It's funny that you chose the "other" thread as an example of how TTO was received and how he was "different". Few people ever refer to that thread.
Take note of "Trott" on the thread. That's Dr. David Trott, PhD Physics/Astronomy. Dave was a bit more than a "physics student" when he was posting. He was in the final stages of his PhD program.
Notice how TTO "answered" Dave's questions. In fact he didn't. Trott continued the questioning on "Limited to 11 Pages?" and TTO continued to dodge answering. After Trott posted the following to me:
Reged: 12/31/00
Posts: 36
RE: Topics Limited to 11 Pages? [re: TimeTravel_0]
03/08/01 09:13 AM ( Edit Reply
I am a physics doctoral student at an american university. I do not have time to sit around and spin some elaborate web of a story of being a time traveller on multiple websites. I am much more interested in factual and experimental information than fictional story telling. I do occasional come to this site to see if anyone has the slightest glimmer as to what they are talking about. So far, I have not seen any indication of that. And for that reason, I have neglected to post the information I have concerning the subject.
As far as John Titor or TT_0 is concerned, I believe that I shined a light on a hole in his story awhile back. The fact that he added that he could not complete a 0 divergent trip meant that he could not return to his timeline and hence a mission into the past to help his people was logically flawed. In fact, since I posted that, his postings have been infrequent and sparse.
TTO made one more non-response post to Trott, then posted some really bad physics in another post to Trott and then announced his good-bye.
RE: Topics Limited to 11 Pages? [re: TimeTravel_0]
03/08/01 04:37 PM ( Edit Reply
((Your argument as to my point was not sufficient. You suggested that an alternate you would most likely return to your world line. It just does not seem logical for one to go back in time on a mission for their world line only to return to an alternate worldline where the mission goal may or may not have bearing if completed.
By the way, the Kerr ring singularity is a spacetime possessing CLOSED timelike curves. You would clearly need a naked singularity so that the chronology violating region would not be hidden behind the event horizon.))
As you are aware, approaching a rotating singularity can be done quite easily without experiencing the negative side effects of a massive gravitational field and it’s very possible to “pass†through the center of the ring. Besides, if you did need a naked singularity, all you would have to do is increase the rotation or electric charge so the inner even horizon equals the diameter of the outer event horizon.
I realize my posts here have become tiresome and my “story†is old so If I don’t post it’s not because I don’t enjoy the physics debate. If you’re interested, I will be posting more pages from the manual and a cut-a-way drawing of the distortion unit.
The above is really bad physics. Avoiding the gravitational tidal forces of a ring singluarity is possible if you have a really, really huge ring to pass through. Huge as in tens of thousands of kilometers in radius. But tidal forces are only a small part of the problem. Electrodynamics doesn't disappear, for instance, simply because someone says the magic word "Kerr-Newmann Black Hole". A KNBH, which is what Titor described, is a ball of gravity, mass and electrical charge. It is a description of hell on Earth in the ring...except Earth can't make a thunder & lightning storm to match a KNBH ring interior. Then you have compressive forces as light and any other form of mass-energy-field enters the ring and is almost infinitely blue shifted due to the relativistic effects of the gravitation. You might bump up against a Blue Sheet - a solid wall of photonic energy. And then there's the problem of stability. The ring is unstable. Any matter in-falling causes the ring to collapse. That's why Kip Thorne "invented" the idea of exotic matter for Carl Sagan so that Sagan's physics in "Contact" made sense. You have to line the interior of the ring with exotic matter - matter with a mass less than zero - to stabilize the ring. And last there's relativity. As you accelerate toward the ring it appears that it forever lies in your future light cone. You just can't quite reach it before it collapses even with exotic matter lining.
Yes, these are all theories that haven't been verified by experiment - and may never be verified by experiment. But Titor chose the wrong sort of physicist to quibble with over black holes. Black holes are central, not to physics
per se but specifically to astronomy. And Dave is an astronomer.
And he must have realiuzed...Oops! I just posted that crap to a physicist because his very next post was:
RE: Topics Limited to 11 Pages? [re: TimeTravel_0]
03/10/01 09:35 PM ( Edit Reply
Dear Fellow Time Travelers:
In about 30 days, I will be leaving this worldline to return home to 2036. I first want to say thank you for the wonderful conversation and insight into your society. I have learned a great deal and my opinion on quite a few things has changed dramatically.
I will finish the questions that have been posted on this site up to this date. Unfortunately, I must now spend my spare time preparing to leave and I will not be on the computer very much. I do however want to repeat my offer and add a slight twist.
After going over my flight plan home, I have discovered my VGL holdover period is a bit longer than I expected. I will be spending at least three weeks in April of 1998 as I make my way back to 1975. Therefore, I not only offer you the chance to leave a message to yourself in 2036 but I offer you the chance to leave yourself a message in 1998. I will take any compiled messages and email addressees you provide and send them on the net when I get to 1998.
Granted, this will not affect you on your worldline now but you make take some comfort that another “you†on another worldline has the advantage of knowing something you wish you knew three years ago. Based on the earlier questions I’ve seen, I’ve decided a day-to-day record of the Dow a day in advance should convince you that the messages are real in 1998.
In addition, I am hopeful a series of photocopies and photographs will be available for you that may give you more insight into the technology of the distortion unit. I will let you know the address of the site when it is available. I also plan to have my parents videotape my departure. If they succeed, it will also be posted after I leave.
I look forward to these last few weeks with my family and I will check in periodically to check this site.
Live in Peace 2001,
Oh, BTW,,,
There was no video and there was no day-to-day record of the Dow a day in advance should convince you that the messages are real in 1998.
What there was, however, was a sudden switch from his earlier "I'll never reveal gambling outcomes or financial outcomes" as well as a sudden switch from "I don't care if you believe me" to "[should] convince you that the messages are real in 1998".
TTO-Titor was a lot cooler than the rest. But "the rest" are wanna-bes who are attempting to copy Titor. But he was quite similar to "the rest" in the end. All of them, Titor included, tend to lose focus - as well as their grip - on the story once the Q&A starts to seriously narrow the story down to an implausible hoax backed up with some sufficient documentation...generally supplied by the hoaxer him/herself.