Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS
OK firstly let me say to jmpet we could get along and I look forward to conversing with you in future.
To business.
Your level of education cannot depict your strength of mind; but if it does, you say PhD in History, ok, well I'm actually doing one in Physical Chemistry.
Now I preach to you,
I have done Genetics and Physical Chemistry degrees (simultaneously), and my PhD is on Superconductivity and a few Quantum Tunneling Concepts. It is actually really interetsing, if we as humans could find a Superconductor, A conductor with no elefctrical resistance at 298 K, or there abouts, we could half the worlds energy requirements.
What is your History PhD on?
Wrong on history, wrong on dates. The Bible was written in the 1st Century AD, Constantine came around in the 4th century. So, he didn’t write the Bible, and he was by no means a theologian. He accepted Christianity because of a vision he had. Before a major battle he had a vision with the words, ‘Under this sign you will conquer.’ The sign? The Chi and Rho Greek letters, that are the first two letters of Christos. He painted the symbol on his army’s shields and won the battle. He therefore tolerated Christainity in the Edict of Milan in 313. Several times during his life he swore that it was real. There was no political considerations behind his toleration of Christianity, on the contrary, it was destabilizing to go against the status quo religion of paganism. He actually wasn’t even baptized until shortly before his death…So, you are wrong on Constantine and wrong on dates.
I deliberately gave you no dates. Why? Because as this a well documented period of history, find out yourself, but even now you have them wrong yourself, it was 312 AD at the Mivian Bridge where constantine aledgedly convdrted himself and his army. LOL. Historian eh? Secondly this backs up another arguement I have. Of course he was only baptised on his death bed. He wasn't a christian, so why did he go to so much trouble as to begin the merging of paganism and this Christianity? That dream stuff, well, you my friend had a dream. Enought said. Powerful leaders often had these dreams and visions, I doubt they had them for real, cause it was so fashionable to have them back them. Also, the bible was written later from the Gospels, as you said yourself, is this not editing? Rewriting the gospels etc into one book? The bible is massively edited. Seek out the heretical Gospels and books, e.g The book of Enoch.
As to being destabilising to go against the status quo. Well paganism was a far more informal and relaxed religion than Christianity, for example pagans would not go to war against each other, or other religious groups, for the sakes of converting them. Given the tenacity of religion in the Holy land, it wouldn't take long tos ee it spreading into the actaully accepting pagan europe. Such is the format of polytheic paganism, new gods or such were initially welcomed.
This is all superfluos as since the Roman empire was including an eastern, Jewish, Christian people it wasn't actually that bad a move.
Jesus Christ rose from the dead on a Sunday, and the early church worshiped on this day, which they call the ‘Lord’s day’. The early Christian writings also show that Sunday was the day of worship from the year dot. So, your ‘pagan influence’ theory falls apart as being theoretically and factually wrong.
This is exactly what I refer to when i say the pagan roots of Christianity. Jesus didn't rise from the dead on Sunday, mainly because he was still dead. Anyway. The reasoning here has been edited into the bible. Which I dont care what you say was edited upon its creation, and when Emperor Constantine decided suddenly to accept christianity in the empire, as a state religion of sorts.
There are other pieces of evidence; the romans celebrated the birth of the sun god on December 25th, long before it was Jesus' birthday. It only became so in 400 AD. Romans had been worshippin the sun god's birthday for 500 years before christmas magically appeared. The two 'high holy days' in Christianity are Christmas and Easter. Christmas happens to fall very close (usually just a day or two away) from the Winter Solstice. In Celtic terms, Yule. (Yule tide carol... Coincidence? I think not.) Easter falls in the same time as Ostara, which is the celebration of the Spring Equinox, which happens to be a celebration of rebirth. (Coincidence again? Nope.) As much as I have read the Bible I have yet to find anything involving bunnies or Christmas trees. Why? Because they are of Pagan nature.
Long before Constantine, Christians found ways to redeem local cultures and salvage elements in those cultures that naturally pointed to Christ, whether Hebrew, Syrian, Greek, or Roman. They denounced inhumane pagan practices, but at the same time took over pagan temples and converted them to churches. They replaced the old gods in popular devotion with heroic martyrs of the persecutions. And they replaced the holy days of paganism with festivals of the Christian year.
Now you have sought to include time travel in this age old crusading of christians into everythin they can.
And in terms of the power of the mind, where do you think it came from? The forces of nature? Don’t think so. If I found an old fashioned pocket watch out in the jungle, with all its intricate workmanship, I wouldn’t think that the forces of nature made it. Obviously there was an intelligent designer behind it, a person who crafted it. Same with the world. Take a step back: everything is so intricate, complex that you can only say that it wasn’t an accident-it had intelligent design. This intelligent designer, we call God.
OK, this really is bollocks. As a 'self-procalimed scientist' (I officailly proposed no theories and procalimed nothing, you on the other hand............), I have investigated in great detail and labour the world around me and have come to understand it very well. It is beyond anyone's comprehension on this earth as to how life came about, except the scietist who could tell you that if you pass an electric current though water with an nitrogen interface (i.e a sea, with nitrogen in the air, lighting is our current), amino acids form. Simplistically these are the basic building blocks of life, other things like DNA self assemble. Self assemble, thats right, and can also be created from a similar means in water with nitrogenous bases, ribose and phosphate. With these two you have the makings of very primitive life form, (especially when you consider that all you would need would be a cell membrane to be similar to a basic bacteria). A cell membrane can be formed by fat molecules and phosphates, this will happen at a critical local bilayer concentration (CLBC). Give this a few billion years, a time beyond any perception or analogy. It is it any wonder, given the self constructive and self replicating properties of DNA, that life in bacterial form emerged? NO, then more complicated life forms. Conciousness, is harder to explain, but can be better explained by science than some divine magic. LOL. Though is definitely one of the FEW remaining frontiers of the human biology. Not long before that is broken, and new frontier found.
As A self proclaimed time travelling bible basher you have been throughly been put in your place. None of what I have said means anything compared to thinking about the concepts of 'God' and 'church', I have been to church, people stand there chanting like zombies what one man tells them to. And I seen no god in today's world, nor in its past. I got to admit I would have made the world a bit different, albeit in the retrospect, THAT insight, even god didn't have (a power god doesn't have, isn't that proof enough). God's the all seing, all knowing, all powerful, guy who doddles around eden, finds adam and eve snacking on some ridiculously forbidden apples he doesn't eat himself, and at first has to be told what going on by the talking snake, then all he does is make them put clothes on and sends them packing. RIGHT you are.
The fear of the lord was the dark ages, and hindernace of advancement in all aspects of life for men.
Well my theory isn't theoretically weak, its a theory isn't it, based adequately as to be made. And well I just showed you its actually as factually correct as any other piece of non-sense history about Jesus.
You sputter and huff and puff, I will say no more. This is the age of Aquarius, currently 5 years in, 1995 to go. Where men must discover the truth and not be told it, and I'm tired of spoon feeding you.
A very 'Good proclaimed Scientist'