Re: answer to yeyeman
Don't worry about asking the same thing over again; trust me it happens on an ever-increasing basis.
Without starting up another argument against all the quantum and string fans here, I'll just say that science when I come from is as different as your science of the moment is compared to 300 of your liner years ago. While many things still hold up and work to within a certain degree, they are well-knwon to be less correct than the science-of-the-month. There is a huge stress on practicality. For example, while it might be fine and wonderful to know about the mating and lifestyle habits of the Southern Bumble Bee, it has no practical application and is generally not considered to be useful. The largest difference I see, besides the advancements, is that the common person has very little, if any, formal knowledge of or training in the sciences. Science is once again the realm of only scientists, and not somehting that any person can look at and ponder. You can already see things of that sort happening right here, however, as many people in America in this era can't even name hteir State capitol, let alone tell you how many molecules of Carbon and Oxygen are in Carbon Dioxide.
Is speed of light travel possbile? Of course it is, Light, for instance, travels at the speed of light. So do Tachs. Can people travel at the speed of light? From what I understand, this is quite possible, but impractical. What few craft there are that travel about the cosmos usually do so by some sort of manipulation of space and time in one of the 26 (or is it 32? I can never get it right) dimensions. In essence, they pop out of our universe and travel along lines that have nothing to do with distance, and then poop back in. I am told this is much more practical than attepting to accelerate a craft of ever-increasing mass to the speed of light, allocating for the survival of the occupants, and then decelerating it to arrive at the proper point.
Are htere EBE's when I cam from, or before? Not that i am aware of. I hear rumors of the reich having some nasty alien allies, that aer never seen, but I have seen no direct evidence of this. The facts I know state that Humankind had almost grown out of its infancy and then reverted back into cruelty, oppression, and barbarism. I doubt that any truly intelligent form of life would no more want to come and get to know us than you or I would care to, say, go live with a bunch of violent apes bent on killing each other and us. I also know for a fact that some of the things that this era attributes to aliens is in no way related to them. For example Kecksville and the Nazca Valley, and some others.