John Titor FAKE

Mr. Darby, when are you going to stop with the witch-hunt and use that acquired knowledge of yours? in the earlier posts i gave you transformations for time. special relativity can be used (ignoring gravity) in the quantization of time. i have not given you the discrete derivative, but if your clever i think you could find the time evolution of a wavefunction.

i recommend that the tti members help raul design and upgrade his shop as well as, integrate some math in the forum if you have any questions ask them .
like this?

[a] phi(x) =<0lphi(x) l0 > + ?(x),

where <0lphi(x)l0> is the vacuum expectation value, and

represents the particle's density of the ground state in the non-realtivistic limit. The action of this field in the presence of gravity is...intrinsic gravitational cosmological constant
Lambda/ 8piG
receives a contribution

(1/2) m2^<0lphi(x)l0>^2.

Just because I was a mod you said I was part of the investigation team. I never wanted to be part of your team. I wanted to find out who John was because you had convinced me he was a fraud and fake and used me and you were there as my friend to "help me"(clever strategy on your part back then) so yes, I told you I wanted to be a mod just so I could check the ID numbers to see if he was still posting. However, I was not willing to depart with confidential info he had given me. Although you and Rick did try pretty hard I stood my ground. People have to merely go back and read the posts to see what went on.

...which is what I said above in my post. You were one of the people, for whatever particular motivation on your did vary from individual to individual, who was doing research on other people.

It was disingenuous for you , with that innocent "but not me" lilt in your "voice", to point fingers at the other members here who might be doing research.
...which is what I said above in my post. You were one of the people, for whatever particular motivation on your did vary from individual to individual, who was doing research on other people.

It was disingenuous for you , with that innocent "but not me" lilt in your "voice", to point fingers at the other members here who might be doing research.

Just to let you know Darby...I do know the extent of some of those researches people have done. People do write to me you know. You'd be surprised I do know the name of the guy who worked at the cable company who got into my file and told people personal info that was contained there.(When I had a cable roadrunner email address.)

Checking an IP number for myself that only I know to see if John was still posting and keeping the info to myself is entirely different than doing background checks on people. You know it. I know it. And if you feel guilty about something you only have yourself to blame.

If members here want to do extensive research on people, dig into their personal files, find out where they live and work and their last names etc... Then I guess they may have to face the consequences for doing so someday.

<font color="red"> Actually if I ever do meet John and he was real I am going to bring up that little cable guy's name. Hopeing John will kick his @ss.

Because you know what... I shouldn't have to be afraid of people coming to my house and stalking my house like they did Larry Habers. It may all be a game to you Darby. You keep saying it is after all. But I do think the "researching part" has gotten a little out of hand with some people.

And no. sorry. I never did anything like that to anybody. I don't even have the capability to do so.

<font color="blue"> I hope that little cable guy is reading this as well. [/COLOR]

Thats all I have to say about that. enough is enough.
If it makes you feel any better darby ran a criminal backround check on me back when me and RMT were arguing. He wrote me a very pleasant email filled with warnings and insinuations asking me to leave RMT alone. Sadly Darby did not get his monies worth as his service informed him that I was on probation for a drug charge which was not the case.

I shall always remember Darby for that, exactly for what he is.
If it makes you feel any better darby ran a criminal backround check on me back when me and RMT were arguing. He wrote me a very pleasant email filled with warnings and insinuations asking me to leave RMT alone. Sadly Darby did not get his monies worth as his service informed him that I was on probation for a drug charge which was not the case.

I shall always remember Darby for that, exactly for what he is.

The part that you are leaving out is the fact that you used the same "researching process" against me that Darby used on you. You researched publically available information about me to identify who I worked for and prove you could get my work phone number. You even went one step further, for because my work desk phone number is NOT on the internet, the only way you could have gotten it was to call the main switchboard for my company and request my desk number. So it would appear you went even further to "stalk" me than what Darby found out about you on the public internet.

So what you forgot to say in your reply is that you did the same types of things to me that Darby did to you (dig up info on the internet about someone). I wonder why you did not wish to admit this action of yours against me? It is part of the story of why we were arguing, is it not? I would also point out that at no time during our argument did I think it was appropriate to go searching for information about you on the internet. I didn't go searching for things about you on the internet, did I?

Just a reply. Exactly with the Washington D.C. neighborhood lock down, exactly why the correct type of controls have to be implemented also on this grand technology idea of talking over the Internet to this world. Except.....................some people's ideas really are not all that great or better actually, just usually made because of nervousness and instability of emotional thought processes. Nothing that really helps in the end with providing any kind of debate on the real issues of how to use "Freedom" to actually mean "Freedom" for everyone. Kind of like the fastest spin that overtakes the normal spacetime and deposits someone somewhere else in another type of spacetime, one way you may live, the other way it just became your worst nightmare and you never return again. Either way it has become a dilemma and the lack of forethought became the worst kind of hindsight.
At the risk of engaging wits with an unarmed man I shall explain exactly how I got your work number RMT.

Cigman mentioned that you worked for northrup in that thread you were threatening to sue me over. I dialed 411 made the long distance call and then just asked the desk clerk for your number.

And I took it there because you made all sorts of legal threats. I am still certain that if I were YOUR boss I would not approve of how you choose to spend company time. But hey, we dropped that long ago didn't we.

Now, I did not pay for a criminal background check like Darby did. In that polite email of his, he did list some of my history accurately but I was surprised by the inaccuracies too.

He certianly is not getting his monies worth.

You know Mr. Science Spirit, a little more humility wouldn't hurt ya. A humble man leads a happy life ya know.
Checking an IP number for myself that only I know to see if John was still posting and keeping the info to myself is entirely different than doing background checks on people. You know it. I know it.

The discussion here is the finger pointing. You didn't qualify the original accusation. Now that people know that you were as "guilty" as anyone else you feel its necessary to qualify your research efforts with a rationalization. You're a good hearted snoop. Everyone else are evil snoops.

Do I feel guilty. No. But I'm not doing any active Titor research anymore in any case. Have I been annoyed at myself in the past. Yes. I was probably most annoyed at myself over the "Kumagoro" Thomas Dehn affair. The Karl Simanonok episode was equally annoying.

You recall Kumagoro. It was 2001. You were actively doing Titor research and came to me with a Titor Suspect from another forum ( - a forum that I'd never heard of). You were sure Kumagoro was Titor and that he was running a sock-puppet, TTITO2, on the same forum. You asked me to help you.

You were quite happy with the online research that I did and discovered that Dehn was Kumagoro. You ate up the background information. You were happy, that is until you realized that you'd made a mistake relative to his profile...the religion thing. Remember? Wrong guy. After the "mistake" was discovered you never even heard of Thomas Dehn. I did the online apologies to the forum and I did the offline apologies to Dehn. You went silent on the subject of the "mistake" and slinked away.

I was also annoyed at myself regarding Karl Simanonok. That was 2002. Another Titor "suspect" that you brought to me for background. Once again you were very happy with the information. Looked good to you. Then he befriended you. Once again you never heard of Karl Simanonok relative to being a Titor Suspect. Once again you went silent and slinked away. And once again I did the online and offline apologies.

As I said above, you had your own reasons for doing research on individuals and research you did. The difference between you and me was that when you got stuck you asked for my help. When the information didn't pan out you chickened out. I, at least, fessed up to the mistakes and made personal contact with the people to offer my apologies.

Yeah, that annoyed me. Not the apologies - those were necessary. It annoyed me that you chickened out and didn't offer your own online apologies for your part in the SNAFU's. Did we start to have "problems" with each other after these two incidents in 2001 &amp; 2002? Yep. We sure did.

And just how any of the above was "keeping the info to myself is entirely different than doing background checks on people" is a bit of a stretch. You took particular delight in publically outting Dehn on as a hoaxer based on the information that you had on him from the research.

I stayed pretty much clear of that one. But you're correct, Pamela didn't have much of a problem outting Gary Voss...again based on research into that particular person's background.

I'm not particularly faulting the effort - Gary did cross the line. It's the claim of innocense in revealing the fruits of research versus keeping it private, as claimed, that's at issue.
As I said above, you had your own reasons for doing research on individuals and research you did. The difference between you and me was that when you got stuck you asked for my help. When the information didn't pan out you chickened out. I, at least, fessed up to the mistakes and made personal contact with the people to offer my apologies.

Integrity. It is one reason I admire you Darby. And unfortunately, as you point out here, integrity is often one of the first things to go by the wayside in the wild and woolly world of the internet, and esp. internet hoaxes. Given that the John Titor story was most certainly a hoax, what does that say about the hoaxer's own integrity?

I'm new to the board. I heard about this John Titor thing a few years ago from a friend and looked it up to see what he was talking about. I read all the posts, and they were an interesting read. I believe it is a hoax though for various reasons.

John Titor had a very laid back approach to this time travel business. It seemed like if anyone called him out on it, he would say stuff along the lines of "I have no need to prove who I am" or "How would you prove that you were a time traveler?". Basically, he is saying "You cannot prove I am a time traveler, nor disprove me, you either believe me or you don't, I don't care".

By this logic, I could really be an alien from outer space, just stopping by to see how humans interact with one another. You would ask me "If your really an alien, show me a picture of your space ship!" My reply would be "Well I am just here for observation, so whether you believe me or you don't is irrelevant. I have no need to prove myself". You would say "Unless I see a picture of your spacecraft, I don't believe you"

And I would say, "Doesn't matter if you believe me. I am having fun interacting with you humans and I just hope to be amusing."

Eventually I would have to show a few pictures, because not everyone would be as gullible as a few who would probably believe me. I would take a picture of my Ford Ranger, and say "Due to our advanced technology on my home planet, we are able to disguise our spacecraft as normal vehicles when not in use, so we don't draw unwanted attention to ourselves."

Then someone would ask me to show a picture of myself. My reply would be "Here is my picture. I am a shape-shifter so I am disguised as an ordinary human. If you were to see my true nature, you would probably die from the shock. Our true "bodies" are what you humans would consider "hideous".

There would be some people who would claim that I am just an ordinary guy trying to pull a hoax. "It doesn't matter if you believe me, since my goal here is not to convince anyone. I am simply here for observation"

After a while, I would probably get bored with keeping up the hoax, so I would make some kind of dramatic exit. "When I finally go back to my home planet of Maarlarrk, I will leave behind a video of my departure."

I would then e-mail Pamela, and say "There will be many hoaxers trying to say they are me. You will know who I am if I decide to return, when you ask me what the name of the secret song is. I will reply "The secret song is "Never gonna give you up" by Rick Astley."

See what I'm getting at here? This John Titor guy was obviously someone with time on his hands. As long as he acted like he didn't give a flying fart whether anyone believed him or not, he could say anything. Make up some predictions on things that one could speculate would happen, and keep people eating out of your hands. Doesn't matter if you don't believe him. That wasn't his mission. He could have been Elvis for all we know, but we couldn't prove or disprove him by that logic.
Just a reply to anyone.

But how far can reality bend the fabric of spacetime before it bends beyond being a reality that can be ever grasped or with tools - measured, as in the impossible and it becomes unreality which to our perception was what we thought was what we called 'reality'? Can we ever know or have some sense that concludes that there is more out there to the 'reality' if we could only begin to have some inkling of acknowledging that there is?

We can perhaps assume that a black hole will bend gravitation beyond the normal spacetime and be extreme in the fact that it may bend back on its self. But can mathematics ever prove how much it bends back on its self if there is no way to try an experiment to really see if that is what happens or did it all end up being some other form of reality we can really never grasp?

Well, perhaps we really will never know. We humans were only here for a brief period of time (or the total time of what reality can change into.)

Boggles the mind, don't it?
We seem to want concrete answers for something as abstract as not knowing.
Just a reply to anyone.

Bubble Up! Double your Bubble, Double your Fun!

Why is it now that you can view the source coding of a webpage but can not copy the dang URL to post it. Oh no, you must hit Crtl-C to copy instead of just clicking the Edit menu item 'Copy'.
Everyone should use this whatever it is - Internet Explorer 7.

No, I have not downloaded SP3 for XP. I refuse to!
Well, so far.

And if the dang Country wanted coal liquifaction plants, like the Airforce does - for jet fuel - 30% would be that - it could be done in a couple of years. Oh, no, you have to have 4 years of paperwork first because of the red tape involved just like an oil refinery and another 4 years to build it. There is nothing wrong here - it's just your imagination on how this Government runs. It use to be rob Peter to pay Paul and the left hand don't know what the right hand is doing. Now, it is just don't pay anyone, and actually a person on Coast to Coast AM last night thought that was weird. It is not weird. That is just the way that it is. Paperwork.

Oh, and Jesus Christ was on the radio (someone?) the night before. George Noorey said on Monday night he is a good person though and really means to do good for people talking to him. I guess Jesus Christ has his own radio show sometime also on a day during the week. I do not know when, but all I can say is:

Bubble Up!
"Freedom" has to be defined once again for those who have no ethics, well, anyway, none that appears to agree with other people's ethics.

Well, let Jesus save you, and if you think that this person is Jesus then what do I care. I just do not!

Now back to the prime time episode -- JT -- He hears us when were sleeping. He knows when we're awake. He knows if we been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake. Oh.......................
Oh, that is Santa Claus. Well, you know I get confused sometimes, afterall, I keep turning on some electronic gadgets and end up seeing another side of humans that defy description, at least to me.

Well, I wonder if there will be time after this universe also. As before, as after, I suppose???
Well, the brain is mainly empty spacetime.
If Darby isn't a disinformation agent, he should apply for that job somewhere - LOL!

Hmmm...kinda got lost for words after my last post didn't you? The only thing that you could think of was "disinformation"?

Whre's the disinformation in the Tom Dehn, Karl Simanonok and Gary Voss affairs? You initiated the efforts to do the research on all three of them them.
Hmmmm...I wasn't really joking when I posted this to you:

"I am not going to play your game Darb. Go find someone else to entertain you."
IOW Darby, she does not wish to admit you are correct and you caught her in hypocrisy.

It's OK Pamela, we all get caught in hypocrisy of some sort at some time in our lives. It hurts less if you just own up to it.
