 elected Prez is a hermaphrodite....Titor is "right" because he included "his/her".
If the 2008 elected Prez is a transexual....Titor is "right" because he included "his/her".
If the 2008 elected Prez is a transgender....Titor is "right" because he included "his/her".

Hell...with the words he chose, I challenge ANYONE to find a situation (short of one where something other than a human being is elected Prez) where Titor WAS NOT RIGHT?!?!? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

But now let us continue the boolean logic table to include Prez and Vice-Prez (even though he NEVER SAID THAT). Guess what?

If the 2008 elected Prez/Vice-Prez is a man+man...titor is "right" because he included "his".
(It should be noted that the Titor sycophants will choose this opportunity to USE the literal interpretation to say Titor was right..."He only said President")
If the 2008 elected Prez/Vice-Prez is a man+woman...titor is "right" because he included "his/her".
All permutations with other rainbow sexual orientations still makes Titor "right".

So this is what we mean by a statement that cannot be falsified. In choosing his words, Titor covered EVERY possible situation. IOW, he didn't want to tell you what he meant. He WANTED you to do exactly what titorite does... fit whatever happens to his words to "make him right".

I enjoy the interpretation.

I understand that. And who am I to deny you that "fun"? Just don't go fooling yourself into believing that whatever interpretation you choose is "what Titor meant". You cannot know, just like the hoaxer behind Titor did not know!

Ask and thy shall receive however I was not interested in you RMT.

Tough bananas, I am responding anyway because I am free to do so.

From our former super thread we both already know you manipulate truth to serve the points you desire to make regardlessly of the facts of the matter.

I could easily contest that with facts to prove I do not. But what would be more important would be for you to answer the question: Are you telling us that YOU do NOT do this thing you accuse me of? Ruthless has, indeed, pointed out that you do. "Hello kettle, this is the pot. You are black!"

YOU RMT simply insist that "Titor is BS because artificial time travel is impossible".

Absolutely not. Which shows you have not paid attention to my arguments. As I just explained to Kanigo, I claim Titor is BS because his story is cannot be falsified. In order to be scientifically formulated such that TRUTH can be ascertained, it MUST be falsifiable. If it is not formed in such a way, go read what the "father of falsifiability" says about such claims... Karl Popper.

anyways I do not feel like doing your homework for you. You always denounce other people saying they can not prove this and that but you never search for the information yourself but instead ask others to prove it too you. Let me put you on a path

Irrelevant to Titor's claim for many reasons. The most important being that these athletes are NOT boycotting the entire games. They will merely not be there for the opening ceremonies. Titor said there WERE NO FORMAL OLYMPICS after 2004. That means an entire country, or two, or more, could boycott and the Olympics could still go on! And Titor would be (and will be) wrong.

Well you will not get my 5 bucks because to win it they would have to be as selfless as George Washington who WAS NOT concerned about maintaining his power base. In fact after 2 terms he steeped down from the office of president not because anyone pressured him too but because he did not want to become an elected king.

Here we see an example of titorite using incomplete facts to try and bolster his claim. What he fails to explain (for obvious reasons) is that George Washington NEVER CAMPAIGNED TO BECOME PRESIDENT! He was, for all intents and purposes, DRAFTED into the job! Hence, he could care less about his power base because he never asked for, nor wanted, the job in the first place!

Now as I said at the beginning of this post. I am not interested in you RMT.

And as I said above, that is just your tough luck. Because here I am!

You never spoke with Titor

Heh heh. I know you THINK you are right. But let me assure you, you are wrong. I was not using this handle at the time Titor was here, but I assure you there are posts to him that were from me. If you are really clever (I am not holding out hope) you may be able to analyze the other posters and ID which one was me. So far, no one else has guessed correctly.

ridicule others for objectively evaluating the accuracy of his memories / predictions as they relate to us here and now

For you to claim that what you have been doing is "objective" is a travesty and a joke. And the dictionary definition fully bears me out:

<font color="red">5. (adjective) not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased: an objective opinion. [/COLOR]

Since it is quite obvious you are making interpretations on his words, NOT taking them literally, then you are NOT being objective. Sorry, but that is a simple fact. I know you don't like it, and I know you will argue it and try to put me down. But facts are facts. You are not objectively analyzing Titor's words.

Edited for the sake of civility.

Now if you can just go back in time and change my memory.

Wait did John say that was possible? I better search through the text and find out.

If the 2008 elected Prez is a man....Titor is "right" because he included "his".
If the 2008 elected Prez is a woman....Titor is "right" because he included "her".
If the 2008 elected Prez is a hermaphrodite....Titor is "right" because he included "his/her".
If the 2008 elected Prez is a transexual....Titor is "right" because he included "his/her".
If the 2008 elected Prez is a transgender....Titor is "right" because he included "his/her".

Hell...with the words he chose, I challenge ANYONE to find a situation (short of one where something other than a human being is elected Prez) where Titor WAS NOT RIGHT?!?!?

<font color="purple"> LOLOLOLOLOL!!!! That John sure was smart.
I think he did it on purpose just to get a rise out of Rainman time later on. :D :D :D [/COLOR]
I think he did it on purpose just to get a rise out of Rainman time later on

I love paradoxes.

Unless of course RMT was Titor , that would just show a mental breakdown of epic proportions.


Unless of course RMT was Titor , that would just show a mental breakdown of epic proportions.

Yeah, I prefer to have lots of little mental breakdowns every so often, instead of one big one. More efficient power spectral density!

(Usually, only a controls engineer would get that geeky-joke!)

I could claim to have been Titor. But that would be tough because then I would have to prove it to myself, and everyone know's I am one of the biggest Titor skeptics! :D

C'est La Vie!