I am here for now on assignment

RE: Answer to Mix

Hiya Mix!

Yes, ther aer still cities, and they aer quite over-populated in some of them/ most of them.

mega-cities do exist, but they're not walled as you speak of.

You also have to understand that cities like London and Paris have stood, even in this era, through most of your history and eras, and still remain.

What about nature?: there was some fallout, but it was not so severe as to totally upset the balance of everything. There are oddities from that, mutations so to speak, and bizarre things with the weather even a few centuries later. However, nature, being a part of the universe, has a way of adapting, and did just that. As an aside, most of the out of border areas, and a large amount of areas within the broders, have become extremely rural and nature has reclaimed what mankind in your era has violated. But I wouldn't exactly call rampant nature a "haven" it has it's own unique sets of dangers.

Did I personally travel to the future? Technically, this is my future. But to answer directly, operatives of any sort (thuggies, muses, whatever) are generally given a large era to operate in that is roughly from about 50-60 years in their personal future (from the time they were recruited) to about 100 years or so in their personal past. This allows them to blend in for the most part, and they don't tend to experience anything that is a major culture shock to them. For the most part, we bounce back and forth in our own century and there are relatively few exceptions. The whole idea is that no matter what, we more or less appear to be germaine to that era. Besides, it's kind of silly to assume that you'd want to send a 22nd century rougher into the 1950's to blend in and get a job done.

This also might explain some of the problem people here have with my diction. In the early 20th, people spoke much more eloquently, and used different words, than they do now. I am used to such speech, and it is normal, say in the 1910's, but here i am accussed of being English or of hiding behind poetry.

So myself, I have not travelled as far upstream as you mentioned. I've also forwarded the idea that if we can shoot both forward and back, why don't we just shoot forward and see if we win or lose and then copy those actions in our 'now' to insure victory. In so many words I was told to shut up and that I had no idea of how time works.
Re: Answer to Scully


The main hurdle you're going t ofind here, especially in defending me, is that those here are looking for something that follows their ideals, their insufficient sciences, and likewise their opinions.

Also, I have been told that there are several hundred others that make these same claims, and all of them are total diots.

In my case, although I stated as much early on, I am saying that everything that they think they know is wrong, and that although i did not come with proof in hand, that I am exactly what I claim I am.

This does not mean that my verite will be taken with any more weight.

This gets confounded because I say, in layman's terms, everything your science is telling you is absolute bunk. I suggest that if you go and tell and archealogist that everyhting they think they know is total garbage that they will met out some ridicule as well.

As their String Theory and Quantum mechanics are just as outmoded when I come from as Ptolmey's ideas are today, they can only go from what they perceive as facts, and call me the odd man out.

People here want terms that they can write down and prove or disprove, or de-facto evidence (which oddly would be 'debunked' as soon as presented).

Anyone that goes against the majorty is considered to be a moron.

For me, this has been a learning experience. i always wondered how the future could have possible happened the way it was related to me. Now I know!

Pamela asked me why I am not posing questions. That is easy. I need not ask; between the others poiting out that I am saying the same thing over and over and calling it inconsistent, and the other outlandish ones that keep sending me private messages that I have to laugh (with my open mind) and the others doing their naysayer things, I understand why no other real time travelers, be they from the reich, from us, or Lunars, have come forth.

It also becomes very evident how your future happens. I'll say no more on tha tconclusion, lest I be called inhumane again.
Re: Quick Reply To Pamlea again


For myself, I do not ask questions as I am actually enjoying meself and observing the reactions and points, counterpoints, and attitudes of everyone here.

I think that the others you mention, perhaps are so intent on having their fictious yarn believed, that it does not occur to them, Hence why so many carry the Titor flag in spite of all the debunks (I had to do some reading there).

I am quite content to guage the reactions and look at the questions. I find certain people that are so intent on screaming fraud that they trip themselves up quite amusing as well.

However, I have everything I need for my bet, have not found anyone qualified for a tertiary consideration of my missions, and am simply content to idle away my nanos.

Alos, what would I ask? I have no interest in your curent political regimes. I have no cares about the oil wars. natural disasters have no bearing for me. If I have a musical question, I can get the answers easily enough.

And do I think the lottery is rigged? To be honest, I've never thought about it. Being that the lottery is a simple adaptation of a numbers game, ther is no reason to rig whom would win as the profits already run to the house. It is hte appeal of bucking the odds that makes people play. My guess is that it is not rigged.

Now it should be common knowledge that the McDonald's corporation Million dollar contests in the mid 1990's were rigged, but I do not know about the lottery.
Re: Was Answer to Jmpet...long (NS Mother Theresa)

Darwin evedently has symptoms of a previously discovered "virtual" creative writting defect; which often manifests itself with full blown "Diahrea of the Word Processor." Its termed Stephen King Syndrome - after a famous author, of the same name - whom confessed to being a horrendous sufferer of this affliction, in the Foreward of the revised edition of his novel "The Stand" (contained 358 additional pages.)
Re: Reply to hdrkid


I don't know how many times I have to tel leveryone here that I have no interest in your up and coming presidential elections, and to me it is an extinct regime.

I repose the question about thom Mckean, and then counter with Darby's answer....


I'm no tinterested in your politics. I did not memorize them before I shot here to amuse you with parlor tricks. It is to germaine to nmy mission. How in the world do you expect me to know exactly what you want to know just because you have some interest in it?

Again...QUICK....wihtout looking! Who was vice president in 1874?

If you have to look it up, then you know what I have to go through EVERY DAY!

I didn't care, I don't care, even if I did give on iota of concern about it, it wouldn't matter.

Anything I say that does not come true would make you conclude that I am a fraud. Anything that I say that does come true would make you conclude that I am a very observant and insightful fraud.

But ow, since you so advertised, i get to turn the tables!

So yo ucan astral project and remote view?

Very well, prove it since you asked for proof.

Describe my hair. What color are my eyes? On the day after you read this, what color shirt shall I be wearing?
Re: Reply To JustLurking

Hello Again JustLurking;

I apologize if you felt admonished for asking the same old tripe again. Again, I reiterate that I prettymuch missed out on all of the events that you feel are important to you right now. I have no need of them.

My main point is that I have been asked countless times, again and agina, about who is going to be president, and what comes from this event that is current to you right now.

I was illustrating the point that what is current for you is somehting that I have experience of. i went from the 1980's to the 2300's and I research what information I need to do my particular job, ot what you feel is important.

My point in bringing up McKean is that you wer asking me about something that happened, from my point of view, several hundred years ago in a defunct government, that is not even discussed. i pose you a question about somehting that happend less than 2/3rds of that time ago having to do with your own government and you give me a Hmph!

So you expect me to ratle off whatever you want to know and cannot answer a question on the same lines with less of a time differential?

Time travelers aer NOT history books, nor are they experts on your current events. In fact, if you really want to think about it, your current events will onyl be a pragraph in any history book severl hundred year sin the future that will not give you the facts that you currently feel ar so important...most epsecially within a government that oppresses any thought of democracy. Honestly, what you are asking is nearly akin to asking and Australian who was the King of Prussia in 1802!

And yes, I did sate that Oil was found to not be a fossil fuel. Ther was a huge upset over that. however, things have a way of evening out. Remember when it was stated that lead was the most expensive additive to gasoline and that the prices would drop to about 50% of what they were if auto manufacturers could build a motor than ran on unleaded?

Do you remember in 2007 when it cam eout that a barrel of oil cost less than it it did in 2005 but the average gas prices were still about $1 or so more per gallon in the United States?

Just because it is discoverd that oil is not a fossil fuel doesn't mean that there is suddenyl no profit in it. I used the term oil-fields because I assumed that it was understood that it is what all the current conflict is baout. Just so yuo know, there will always be profit in oil, ergardless of source, and there is much more power and profit in the middle east than just oil.

This alomst rings the same as the other arguments that have been posed that I cannot possibly be here, or otherwhen to raise funds as I have never mentioned investors. They forget that there are other methods that can be employed than to use nosy investors that take a huge cut.

However, you did state TODAY in your comments. Well of course today! But we're not really talking about this particular moment now are we? In your world, oil is almost absolute power. however, power ends up being force. if you can force a people, a contry, a generation, then you have power. power is the ultimate profit: if you hold all of the power, you simply take everything. Nothing helps you gain more force and power than entire nations ready to die just to cause you harm.

So in the short term, again, more of hte same fill the void, ust like waters rushing in to fill the spot where you filled a bucket.

In the long term, corporations take over fro power and profit. I did not mean just oil profits, although there is still quite a large profit in that.
Re: Reply To JustLurking

Your eyes are brown.
Re: Answer to Jmpet

your primadonis stance (assuming that you are male).

I think that term you're looking for is "primo don", not prima donis. You have to match the singular masculine form to both.
Re: Reply To JustLurking

Hey DarwinMurphy- you see how much easier it would have been if you shooed when I said shoo?

Now shoo.
Re: Reply To JustLurking

DarwinMurphy posted
Time travelers are NOT history books, nor are they experts on your current events. In fact, if you really want to think about it, your current events will only be a paragraph in any history book several hundred years in the future that will not give you the facts that you currently feel ar so important...most especially within a government that oppresses any thought of Democracy. Honestly, what you are asking is nearly akin to asking an Australian who was the King of Prussia in 1802!

Surely, you don't expect anyone reading these forums to believe that an Australian wouldn't know that Fredrick William III - was King of Prussia from 1797 to 1840. Hell, I knew that by my 10th year of schooling. I'll tell you what a fact is Mr Murphy: Other so called "Time Travelers" who've come here and posted on this board have told regular posters here similar things at one point in time or another. Either -- when cornered they aren't "history" books or experts on "your" current events. Many so called TT's tend to avoid talking about the physics of time travel, or the dynamics of how the equipment they used to get here works.

Or - if they're stupid enough to try... they'll end up getting chewed up and spat out for their efforts by people who a) are in the know about physics and b) know what they're hearing is absolute rubbish from a practicable standpoint.

Now why is that, you think??

Could it be maybe.... because most of these so called "time travelers" can't even manage to keep their stories consistent without the entire thing falling apart after several pages, and they've been called out and bashed senseless for some meaningless sounding corn they've posted. As an example: thats sort of like what you've been getting here from Jmpett recently. In the time I've been lurking this board, I'm seen jmpett and a couple of other regulars here shred people who claim to be TTs like you into confetti - using the TT's own words. These people aren't complete fools.

If Jmpett is telling you to "Shoo", then he's really giving you some sound advice. Perhaps, you should heed his advice and go, before you end up with a major case of the red arse.
Re: Reply To JustLurking

I just thought of a new way to debunk time travellers- if you're a real time traveller, then you have absolutely nothing to prove to us. Because if you're a time traveller and have proof you're a time traveller, you can sell your story to ANYONE. You could easily pick up a quick five million on a book deal, you could be on Oprah tomorrow. Why would you waste your time on this forum trying to prove anything to us?

So why are you trying to prove yourself a time traveller to us, DarwinMurphy?
Re: Reply To JustLurking

In all fairness to Darwin I had a dream once of traveling back in time and there was ALOT of things I realized I didn't care enough to remember about that time. In my dream I was kind of laughing about it with my friend because I couldn't even remember who the president was at that particular time. I think that is how it would be. Unless your a history major or studied the time you were going to ahead of time you may feel quite lost and lacking of info about that time.
You basically would just need the info to get your job done safely and come back home.
Making yourself public to someone like Oprah would just put yourself in danger and risk the little safety you had for doing your job while you were there. Going on a time travel forum claiming your a time traveler is almost risk free. Even there only a small handful would really consider the possibility. But if you could absolutely prove yourself you would no longer be safe. A time traveler is just a fellow human being that is traveling through time. What he knows or doesn't know about the time he is in does not prove or disprove one is a time traveler. I know this to be true.
Thats the facts Jack. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Answer to Darby

Thanks for the grammer pointer. I somehow thought that it would be prim adonis, after Adonis, and prima donna for the feminine reference.

You have my thanks on the correction
Re: Reply To Jmpet

Well I thank you kindly for edifying my point Jmpet. As I stated, I had no illusions about being believed, and I did not come here to prove meself to you, or anyone else. I stated as much early on.
Re: Reply To JustLurking


As much as I appreciate your ideals, I disagree. If Jmpet's actions of copying some of my text (which is fully consistent) and then screaming SEE HERE! is shredding, then perhaps the others ran afoul simply because they were truly frauds.

I fail to see how any person showing that I've stated the same thing on several occassins, using different words but still saying the same thing, minces me.

But this is all academic.

Nothing short of taking somebody upstream with me would show any evidenciary support. And even then, it would grow from "Let's rip apart Darwin" to "Let's rip apart Darwin and his accessory."

I'll be gone soon enough; as I should be pulled back any day now. If I'm not, then I am stranded here until I die or get fragged. If the latter is the case, I'll move out to Western Canada and revel in a boring and mundane existence.
Re: Reply To Jmpet

No Jmpet, I meant illusions.

An allusion is a reference to a thing

By me stating that I had no illusions, I simply stated that I am not quite stupid enough to come here and tell everyone (that has no belief in time travelers) that I am one and expect to be believed
Re: Reply To Pamela


Thank you for the very insightful response to what i was attempting to say so many times over and over (in regards to remembering every little detail that somebody would care to ask, and the treatise on safety).

And also, not that you care to really know, my eyes are a light, grayish, hazel that blend outwards to a green on the outsides.
Re: addendum to Mix38


I apologize for not mentioning this before, but there aer also some more cities that had sprung up in the middle of the 23rd.

These are called cross-towns.

Similar to cities that are prefaced with the word FORT; cross towns tend to have sprung up where patrol quarters are stationed, usually at cross roads. These tend to be small cities of less than 50 thousand people, but are almost all urban. Some of these are very exciting, and some are quite boring.