I am here for now on assignment

"I would like to raise a theory that regards ALL time travelers. Assuming our government has top secret projects of brainwashing, mind control, genetic engineering, child abuse, cloning, and programming of the mind - Dar and mostly all 'claim to of done something miraculous' may have very well been indeed a victim of our shadowy governments black ops projects. They are most probably capable of programming a mind into believing, whatever it wants to believe. Therefore, anomalies and various mysterious events would relate. Dar, do you accept the possibility you may have been a victim of mind control to the point you actually believe your a 'time traveler'? /CD "


Your asking me about a possibility based upon assumptions (from your own words). The edification of claims of miraculous deeds does give it some measure of weight. I cannot guess what the motivations would have been for others, as I originally stated that I firmly believe that I am the first true traveler to come here.

My first reaction, most especially in light or our previous conversations, was to chuckle a bit. The very thought that I would have fallen victim to such a fantastical secret plot seemed outrageous to me...

But, with turnabout being fair play, I am a time traveler, and hence my position must seem to be equally as contrived and odd. I have only stated one thing that I have done that is outlandish, all others are well below your 'miracle threshold'.

I cannot find, wihtin myself or my experiences, anything that would have made the subject of such a diaboical and sinister plot. And then I would ask, to what ends? I made no waves in my personal past, nor did I associate with anyone that did so. From what I understand, my personal time would have had no impact on the events of the furutre. Why would I have been singled out for such a thing?

And how could any faction of any government profit from brainwashing me into such a buffoon?

So to answer you, I firmly and truly know whom and what I am. Others obviously do not share that view, but that is neither my problem nor theirs.

So in direct answer, again, absolutely not; I am not a product of a nefarious and obtuse government plot.

Hello back!

Do we still think that we're alone in the universe in the 2300's? To put it bluntly, not at all. We hear rumors about the reich being allied with off-world races, but have no proof and have not the strength to investigate it fully, if at all. This is why people like myself set the stage for small changes in other eras, as we simply cannot send armies out to everywhere and everwhen to launch a massive attack.

I have never met, nor seen direct evidence of, any alien lifeforms. However, most people believe quite firmly that there are other intelligent lifeforms elsewhere. The sexospiritual revolution really laid a lot of the groundwork for people being accepting of things that do not fall into their particular line of reasoning, and the idea is quite readiliy accepted that if the universe is solely for us, then it is a huge waste of energy and space.

"How did world became totalitaristic with UIC on the lead? Doesn't people still fight for their freedom in the future and how they became that naive?"

Firstly, you again have to realize that I am a child of your recent past, with little more than basic education college courses post high school. I tried very much to stay away from anything that actually involved more than loose ideas and opinions...I wanted to be a musician or a poet!

Because of my unique position in this era, I have no direct knowledge of your recent past, or your recent future, only what I've been told in briefing sessions (which is always focused upon the things I need to do), and snippets I've seen on the HV (similar to television).

Firstly, it's not that people become that naive, the simply get too distracted, or too scared. In your past twenty or so years, how many choices, rights, or personal freedoms have been stripped away? How many instances of personal real estate, property, or other things getting pulled away by government can you think of in your locale in the past twenty or so years? How many intrusions of your privacy have you been made to endure in the effort of making things "safe for all"? How many times has a big business, or the government come in and intervened in an event under the pretense of protecting the people with the end result of them taking control?

When there is no complacency, other powers create fear to silently sweep away rights and freedoms. When there is complacency, those freedoms are merely taken away.

As to how the corporations take control, they do so by lobbying, as you can see now, and then by sponsoring. At first, these efforts are shadowed and hidden, but later become blatant.

The reich, at first, from what I am told, seemed to be a Godsend; a faction that could resolve all problems and attain peace. But the price of that peace was far too high. By the time that anyone noticed what had happened, that were too powerless to do anything.

There are still revolts and constant battles, but the reich has more firepower, controls all finances except for the underground ( and they also have a large influence there), and can offer a much better lifestyle than one of abject poverty and fear. They gained power by excellent PR, and maintain power with force and fear. When the lowliest UIC soldier can pretty much walk into any home and take what they want, killing all that might resist with impunity, there is little hope for a freedom movement.

"What about nanotechnology? Did people extended their life spans by many years?"

The average lifespan of a common person is roughly 90 or so years. But you must understand that there are three sorts of people upstream. There are the common folk that live poorly and work hard tasks; there are the reichs that liv einluxury and have all of the technology of the world at their disposal; and there are the criminal types. I, of course, am in the latter third. We enjoy a decent diet, a good deal of freedom, and have may things, such as HV at our disposal. There are some in the reich that are approaching 100 liner years old, but look and act no more than forty or so years. I don't know if it is nanotechnology, but I do not think that it is. I think that the aging process has merely been slowed through some drug treatments.

But again, only the priviledged get those benefits... and I am not one of those. We have a hards time getting a good bottle of booze, let alone any decent contraband.

The common people live somehwat devoid of those things. Most people hope that they, or at least their children, can join the military and live a better life.

"Do you know something more about teleportation and wormholes?"

Teleportation has become this era's version of time travel. To move somebody about in space and time turns out to not be as difficult as moving somebody about in space in no time. This, as I understand it, has something to do with humankind not being able to remove time totally from the equation. I am told that while it is possible, the energy demands to remove time from the equations are far more than it would cost to simply move the item to the destination in the first place. From what I know, although there have been many successful experiments with so many moles of carbon atoms and such, that it cannot be accomplished in reality, although there is no reason, in theory that it cannot. It seems that the self-imposition of time is still a large hurdle. So almost as if on this website, there is debate as to wether or not teleportaion is possible, or cna ver be done, and ay that claim such are usually picked apart and laughed at.

Wormholes are another matter altogether. they are there, they exist. If they are used and they might be used is nothing that i know of. I only know that they are there.

Again I do appreciate you unswayable stance.

So ignoring my grammer, let's proceed. I don't know about you, but I am enjoying this very harsh debate.

Again, i shall requote you for clarification.

"I'm surprised you are saying that my argument is based solely on the language issues. Interesting thing to say given at most points it's near the end of my posts."

No, actually, you bring it up at several points in each and every entry. (enough said there)

"What happened to dealing with the contradictions?"

There are no contradiction in what I've written, only what you perceive as being a contradiction beased upon your predispostion. As is evidenced in my answers, you make an assumption, assume it as afactual, and then cry nay at it based upon your translation, not what I've said.

As is ecvidenced by this:

""I am here to learn about the brain can as much as I can"
Wait, hold on... lemme get this straight...

Time-Travelling man travels back in time to get a time-travelling (or surely 'experiencing'?) device. Why would a person with the capability to time-travel already need a device that will probably do the job far less effectively?"

Here's why you cannot see my particular lines of reasoning, you are confusing them with your own, and those of others.

I never said that the brain can I was searching for had anything to do with time travel, nor did I insinuate it. You drew that assumption based upon your point of view. In actuality, it is the next generation of how computers are to be built, and how we, as humand, shall interact with them. You subjectively filled in informatin based upon what you felt i was, or should be, saying, not upon what I said.

""Has somebody asked me my birthdate and I missed it?"

You certainly seem keen to supply us with vague details on it before hand."

So you accuse me of being UNABLE to supply my birthdate, but yet you admit that nobody has asked, not even yourself. In your critical thinking, have you not come across the idea that calling foul to somebody on an imagined point is not critical or logical, but merely a form of aggressive stance?

""So what tense do I use?"
You would use present tense as the time-frame (regardless of what time) is always the present for you - as it's what you are experiencing . 'What will happen'. As, even if it has happened for you, there is no way for you to say that it won't happen again for you (IE you are abandoned here) - as you say, paradoxes aren't possible (otherwise we would have had the issue of you existing with yourself). So present my good friend."

D'accord, Mon Ami! the present tense it is: I am born in the year 1969 and I am being recrutied in 1989 by an odd group of lunars. I am in your future, and here in your present, and am doing several jobs so that I will be helping them today 9which is actually 300 years or so from now)

WOW! I like my text better. My past is your future, but then again my future is your past. We share a common past, but it is out of synch...I'll refer to your NOW as my personal now, my subjective past (as long as it take place in your persoanl past) as the past; and everyting that happens ahead of your personal now as the future, although it may have occured in my past.

...long discussion of the Civil war (whihc we are bothin agreement on by the way) not addressed...more for the reason of keeping htis fun debate going by not showing that we actualyl agree on somehting than anything else....

"For a Time-traveller with issues over what tense to use to describe events, you have a pretty clear-cut answer for that question. So, in 1969, when you were born (lot of 9s aren't there?), you reckon that Korean war was not history, even though it happened before you were born?"

How many nine's do you want? I'm counting two 9's right now...the year I was born, and the year I was recruited....how many are you counting?

By proxy, I'll concede with your point. The korean war is a group of events, and it did influence other events. However, tose groups of events are history, not the name for those events. that is a question of semantics, not of truth. so I'll conced your point, although you must understand that I do not think of such things in the same manner that you do.

On historians:

"I thought you said you couldn't spare any operatives? 'What purpose could they serve?' - well, fairly easy actually. They could observe. I bet there a large number of historians who want to go back in time to see what really happened. Excellent. You now have observationalists!"

And likewise, there are a large number of historians that would be missed in liner time, which would mean far too much attention. Historians that are objective are extremely rare, and then having to force them to re-learn events form several different time constructs would be a difficult chore, as it is much harder to unlearn, and then relearn than it is to simply learn.

"They could go back in time to observe... What they already friggin know! So why would you need to observe anything, if you already know "

You, of course, assume the stance that time (as you perceive it) is static and unchanging. and further, your statement here contradicts your previous one. If an historian already knows, then why would they ever want to go back in time and experience it as it already happened?

"So then you must be lying (or misdirecting, if you so prefer) about observing. Your actions are certainly inconsistant to that effect (is it really neccessary to have people who want to interfere with time to observe?)."

Really? My actions are not consistent? What have I done? How do you know? Again, you are assuming a posture of stoic 'factuality' as you perceive it, and your philosophy shall not and will not accomidate anything contrary to the set of ideas that are, to you, facts. I can do my job in this era, and observe unrelated events to whatever ends I need to. I am sorry that you feel that whether or not you had eggs or pancakes for breakfast, the choice of supporting Manchester Untied or another soccer team this week, and the experiemnt running in your lab are all interrelated.

You are again assuming the idea that I am singular in my purpose and that I am far too much an imbecile to watch one chain of events, whilst I later act on others.

From your stance, everything I might say, even if it is the truth, will be perceived from your viewpoint as a lying. I have no need to convince you. In fact, it would do me good to find someone that I cannot possibly convince. I wrote my final message yesteday, but it would lend lots of credence if I could find somebody that aboslutely has the opinion that I am a fraud (and all the others that replied to me privately in regards to being time travelers or poser's need not apply) to my ultimate goal of being here on this website.

""My subject area, as you so named it, is not even America"
So your currency of choice is the American dollar, but you don't know anything about America, even though that's the economy you are effectively riding on in order to gain cash. Interesting tactics. Are money issues in the future normally this well thought out? Probably no surprise you need a fund-raiser..."

This is very rich, very verboose, and is more like 'grasping at straws' than being an observation.


Now, for a moment, pretend that you can step outside of your box that is flooded with unacceptance and prejudice. Whom would yo urecruit to work in America, a Danish lady from the 1800's, a Hun, somebody from South America in the 210's, or an American from the same era (give or take 50 years)?

In the future, per se, there ar eno money issues. The reich controls it, and they simply take what they want. The rest have to scramble for crumbs. When I say that I am a fund raiser, that is a bit misleading. of course, your assumptions are based upon a banal understanding of raising monies, which is not the entire case. Money is easy to acquire, just check your archaelogical records for unusal finds and you'll see how easy it is. A clay bowl that is worthless a thousand years ago, is worth a fortune in this era.

Likewise, gold futures purchased 4 years ago are worth more than double what they are in this today.

No genius required!

I am an American, but I have no intense or intimate knowledge of anything about Americana beyond what is taught in most high schools twenty of your years ago. it is not needed, and the idea that I need to know about who said what, at what moment, and to whom will have a direc tbearing upon how much money I am supposed to inves tinto gold futures, is beyond my understanding. To me, it simply does not matter. I do not need to know all of the details behind the internal cobusiton automobile to put the key in and drive it. Likewise, I do not need to be advancely versed in the concepts of science, physics, stinrg theory, and quantum mehcanics, as well as each and every detail of hwat happened at each moment in every part of this nation 9becaus ei am in it right now it it THIS nation), to cash in on Microsoft stocks.

"My only question is who would refuse to fund all this in the first-place? 'We're planning to avert disaster for the human race'. I can't imagine what the reply would be like... Yeah, I'd love to, but, you know, I actually enjoy all this wasteland!"

Firstly, this is not your only question, this is your fifth!

And I NEVER said that I was looking for investors, you assumed that from your predisposition, and perhaps the coments of others; but I never said so much or even intimated it. Funds are monies, resources, and supplies of various kinds. I acquire those wihtout having to pull the far too curious into the loop.

You again took the stance that I was looking for inversotrs. I never said anything in support of that, and it is mererly a fabrication of yours used to support your own arguments.

Investors do not panout in the long term. Likewise, you assume that I am merely speaking about money. There are more things in this world, in any time, than money.

"And no, I don't hold stereotypes for guessing what nationality someone is... given you yourself say that you are born in America, and...
"However, the American language "
Would imply both that you're American, and would suggestively imply that I also use, given you were commenting on the corrections as being part of the 'American' language. Surprise, just Standard English for myself. Although I don't take it upon myself to correct slang-differences. Ization and Isation both still read the same, for example."

And thank you for illustating my point. I DO speak american, and you do not. Two peoples seperated by dialects. then again, you refer to American as slang, whilst the English choose to mispronounce words such as SHIRE as SHEAR. Now if we could toss a Canadian of this era (with their rather obtuse method of speaking) we could all three be equally confused by what the other is saying.

"Personally, I'd use time-travel to sway the arguments. If you know what your opponent says, you could counter it before it's even been written! Although this would lend very obvious support to your argument that you can time travel. And hey presto, you can beat everything I've said! But you haven't, so never mind."

This is excellent! you of course assume that I have an infernal here somewhere in my pocket! You also assume that tha ttravelling through time is the equivalent of flippijng a light switch. It isn't! Likewise, you assume tha tany time traveller would use there meothods to persuade otheres....this is simply inane. What could I gain? Possibly some infinite debate on the internet likened to the hallowed and false prophet John Titor, possibly my own cult of yeah-sayers? If I were here to acheive stardom and a fan base, I would have ready proof availabel that would become the hallmark of controversy.

Also, you must understand that those that use time travel ar eusually the targets of anyone else that is also using it. hence why the Lunars live such a short life. If you were to use time travel fo ryour own perosnal gain, you would enjoy a great life through your personal manipulation. This would be short lived, as you would become a thrat to the reich, to the othe rlunars, and to us.

and i haven't? Of course i haven't! I am not here to jump through your hoops, I am here to do a job and then report.

AS wizards of the past are assumed to be the illusionists of your today, the self-made gods of your tomorrow are assumed to be the Lunars of your future.

The path of serving only onesself spirals ever downward....and aside from that, if I directly influenced my entries here, it would nullify our bet.

"If that was true, it would be more likely you would have sent 'Thugs' after me to just eliminate me entirely and stop that from even possibly occuring"

Here's some breaking news for you...for the most part they don't like me! I think that they are a callous gang of ruffians...ill-educated (even to me) , and crass. I have no authority to send them anywhen. And if I did, why would I chance the waste of energy to frag another idle dissenter? This era need lots of people like you, those firm in their beliefs (based upon whatever they hodl to be true) for us to do what we do. If the whole world suddenly looked around intently and took notice, keeping an eye out fro travellers, agents, muses, and thuggies, they would catch on. For us, this would mean diaster. We don't need those that hide under their covers chanting "there's no such tings as ghosts", we need those that wish to believe but cannot.

"Then again, how do you know that by coming back in time, you are causing your future to happen?"

I do not. Any changes in the stream that occur when I anm in the stream effect me as much as anyone else. When I am gapped (having jumped form one time to another) I have my memories, and they remain intact in my memory, but are germaine to the era I am experiencing as my now. My personal past is my own, and there is sometimes some fallout, but my now is as subject to change as yours is.

"Strange. I don't remember instantly growing up and aging."

How is it in your brain? Is it a chronological order, meaning that you have to start at second one, and then move forward to experience it anew, or is it a an event that you can bring up at will? You hold all of your personal past in you rmind of experience to be brought in an instant, but yet you cannot conceive fo the actual experience being the same? So then, either your brain is wired incorerctly, or your perception of time is. By your definition, there can be no compromise betwixt the two. Either you start at the beginniong and move forward, or you can jump about it at will. which is it? If time is truly linear, then you must, by definition, start at the beginning and move forward. If you can insert your being into any given point, then it is not linear. You have no problem with recalling an event in the past at the speed of thought and reliving it, but you cannot see how that might apply to things that you are not yet aware of.

Just because all things happen at the same moment inthe same time does not mean that we perceive it thusly. With your illustrated knowledge can you not admit that our perceptions are primitive and very limited?

On your ecelelnt argument against my example of white light:

Yes, true, very interesting. It does not change the fact that perception and reality are different things and that all the advanced ideas that describe reality (in an attempt to make it become our perspective) do not change the fact that is, simply is.

"The great decendants of the people who lived in the basements. Now I worry about our future."

If what I say makes you fret over the future, just look at those in their twenties today! undeucated, non-caring, desiring comfort above justice....keep in mind tha tin your twilight hours that they will be running the world.

I weep for your future.

On the thuggies:

"What might that involve? Saving people? Killing? (Probably that's all it does involve)."

The thiggies are the elite group of operatives that change the scene after those such as myself set it up. They are not above saving, nor are they above killing. They are a particular breed that I feel border upon the sociopathic. Usually a muse is called in shortly after they've operated to draw attention away from what they've done. they do save. they do kill. But they also do do othe rthings that defy definition for a simple debate.

""I very much enjoy the Lemming remark."
Called 'Appeal to Common Practices'. If you got some spare time, you should look it up. "

Again you assume that I have no intelelct, or at least knowledege of basic psycholgy. I do realize that I have done nothing to demonstrate this, and have actually said things that have a negative impact on this idea.

So then I ask you...if everyone claims that time travel travel is not possible, would you agree?

Of course, at this juncture, you shall appeal to common practices and say no. you will give me al sorts of reasons, such as how the universe is moving, and the boundaries that really aren;t there, and such. But again, Mr. Rusty Lemming, which is it? do you appeal to your common practices, or not?
Durphy, I'm having a hard time believing you're an American WILST reading BETWIXT the lines. Sorry, I don't thing so and if you were, you wouldn't claim to be the only one. How arrogant.

I have never met, nor seen direct evidence of, any alien lifeforms. However, most people believe quite firmly that there are other intelligent lifeforms elsewhere.

You haven't ventured to other worlds, star systems or galaxies in your time? ("You" meaning the people of the 24th Century).
"Durphy, I'm having a hard time believing you're an American WILST reading BETWIXT the lines. Sorry, I don't thing so and if you were, you wouldn't claim to be the only one. How arrogant. "

Durphy? I like that! It's sort of a combination of my nomer and the word "dumb". "Durphy Darwin". Truly rich!

And, you're absolutely correct, by reading between the lines you can see how arrogant I am, when it is obvious that I am NOT the ONLY american.

If you did, however, mean that you feel that I am not an American, and that I am making claims that I am the ONLY time traveler, then you are wrong on both counts. I am very American. And I never said that I was the only time traveler, I merely said that I am the only one here as far as I can tell (meaning here, on this website. I may be mistaken and there are others here as well all having a chuckle as well).

As I metioned earlier, other worlds yes. Other galaxies? I do not know, but I do not think so. To be honest, I've never bothered to look into it.

I was merely answering a direct question about ALien lifeforms, which seems to be a recurring topic. Myself, I have seen anything that even hints at such, and it is not a topic in the briefing sessions.
Geeez! You misread BETWEEN the lines. An American would NOT use the words "WILST" and BETWIXT". That lingo is from a different region, more like the UK!

You are not an American and you have an excuse for everything, don't you?
If I'm wrong, I apologize. Your posts are very confusing to read. I have no idea where yours begin and end. I'm off this thread and still do not believe you're a timetraveler. It's not even interesting to read. Too many come on here claiming to be an authentic T.T. How did you come to the conclusion that Titor is fake? That's the one statement you've made that convinces me that you are a liar.
Well CatJammin, that was most certainly verbose!

Firstly you undeniably call me from a different country simply based upon my manner of typing, because your understanding of the American language does not include such words as elephantine, whilst, or betwixt. Do you have a dictionary? Have you travelled elsewhere in America and experienced the varied dialects? Just because I don't limit myself, does not mean that I cannot hail from a country, it simply means that I, perhaps, utilize my vocabulary.

And yes, yes, I understand that every two weeks or so, there is some Lunar that pops their heads up and proclaims that they are a time traveler. I understood as much, and am amused by this. Ther are so many graven images around, it is so easy to dismiss the actuality...most especially when you are seeking the second coming of what was yet another graven image, and hold no vlaidity to those that speak the truth, just wihtout as much charisma.

As far as not being interesting, why should it be? The romance kindled by an idea is generally much more entertaining and exciting than the reality. Shall I dance about? Shall I do a parlor trick that will simply be dismissed?

And again, you hold a candle to Titor and exclaim that he has to be the real thing. Odd, why is that so? Because he had some pictures? Because he had a user's manual that anybody could have made at the local copy shop? Because he knew some of the lingo about quantum mechanics and string theory that I lack?

I shall not dishonor the efforts of Titor by pointing out that the very basis of his story is suspect, nor shall I point out the myriad of faults with his well-worked con.

And if you've read my entries, I had no such expectations of being believed; in fact, I am quite amazed that the amount of ridicule thrown to me is so civil and so slight.

Had anyone asked about florid details of some events that I have experienced, or specific (rather than general) detaisl about things germaine to my experience, I could provide them easily, and you might be entertained

But the fallacious, and preconceived notion that a shooter must hold an advanced doctorate in physics, be an historian that knows the details and minutae of each and every event everywhen, and also be a captivating linguist that appeals to your fears and logic, is beyond the scope of what truly is.

I shall divulge a small secret about true time travelers. In the event that we are captured and questioned, our first and best defense is to simply tell the truth. Nobody will believe, and rather than be seen as a covert or direct threat, we are merely locked away and swept under the carpets.

Now ask me about the disc guns, ask me about the experience through the infernal, ask me about watching SpaceShipOne launch...even ask me about life at Yaz, and I can relate those with details and entertain you.

However, cryptic and haunting statements that are contrived to have you fill in the blanks is not my personality.

So you may, without hesistation, call me what is your wont, as it is what is expected.
quoted Dar:
Had anyone asked about florid details of some events that I have experienced, or specific (rather than general) detaisl about things germaine to my experience, I could provide them easily, and you might be entertained

Oh!, Please OP, Elaborate!!!

Best Regards
The City @ Izaks D Crater
The City
are you related to the ""news of the future" office...located to the east of New Jersey?

is one of the assignments you have?

What about an EARTHQUAKE 38°N, 122°W tonight at 11:19 PM EST?


Link for the TT Operative....

Sorry to announce....

or is related to a another TT group..

They post early future news:

Sorry to Announce Tammy Faye died tomorrow at 08:17 AM EST

For reference check time stamp...

and so on...

Sorry to announce. Dow down 318 points tomorrow.

This really mess up the timeline....

Best Regards
The City @ Izaks D Crater

The City on the far side of the moon...
Catjammin has made a good point. After all---

"Shall I dance about?"

"Shall I do a parlor trick?"

"...local copy shop"

"...call me what is your wont."

You sound quite like an educated Victorian Brit. If you really are an American, you must stop reading Dickens immediately. :D

Having read your story, I must say I find it a bit ironic (and yes humorous) that you made the following error:

Correct me if I am wrong, but in your story you claim that one of your primary functions as a time traveler is to merely observe. Yet your misappropriation of Packerbacker's nom de plume tends to exhibit to all that your observation skills are somewhat sub-par.


Thanks for the assist. I would like to point out that most contemporary Americans would note the reference in the name to a well-known sports team and not make that mistake. But a European might not notice it. On the otherhand, what most do not know is that for decades the main industry of Green Bay has been paper.Hmmmm. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Only limit on debates is the lengths of the posts. Which is a shame as I'm sure if we kept adding 0.3 of a post and times it by however many posts we decided to use, it would probably outdo most books on the reading front.

"No, actually, you bring it up at several points in each and every entry."
Which, having said that it is so solid and easily availible, you don't give an example of this. I assure you, my posts usually leave the discussion of personal communication skills at the end, as it tends just to hinder debates as people feel I am personally attacking them. Which means they are often in for a shock as my personal attacks are certainly a lot more insulting than pointing out a few flaws.

"There are no contradiction in what I've written, only what you perceive as being a contradiction beased upon your predispostion. As is evidenced in my answers, you make an assumption, assume it as afactual, and then cry nay at it based upon your translation, not what I've said."
If I can't assume it to be true and cry nay about it, then I can't really see what alternative I have to that...

Oh, and no need to evidence something I clearly state in the first post. I often introduce people to what methods I use so that they can't use it against me as being untruthful or being deceitful. Now, unless you're willing to supply evidence that what you say is either true or false so I don't have to make assumptions, I can't see myself answering without making an assumption.

"So you accuse me of being UNABLE to supply my birthdate, but yet you admit that nobody has asked, not even yourself. In your critical thinking, have you not come across the idea that calling foul to somebody on an imagined point is not critical or logical, but merely a form of aggressive stance?"
No, but Critical Thinking does make a hole in what you're saying here - It isn't neccessary for someone to ask in order to supply a date of birth. Like I said, since you were so keen on giving *vague details* about your date of birth (none of which were actually asked about either), and don't have any problems with specific details (given you wanted everything in the open, being the best place to hide), then giving your specific date of birth would not be a problem.

@Civil War

@Korean War
You've not really explained why you see it definitely as history (past), but, have issues with understanding the concept of time (past/present/future). In response to your comment on different understanding, for this question to have been made, I would have needed to understand that you see things differently.

I would find that odd to need to train historians in alternate events as by the nature of history, as they have to consider what could have happened to gain an understanding of the events. They are also needed to make judgements on courses of action, whether they were good or bad, and whether they could have been improved or not. Not just information gathering and reaching a conclusion (actually, lack of information makes reaching a conclusion difficult).

I also query, if they are so hard to obtain, then how do you know all historians only want to preserve history? Large number of the historians I've met would love to have a pop at changing things. Talking of changing, how do you avoid the Grandfather rule?

"which would mean far too much attention."
Thousands upon thousands of people go missing every year and no crack-pot conspiracy theorists going running around shouting TIMETRAVELLERS TOOK THEM. We're ten historians less. Do you honestly think we would notice?

"If an historian already knows, then why would they ever want to go back in time and experience it as it already happened?"

The same ones you recruited to do exactly that (upon which you found out they refused to change it, even though you're now implying that they wouldn't want to experience it in the first place).

"how many nine's do you want? I'm counting two 9's right now...the year I was born, and the year I was recruited....how many are you counting?"
Four. Don't forget the second digit nine (even if you do have a fetish for last-number digits as 9 too).

"Again, you are assuming a posture of stoic 'factuality' as you perceive it, and your philosophy shall not and will not accomidate anything contrary to the set of ideas that are, to you, facts."

I love this. People assume I'm the black and white (kinda ironic catagorising me as such isn't it?) type of person when they claim life is all shades of grey. Tell me, if it isn't black n white, then why are you catagorising it as shades of grey?

Sorry to disappoint, but my philosopy is not as easy to predict as my arguments are. I hold so many conflicting values in that department that I would exceed the character limit on this post just covering the contents page. Although I do personally enjoy (and equally despise) toying with my personal future. Foresight is very effective in tactical decisions. I've casually disrupted many well-planned attempts simply through foresight of their location. Like a cheat, but for life.

Oh, and ever heard of the Temporal Time Paradox? It's where a person with time-modifying abilities elicts a series of events that traps themselves in a time loop which is either difficult or impossible to escape from (imagine groundhog day, but it only loops when you die). This may be lesser perceived as Deja Vu, Reincarnation or simply bouts of sickness. It also convientantly grants immortality. Like putting a do{}while(dead = true); statement around your personal timezone.

Sorry if I shattered the illusion I was a complete idiot at time who needs to be spoken to like a 5-year old child that has accidentally wandered into the pornographic section of a bookstore.

Which has probably trashed the other half (and remainer) of your post in response. Anything left is just trival work and dealing with them would only serve to tie off loose ends.

I don't like loose ends, so I'll quickly tie them off.

The people here are on a forum who have some princible ideas of time. Trying to make out it is all confusing and complicated when it's actually not just makes you look relatively (haha, pun) foolish and somewhat entertaining.

Who honestly gives a damn what people think?

Saying nothing about investors means you said nothing about your work. Which you didn't do. Which is why this sentence exists in the first place. If you hadn't mentioned investors as part of your work, this sentence would not have existed debating that point. Like I said, I would use time to assist in arguments.

Time is truly a wonderful work of the imagination which actually doesn't exist, although it does help put things into context. Really, what everyone is trying to achieve is to create an event that affects another event that occurs in a chain. Basically, Quatum Physics - you're asking to affect one particle with another without them actually touching or meeting. Practically, teleportation. Do you know how hard this is to achieve?

Rhetorical question by the way.

Knowledge is not the same as intelligence. You might have the smartest brain in the world for all I care - doesn't mean you know critical thinking.

No need to worry about my future(s) (so fun choosing), I just worry about yours.