John Titor FAKE


Reged: 03/08/01
Posts: 1859

Re: John Titor FAKE [re: TimeNot_0]
06/15/08 10:24 PM (
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For a long time I've had the feeling that I recognized your style of writing posts - and then you made the CIV/Sid Myers reference.

Is this Al - one of the original Titor posters on Post-2-Post and an original member at Anomalies (Member #4 as I recall)?

Sorry , I was under the impression that you were trying to "raz" him for me. No sweat- Nothing to see here, Lets move on. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I am still under the impression that John was not fake.I've read worse stories.
There may be a "checklist" that everybody is scratching off for his predictions but Did he travel Time? I think that is really stretching the limits of what I care to believe.
It's as real as I choose to make it.
Seems to me that it comes down to a personal level for each person here and you take away from it as much as you choose to.
Ya, I said that a long time ago also. (I am Al) Ignore half of what I post, for I only read what is written by others.

Anyway, there is an arXiv paper on quasi-particles, except I did not keep the link, now that I am back in Internet Explorer 6 and not 7.

Anyway, I am always doing something else also, and spending too much time on Titor. The only thing to me that will make Titor real is the science and whether it comes along or not. Given that popular type science articles are written on whatever it is they think the scientists are discovering, there is one article on talking about quasi-particles, except the source is the Institute where the discovery was made and it is them who released what they think quasi-particles are.

I don't have that link either, but just Google quasi-particles. They been around since 1998 and someone won a Nobel Prize about it in 1998 - or maybe quasi-particles have been around longer but still someone won a Nobel Prize back in 1998 about it.

So I also have much other work to do. Sometimes I wonder why I am even posting anymore, for that is also what I probably will do - take a break from it all and start doing something else. I have not had enough time to even do that for really what I want to do. And keeping up with the Jones is something I guess I will not be able to do, unless I forget all these discussions and leave the rest of the people to begin experiencing it for each individual for his/her self. Unreligious or religious type of cults seem just to be an attitude that people seem to lower his/her self to for various financial, income, life related attitudes. And it has been going on for a long time. If anyone thinks that I am going to get wound up like a clock over any political candidate, then that person is just wasting their time with me.

To me it creates dis-stress instead of good stress, and yet there have been books on all kinds of subject I have read somewhat in the Past. (not all subjects, just some.)

And to me, half-awake people, cell-phone people, do not a planet make. They are dangerous on the roads while driving, think that they can do more perhaps than what they can do, and in the end, nothing is actually being done all that completely on anything in the end, it seems to me. Before in college or school, you may receive an "F" for that kind of completeness, now it seems you will pass but perhaps with a "C" or "D". It is like trying to get a person to tell you what note is playing on a piano when they can not, but certain other people can. It depends on some sort of behavior where they think that the person is trying to be a perfectionist, when they merely are missing the point. And that perhaps is a question:

How far down do humans have to equate to, to begin to realize that it may have stooped down to becoming just a trifle-type kind of stupidness? (this general idea that things tomorrow will be different. Yes it will be, bridges will collapse, floods will occur - with people building next to a river or not, and expecting Uncle Sam to take care of all of it?). Inflation is what occurred with Pres. Jimmy Carter, standing in lines at gas pumps, and all the rest back then. Now all of that has been changed for some decided that it will not occur that way again. Well, already back to real estate inflation to make money for some. What is that line in Star Trek that does not seem to go away?

The Needs of the Many outweigh the Needs of the Few. (and the variations on that line.)

Anyway, I have to put up with trying to get a good Internet Connection phoneline lately and Qwest ain't all it can be either. In other words, there are only people who want to spend your money and not theirs, and now there are people who just do not have it nor perhaps may put up with this kind of attitude out of self-serving people in the future. They have not registered to run for political Office in this Country and never did, just thought that they give Orders, when they do not. Then persuasion, then angriness, then...................whatever comes along next while people claim it is the Government's Fault. In a sense it is, for no one was born with a silver spoon to begin with, except for again a few. Some have made it for obtaining a lot of money, but then there may be Heaven and Hell to deal with also in the end. And the funny part is that then they were not talking about theirselves being the Government then anymore but then someone else like they could separate from it anytime they wish to. Do you except anyone to listen to all of that dribble? I may be old but I am not dead yet, and I do not necessarily like it all the time.

Luckily those type of people are not around that much anymore, but they still exist, and some religious and non-religious people really ought to get their own heads examined sometime. Ah, but then again, the circular movement begins.

Who needs a time traveller with the way this world is anyway?
I read the article and the theory that quasi-particle can generate a different potential is extremely interesting. What is more interesting still is why the electron potential seems to balance back out at a specific state.

I think I am catching what you are saying, that these are in effect "electron seeds".
With memory capacity they could literally change potential in effect instantly.

In effect No charge time. Like standard memory.
Any change in "potential" gives an instantaneous change in outcome.
Well I wrote a long segment about how we would contain these particles in an environment and it we induced them into strings and insert a potential change that we would see a speed of light outcome(which had occurred to me in your last link).
I didn't say it then because i wasn't sure if I was on the right track.

So I wrote up a long response to you thinking about superman's crystals, Inserting a potential difference in a string of these particles and getting a differential output of information at the speed of light.(I was concerned that the previous scientist remark that if the laser was even bumped all information was lost, so I started thinking of sending the signal through different media as a storage potential,If it was in a gas as most lazers are, the information would disperse but if it were contained through a crystaline form..... is where the "superman crystal" thing came from)-didnt mean to sound a little crazy there.

Then my power shut off and I lost everything I wrote. Conspiracy!

Still interesting, and offered insight that I wasn't too far off.

Ty for the post.
well well....2 hours ago they made it offical. Clinton shall be campaigning with and for Obama. Kinda makes ya wonder how long till he officaly states her or VP....

and five bucks says they will only be concerned about retaining their power base.
well well....2 hours ago they made it offical. Clinton shall be campaigning with and for Obama. Kinda makes ya wonder how long till he officaly states her or VP....

and five bucks says they will only be concerned about retaining their power base.

Link Please...

Double it and five more!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

And, consider that the time-stream has a tendency to readjust to a future without the change.


In this case, you could change the near-future, but the far-future is hardly changeable at all.

in other words, something could happend to Obama, and we got the Clinton back... :eek:
in other words, something could happend to Obama, and we got the Clinton back...

I will take that deal- Drop the McMunster and Raise you a Paul.

In timeline 1.87 Paul is probably a Nazi but thats the price you have to pay for messing with the future.Take the deal, think of the poor brownshirts.
Oh, and look here - taps watch! U.N. Troops move into this Country, which is the new deal out of the old dealers and of course Al Gore the guru of Global Warming. Not!

Oh, and did I ever say that a long time ago, my college professor use to have been before being a college professor of theoritical physics - use to work for and was a scientist at G.E.

And now if you take a normal black hole in the Universe, I think it has been quoted that is spins at around 1150 rpm, so if you create an artificial black hole and really increase the rate of spin does it evolve or sort of enter into its own spacetime and just think of all the possibilities then -- moving some people into their own spacetime.

Well, got to go, and maybe avoid all those blue hats perhaps in the future with all the new deals and changes and well, whatever it is they may think of next.

Oh, and look here - taps watch! Time's up!
HEY YO! Silent skeptics! Where are you at?! I know you all have been with this since the beginning ever and always waving your silly BS flags and spouting your terse remarks.

WELL Your silence is noted. Earthquake after earthquake in china while olympian after olymipain calls for a boyyacott of the opening cerimonies.... How long before they insist on a boyacott of the whole thing? How long before You accept the possiblity that you skeptics where more than wrong... you were willing participant in all of this. You are the people HE described when he spoke of the loathing of this generation. ... We are the problem.... No doubt my own terse words will only incite more terse words but instead of exchangeing ever more internet pleasantries PERHAPS we can instead work to correct the mistakes we have made. Maybe instead of trying to prove who is more right and more wrong we can accept the possiblites that Titor was right and honest and that we need to do something quick in order to avoid what happened with him and his....

Ever the bad speller when impassioned.

HEY YO! Silent skeptics! Where are you at?! I know you all have been with this since the beginning ever and always waving your silly BS flags and spouting your terse remarks.

It is BS, plain and simple.

Earthquake after earthquake in china while olympian after olymipain calls for a boyyacott of the opening cerimonies.... How long before they insist on a boyacott of the whole thing

Long. In fact, if you will notice, virtually NONE of the athletes themselves are calling for a boycott. And that makes perfect sense because the athletes train most of their lives to qualify for the Olympics, and in case you don't realize it is a very difficult thing to make the qualifcation cuts to BE in the Olympics. Hence, the athletes do not want a boycott! They want to compete. Also, could you please show me where Titor said the canceling of the Olympics was due to earthquakes? I didn't think you could...

How long before You accept the possiblity that you skeptics where more than wrong...

Skeptics are not wrong. Skeptics are the ones asking for evidence. We suspend belief until we see such evidence. The only person who could be wrong is Titor as he was making the claims. And by the vast majority of data (i.e. things that have NOT come to pass as he claimed they would), Titor was wrong.

The question is, will YOU ever admit to being wrong for believing Titor was real? In fact, an even more specific question would be: Once the Olympics open will you finally shut up about Titor and admit it was a bogus hoax? Or will you continue to go on and insist that skeptics, who only want real evidence, are "wrong"?

The Olympics will open on time. I have seen nothing from China as to canceling them. And calls to boycott them have been wimpers, at best. So again a challenge for you: Once the Olympics open will you be willing to come back to this thread (or my Olympics prediction thread in the other forum) and admit YOU WERE WRONG? I don't see you doing much of that (admitting you were wrong) in all your grandstanding for Titor.

Clinton-DEM Conspiracy Theory

well well....2 hours ago they made it offical. Clinton shall be campaigning with and for Obama. Kinda makes ya wonder how long till he officaly states her or VP....

and five bucks says they will only be concerned about retaining their power base.

Umm, I'll take your five bucks right now, because each and every president who has ever run for the office has been "concerned about retaining their power base." In fact, the only thing that concerns them more than losing their existing power base, is trying to gain even more...hence, the decision to run for Prez. So you have already lost the bet, whether or not Obama wins and whether or not Hillary is his VP selection. So what I am saying is what you are pointing out does not even correlate to anything specific Titor said. We have always known that politicians (esp. those running for Prez) are concerned about retaining their power base. For in fact, without it they cannot win or retain the Presidency.

But now let me lay out a conspiracy theory that COULD COME TO PASS (much more valuable than wacky CT'ers who love to point out a conspiracy AFTER it has already happened). This conspiracy that I predict you could actually DO something about before it happens.

<font color="red"> ATTENTION: The following is a hypothetical scenario only, to illustrate a point about "predicting the future". The author is not part of a conspiracy to make this scenario happen, nor should any relevance to any such activities be implied. [/COLOR]

<font color="blue"> What If...???

1) What if the people who have "rubbed out" other people getting in the Clinton's pathway (and I am sure you know there are a LONG list of people attached to Clinton who have met untimely and suspicious ends) suddenly decide that they can "clear the way" for Hillary becoming the same way they "fixed" other Clinton "HR problems" in the past.
2) What if we HYPOTHETICALLY ASSUME that Obama loses his life under an someone...but who? And was it just one wacky person, or a CONSPIRACY?
3) Just as we have the "grassy knoll" confusion and uncertainty in JFK's death, there would be some such obfuscation of who REALLY might have carried out the act...
4) Because Hillary would naturally become President (if she is indeed selected by Obama as his running mate) the Conspiracy Fingers would immediately point to the Clinton "dead body legacy".

What if THAT Cornspiracy Theory (no that was not a typo) came to pass? Would you somehow make that fit something that Titor said (or maybe didn't say!)? And if you would try to make this into something Titor said, wouldn't it count against Titor that he never told us more specifically that something like this would happen? [/COLOR]

There are many ways one could even analyze the potential for such a cornspiracy such as this. One could even bring in a "Jesus Christ" motif to the cornspiracy plan! What if Obama saw himself as the next incarnation of The Christ? As such, what if he knew he would have to give his life to "cleanse the original sin of all people". And what if he (or the PTB) purposefully set up his ascension to Prez for the express purpose of "fulfilling prophecy"? Recall when you read the Bible this is exactly what the stories in the NT say Jesus did. He purposefully rode through the gates of Jerusalem on an ass, hailed with palms, as predicted by prophets. What if Obama winning the election is the current-TIME analog to Jesus riding into Jerusalem as if he were King? Sure does seem to fit the story of the bible, doesn't it? It would get you asking questions like "Who would play Judas in the Obama fulfillment of the Jesus story?" Who indeed. But there are so many more angles of this obvious cornspiracy that could be explored... who would gain power by seeing Jesus out of the way? Why the Saducees and Pharisees (deacons and priests) of the Hebrew Temple, that is who! The "true keepers of the Hebrew faith" (in their opinion). Wouldn't THAT be Hillary (and Bill)...who had the reigns of power in the 90s? SURE IT WOULD!!

What if, titorite? What if I have just pointed out a conspiracy that is yet to come...that will play out in the coming months and years? Would that make me more of a TTer than Titor, because I was more specific??? By the criteria of many I see who believe Titor, the answer would be that I knew things that even Titor didn't know.

Re: Clinton-DEM Conspiracy Theory

ATTENTION: The following is a hypothetical scenario only, to illustrate a point about "predicting the future". The author is not part of a conspiracy to make this scenario happen, nor should any relevance to any such activities be implied.

LOL. Sorry but that is kind of funny. Now you realize the cost of someone possibly predicting an accurate future with details. You could be blamed or held suspect if such events came to pass.
Re: Clinton-DEM Conspiracy Theory


LOL. Sorry but that is kind of funny.

I know. I put that in specifically to be funny as I anticipated that someone would respond as you did.

Now you realize the cost of someone possibly predicting an accurate future with details.

Oh I have always realized this. It was, in fact, the reason for Nostradamus coding as he did.

You could be blamed or held suspect if such events came to pass.

I could, but that would only work as one piece of circumstantial evidence against me. There would have to be more, several more, to link me further to anything someone else may do. But now Cornspiracy Theorists might claim that because I work for the Military-Industrial-Complex, and because I have a security clearance, that it would "have to follow" that this means I could be connected to such a plot. And on and on and on. Lotsa people speculate what I work on and what I know. But ya know what? Only I know what I work on and what I know. And I took an oath to keep it that way. Nuff said!

Obama's about to trip over his words, and lose support. Hurray.

You caught that too, eh? I must say, it hit me right between the eyes like a telegraphed punch! the fact that many people are not seeing his blatant contradiction in logic (yet) is amazing.

I believe you are referring to Obama's flip-flop on public campaign funding? For there is a clearl logical argument for why his change of policy goes completely against his stated intention for doing so! (Say one thing, do another).

I caught it. It seems like TimeLord caught it. Did anyone else?
Obama has already started to loose support- the second he started criticizing American Black Men on how to raise children. He isn't making friends - he is starting his campaign of disenfranchisement a little early isn't he? Maybe he has to to get the white vote. I bet he accelerates the war on drugs.

He is the worst kind of liar.

The fact that where he gets his money won't affect people that much.


As far as Jesus predictions, you could say the Muslims on a different "timeline" also, They planted a graveyard at the east gate because it would make the messiah unclean if he tried to enter jerusalem... LOL.

I would say the same things are in place already for Clintons "Rise to the White House now.
Gunna be hard to get past that east gate Hillary. To get there she would be unclean.

Little metaphor of predictions for ya.