I am here for now on assignment

Thank you Ecce Signum;

As far as calling my naysayers a pack of hyenas, I do get your allehgory, but there is no need to liken them to carrion rippers.

I did not and do not expect to be believed, especially here. This website is filled with those that hope to experience a time traveller, but have very solid ideas of the feel things should be. If a traveler comes forward (and I think that thusfar I am the only one), they would rather pick them apart to preserve their viewpoint, rather than accept the possibility that a time shooter isn't one of the scientists that understands the inner workings of sciences and the universe, but an operative trained to do a job. In all honesty, it is so much easier to find smomebody just smart enough to do what needs to be done, but stupid enough to go out and do it, than it is to risk the resources fo those that understand time, the iuniverse, and those infernal infernals. As much as I like to think to the contrary, I am am expendable; but those that can shoot me through the course of space and time are not. Whom would you risk?

I only came from the future, I did not come from it, so my manner of speaking is very similar to this era. Likewise, most expect any traveler to be entirely versed with their ideal of a time traveler, and to somehow know everything that they suppose is fact and to then spout it off to their satisfaction. In three syllable, That Ain't Me.

Likewise, if the yawns of the others represent the plehtora of those that have made similar claims, I would be rather bored myself. The Grievans Bible makes a similar statement I'm paraphrasing here) : All wished to see the messiah, but but demanded proof of him , other than Mary Mag. The saviour found that those he would save ridiculed him, as the oceans of false saviors before him had polluted the waters.

I am here on this website to observe this...and to settle a bet over a bottle of scotch with one of my few friends at Yaz. Thus far, I am losing this bet.

Let them feast, let them debunk. We shooters, by very design, are shot through wihtout proof of our truth. If captured by the local military or law enforcement, our usual defense is to speak the truth. We are usualyl then deemed lunar and then locked away until we can be retrieved.

A true time traveler would have nothing that would implicate themselves as such. We don't carry around any photos as proof, nor do we run around with top-secret documents tucked into our underwear. That is just inane. The biggest worry is that doing so will either countermand the events leading up our altering, or create another faction vying against us.

So let them debunk, it will have no effect on me. hopwever, I would warrant, that in a few weeks to a few months, when I am gone, some, although unconvinced will look back and see that although I did not spin and eloquent tall-tale such as M.r Isaac Asimov, or I did not use some poorly derived but 'better' form of future lingo for everyone to try to sort out. that there is a kernel of something here that defies all the posers.
As recall will tell you, a poser is somebody that attempted to look and act like a heavymetal band, but was merely putting on a show.

Everything is event driven /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Everything is event driven. When 911 occurred then the preceding event resulted in going to Iraq. If 911 didn’t occur we would not be in Iraq. 911 could have happened a week later and we would still go into Iraq therefore time is somewhat irrelevant. With out 911 occuring that future would not occur for Iraq.

Remote viewers look for event make their predictions also. So from my perspective it is event driven not time dependent. So if a specific event does not occur the proceeding event then just don’t happen, no context. It is just that easy to be more clear, specific timelines don’t occur for that probably reality. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

That was not the precept of your second question. had you asked me if events are derivative of other events, I would have naturally answered in the positive. You however, retorted in stating that one event has a causal effect on another event. You directly asked me if time is dependent upon events taking place anywhen or if time is solely dependent upon time.

Of course an event has an effec ton other events, this is T-mas! But if you ask me if time is event driven, please don't expect an answer about whether events are event driven.

About frequencies.

You said that whatever you have on your persons goes back through the Infernal with you.
But what if you are carrying a baby, or a small animal or another item with another frequency does it still go easily with you? Is there a way to block their frequency by wrapping something around them so one can take them back? Or does this not matter?

How do you find the frequency of a person to reverse shoot them if you are here? Is there a special device to scan them with? How do you send the coordinates back are you in communication with your people here?

Can you just attach a frequency emitter to another person to reverse shoot or does their own frequency mess up the signal to lock on?

What type of frequency are we talking about that it locks onto? I still don't understand that part.
Can you type an example of a human frequency code so I can see what it looks like?

What happens if you send the wrong code to the infernal? Does someone else on the planet just disappear that happens to have the code? Or does the location matter as well?

Is there certain things that can change a persons frequency? If so...what are they?
If it changes can they not be picked up or does their code have a small range of variation that it locks on?
Do peoples frequencies change throughout time. Does a person at 25 have the same frequency they did at 5?

If you were told to go back and pick up a small dog and this was your mission and you didnt know the dogs frequency beforehand how would you go about preparing to reverse send it through the infernal. Please give me a step by step detail.

P.S. If such an event like choosing thick crust over thin was trying to be changed for me it would have reached T-mas already because I like thick crust and not thin crust and NO ONE would be able to change that! LOLOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

"Dar, This is Thuggie#2 abort mission. event has reached T-Mass and cannot be changed! This must have tried to be changed a few hundred times already!"

Stubborness might account for perhaps 50 percent of your T-masses? LOL
I am here on this website to observe this...and to settle a bet over a bottle of scotch with one of my few friends .... Thus far, I am losing this bet.

Me thinks Darwin may have paid his debt and left. ??
...or maybe he was fragged. hopefully not. it is interesting though how he stated around 7.7.7 that he was expecting Russia to become an aggressive superpower that he had not seen. The news lately suggests that Russia is looking to gain more muscle.
Hello Darwin. I cannot say I've had much success understanding the majority of your post (this is quite a large statement given I've had experience with a large number of long posts from other forums who have different arguments, viewpoints etc each with their own bizarre line of thinking).

Allow me to explain what I mean. When I read through a post on a forum, I look for different strengths and weaknesses (which involves some element of 'Critical Thinking' or looking for Fallacies). It also enables me to spot lies with relative ease as I look for faults.

You see, lies suffer the intolerable fate where information, given as facts, have the tendency to contradict each other, as the brain, when generating false information, does not hold the same level of consistancy as the execution of life as a whole. This is if the facts are assumed true - there is still the underlying flaw of a lack of proof, but I overlook that to get into the mind of the poster so to speak.

Allow me to demostrate.

I was born in the midwest of the United States in the late 1960's.
I have no direct knowledge historical events, or other factors from about 20 years ago
But surely 1960 would grant a 40 year insight, and not a mere 20 year insight?
as you can give me an accurate post-diction of what happened on My 17th, 1883
One inconsistancy. You might pass that up as a typo...

Australian wars of independence in the late 1700's
You're right about the lack historical research. Australia was granted freedom by Britain, which meant that any war was completely unneccessary...

This freedom was given much later, along with Canada, which, as we know, was formed after 1700's...

Next contradiction. You say you are here...
on assignment to observe a chain of events that should happen
But, you reckon that actually...
My area of expertise is misdirection and fund raising
Wait, what? You're here to observe, but instead misdirect and gain cash? Observe would surely imply just watching, rather than actively doing anything... which would defeat the purpose of your post in the first place!

What I also can't get over is the slight ego-comment...
I can spell, I am literate
Except your posts are littered with spelling mistakes and issues with grammar. Perhaps all this time travel screwed up your understand of Past, Present and Future Tense? :D
you pasters will see

I was keeping an open mind, but your large number of contradictions are putting me on the defensive. You better come up with something better than a few quirky Quake and Farscape cliché catchphrases, other than relying on pure generalisations that sound like you're reading a political horoscope!

if you are born in the 1960s and left this time era in teh late 1980's, went to the future , then came back to 2008, why would you have any knowledge of the past 20 years of history from 1988-2008?

and as for australian wars in teh 1700's, well, after the British brought 160,000 convicts to australia, and the free immigrants joined them, there was a struggle (war) for power in the 1790's. The indigeneous people of Australia and teh aristocy suffered greatly.

just an FYI on your ripping of Dar.
its funny how facts arent always facts. i find it highly amusing when a fact becomes an opinion /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Rusty, a few more comments, ...

(and no, I am not Dar just because I am defending him).

being literate is a level of education, however on a board like this, the spelling and grammar is not the important factor, the conversation and information is. I don't go back a spell check a post like this? why would I, its an unnecessary waste of time.

Beidses, you olny need to hvae the fsrit and lsat ltetres of ecah wrod be cerrcot for smoneoe to udnreatsnd it awnyays. See?

And ever think that maybe while watching events happen there is a need by someone who is in need of funding to build a prototype machine that help change future events for the better. And a series of events are markers for when this funding is best placed?

All I'm saying is that your knowledge is limited and keep an open mind.
past 20 years of history from 1988-2008
Given that his post is in 2007, 1987-2007. The only problem with that is it leaves 7 years unaccounted for from when he supposed left (1980) and when it was twenty years ago (1987) (or, if in your example, 8 years).

Which has brought up a new contradiction to my attention.
well, after the British brought 160,000 convicts to australia, and the free immigrants joined them, there was a struggle (war) for power in the 1790's
But not one of independance! That's where the catch lies. I only ask (if my history really is bad) what stops him or anyone else looking it up and going 'I know history, therefore I can time-travel'.
Hiya Pam!

No I did not get fragged, nor did I get pulled back yet. I have been spending my nanos here on other things, and just now had a moment to myself.

On frequencies:

Frequencies are somewhat difficult to explain, as I do not understand them fully myself. A person's frequency is kind of like an electromagnetic thumbprint (being as it is unique to each and every person, and changes very little). It was explained to me, as a unique electromagnetic aura.

Being my usual self, I then inquired about identical twins...I was told to do my job and leave the science to the big boys.

The visual examples I've seen of particular human frequencies look very much like an elongated bar-code, the type you see on mose packages), only about four thousand times the length.

One cannot enter the wrong code into the infernal, as it scans you before you go through. That machine is locked, so to speak, until the first shooter is retrieved, or their signal degrades into nothing, which means they are dead whenever they may be.

Now other people, and creatures can be brought back, but it is not as simple as you described it. In general, to bring back another creature (at least alive) Oone has to get pulled back, arrange the pickup, then reshoot, or somebody else has to go, and scan the person, or puppy.

...to be honest, I don't have a clue about hte puppy, as we've never tried to bring back an animal...

Once their frequency is recorded, the shooter then has to go back and load that scan into another infernal. Only then can they be pulled back.

I know that non-living objects do not have these frequencies, so they can be beaconed. However, for non-perishable items, it is easier to just secure them and pick them up further up the stream.

I do know that one can put an activate dbeacon on a lving being, or it will mean some sort of disaster...that could be that they simply die, that they do not get retrieved, or that they come back alive, but all fugazied.

And I agree with you, stubborness; the human factor which I attempted to describe earlier; has quite a bit to do with T-mass. Jus tbecause somebody came from another era does not mean that they are omnipotent and can counter all other possible factors, including stubborness.

An added note to your 'event driven' idea.

You are not talking about time, you are speaking of the fact that events spawn other events. If there had been no 9-11 attacks, there might not have been the US invasion of Iraq....

However, that does not mean that time does not march onward.

Events are event driven, time simply is.
Eric Carr;

AS I've said before, and looks like I will have to say again further down...

I don't do much actual changing of the time stream. I raise money, I misdirect, and I observe when need be.

We only have 29 current Thuggies (the ones that inflict the changes), and a little over a dozen of those like me, and about 15 more that only observe.

Some recent events that I have had a direct, or cooperative influence on...

March 28, 2004: The French Regionals
Mid January 2004: The Harold Shipman Death
Early 2004: NATO expansion
Late 2004: The European Constitution

late 2000 to early 2001: The cloning of a guar
Januray 2001: The 'suicide' of one of the Texas-7
May 2001: The Italian House Of Liberties' rise
Late 1970's: helping with the invention of the 'kryptonite rock' to captilize.

My involvement in most of those events is extremely minimal.

No, I have not been retracted yet. I have pretty much lost my bet about what the mentality would be amongst the 'open-minded' peoples in this era, so that will be a bottle I'll have acquire.

I truly doibt (an dhope) that I am not so i,portant to be in the UIC's sites. I am actuall a minor player in the game, although most of my subjective time is spent in the field.

However, given from when I come from, being here is like a vacation in paradise.

As far as the Red Bear (Russia) is concerned, there is much more going on behind the iron curtain than the press lets you know about.

I must first admit that my first instinct was to simply ignore your cacaphony of assumptions; however you directed these self-perceived problems to me with politeness and in a matter-of-fact fashion, so I shall endeavor to do the same to you...giving you the same sense of honor that you relayed to me.

To requote your quotes from myself:

"I was born in the midwest of the United States in the late 1960's."

which you say is contradicted by:

"I have no direct knowledge historical events, or other factors from about 20 years ago"

and then edify with:

"But surely 1960 would grant a 40 year insight, and not a mere 20 year insight?"

First off, I was BORN in the late 1960's! Not in 1960. I was 20 or so years old when recruited, it was have been 1989.

From there I jumped around from era to era, with some brief stops in the late 1970's, 1986, 2001 and a long haul in 2004.

So if this is 2007, and I haven't been in yor timestream since about 1989...what is that...??? 20 years! Now when you study history, do youmemorixe each and every event in a localized part of the world, a very small part, or do you learn about general trends, major facts, and other such things?

From this era, I have no direct knowledge of events, most especially specific events, only general impressions, such as one might have learned in a classroom.

Amd on this piece of information that you hold onto:

"Australian wars of independence in the late 1700's"

And you say there were no such battles. History, being the recording of events drawn by the winners of the battles, is very subjective. If the were 'given' freedom, but it wasn't realized until many years later, what do you think may have happened.

Likewise, any party that wins a war for control, always calls it the war of independence. In America, the Fourth of July is celebrated as the the declaration of that nation's independence. However, in England it is noted as the beginning of the rebellion of the colonies. Who is correct?

And if you must know, two or more factions battled against each other, much like royalists and individualists, and the winners declare it their independence.

On what I do:

I am amazede that you have picked out certain parts of my prose, and ignored others...we've already had this conversation twice!

You state that because I specialize in fund raising and misdirection that i simply cannot be here to observe. I'm here in this era. There are some things that need to be observed when they occur in thie stream, but that is not my specialty.

I'm think that you more than likely have an occupation, even if it is a singular one, andthat you are sometimes required to do things that are not your specialty. besides, we have a very limited number of active agents that remain sane and can do the job...I simply do what needs done. the thuggies handle the changes, I handle everything else that I can.

And I LOVE this quote:

"Wait, what? You're here to observe, but instead misdirect and gain cash? Observe would surely imply just watching, rather than actively doing anything... which would defeat the purpose of your post in the first place!"

Now if I am here to observe a bonfire, complete with carousing party-goers and I am doing so...would my runing off and reading the paper interfere? Not all things are interrelated. IN fact, there was something BIG that I was also looking for besides the brain can and the interface, and it happened. My sliding a few thousand of american dollars into the Euro and appreciating the gains magnified a few year upstream has nothing to so with other events.

You are correct, I am here mainly to observe. that does not preclude me from doin my other duties, and it does not nullify events in the rest of the world.

And tese comments frag, my Snark!

"What I also can't get over is the slight ego-comment...

In reply to:

I can spell, I am literate


Except your posts are littered with spelling mistakes and issues with grammar. Perhaps all this time travel screwed up your understand of Past, Present and Future Tense"

Of course my prose is littered with spelling and grammer mistakes. I'll sum that up into a few words: I like to get fugazied! And as far as past, present, and future tenses are concerned. I am in my present, but it is my 'past' in regards to when I come from. Likewise, as I talk to people here, they are in their present, but it is both my future and my past. I tire of saying should/will have/ will/ did occur.
If you woke up this next morning (for you) and it was both about 300 years in your subjective past and 20 years into your personal future, what tense would you use?

And as far as grammer goes, I've already stated that the general populace here can no longer conjugate a verb. Is my grammer off, or yours?

And this misquote merely requires some clarification:

"you pasters will see"

We usually say reverends, as a bastardization of the word paster. A paster is somebody tha tis living in our subjective past. As in: from the past

And for your denuemont:

"I was keeping an open mind, but your large number of contradictions are putting me on the defensive. You better come up with something better than a few quirky Quake and Farscape cliché catchphrases, other than relying on pure generalisations that sound like you're reading a political horoscope! "

I firstly stated that i did not expect to be believed. There is no evidence that could be produced to confirm reality to you...likewise there is nothing that i can saty aout the future or the past that will sway you.

I had to ask my borders and I was told that Quake is a video game played by (and I'm quoting) "pepole that live in their mother's basements" and that Farscape was (again I quote) " a very trite and poorly done science fiction show that appeals to the lowest common denominator"

I assume that those terms are insulting, so I apologize. However, the American language consists of 48 phenomes, and a limited number of words. I do not speak as I do here when I am in Yaz, nor do I expect the way the gutteral at year zero is to be anything but mush-mouth speak to you here. So I challenge you to find any instance of how I speak to actualy be cliched!

I appreciate you attempting to keep an open mind, but you must understand that I am not som ejames Bond guy from the future, I am merely a person sent here to do a boring task that falls outside of the tasks that I normally do.

Just because you have some idea of what somebody form the late 1980's that jumoped into the 23rd and 24th and then came back shuold speak like, does not mean that I will hold up to your guage.