I am here for now on assignment

Re: Answer to Darby

Darby, without knowing what you mean by WRT, I don't know if I can answer you correctly.

however, for general purposes, you need only use the flow of liner time as reference. As each second passes, you pas through one second.
Re: answer to titorite

Lets see you had a few questions for me...How do I know the great pyramid of egypt is a hydrualic ram pump of some kind...I read it in a book /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif THEN I crossed refferenced said info in other books and it all checked out. Its neat to realize the first civilizations could do somethings better than moedern man...like pumping water.

As far as interviews go...I like non-aggressive interviews...yeah I like to be questioned and to know when I repond the other person is paying attention.

I ask about the whole male female thing just to ask you something unexpected but toughtful.

K-PAXian time travel explained. Your mind travels back into another body leaveing yours back in the origin spot an empty shell or host to the "loaner" bodies mind..And when you are summoned back the mind goes but the body don't know....I imagine I am way off from your experiance but it was the image in my mind your words inspired.
Re: answer to titorite

Hi Dar:

In reply to your questions about Thomas McKean. He was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and 2nd President of the Continental Congress. I believe that he weakened the United States by fostering "States Rights".

To tell you the truth I had never heard of Thomas McKean until you mentioned him. I always thought that George Washington was the first US president. I was aware of Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Samuel Adams, but this McKean dude. Well, I never studied about him.

The reason that I asked you the questions about Hillary Clinton is that She is remembered well in history. In fact, Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter are forgotten, much like Buchanan and Polk are now.

However, Hillary is remember well into the future, this is because her incompetence causes WWIII and a nuclear winter where temeprature drops to 150 degrees below zero and the oceans freeze over.

The population of US + Canada in 2017 is six million people. The only other president that is remembered is Harry S Truman, he dropped two atom bombs on Japan.
Re: Answer to Darby

"WRT" = with respect to

however, for general purposes, you need only use the flow of liner time as reference. As each second passes, you pas through one second.

"Each second passes as I pass through one second" as viewed from what frame of reference?
Re: answer to titorite

a nuclear winter where temeprature drops to 150 degrees below zero and the oceans freeze over.

The population of US + Canada in 2017 is six million people. The only other president that is remembered is Harry S Truman, he dropped two atom bombs on Japan.

Uhhh...the temperature is -150 degrees (I'm assuming Farenheit and not Celsius) and six milion North Americans actually breathe that air, their lungs don't instantly freeze and they survive? Mercury, Venus and Mars have night time temperatures that are, at times, hotter than -150 degrees F. What the hell are they supposed to be eating - Eskimo Pies; fish that is frozen under three miles of ice; -150 degree snow balls? This temperature is about 100 degrees lower than a commercial blast freezer that freezes food as solid as a rock in less than 10 seconds. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Jennifer - are you trying to hijack Dar's thread here?
Re: answer to titorite

-150 degrees? We would all die! Nobody would survive. Even the 6 million people you say live would be died.

This is bogus information you have.
Re: answer to titorite

To tell you the truth I had never heard of Thomas McKean until you mentioned him. I always thought that George Washington was the first US president. I was aware of Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Samuel Adams, but this McKean dude. Well, I never studied about him.

All I knew about Thomas McKean was that he was one of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. He signed for Delaware - along with George Read, and Caesar Rodney.

I believe that he [Thomas McKean] weakened the United States by fostering "States Rights".

The Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution states: ‘The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.’ This was a necessary part of the bargain which brought the United States into existence.

The Constitution had to be ratified by at least nine of the then thirteen states. The nine had to include at least some Southern states, and therefore there could be no federal condemnation of slavery in the constitution. So on one interpretation, states' rights became, as it has always remained, an issue between the South and the rest of the country
(quoted from Answers.Com Search Crit: "States Rights" - Political Dictionary Oxford Univ Press.)
Re: answer to titorite


My apologies if my questions have been asked before but I am out of time right now and I can't read this whole thread, right now...But I will indeed read it later on. Anyway....

What things in scince that we know today are totally different in your time?

Is Speed of light travel possible?

Are we in contact with extraterrestrial intelligence by your time or maybe before?

Re: Answer to Darby


We seem to oftimes have this problem in regards to our individual contexts, don't we? Assume a local frame of reference, such as a clock with a second hand, that would be your control. As each seconds counts off on the clock, you have traveled one second into the future.
Re: Answer to Darby

Wow- yeyeman bumps this thread back to context, then amazingly, DarwinMurphy posts after many days' absence. Let me guess- first Darwin will "clear up the old news" then answer yeyeman thereby bringing the thread back on post, right
Re: Answer to Darby

You know what's even more amazing? Yeyeman, the regular poster, stopped posting here on 7/5/07. Then- two days later, DarwinMurphy starts posting! Wow! Amazing coincidence!
Re: answer to yeyeman

Don't worry about asking the same thing over again; trust me it happens on an ever-increasing basis.

Without starting up another argument against all the quantum and string fans here, I'll just say that science when I come from is as different as your science of the moment is compared to 300 of your liner years ago. While many things still hold up and work to within a certain degree, they are well-knwon to be less correct than the science-of-the-month. There is a huge stress on practicality. For example, while it might be fine and wonderful to know about the mating and lifestyle habits of the Southern Bumble Bee, it has no practical application and is generally not considered to be useful. The largest difference I see, besides the advancements, is that the common person has very little, if any, formal knowledge of or training in the sciences. Science is once again the realm of only scientists, and not somehting that any person can look at and ponder. You can already see things of that sort happening right here, however, as many people in America in this era can't even name hteir State capitol, let alone tell you how many molecules of Carbon and Oxygen are in Carbon Dioxide.

Is speed of light travel possbile? Of course it is, Light, for instance, travels at the speed of light. So do Tachs. Can people travel at the speed of light? From what I understand, this is quite possible, but impractical. What few craft there are that travel about the cosmos usually do so by some sort of manipulation of space and time in one of the 26 (or is it 32? I can never get it right) dimensions. In essence, they pop out of our universe and travel along lines that have nothing to do with distance, and then poop back in. I am told this is much more practical than attepting to accelerate a craft of ever-increasing mass to the speed of light, allocating for the survival of the occupants, and then decelerating it to arrive at the proper point.

Are htere EBE's when I cam from, or before? Not that i am aware of. I hear rumors of the reich having some nasty alien allies, that aer never seen, but I have seen no direct evidence of this. The facts I know state that Humankind had almost grown out of its infancy and then reverted back into cruelty, oppression, and barbarism. I doubt that any truly intelligent form of life would no more want to come and get to know us than you or I would care to, say, go live with a bunch of violent apes bent on killing each other and us. I also know for a fact that some of the things that this era attributes to aliens is in no way related to them. For example Kecksville and the Nazca Valley, and some others.
Re: answer to Eric Carr

Hiya Eric!

I have heard that Queensryche is still around and touring. Are they worth the units to go and see? It would be nice to check out a band I rmember before I get pulled back.
Re: answer to Eric Carr

Nah- you didn't do it right-

This is what I was hoping to avoid on this website- your slow, inexorable decline into inconsequentiality.

Page upon page of meaningless psychobabble, only for us readers to find out weeks or months later that you're nothing but full of it. And the readers of this forum are left with that same cold, shallow empty feeling in their gut- having been had in some way by some fool who had some idea about time travel.

Yes yeye- you learned the #1 rule of a time traveller hoax- you story's gotta make sense. This means you can't come out with both barrels, because this is what ultimately does you in.

The next thing you have to work on is your presentation. A time traveller "has been there"; "has stories to tell". Real time travellers don't tap dance around questions like you do (which is all you can do at this point). Real time travellers have real time traveller's tales- stories (that make sense) that answer the question in some grandiose fashion.

So yeye- I mean, DarwinMurphy- back to your tap dancing. You better answer yeye's questions- looking over this pitiful thread he is the only thing you have to go on at this point, having lost all credibilty and all.
Re: Answer to Darby



We seem to oftimes have this problem in regards to our individual contexts, don't we? Assume a local frame of reference, such as a clock with a second hand, that would be your control. As each seconds counts off on the clock, you have traveled one second into the future.

You know, I still swear that the LBJ formula for choosing astronauts (stuntmen and professional wrestlers) is in play in the future for choosing "time travelers".

I'm asking about an intertial frame of reference. From what frame of reference would you see me experiencing one second per second? As compared to what? What "local frame"? Whose "local frame"?

You're a "time traveler" and you're not making much sense here. Show us that you at least are familiar with the most basic concepts of your "profession"..
Re: answer to Jmpett

Jmpett I cant believe it!!! You always accuse me of me being the freaking hoaxer or time traveler simply because I post at the freaking thread! Simply because i have a book on time traveling! Give it a God Damn rest man! I havent done one simple hoax in my whole freaking life. Grow up and learn to debunk people without accusing without proof!!!!
Re: answer to Jmpett

I'm sorry, but you have an amazing coincidental history of disappearing days before new time travellers appear, and days after existing time travellers are debunked.