I am here for now on assignment

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I thought this was kind of funny!
But I would like to hear about life at YAZ.
I need some entertainment as the thread seems to be getting boring to me.
Can't you draw a picture of the infernal or something?
If you are really a TT you would be exciting to talk to not boring.
anyone notice the post on page 9 of the is discussion that Recall posted with all teh weblinks?

One was about a big earthquake, which did not happen, the other about a 318 point drop in teh DOW? That 318 point drop was predicted for monday, but as it happened today, 3 days later, that still is not that bad a prediction. If I were to have bought some 5 day put-options based on that prediction, I could have made a 1600% profit in 4 days.

Its not very often the DoW drops 300 points in day.
anyone notice the post on page 9 of the is discussion that Recall posted with all teh weblinks?

One was about a big earthquake, which did not happen, the other about a 318 point drop in teh DOW? That 318 point drop was predicted for monday, but as it happened today, 3 days later, that still is not that bad a prediction. If I were to have bought some 5 day put-options based on that prediction, I could have made a 1600% profit in 4 days.

Its not very often the DoW drops 300 points in day.

It's not that rare, either. And it already happened once this year, on Feb. 27, making a second drop much more likely.

Check out Table 4 on this site:

7 of the 10 largest drops in the Dow, occured within 11 months of a previous 350+ drop. Anybody familiar with the statistics would have expected this to happen within a few months.

Of-course, getting the date right (give or take a few days) is more impressive. The odds of getting it right by sheer luck are about 1 in 100. But given the number of predictions on that site, "1 in 100" isn't such a big deal.

Excuse my ignorance!! Fragged?? What does that mean??

Well, I'm not sure what it means here but I do know what "fragged" meant four decades ago. To be "fragged" meant then was when a slick sleaved 1st Lt, who took his platoon into harms way without good cause, he received an M-26A1 frag grenade up his butt...from friendly forces.

Thus, Dar has received a frag grenade up his butt from "friendly" forces.
Hi Dar. I just found this forum, and hate to intrude, but really wanted to know some things about the future too. Please excuse the blondness (or mundaneness) of my queries....

1. Do people still smoke cigarettes in 2300? If not, when did that stop and why?
2. Given the current medical advances, of total 3D MRI? internal body scans and improving transplanting, I always figured that eventually people would have a yearly scan from birth and immediate fix-ups. Does that happen or do things remain the same as they are now?
3. What happened in Dec 2012...end of the Mayan calender?
4. What happened with the global warming issue and magnetic pole reversal? Are they non-issues or did bad things happen?
5. What is your fav food in 2300? What would be a typical breakfast, lunch, dinner? Does takeaway food still exist?
6. Are beds any different....improved mattresses?
7. Have any new materials been developed for clothes?
8. How are teeth managed.....toothbrushes, whitening agents, dentists?
9. Have any major land masses changed or shifted dramatically?
10. Is there a cure for cancer and if so, what is it?
11. Do women still use tampons and which birth control methods are mostly used (besides abstinence)?
12. In 2300....what were the last 2 best movies you saw? Do you have Simpsons or other re-runs?

I do hope you havent pinged back yet. I always wanted to ask these dumb questions...perhaps you can tell me after a few stiff drinks and the boredoms REALLY setting in? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

Cheers Tracy
"Dar's on vacation. "

What????!!!! :eek:
He doesn't have time for vacations he needs to come back here and talk to us before he gets fragged! :D
DarwinMurphey...I suspect you are hoaxing but this should not get in the way of our disscussion. Many people thought John Titor was a hoax at the time and it looks as though he was the real deal.
I was not in a position to speak with him for at the time I was enjoying the hospitality of a lousyanna corretional center for my ownership of marijuana.

I have only read from page 6 so If I ask any repeat question please forgive me. To make up for it I shall post some comments that may be of help to you, reguradless of your vaildity.

1. 2012, what parts of the world will have light afterwards?
2. How long will it take for the air to clear?
3. Did you get to see a map in 2300? if so can you tell us what the coast line looks like?
4. Was it expalined to you why you were recurited from the past? If you have already answered it don't bother repeating yourself because I will start over and read this whole thread from page one after this.
5. Do you know if Hillary Clinton serves a full term or if she gets replaced by her VP?
6. Are you aware of how much fraternals control soceity?
7. Are you aware of the Fraternals conection to the "custodians" above?
8. Is there anything anyone here can do to help you along with your "mission"
9. Are you going to let us know before you go?
10. Got any pictures you can post?

Now it is time for my comments. A rife machine is a device that works as electromedicine. Electromedicen is currently HIGHLY discouraged in our time. The original Rife machine worked as a plasma ray tub device..Currently many smaller more affordable devices work by holding two cylinders. I have seen a couple of people recover from cancer useing this device as well as other less terminal diseases...I can not credit the machine directly though for if I do it could cause me serious trouble if anyone wanted to make an issue over it. you can learn more about Rife and his work at www.rife.org I own a global wellness unit. I bought it to survive vCJD.

Browns gas. Browns gas is just hydrogen seperated from H2O through elctrolisis. What is most interesting to me is not the ablity to use it as a fuel but the medicinal quailites. When you bubble this gas through normal water it makes an ultra hydrogenated water...At first I thought this might be bogus but I looked through the physics books and sure enough water can retain certain quailites of gasses bubbled through it...I belive this water in combination with Rife could extend the length of life to centureies. maybe longer. I bought my ER-50 from here http://www.eagle-research.com/ I also wonder if this technology can be used to achieve cold fusion.
But thats not my bag. My bag is surviveing what is comeing. And helping survive too.

I have not bought or made a coil gun yet but dang if it aint cool. The military here is currently developing some nasty coil guns that they want to use to replace artilery and ICBMs there is some wicked youtube video about it. to learn more about the basic science go to http://www.coilgun.info/home.htm there is also a web ring about it.

I am told my IQ is at 139. Most would doubt it online for my disreguard of proper spelling and grammer. Im 27 reddish blonde green eyed. I am a little over weight for my height 175 at 5ft 9 inchs I carry it all in my gut. You wouldn't notice unless you saw me without a shirt. I am a hell of alot stronger than I appear. I only noticed this in the last year when I worked at a lumber yard and I worked harder than the strongest biggest guys there...I also enjoy strong psi..but I am reluctant to speak much about that. I believe in helping others. I am open minded yet sleptical. I cherish that bad parts of life aswell as the good. Spiritualy I see my self seperated from god to be returned to god upon death. Basicly I see existence as God expressing himself to himself to understand hmself..I also think god is neither male nor female I just refer to god as male because I am male. I think ghosts happen because a soul for one reason or another chooses not to return to god and this to me is the saddest thing because the dead can no longer interact with life. When ever I come across ghosts I encouage them to return because to remain on this level of existence after death is the truest form of hell. Even though physical death and return to god means the end of I or the end of my personality and ego it is important to return so that you and all that is/was you can be incorperated back into god..Then you can be sent out again to do it all over again from birth...the chance to live a new life with new experiances to create a new ego and personality just so you can die and repeat the cycle. For better or worse. Politicaly I am an anarchist. I am also realistic. Since humanity is not ready nor will it be ready to function as an anarchy I seek to direct it towards that direction politicaly...I would like for nothing more than to see the house of representives dissolved to be replaced by a house of the people who would represent themselves to senate and the executive. In this style of government I believe the people being incapable of lying to themselves (about politics at least) would eventualy become the free soceity that is every true anarchists desire. I also belive that political tyranny leads to spiritual tyranny and that the majority of social control and tyranny is directly related to the fraternals and the willingness to comply with the desires of "those above"...But life is free. It is meant to be free. I have a cat, I say I own it for simplicitys sake but I do not truly own it. Life can be oppressed but never truly owned. Others only have the power over us we allow them to have. In truth the power is always ours to give or keep.

I look forward to hearing from you,
"I was not in a position to speak with him for at the time I was enjoying the hospitality of a lousyanna corretional center for my ownership of marijuana."

been there, done that. the fuzz totally fragged me man...
I have spent 6 months innocent and 6 months guilty. I think it has gone far to shape my political outlook on life...Despite all the wonderful eletricity and cheap clean water and cars and luxuries we enjoy in the US..the US is still a tyranny. A guilded cage. If you watch you tube police brutality you know what I mean...Not to mention any serious investigation into the causes of every freaking war waged in the last 120 years proves that the US started it...then lied to its people.

To figure out the whys of the lies I dug deeper and found that mostly differnt kinds of fraternal brotherhoods control politics...I'm not the first either. in the 1880s or 1890s someone formed the Anti-masonic party. With in 10 years the politcal party was infiltrated and the name officaly changed to the "Know Nothing party" kinda arrogant on thier part if you ask me. Then thier was JFK..best president ever..he has some awsome speechs on youtube. I learned he too was opposed to the secert forces that fight by subversion and infiltration rather than open oppistion...we all know what happened to him.

The latest bunch of jerks are the elougians. Commonly refered to as skull and bones. After learning about the Zapata operation and Zapata incorperated (owned by Bush sr) I learned who had a hand in the JFK thing and why it has been bush as VP then bush as prez, clinton, clinton, bush,bush, and I don't think you need to be a time traveler to know its gonna be clinton, clinton for the next 8. I would also wager money that Clinton will set up the legislation to amend the constitution to allow forign born citizens to be president thus setting the stage for Arnold.

Fortunitaly the monkey wrench in the plan comes in the form of a caldera in 2012. IT wont end life...it will block optical sattilite survalience(no more google earth)...cell phones will have to change formats for broadcasting..I suspect IR transmission just like WiFi...more effient solar panels...basicly everything Titor said or left unsaid. The NWO will try to establish itself but it isn't gonna be capable in the world that comes.

Also since I started reading this from page one my doubts about Dar have increased but like I said that Rife stuff applies to all. Even the affordable versions aint cheap but its worth its weight in water to me. I have seen extreme cheap versions of Rife tech at www.noriftrife.com but I am not sure about how well they work...Biggest problem with rife therapy is that the market is flooded with fakes..I just got really lucky and found a corperation that builds and sells real ones..(although not the best avilable) If you or anyone else is interested I would consult the yahoo rife group...its a HUGE group and they got alot of schoolars, scientists, enginers, PHDs..all dedicated to the study of Rife and the goal of getting it socialy and legaly accepted. They know thier stuff.
why is it that all the cool ones get fragged... bummer. speaking of fragged, i wonder whatever happened to the time traveling clam, he rocked. the wisdom of the clam is infinite! all hail the clam!! :D
My apologies to everyone!

I was in the South part of the US fo rthe past few nano's and I have recently returned to my station here.

Having completed my mission, I am now awaiting extraction and have much idle time in the evenings, so I shall answer all of those questions that I have not gotten to yet.

My days are filled with other things that I do not care to mention, but I do have a few hours every evening to waste.

I shall address my unanswered queries shortly, but for today, I am doing mundane things that I find enjoyable.

Not to disappoint my naysayers, but I did not get thrown into oblivion, not fragged, merely doing my job.

There are odd circumstances that caused my absence, and I shall not relate them unless asked (they are mundane at best). However, certain factors made themselves most opportune for me to complete what i was here for, and I did just that.
dar didnt get fragged! maybe theres still hope for the clam yet!!!

glad to see you didnt get fragged, fraghead. guess you were fragging the fraggers. fawkin frags... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif