Clinton-DEM Conspiracy Theory
well well....2 hours ago they made it offical. Clinton shall be campaigning with and for Obama. Kinda makes ya wonder how long till he officaly states her or VP....
and five bucks says they will only be concerned about retaining their power base.
Umm, I'll take your five bucks right now, because each and every president who has ever run for the office has been "concerned about retaining their power base." In fact, the only thing that concerns them more than losing their existing power base, is trying to gain even more...hence, the decision to run for Prez. So you have already lost the bet, whether or not Obama wins and whether or not Hillary is his VP selection. So what I am saying is what you are pointing out does not even correlate to anything specific Titor said. We have always known that politicians (esp. those running for Prez) are concerned about retaining their power base. For in fact, without it they cannot win or retain the Presidency.
But now let me lay out a conspiracy theory that COULD COME TO PASS (much more valuable than wacky CT'ers who love to point out a conspiracy AFTER it has already happened). This conspiracy that I predict you could actually DO something about before it happens.
<font color="red"> ATTENTION: The following is a hypothetical scenario only, to illustrate a point about "predicting the future". The author is not part of a conspiracy to make this scenario happen, nor should any relevance to any such activities be implied. [/COLOR]
<font color="blue"> What If...???
1) What if the people who have "rubbed out" other people getting in the Clinton's pathway (and I am sure you know there are a LONG list of people attached to Clinton who have met untimely and suspicious ends) suddenly decide that they can "clear the way" for Hillary becoming the same way they "fixed" other Clinton "HR problems" in the past.
2) What if we HYPOTHETICALLY ASSUME that Obama loses his life under an someone...but who? And was it just one wacky person, or a CONSPIRACY?
3) Just as we have the "grassy knoll" confusion and uncertainty in JFK's death, there would be some such obfuscation of who REALLY might have carried out the act...
4) Because Hillary would naturally become President (if she is indeed selected by Obama as his running mate) the Conspiracy Fingers would immediately point to the Clinton "dead body legacy".
What if THAT Cornspiracy Theory (no that was not a typo) came to pass? Would you somehow make that fit something that Titor said (or maybe didn't say!)? And if you would try to make this into something Titor said, wouldn't it count against Titor that he never told us more specifically that something like this would happen? [/COLOR]
There are many ways one could even analyze the potential for such a cornspiracy such as this. One could even bring in a "Jesus Christ" motif to the cornspiracy plan! What if Obama saw himself as the next incarnation of The Christ? As such, what if he knew he would have to give his life to "cleanse the original sin of all people". And what if he (or the PTB) purposefully set up his ascension to Prez for the express purpose of "fulfilling prophecy"? Recall when you read the Bible this is exactly what the stories in the NT say Jesus did. He purposefully rode through the gates of Jerusalem on an ass, hailed with palms, as predicted by prophets. What if Obama winning the election is the current-TIME analog to Jesus riding into Jerusalem as if he were King? Sure does seem to fit the story of the bible, doesn't it? It would get you asking questions like "Who would play Judas in the Obama fulfillment of the Jesus story?" Who indeed. But there are so many more angles of this obvious cornspiracy that could be explored... who would gain power by seeing Jesus out of the way? Why the Saducees and Pharisees (deacons and priests) of the Hebrew Temple, that is who! The "true keepers of the Hebrew faith" (in their opinion). Wouldn't THAT be Hillary (and Bill)...who had the reigns of power in the 90s? SURE IT WOULD!!
What if, titorite? What if I have just pointed out a conspiracy that is yet to come...that will play out in the coming months and years? Would that make me more of a TTer than Titor, because I was more specific??? By the criteria of many I see who believe Titor, the answer would be that I knew things that even Titor didn't know.