I've Gone back 2000 YEARS

Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

I take issue with your allegations of 'ego maniac' and so on. YES I might be the only man in history who has time travelled, but thats just the level that I'm on. It may seem AMAZING to you, but its my calling, its just who I am. I've lived with it 12 years, and its a great gift, but its also a burden. It doesn't make you full of pride, rather it humbles you.

Do you think that the Pope is humble also?

Here's the story from the News Wires:-

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Benedict warned on Sunday against rampant materialism which he said was polluting the spirit of Christmas.

Here is how it has been described by Fark.com:-

Pope denounces materialism from balcony of marble, gold-domed building in midst of jewel-encrusted religious icons while wearing giant gold cross
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

I can't judge Pope Benedict's heart, but people who knew him as Cardinal Ratzinger always use the words 'humble' and 'shy' and 'reserved' to describe him.

Pope Benedict's first words to the crowd assembled under his balcony following his election were,

"Dear brothers and sisters, after our great pope, John Paul II, the cardinals have elected me, a simple, humble worker in God's vineyard. I am consoled by the fact that the Lord knows how to work and how to act, even with insufficient tools, and I especially trust in your prayers."

So, he certainly describes himself as humble, and I think he probably is. But again, only God can truly answer that question.

But this nonsense about the Vatican being so rich and so forth, you have to understand that the entire building is a PRICELESS WORK OF ART DATING BACK FOUR CENTURIES!!! Now I've been there, and I don't know if you have, but its one of the most amazing places on earth, and I have traveled the globe so I know what I'm talking about!

You can't sell whats pricelss to give it to the poor, and even if you did, you would feed a small percentage of the world's poor and you would impoverish generations who would miss out on Michaelangelo's masterpieces!

As Jesus said, 'The poor you have with you always, Me you don't always have.' Ditto St. Peter's: its in honor of God, and if the lovers of the world give all that they have, nothing held back, then so will we.
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

Moses used to speak face to face DAILY with God.
The Bible's old testiment dates back so many years that Moses may not have even existed. It may have been that his tale served to act METIPHORICLY to explain Jesus' ministry and explain why the Isrealites were chosen people.
Additionally, God also says that's a truly humble man never say's he is humble. That's just being cocky. "Heaven has many mansions of room, but no room for the rich."
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

I always laugh when people say that Moses may not have existed, because I've stood right in front of him!

Part of my 'vision of the night' included an audience with Moses; I know what he looks like, made eye contact with him, and yes, he is very real and yes he exists.

The greatest fools in the world are those who try and interperet the Bible and 'explain it away'. They don't know what they are talking about. I do. I know its real, and thats why I was graced with my time travel experience, amoung numerous other supernatural events.

Don't question the Bible. Just read it. Believe it, and change your life around its teachings. Thats all. Quite simply really when you think about it!
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

Well, I'm not lieing, I only speak the truth....

And I'm not the only one who sees 2000 years ago as present.

In Southern Bosnia, there is a town called 'Medjugorje'. Since 1981, Our Lady, the Mother of Jesus, has been appearing daily to visionaries.

At exactly 6:40pm they fall to their knees, and before them appears a woman 'clothed with the sun'. Its the Mother of Jesus, and she wears a white veil and a gold dress, she is supported on a cloud and wears a crown of twelve stars. She is beautiful, with black hair and blue eyes....

And every Christmas, she appears with the Child Jesus in her arms. He is a new born baby. And I realize because of this, that through faith (the exact process I explained above) you can make 2000 years ago a reality. You can make any time a reality. Time travel can and does happen.

But it take a miracle.

If you want to read more about Medjugorje, read Mary Craig's "Spark from Heaven: the Mystery of the Madonna of Medjugorje". It details the medical and scientific tests that prove that yes, they are having real apparitoins that cannot be explained by the experts.
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

I realy do not belive this was an astral projection, I'm doing it all the time since 30 years ago and it is not sound like that to me, it's a lot of myth on that.
I belive it's simple lucid dream or hipnagogic alucination, but not an oobe (out of body experience).
More, I do not think so, I tray to do so, going to past, but I cudn't, it's more probable to going a near future, and again, probable we see, not the future but a parallel world, it is dificult to realy know the true behind it.
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

I am not a "hopless hoax" at all.

Let me tell you a story.

Yes, my time travel experience happened in a state where I was in a 'dream', but according to Scripture, "When a prophet of the Lord is amoung you, I speak to him in dreams, I reveal myself to him in visions." (Numbers 12.6)

Dreams is part of the 'modus operandi' of God's revelation to His people. And when its a 'dream' from the Lord, its not like a normal dream that everyone experiences in a REM state (although most people cannot remember their dreams).

Of course people can say, "It was only a dream"...but God has given me signs as well.

I mentioned Medjugorje above. Thats the place where Our Lady is appearing daily to visionaries. Well, I've been there, and a select few people are permitted to be present for the apparition. I was fortunate to be one of those people. And I gathered with priests and other select people and prayed before a small table with religious items on it. The visionary Ivan Dragicevic entered the room and together we prayed the Rosary. At 6.40pm exactly he fell on his knees and looked up to see the Virgin Mary. We in the room couldn't see anything, but we could FEEL it. It was an overpowering feeling. The vision lasted 10 minutes, and when I left the room I felt 'hit' by the sense of being back on earth.

Well, 7 months later to the day I saw a 'sign' from God. It was a massive fireball moving across the sky at night. IT had to be 3 times larger the sun, and moving in a deterimined fashion. It dissapeared into a cloud after a few seconds and the sky flashed with light, though there was no storm.

I didn't realize it at the time, but it was 7 months to the day and minute since I had been in the apparition room.

Its all part of my spiritual journey, and it not only makes Medjugorje authentic in my view, but it was God's STAMP OF APPROVAL on my time travel experience.

So, this is no 'hoax'. Its the 'finger of God', and its a drama that's still unfolding.

I invite people to turn to Jesus, to allow His love and power to work on them. If you do, your life will be changed. Its an adventure, and its one that I think is worth taking (despite the crosses and assaults of the devil.)

A quote I think sums up the experience of faith and time travel:

“Come to the edge, he said. They said: We are afraid. Come to the edge, he said. They came. He pushed them and they flew.”

Guillaume Apollinaire(French Poet and Critic who helped to direct poetry into unexplored channels, 1880-1918)
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

Hi Swanston,

Yes, I received your letter and I've replied. You should see it in your Private Messages box when you log in.

I was really touched by what you had to say, and I'm praying for you.

Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

I have time travelled back 2000 years. I was present for the crucifixtion of Jesus Christ. It happened in a dream in 1993, but this was no dream: dreams are fuzzy, this was clear, dreams deal in 2-D, this was 3-D. I saw Him in His final moments on the Cross, and though it was so dark that I could only see when the ligthning was striking, the outline of His body and the way it hung on the Cross couldn't have come from my mind.

urm.. sorry to rian on your parade, but i can prove conclusively that you did not in fact travel back in time, merely experienced some sort of hallucination. How do i know for certain? well a simple fact: Jesus did not die on a cross, which is what you clearly saw in your 'vision' but on a stake, his hands nailed to the top of the stake, not stretched out either side on the arms of the cross, as there was no cross on this stake, it was like this: | and nothing else. fact. therefore you did not witness the actual event, and all this discussion about language and such is irellevent.
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

it would be incredible to actually be able to go back and see things like this, but.. i don't believe it happenes. I wonder if the poster is sincere and actually had the dream, or is just another liar
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

Jesus didn't die on a stake. The only people who think that are the Jehova Witnesses, which also twist the Scripture in every other way, including thinking that Jesus was actually St. Michael the Archangel incarnate.

Scripture and Archeology confirms that it was a Cross, and not a stake. Read this article: http://www.freeminds.org/doctrine/cross.htm

But I don't need any archeology to determine whether it was a cross or a stake. I was there and I saw it. It was absolutely a Cross: and quite longer than expected.

And yes, I am sincere: what would I be gaining from lying about this? I certainly havaen't received much praise from people on this forum, let alone any financial benefit.

I saw what I saw. It was a religious experience, but it also confirmed the truth of time travel.
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

Hi everyone.

This is my first posting on these boards. I have been reading for a while now and after reading this topic, I just had to join and add my little comment in.

GoodScientist -

YOU! are very interesting to read.

I like your viewpoints and what you had to say on this issue. I share extremely similar, if not identicle views on christianity as you.

Well done on putting it into such a good argument!

I will be following this thread for quite some time.

Kind regards,
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS


If you've got a message for "good scientist" then please use the Private Message button. Thats what its there for.

As for agreeing with him-I hope you realize that you are joining company with one who cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Please...if you only knew what awaits you in the afterlife. The path to heaven is easy: faith and living a life according to Christ's teachings. If I were you I would take a serious look again at the Gospels.
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

Look I think its nice that Covenant has gone back to see Jesus' historically unsupported crucifixion - I think we should have a competition - Best Time Travelling Story To Fictional Events In The Past

Obviously Covenant is well out there with this creative / plagiarised entirely from the Christian Bible bit of hogwash but only last week I went back to 1899 and attended the Martian invasion of Earth a la HG Wells. Them Tripods are big buggers I can tell you!
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

what was the red weed like? did they have an underground city when u got there!? or was it just some nutter in a sewer pipe?