I've Gone back 2000 YEARS

Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

"Good" Scientist and ollyb, WHERE DID YOU COME FROM? Am I taking 'crazy pills' or something?

On the one hand we have "Good"Scientist & the ridiculous notion that Christianity is evil, and has been a force of evil throughout all time, and on the other hand we have Olly B claiming that we are all god.

Which bit of 'know' don't you understand???!

On the Christianity thing: read up on the history of the world before Christianity and you'll find that it wasn't a very pleasant place. It was a dark, cruel place that needed the light of the Gospel. Look at the transformations it has caused! EG. South America, where human sacrifice was practiced on a MASSIVE scale, until the Spanish and Portugese brought the message of salvation.
Also, look at Christianity's influence on art: go to St. Peter's Bascillica in Rome and see how Christianity influenced Michaelangelo to paint and sculpt masterpieces. Thats just an example.

And OllyB, you seem to be missing something very fundamental: God is the Creator, we are the creatures. Yes we came from Him, but we are not Him. We have free will. We are not robots. We decide whether to be open to truth and love, or to choose falsehood and hate. If we choose truth and love, then yes, we will be united to God for all eternity, but if we reject truth and love, then we reject God, and we reject eternal bliss. We descend into a hell of our own making.

You are by no means God's equal. Wisdom is knowing God and knowing ourselves. I think you need to grasp a concept that seems quite alien to you: humilty. Its only when you realize that we are insignificant pieces of dust next to God and the wonders of the universe that you can say like the Psalmist, 'What is man, that you are mindful of him'?

Ponder Psalm 8 and get some real Wisdom:

1 O LORD, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory
above the heavens.
2 From the lips of children and infants
you have ordained praise
because of your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger.

3 When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,

4 what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?

5 You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings
and crowned him with glory and honor.

6 You made him ruler over the works of your hands;
you put everything under his feet:

7 all flocks and herds,
and the beasts of the field,

8 the birds of the air,
and the fish of the sea,
all that swim the paths of the seas.

9 O LORD, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

Am I taking 'crazy pills' or something?

You may as well be if you believe in all seriousness that god exists and that the christian religion is wholly innocent of any evil or wrong.

That psalm has no wisdom, but strives to rob you of it. I won't be deceived so easily, and neither will a great deal of the people here.

If we choose truth and love, then yes, we will be united to God for all eternity, but if we reject truth and love, then we reject God, and we reject eternal bliss. We descend into a hell of our own making.

I have chosen truth and love, yet not god. You have chosen god, maybe love, but have not the truth.
You cant have them all i guess.

On the Christianity thing: read up on the history of the world before Christianity and you'll find that it wasn't a very pleasant place. It was a dark, cruel place that needed the light of the Gospel. Look at the transformations it has caused! EG. South America, where human sacrifice was practiced on a MASSIVE scale, until the Spanish and Portugese brought the message of salvation.
Also, look at Christianity's influence on art: go to St. Peter's Bascillica in Rome and see how Christianity influenced Michaelangelo to paint and sculpt masterpieces. Thats just an example.

I have seen st.peter's bassilica and the vatican. The artwork is undeniably beautiful and skillful.
But was he influenced by god. NO.
Also the spanish and portuguese brought some guns and swords. Maybe they didn't tell you that. Human sacrifice was practiced, but not against the sacrifice's wishes or against their culture and religion, so what was the bloody need for christians to interfere? Why? Things were fine before spanish and portuguese showed up.
The world got darker and ACTUALLY regressed under the rule of chirtianity and Rome. Heard of the dark ages? LOL. And thwere was alot more bloodshed with christianity armed to the teeth. This you should know as a historian (which I am now begin to doubt you actually are).

Why don't you just accept it, Christianity is not all sweetness and light, so you telling me it is will only incur more and more horrendous examples of its use as a mind and people controlling power tool. Which even at it's creation was intended. Enough said.

You are by no means God's equal.
Something you said that makes sense; god is not MY equal.

Good Scientist
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

Hey Covenant!

I was going through my old LP albums today and I was wondering if you’d like any of these great works of inspirational musical albums for your collection.

Lets see what have I got here .... how about this little ripper!

Well ... If that one seems a little hard hitting then what about this bloody gem......

These guys will rock your tabernacles!

Or how about this for happy clapping orgasmic boogieing! ....

If you play that one for old Aunt Emma then she might give you one of her "wet mouth kisses” that you love so much!

Ok buddy, now I already know that you are impressed with my little collection but did you think that I actually had this in my collection as well? ....

Yep ... for some reason I like to drink beer when I listen to that one! ... You'll bloody love it too mate!

Ok you need something that is a real party pleaser and may inspire Audrey to shake her booty?
Whack this on and get funky! ...

Yep there will be some serious sounds coming from your place with this collection pumping.
Hey! " Your own personal Disco for Jesus!"
I know...The next time that you visit Jesus you can take these and play it all for him, after all, he did inspire all of this wonderful clapping music!

He will bless you for it!
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Mt 5:11-12)

-Thanks for the insult; you just increased my nest egg in heaven.
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

It's funny how selfish you appear Covenant; looking out for number one. That's a part of religion, isn't it, alot people (certainly back in dark ages) were only trying so badly to get into the heaven they were tricked into believing existed. They didn't give a flying [censored] about the values of the religion, or anything to do with it. Just the bit about living after death (death being man's greatest fear), they'd do whatever was asked of them to take advantage of that luxury, little did they know they were the ones who were being taken advantage of. So those who don't fear death have no need of religion, and in a society increasingly filled with the confidence and strength and logic of science, it's only a matter of time before forget about the religions of the past.

Good Scientist

P.s good one nitescott, I especially like the line 'how about this little ripper.....' LOL.
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

Psalm 14
Of David.

1 The fool says in his heart,
"There is no God."
They are corrupt, their deeds are vile;
there is no one who does good.
2 The LORD looks down from heaven
on the sons of men
to see if there are any who understand,
any who seek God.

3 All have turned aside,
they have together become corrupt;
there is no one who does good,
not even one.

4 Will evildoers never learn—
those who devour my people as men eat bread
and who do not call on the LORD ?

5 There they are, overwhelmed with dread,
for God is present in the company of the righteous.

6 You evildoers frustrate the plans of the poor,
but the LORD is their refuge.

7 Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion!
When the LORD restores the fortunes of his people,
let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad!

I think that pretty much sums it up. Who seeks the Lord? Who truly seeks Him? Well, I did. And I found Him. And I received a vision. Part of that vision was time travel.

You are corrupt. You don't seek truth. And therefore, you are a fool. I only have pity for you.

Go with God.
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

You still here, I thought you'd finally buggered off.
I'm not surprised there are verses about non-believers in the bible. NEVER!
All these verses are aimed at the truly wise, those with the power to rule themselves, people like me, free minded people that religious nuts of the past truly feared. The docile muppets like you never got anywhere or did anything. If you are trying to tell me that all I do, and all I touch is evil, then surely this would contracdict your precious ideals, your precious commandments and your precious religion. I know that without believing in any god, I am a someone who does no evil and who will better myself and humanity with all I know, for most of my life.

Good Scientist
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

Even though the psalm was again mistranslated, i think i should add that its just a damn song! A psalm is just another way to sing gods praises, many psalms are used in jewish prayer today, that doesn't mean that they hold ANY substance.

If I were to take, say, "if i had a hammer" by peter, paul and mary and i were to apply it by calling it a religious 'psalm.' I would take the hammering as an abscure reference to spreading gods word, ect ect. ... not go off and start bashing people in the head with a hammer screaming "GOD IS GOOD." due to the fact that PSALMS ARE NOT LITERAL. they are SONGS.

deal with it.
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

Ignorantsentient, I hope you are talking to covenant.
I know psalms are songs but that doesn't even matter here.
He has misquoted the psalm to make a better attack on me using the psalm as a literal message, to which i duely responded.

Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

“Good”scientist said:

“The docile muppets like you never got anywhere or did anything. “

-People of religious faith have and do extraordinary things. Look at Pope John Paul II, for example, or the late and great Ronald Reagan. Its no small wonder that their funerals stopped the world-after all, they created this post-communist world that we now live in. It’s a world a hell of a lot safer than it was during the Cold War. Two men of faith, who were shot and almost died in 1981-both spared to save the world from a nuclear holocaust and bring down the Iron Curtain. What if those two men didn’t believe? What if they didn’t seek the truth and try to live by it? We probably wouldn’t be around right now to talk about it.

Ignorant one said, “think i should add that its just a damn song! A psalm is just another way to sing gods praises, many psalms are used in jewish prayer today, that doesn't mean that they hold ANY substance.”

-The Book of Psalms has been the ‘Prayer book’ for the Jewish and Christian people for 3,000 years. Its not just ‘songs’, its poety, divinely inspired words to guide and form the People of God.

Jesus put it on the level of the other parts of Scripture when He said shortly after rising from the dead,

“This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms." (lk. 24.44)

Oh, and I didn’t ‘misquote’ the Psalm: it was quoted in its entirety! Really guys, get a clue!

Go with God.
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

You are still skirting my points about my reality and my intentions. But oh well.

People of religious faith have and do extraordinary things. Look at Pope John Paul II, for example, or the late and great Ronald Reagan. Its no small wonder that their funerals stopped the world-after all, they created this post-communist world that we now live in. It’s a world a hell of a lot safer than it was during the Cold War. Two men of faith, who were shot and almost died in 1981-both spared to save the world from a nuclear holocaust and bring down the Iron Curtain. What if those two men didn’t believe? What if they didn’t seek the truth and try to live by it? We probably wouldn’t be around right now to talk about it.

If they did or didn't believe is imaterial, they are not soley responisibvle for ending the cold war, I'm sure there are others who put in their efforts. Like the russian people and the people of the baltic states, etc. They wanted rid of communism and then they got rid of it. Don't dispute this because I have alot of russian friends who lived and grew up in the communist soviet union. They told me how through the overwhelming numbers of people wanting the end of communism the people changed their fortunes. Men of the cloth had little influence on the outcome in this case, and their influence will continue to decline.

I stand by my point.

Do you think you can now 'go' with god.

Good Scientist
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

I'm an historian, you're not, so I'll give you a little history lesson.

The Cold War was many things but it was mainly two things:



Reagan re-built the US's military, deployed nukes on the border of the USSR and began 'Star Wars'. The Soviets were thus cornered, and they had to sue for peace. Reagan and Gorbachev met, agreed to eliminate nukes in Europe, and the Nuke Stand Off was over. RR and Gorby stood together, arm in arm, in Red Square Moscow. Peace was achieved.

The domination of Eastern Europe ended due to a domino effect. The first dominio to fall was Poland, which had free elections in 1989 and Solidary won. Now Solidary came into effect after the 1979 visit of Polish Pontiff, JOHN PAUL II. He said, 'Be free!' and they were inspired. When in 1981 the Soviets looked like they were about to invoke the 'Brezhnev' doctrine and invade Poland, JPII said, 'I'll leave Rome and stand between the people and the tanks.' They backed off. He therefore not only created Solidary, but he saved it, and his support led to its eventual victory. Other eastern bloc states followed suite, and the wall came crumbling down. Even Gorby said, 'If it weren't for JPII, the USSR would still be around today."

Two men of faith, Ronald Reagan, John Paul II, saved from death, to save the world from communism. Need I say more, or should I remind you about hundreds of other Christians over 2,000 years who have changed the world?
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

Thankfully the number of Christians available to destroy society has diminished into the minority.
In Britain there are approximately 58 million Great Britons, only 3.5 million of them attend church at least once every two weeks. This means that predictions made now indictae that by 2020, practicing christian will be all but gone and most local churches made into buildings to serve the community, like, I don't know, schools to teach science and maths.

Even I'll thank 'God' for that one.

Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

Thankfully for humanity, Christianity remains as a 'leaven' for the 'dough' of society, that though small, works at trasnforming culture into something close to civilization.

Unfortunately for England, with abortion on demmand, gay marriage and adoption, we can see at work a 'new ideologoy of evil', more insideous than the other ideologoies of evil of the 20th century, that work towards the destruction of society.

What my time travel experience shows me, however, is that you can't ignore the reality of God and the reality of His morality. Ultimately all man will have to render an account before the Judgment Seat of Christ, and England is no exception. May God have mercy on your souls.
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

I have to take issue with your views on Englands laws regarding gay marriage, abortion, etc.
I would say that gay marriage is just another way these people are committing themselves to each other. Surely that is what christians do? As a matter of fact a Lesbian Vicar has just married her partner today, is that wrong in your blinkered eyes? And didn't your jesus once say something along the lines of 'judge not lest ye be judged' or some such quote? What about, let he who is without sin cast the first stone?
I would like to hear your views on that 'Covenant', because you again seem to have proven that if you have visited with jesus, you obviously didn't hear a word. From what I have read etc, jesus would be welcoming these gay people into his home, he doesn't discriminate whether you are black, white, jew, whore, gay. If you say he did, then he is not a very wise being is he?
I would say though, that you represent the minority who seek to impose their twisted logic to the teachings of jesus. But of course i am not religious, I seek no meaning to life, I just am.
I will say this though, England is not alone in progressing from a frightened religious people, to a civilised forward thinking people, we have realised that religion doesn't need to pay a part in our lives, it can if you wish it, but the majority don't need it, they are happy to put family first, to make good their time amongst those around them, to do the right thing. You don't need religion for that!
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

Don't bother mate.

This guy is a fruit loop.

He will not answer your questions.
All he will do is preach some quotes from the bible with his own self important "taint" attached to make him self feel good.

He is a “full-on ego maniac” on a self initiated religious mission to teach us all … that he is an idiot.

He will tell you that “you are a fool” whilst attempting to raise his inner self image to that of a man that been given a free time travel ticket to meet Jesus because of his “special relationship” with God he has been granted this gift. The first one to do so in living history he is. It makes him feel all so important.

I think that he is a nut.

The fact that he claims that he actually travelled back 2000 years suggest that he himself is a liar. I actually think that he is as "Christian" as my right boot.

Ignore him.
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

The world has lost its sense of sin. Not just its sense of right and wrong, but its sense of sin. That is, that actions have a moral dimension that transcends merely the 'social order' and indeed that God, as the Supreme Being and Judge of the Universe, will require that mankind render an account for their lives here on earth.

Jesus Christ was Mercy Himself. Yes, he welcomed the sinner, but for what? To tell them to keep on sinning? No. He welcomed the sinner so that He could SAVE them, HEAL them, and GUIDE THEM IN THE WAY OF ETERNAL LIFE.

Jesus said, "If your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire."(Mt.18:8)

It was a typical Middle Eastern means of expression, not to be taken literally. But the point is literal: sin is to be avoided like the plague.

And homosexual relations IS sin. GRAVE SIN. Jesus said of the Law of Moses,

"Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill." (Mt. 5:17)

The Law of Moses says of homosexual relations are an 'abomination', saying,

"If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads." (Lev.20.13)

Its a sin so serious that in Moses' day, God said that the death penalty had to be imposed. For Christians, its a sin that excludes man from the grace of God, and as such, from heaven. Unrepented it leads to eternal damnation.

What we are seeing in England, a country that was once Christian, is a a great 'apostasy'. That so called 'Christians' are condoning this immorality only means that we should take St. Paul's warning more seriously when he said,

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be ANATHAMA, eternally condemned!" (Gal.1.8)

Yes, I have heard the voice of God, and YES, I have met Moses and YES, I have time travelled 2000 years. Was I called? Of course. But in a certain sense, i WAS CALLED BECAUSE I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO SOUGHT, REALLY SOUGHT GOD, AND ON HIS TERMS, NOT MINE.

Thats the key. Seeking God, accepting His Law, believing in the miracles of the Bible as FACT. Any other type of faith is utterly meaningless. Most of the Church of England belongs to that 'meaningless faith' group, so what you described doesn't suprise me.

But what did suprise me is when you said that you seek no meaning in your life. I think that pretty much sums it up, that your opinion is meaningless. Worthless. Unless you begin to ponder life, unless you seek truth and have the inclination to follow that truth, then you don't have a right to come in here and lecture me. You really don't have a right to an opinion on any moral matter because morality is the study of Truth.

Thats what it comes down to. Who seeks the Truth? Who truly seeks God? I did, and I time travelled 2000 years. Maybe if you sought the truth you too would time travel.
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

I take issue with your allegations of 'ego maniac' and so on. YES I might be the only man in history who has time travelled, but thats just the level that I'm on. It may seem AMAZING to you, but its my calling, its just who I am. I've lived with it 12 years, and its a great gift, but its also a burden. It doesn't make you full of pride, rather it humbles you.

Moses used to speak face to face DAILY with God. Was he an 'ego maniac'? Hardly.

The Bible says,

"Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth."


I'm the same. Because I've seen God on that level, I know how little I am. I'm probably the most humble man on the face of the earth right now.