John Titor FAKE

I see what's going on here. You don't know me rainmantime. If this is what you want to believe
about me I could really care less. I told my story long time ago. I don't have to defend anything.
Maybe it would amuse you to start a little thread called "Pamela is a hypocrit" God knows you don't seem to have anything better to do.
This is the same thing they do to people who claim to have seen a UFO. They try to character assasinate them.
I have a feeling this board is going to become like Anomalies board.
..... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif I want to offer some words of encouragement... but its not easy. All I can say is just try not to let them dim your light. Neither darby nor RMT lead quality lives as shown through their internet postings of negativity bent on argument and belittlement so that they can feel better about themselves.

Something to keep in mind.
Pam Quote"I have a feeling this board is going to become like Anomalies board."
I know you don't know me and probably don't care. I remember reading a LOT of your old posts. Trust me that took a long time Pamela. I can see how ya started out. Seemingly wild eyed and innocent. I also watched the posts change over the years. I can't be entirely sure what took place with you over that time, I won't even pretend.

I will say this much, the caliber of content in this forum is exponentially greater then in ANY other forum. Honestly, after this much time, its SPOOKS me that you are still here. That single fact weighs heavier on my soul. It defies reason. I ask myself WHY you would stay in an abusive relationship with this forum over ALL this time. I start asking myself "Why".

The very idea that I might get an answer spooks me. I want to make it dead clear, "I don't want you to answer it". I point out that a lot of the things that are said are in jest-to maintain an intellectual position-to clarify-or to razz an answer outa someone.I for one for whatever reason am on your side, even if it is just for the romantic notion that Titor was right.

I hope this in someway helps you to remind you of younger days when the world was a little brighter.

Quit giving Orders. None of you people run this Nation. There is no paper work signed or delivered to your door, yet. This old kind of anti-social type of behavior has been here before, and for the last 40 years with civilians that can prove it, so do not start it up again. Some even have witnesses. Do not think that any of you are talking to a hunk of meat, for the attitude will be dealt with as if you may imply that you seem that you can be a Nazi. If you do not like it, then you can consider the same as what happened to other civilians that were attacked, have witnesses, and lead on by older ex-veterans in this Nation who think that they know everything, but like usual, only ended up to be liars, playing upon others, who some still in a sense do that to this day. No one wants to hear it, nor does anyone have to continually put up with it. A certain local area has some of these people still in it, and still it goes on in this Country. Plainly put, either this Country will pull together, or it may well end up with Titor's future. Do not imply that anti-socials in this Country still continue on with the bullheaded attitude that simply is not working in this Nation. So far, that does not mean the current President, but still disaggreement will be a concern. It is not this Country's duty to enslave the entire world in a debate over what other Countries are doing just to prove that it can, that it can continue to be dominant, that some sort of religion or duty or honor prove that the attitude can continue without perhaps having serious consequences for the future. Humans will make mistakes, but God will judge, and perhaps according to other Internet websites He has already and found it lacking. I do not know for sure, I do not claim to talk to God, just pray. But if I had to get along with certain people in this Country, I would claim (and don't worry prove it) that all there is to either political party is some sort of mentality that seems to border on fanatical behavior, as long as humans think that they can get by with it, and claim that the Past does not lead up to the future. I am sure all these self-proclaimed professors of knowing all can not begin to prove it, but always come out and talk the some old game they been playing in the Past. Vague is for a reason, for if anyone thinks that everyone should be able to defend his/her self then it was not taught in this Nation while the liars abound with their Adversity. Unless you can build a time machine like Titor's then all of it is conjecture, even the talk about others making up the story, and even fitting the science into the scene when it is not and can not be proved, nor really disproved. All the problems can be mentioned, but that is where it stops. We all are not here to become Nazis, so be careful in what you state, for if you had real proof as some others do have but are ignored or still in a sense attacked for what they bring up, then you better had walked several miles in his/her shoes. Other than that, you would only be guessing, and so far the guessing is being wrong, for example, perhaps in the case of Iraq. The world is already back to posturing and persuading like some politician's persuading that the Governor of Illinois be impeached. It is not seemingly clearcut talk but still sounded like a politician's persuasion going on. That may be useful to lawyers and their type of talk, but if the glove don't fit, then why do still some people keep holding on to the attitude. It was thrown out of the LA Court when it happened, and still it goes on with some people. So, it may be assumed and rightly so, that the world will end up being more bullheaded than it needed to be, and in the end, some people thought that it was their "Freedom" to do all that aggressive, competitive type nature stuff.

So far, nature of the Universe will probably be that there are strange places in SpaceTime that humans may never get (by the masses of the many people) to go to. It was like climbing a very high mountain. Only certain people attempted it, and not as many as perhaps some other people thought their should be. Changing the world to only include your way of thinking by means of what some people do, will in the end only prove that God owns this Universe and God owns this Planet in the end. That of course, was not really what they were actually doing. No, they were actually doing their attempt at control of this world, and humans can debate whether it is better in God's hand than any human on this Planet. So enough out of some people that they think that they know everything, they do not, and neither does anyone else, including me. To think otherwise, is not even a consideration by some people, yet they continue to have to put up with people who do. Believe me, I do consider it to be against the laws, but as always the correct laws not the Adverse laws that only humans may continue to come out with. Perhaps people should have been a little more respectful of having a future in the first place, than trying to control the future, which may be an impossible goal.
I partially agree with your hypothesis Timenot_0.There are forces within our society that would prefer total control.I feel that most of their responses are far more insidious.
For example,

* If Obama was Assassinated and the black communities rioted, would white America cheer if President Bush declared Martial Law and brought in troops to "quench the riots",would white America cheer for President Bush?*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Would that fit your profile?


Sadly though I think, TimeNot_0, you missed my point, I did not put quotations around Pams quote.
I have attempted to correct that error in my previous post by labeling the first sentence as Pams quote.
The post was actually met as a letter of encouragement to Pam and was a response to her.

I reviewed my post and I found NO point did i give an order,suggestion and only a slight hint at advice.

I believe this may have been a response to a slight clerical error and I hope this has resolved it.I still am unsure how to "[*Quote*]" in this forum.

To be totally honest though, I think your response is Completely within the "Subject " of this post and you may be replying to "Re: John Titor FAKE".

Which in that case, I may be wrong for Posting back to you.Mistakes are made and easily remedied.

I hope that I have corrected any error and responded to your post in a way that will repair any misgivings.

Now , Where were we?Anyone?
It was not about anyone here on this forum and it happened in the Past.
It may happen because some people think that they have the freedom to have sort of a cult town. (say Momons for example). It also may be happening today with Oklahoma declaring its sovereignty. As far as I know, usually in the Past, some communication like 'you won't get any more Federal money then" is usually stated and the state backs off. In other words, if all 48 States told the Feds - we don't want your mandates or your money - go to - then the Feds would be back to about doing what they should be doing according to how the U.S. Constitution is interpreted by some people, and that is smaller Federal Government, and their hands out of people's pockets. That New York and LA do not pay for it all or those States, and enough is enough and whatever else the Feds wanted States to do -- all seemingly being politician's persuasions.

And it seems no one is actually sure about Oklahoma (the State) as of now. And it is also called -- We the People - run the show here, not you the Federal Government Congress or President and any emotion that is felt - that other people state have led to a Civil War before in this Country.
It's adult education in a sense. Much like quasi-particles. Your quasi-particles are not behaving correctly. So says you! Well, we think your quasi-particles are mal-aligned. So says you! And on and on, except with what is normally going on in this Country -- taxes, income, and general feelings of how people feel and think.
I dont really like ATS because of their format. I goto GLP for the comedy.

I am just your basic conspiracy ,free energy,ghost hunter,ufo,timetravel,Ron paul,sunwatching,stargazing,flouride in the water,NWO,Hydrogen cell,zeta hating, Numerolgy,illuminati,bildeburg,Alex jones,Depression,Nazi on dope, Remote Veiwing Debunker.

All I am Is a Forklift Mechanic,With an Industrial Electricians degree.

Gamespot is a little childish for me, It would have been great when I was playing Halflife.

Thank you for the offer, but no.

For a long time I've had the feeling that I recognized your style of writing posts - and then you made the CIV/Sid Myers reference.

Is this Al - one of the original Titor posters on Post-2-Post and an original member at Anomalies (Member #4 as I recall)?

For a long time I've had the feeling that I recognized your style of writing posts - and then you made the CIV/Sid Myers reference.

Is this Al - one of the original Titor posters on Post-2-Post and an original member at Anomalies (Member #4 as I recall)?

Why do you try to debunk him Darby?


I think you give him too much credit, rather he fall in a logic loop, Like trapping a tiger(or a goldfish in a bag).

Sell him at the fair for a dollar later,when you really have him.

Why do you try to debunk him Darby?

Uhhh...debunk who?

If you're refering to TimeNot you're way off the scope. Al was (I said this didn't I) one of the original members on Anomalies - Member #4. He dropped out of sight a few years ago and I hadn't heard from him. Big Al was a huge Civ III fan and made reference to it in about 10% of his posts.
If timenot is Al - why try to debunk him?

***If you want to chase ghosts - Goto:

***Allow the poor guy some anonymity, he isn't hurting your argument.

***I was only suggesting catching him in a lie, with proof, might be a better way to debunk the guy.
***When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

If timenot is Al - why try to debunk him?

Debunk what, my friend? The last time that I responded to TimeNot was on May 22nd:

Re: Let's talk about 'light' and this experiment [re: TimeNot_0]
05/21/08 10:55 PM ( Edit Reply


The article really didn't go into anything that is new to quantum physics. It's been long accepted in QM that the classical idea of waves and particles doesn't adequately describe the behavior of matter at the quantum level and that matter isn't made from pure waves or pure particles. Rather than saying that matter is both wave and particle it's probably better to say it is neither. The classical terms are simply used descriptively to explain how something behaves in an experiment.

I suspect that the physicist had a lot more to say that what was printed in the pop-sci article. But I'm skeptical when an article say that someone "was prevented" from publishing an article to ArXiv. ArXiv isn't a repository that requires peer review before allowing a legitimate researcher to post and article. It doesn't accept obvious crackpot papers but it is pretty liberal in what it will allow.

Anyway...enough about TimeNot. If it's Al and he wants to respond he will. If not or if he isn't nothing's actually lost.

Thanks for the interest anyway.