Chrono Cadet
Thank you Ecce Signum;
As far as calling my naysayers a pack of hyenas, I do get your allehgory, but there is no need to liken them to carrion rippers.
I did not and do not expect to be believed, especially here. This website is filled with those that hope to experience a time traveller, but have very solid ideas of the feel things should be. If a traveler comes forward (and I think that thusfar I am the only one), they would rather pick them apart to preserve their viewpoint, rather than accept the possibility that a time shooter isn't one of the scientists that understands the inner workings of sciences and the universe, but an operative trained to do a job. In all honesty, it is so much easier to find smomebody just smart enough to do what needs to be done, but stupid enough to go out and do it, than it is to risk the resources fo those that understand time, the iuniverse, and those infernal infernals. As much as I like to think to the contrary, I am am expendable; but those that can shoot me through the course of space and time are not. Whom would you risk?
I only came from the future, I did not come from it, so my manner of speaking is very similar to this era. Likewise, most expect any traveler to be entirely versed with their ideal of a time traveler, and to somehow know everything that they suppose is fact and to then spout it off to their satisfaction. In three syllable, That Ain't Me.
Likewise, if the yawns of the others represent the plehtora of those that have made similar claims, I would be rather bored myself. The Grievans Bible makes a similar statement I'm paraphrasing here) : All wished to see the messiah, but but demanded proof of him , other than Mary Mag. The saviour found that those he would save ridiculed him, as the oceans of false saviors before him had polluted the waters.
I am here on this website to observe this...and to settle a bet over a bottle of scotch with one of my few friends at Yaz. Thus far, I am losing this bet.
Let them feast, let them debunk. We shooters, by very design, are shot through wihtout proof of our truth. If captured by the local military or law enforcement, our usual defense is to speak the truth. We are usualyl then deemed lunar and then locked away until we can be retrieved.
A true time traveler would have nothing that would implicate themselves as such. We don't carry around any photos as proof, nor do we run around with top-secret documents tucked into our underwear. That is just inane. The biggest worry is that doing so will either countermand the events leading up our altering, or create another faction vying against us.
So let them debunk, it will have no effect on me. hopwever, I would warrant, that in a few weeks to a few months, when I am gone, some, although unconvinced will look back and see that although I did not spin and eloquent tall-tale such as M.r Isaac Asimov, or I did not use some poorly derived but 'better' form of future lingo for everyone to try to sort out. that there is a kernel of something here that defies all the posers.
As recall will tell you, a poser is somebody that attempted to look and act like a heavymetal band, but was merely putting on a show.
As far as calling my naysayers a pack of hyenas, I do get your allehgory, but there is no need to liken them to carrion rippers.
I did not and do not expect to be believed, especially here. This website is filled with those that hope to experience a time traveller, but have very solid ideas of the feel things should be. If a traveler comes forward (and I think that thusfar I am the only one), they would rather pick them apart to preserve their viewpoint, rather than accept the possibility that a time shooter isn't one of the scientists that understands the inner workings of sciences and the universe, but an operative trained to do a job. In all honesty, it is so much easier to find smomebody just smart enough to do what needs to be done, but stupid enough to go out and do it, than it is to risk the resources fo those that understand time, the iuniverse, and those infernal infernals. As much as I like to think to the contrary, I am am expendable; but those that can shoot me through the course of space and time are not. Whom would you risk?
I only came from the future, I did not come from it, so my manner of speaking is very similar to this era. Likewise, most expect any traveler to be entirely versed with their ideal of a time traveler, and to somehow know everything that they suppose is fact and to then spout it off to their satisfaction. In three syllable, That Ain't Me.
Likewise, if the yawns of the others represent the plehtora of those that have made similar claims, I would be rather bored myself. The Grievans Bible makes a similar statement I'm paraphrasing here) : All wished to see the messiah, but but demanded proof of him , other than Mary Mag. The saviour found that those he would save ridiculed him, as the oceans of false saviors before him had polluted the waters.
I am here on this website to observe this...and to settle a bet over a bottle of scotch with one of my few friends at Yaz. Thus far, I am losing this bet.
Let them feast, let them debunk. We shooters, by very design, are shot through wihtout proof of our truth. If captured by the local military or law enforcement, our usual defense is to speak the truth. We are usualyl then deemed lunar and then locked away until we can be retrieved.
A true time traveler would have nothing that would implicate themselves as such. We don't carry around any photos as proof, nor do we run around with top-secret documents tucked into our underwear. That is just inane. The biggest worry is that doing so will either countermand the events leading up our altering, or create another faction vying against us.
So let them debunk, it will have no effect on me. hopwever, I would warrant, that in a few weeks to a few months, when I am gone, some, although unconvinced will look back and see that although I did not spin and eloquent tall-tale such as M.r Isaac Asimov, or I did not use some poorly derived but 'better' form of future lingo for everyone to try to sort out. that there is a kernel of something here that defies all the posers.
As recall will tell you, a poser is somebody that attempted to look and act like a heavymetal band, but was merely putting on a show.