To titorite
greetings! I understand from your namesake that you are a fan of John Titor. I have made my views on that very clear, so we shallleave it at that.
So you believe that I am ahoax, but you do not percieve that as germaine to our discussion. Fair enough, at least you are civil and willing to ask.
I shall answer things in turn, as best as I can; with the common disclaimers as I put forth earlier.
1) What parts of the world hav light in 2012: do you mean electric, thermal, or electromagnetic light? Or do you mean sunlight? ther shall be light upon the Earth as long as the Sun lives. As I understand it, Terra has manymillions of years left, so we're all safe for now.
2) How long did it take for the air to clear?: i don't know who's piffle disguised as profundity you are following, but the air doesn't actually gets worse! When the focus turns to results instead of appeasing everyone, corporations and others are set free to acheive their goals at pretty much any cost to the environment or safety that thwey see fit. In the late 2200's the air becomes less volatile, but it i sstill very poluted and corupt. I've made a few references to the brown rain; tha is caused by so much muck in the atmosphere. On the plus side, there is no global warming (as I've said) becaus ethe pollution blots it out.
3) the coastline in the 2300's: pretty much exactly what you see now.
4) why was I recruited from the past: I was recruited because I happened to fall in with Dewar and just happened to be in the right time at the wrongh place. I am just smart enough and creative enough that I can be an effective operative; but not so tuned-in that i pose myself a problem or such that I pose a porblem to any mission. Just as in any careeer, or any quick decision making...overthought will kill you just as quick as undercaution. I have a resilient vod, can handle illogic as a matter of course, and have no great desire to undertsand the quite tangled and involved inner workings of how things work. Those that do, by the way, usually end up Lunar. I likewse have no family ties, no grea tcontributions to acheive later in my life, and I would not hav ebeen missed if I simply fell off the face of the earth. My personality is also such that I do not rely upon fictious ideals set forth by popular sciences of dogmas and I tend to adapt to whatever situation arises. I am also quite adept at bearing th eposture of an idiot. that is very important fo rwhat I actually do. The main reason i was ultimately recruited is that i could put 2 and 2 together and come up with five...somehow accounting for very large values of 2.
5) Hillary Clinton: I have no direct knowledge and from when I am i have no actual means to check history actual, history A, or any other version in the archives. All I can say is that what you think will happen will surprise you in the end.
6 & 7) Fraternal orders and the Guardians: As far as I know (and I have mentioned this before) the Fraternal orders are a non-issue. I have never heard of hte guardians, per se, but have heard mention of them here and from private messages from the plethora of others that have contacted me. As an aside I tend to converse with them, but throw them idiotic lines such as "I won the lottery" to weed out those wanting me to join their club, so to speak. I will simply state that there are no outside influences to be reckoned with, period.
8) Can I be helped? Well I figure that most here would suggest their psychiatrist! My general missions are very simple and linear. i leave the heavy stuff to those that do not care at all. I do care, but I try not to let that get in the way. I ahve dione what I came here to do already and am just awaiting extraction. I was fortunate enough that things just happened to fall to my favor whilst I was wasting my nanos. I am simply spending my time here now doing manual stuff for my boarder friend and enjoying the pleasures of life in this era.
9) Am I going to warn you before I go?: i wish I could. when I get pulled back I'll know about i just about a minute or so before it happens. I'll have no warning of this and it will simply happen. I'll feel a strong pull over my left shoulder and my vision will grow black and blurry. I'll more than likely vomit as the nausea overtakes me and ten I'll feel the sensation of falling backwards as gravity dances over each and every molecule in my body. then I'll feel my body explode in each and every direction as my soul is imprisoned into a shell of my mind that lasts either no time or forever, depending on your point of view. there I shall have only my own life to face with each action laid bare....I'll be imploded together strapped into that demkned infernal wretching and vomiting all the while. I have no advance warning as the energy to send amessage is more costly than reversing the machines to pull me back.
10) got any pictures?: The $1,000 dollar question apparently. No I did not bother to film the future or make certain I packed proof along with a clean pair of Chuckies. There are no mass restricitons, as shooting merely takes a particle of the universe and moves it, but there is avolume restriction. I came in with what I needed to blend in and what I needed to survive here, nothing more. Besides, any proof i would document is firstly not compatible with the technology here...I hate to disappoint but we use 3V stills in the 23rd and no matter how much you want it to be so, I can't simply plug into one of htese USB isn't compatible. We use information streams stored onto carbon 17 moles (and now the chemists will have a field day!) to store information. You can't just pop that into a DVD-Rom drive and have it. I could get a picture taken of my beacon here, or of meself, but you'd oly call it a watch and an ugly guy with a large ego. I shall spew forth agin my comment that anyone that comes to you with proof in hand is only out to show you a fabrication.
You rcomments:
Rife Machine: Interswting but not my area. as so many have pointed out my area is actually boring to everyone here. I raise funds in the form of leverage, products, and power. Your ideals of money are skewed. There is no power in money, there is only money in money. There are devices that do such things, but I cannot tell yo uanything about how they operate, only that htey hum at differing pitches when they are being used.
Cold fusion and light water: Fusion after a fashion exists a bit, but is still not mastered. Think of it as a test of the original hydrogen bomb several of your decades ago, when some small anmount of scientists thought that it might induce a chain reaction that would ignite ALL hydrogen on the planet. It's there, but we dont' know enbough about ot use it all over. Water is found to be the basis of everything. It makes sense considering that human blood is merely an adaptation of sea-water. Wate ris used as a medium for mnay kinds of chemical and energenical transfers. In that sense, you are correct.
Coil guns: I am not an expert on such primitve things, but as I understand it, a coil gun is simply induced magnetics in a pulse. These wer developed and later improved upon. The standard sidearm now is a pulse gun, which is similar, but shoots a projectile fired by an energy charged magnetic pulse. these range from archiac needlers, to disc guns, to ones that shoot all sorts of deadly things. Right now, the en vogue weapons seem to shoot a soert of recursive light pellet. Picture a laser that is concentrated not only into parallel lines, but also that curve around themselves, forming a sort of pellet. the best part is tha tthey can be recharged, slowly, using standard sunlight. these are fewe and far between though. With the pokymesh uniforms most of the bad-guys wear, I tend to use fire whenever I can. I also enjoy 21st century podwer-actuated hand guns. they may not penetrate, but at 1200 feet per second plus, they sure do hurt. I don't want to talk aboiut hte things I've done, as I am ashamed of some of them, but let me just say that if you bludgeon your foe down to the ground using primitve firearms, pour a flammable substance on them, and then hit them with a flash cap, it doesn't mater if their clothing can stop a bullet or a pellt, they burn!
On your description (I'm attempting humor): Glad to nkow your particulars, but I'm into women! You IQs impressive for this era, and it is evident in your prose. You rspiritual sense will become hte normal soon enough,and you'll all get to enjoy at least a bit of freedom before it all fugazies. However, God is ot concerned with your view of HIm (or Her), merely that you live your life the best that you can...based not upon any Dogma, but only what is universally true and correct. God (or Gaia, of Buhdda, or anyone else for that matter) gave us everything we need to learn the truth and make the right decisions. You ar emore htan likely on the right path, and those that call you names are not.
I would incline to disagree that we are an extension of God's attempt to understand itself (rather than to put a gender here) more that we are a shadow of the divine seeking the light.
Ans as far as you owning a feline, is that really true? Imagine that you are an EBE coming here to find the dominant species. Whom is on control, that which does the bathroom business in a box and has a human empty it, and then have that same human feed them, or the human?