Chrono Cadet
Snarf meself to fragged!
I'll rty to quote you in sequence more or less, but that will be difficult, as many of your questions have the same answer.
"I am a believer of many worldlines (so far) but for the sake of argument I shall ask questions about the one worldline theory.": I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The ideal of infinite worldines (the only way the theory would work) based upon infinite people, based upon infinite decisions, based upon infinite outcomes, swayed by infinite others, is simply a cop-out!
How;s this to set it straight from a mater of perspective? No mater what you do, where you go, or what you'll ever ecxperience, you'll only live your one life in your own time.
"If there is only one timeline and several of your group is going constantly in and out of different times in this timeline how do you keep all of your actions in check with each other in altering?":
It is difficult. This is why our archives, and Yaz for tha tmatter, is in a constant stae of fluz that is outside of the timestream. But there are many different histories to account for. It is a mater of keeping records from what "was" to what "ended up happening" that we can guage things. This is not 100% accurate,a s we don't even know to what extent the time stream was altered befoer we started in, let alone the nature of the cosmos to alter things on its own.
"Do you account for several people in the future also coming back and altering the timeline as well?
Do you account for aliens from other worlds, maybe even close ones from another state of development in the planets time who are also space and time traveling?":
Wll if sevreal people go to the same event to alter it, they are all there at the same nano....in that case, those that win win! Do we account for aliens, or tohers from other worlds,or other lines...etc? We account for changes,probability, T-mass, and results. AS far as we know, there are no aliens jumping in a rippling the timestream. If there are, they are not working with us, and then merely become another obstacle to overcome. No matter what influences the timestream, or how, or from when, it is somehting we have to deal with.
"Which would eventually equal an almost eternity of comers and goers through out time.
If this is true there would be a constant.. and I mean constant state of flux in the time line where you could never really be sure of any outcome or truth. Things would always be changing. things would always be replacing other things constantly...even now as I type.":
Firstly, yes time and what has happended changes even now while you type (or I type...probably more forme because I am not used to typing and make many errors). We do have a saying: the first change is easy, the second is enemey action, the third is stupidity. If a single event is changed, it is harde rto change again because it has twice the T-mass. To put it simply, it holds hte weght of the universe as it would have been, PLUS the weight of the universe as it is at that nexus. If that event can be changed again, it will then hold 8 times the T-mass (2*2*2). As this goe son, it becomes harder and harder to alter a singlualr event because so many factors are now involved. A matter of instinct (of the heart) can change time strem more easily than an intentional premediated act can in the firs tplace, using a re-premeditated acxt to change what has been changed is hard, and doing it again is even harder.
And if the event become so focused upon that agent after agent after agnet is sent there, it becomes a free fo rall, with all vying against the others. even though we may come from sperarte personal times, we are all in the same liner time, andit comes down to he who wins, simply wins.
"Whoever makes the last time trip wins...which is no one.. in a circle of time.":
This idea is invalid on two points. No matter when anyone came from from, if they are traveling to event B, tey would al be present at event B, thusly all would be there at the same time. The idea that the first traveler gets ther last is based uponthe diea that all of history must be played out and then reversed in order for anything to be acheived.
Secondly, there are no circles in a lfuid, only currents, which may be circular but are not circles. Time flows linear by our perceptions, therefore we can conceive of no other concept other than a line. It is only by nuderstanding that the line idea is false that one can comprehend everything all at once, with total control of change.
"Or would the one worldline actually be many worldlines all happening at one time(one worldline) but observed as seperate worldlines?": This may be true as you are speaking of obsevation and not fact. I am told and proven by so many facts that I do not fully understand, that there is only one universe andone timestream. How we justify the end-means to save our egos is strictly up to us. If you believe in the infinite wiorldine idea, which is the only way one can percieve worldines being spereate, then ther is currently a world where we are in your year 4852, on April the first, sitting naked, eating pizza, and laughing at those poor sods that thought that we were ferom the year 2347. it wouldn't mater, however, as the rest of the world sees us a Gods (and Godesses) and we laugh about that too! To me, the idea that sch an absurdity has to be a reality beacuse there are infintie timelines on infinite worldlines cause by infite possiblities, is inane. I am in my life, I have an effect on what happens from the moment I am in to the next moment, regardless of whether or not my next moment is congruent with your next moment. Which is more likely, that a person moving out of the timestream can effect the moments of people as they experience them, or that there are infinite numbers of infinite numbers of possibilites that switch back and forth as somebody does something...unless another infintiy has an infinite sway upon it based upon an infinite number of infinite factors.
"What happens if one time period is visited over and over and over and over and over more than the rest? Do you cause some kind of rip? or bleed through? Is there a "breaking point" where one time period simply cannot endure another time traveler having a change on it?":
Again you are speaking of T-mass. The more an event has been changed, the less likely it is to be changed again. I do not know of any rifts that could be caused, as if you give me alever large enough I could move the world, but it becomes exponentially difficult.
"For example (which is over-simplified): If at one time (say this date and time) a traveler paints a certain building yellow and another time traveler sees the building and paints the same building blue and this goes back and forth over a million times with different time travelers each choosing blue or yellow ..is there a point where the building simply looks green? Or are the buildings simply "observed" different?":
This is where temrinology comes in very handy. Designer and I, I htink, are having terminology problems as I am not using temrinolgy that I am akin to, and my useage of TIME makes the meaning muddled. You ar espeaking of an event that is being, more or less, fought over, by factions with different goals (in your exmaple colors of paint). Assuming, form your exmaple, no outside forces, just us, our paint, and whatever...whomever wins, wins. Joe, from the riech would wnat to paint it yellow, I might be fond of pruple, and severasl toehrs would have their colors. We allshowed up at the same event, so we are all there. At that ponit,in this vacuum, it would be a free for all.
Incidentally, it would end up purple (my opinion), my color, because I tend to avoid such games and would make things such that the only color of paint available would be pruple, or set a pruple paint bomb to go off to acheive my goals.
Even with that in mind, with so many changes being ensued upon the event, once the outcome is determined, to go back anbd change it would be a very slick trick,something to quark about..T-mass again
"If a war is fought and a time traveler makes one side win and another makes another side win and this goes on and on and on is there a point where one will find a lost soldier that some how got caught up in the riff? Lost and not being able to tell when and where he is wandering around a feild in an old style uniform? ":
this is another quesiton of T-mass. Each and every inlfuence upon an event adds to the T-mass. There eventually, in theory, comes a poit where no change can be nmade because the effort to do so will exceed the energy at hand. Assuming that a time traveler is there fromthe onset of the war through the duration, each and every time traveler would be there at the same instance. Again, this is a battly royale, and those that win, simply win. The combined eforts exponetially add to the T-mass, so it will be harder to change again, but it is possible.
Thje lost soldier, as is discussed in moves and fiction, is a form of temporal fallout. This does happen, at least with our machines. The infernal is more like a gun, and it is aimed at more or less the precise space and time and then shot off. In the past 7 liner years of the TP, I know of 39 agents that have been lost, and I only know of two of them that were ever recovered. It is a risk we take...and you have to understand for the thuggies, those that actually make the changes and do the nasty deeds, they dont; reallty expect to live past the now.
(as an aside, I plan on living to a full and ancient life and retiring with wealth and luxury to some place...anywhen...that I can ust be alone, eat pizza, and make music)
To answer your question directly, if there is one of our agents on the good guys side, and oneof theirs shootsin later on thebad guy's side, it isn;t event A and then event B, it is event A with the influence of another agent as well.
Fallout is rare, but does happen in about 1 in 100 of our shoots. We are told that it happens in about 1 in 3500 of the reichs shoots as well. Just straspping yourself into the infernal is a gambkle, let alone the outcome.
/geeting your brains fugazied is a always a risk. Getting fragge dduring the trip is another. Ending up in who knows when is a bigger risk, epsecially by not strapping yourself in. But the occurance of a lost soul in time, wihtout knowledge of whom or what or when (from their standpoint) is so rare that it has myth status rahter than a risk status.
Snarf meself to fragged!
I'll rty to quote you in sequence more or less, but that will be difficult, as many of your questions have the same answer.
"I am a believer of many worldlines (so far) but for the sake of argument I shall ask questions about the one worldline theory.": I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The ideal of infinite worldines (the only way the theory would work) based upon infinite people, based upon infinite decisions, based upon infinite outcomes, swayed by infinite others, is simply a cop-out!
How;s this to set it straight from a mater of perspective? No mater what you do, where you go, or what you'll ever ecxperience, you'll only live your one life in your own time.
"If there is only one timeline and several of your group is going constantly in and out of different times in this timeline how do you keep all of your actions in check with each other in altering?":
It is difficult. This is why our archives, and Yaz for tha tmatter, is in a constant stae of fluz that is outside of the timestream. But there are many different histories to account for. It is a mater of keeping records from what "was" to what "ended up happening" that we can guage things. This is not 100% accurate,a s we don't even know to what extent the time stream was altered befoer we started in, let alone the nature of the cosmos to alter things on its own.
"Do you account for several people in the future also coming back and altering the timeline as well?
Do you account for aliens from other worlds, maybe even close ones from another state of development in the planets time who are also space and time traveling?":
Wll if sevreal people go to the same event to alter it, they are all there at the same nano....in that case, those that win win! Do we account for aliens, or tohers from other worlds,or other lines...etc? We account for changes,probability, T-mass, and results. AS far as we know, there are no aliens jumping in a rippling the timestream. If there are, they are not working with us, and then merely become another obstacle to overcome. No matter what influences the timestream, or how, or from when, it is somehting we have to deal with.
"Which would eventually equal an almost eternity of comers and goers through out time.
If this is true there would be a constant.. and I mean constant state of flux in the time line where you could never really be sure of any outcome or truth. Things would always be changing. things would always be replacing other things constantly...even now as I type.":
Firstly, yes time and what has happended changes even now while you type (or I type...probably more forme because I am not used to typing and make many errors). We do have a saying: the first change is easy, the second is enemey action, the third is stupidity. If a single event is changed, it is harde rto change again because it has twice the T-mass. To put it simply, it holds hte weght of the universe as it would have been, PLUS the weight of the universe as it is at that nexus. If that event can be changed again, it will then hold 8 times the T-mass (2*2*2). As this goe son, it becomes harder and harder to alter a singlualr event because so many factors are now involved. A matter of instinct (of the heart) can change time strem more easily than an intentional premediated act can in the firs tplace, using a re-premeditated acxt to change what has been changed is hard, and doing it again is even harder.
And if the event become so focused upon that agent after agent after agnet is sent there, it becomes a free fo rall, with all vying against the others. even though we may come from sperarte personal times, we are all in the same liner time, andit comes down to he who wins, simply wins.
"Whoever makes the last time trip wins...which is no one.. in a circle of time.":
This idea is invalid on two points. No matter when anyone came from from, if they are traveling to event B, tey would al be present at event B, thusly all would be there at the same time. The idea that the first traveler gets ther last is based uponthe diea that all of history must be played out and then reversed in order for anything to be acheived.
Secondly, there are no circles in a lfuid, only currents, which may be circular but are not circles. Time flows linear by our perceptions, therefore we can conceive of no other concept other than a line. It is only by nuderstanding that the line idea is false that one can comprehend everything all at once, with total control of change.
"Or would the one worldline actually be many worldlines all happening at one time(one worldline) but observed as seperate worldlines?": This may be true as you are speaking of obsevation and not fact. I am told and proven by so many facts that I do not fully understand, that there is only one universe andone timestream. How we justify the end-means to save our egos is strictly up to us. If you believe in the infinite wiorldine idea, which is the only way one can percieve worldines being spereate, then ther is currently a world where we are in your year 4852, on April the first, sitting naked, eating pizza, and laughing at those poor sods that thought that we were ferom the year 2347. it wouldn't mater, however, as the rest of the world sees us a Gods (and Godesses) and we laugh about that too! To me, the idea that sch an absurdity has to be a reality beacuse there are infintie timelines on infinite worldlines cause by infite possiblities, is inane. I am in my life, I have an effect on what happens from the moment I am in to the next moment, regardless of whether or not my next moment is congruent with your next moment. Which is more likely, that a person moving out of the timestream can effect the moments of people as they experience them, or that there are infinite numbers of infinite numbers of possibilites that switch back and forth as somebody does something...unless another infintiy has an infinite sway upon it based upon an infinite number of infinite factors.
"What happens if one time period is visited over and over and over and over and over more than the rest? Do you cause some kind of rip? or bleed through? Is there a "breaking point" where one time period simply cannot endure another time traveler having a change on it?":
Again you are speaking of T-mass. The more an event has been changed, the less likely it is to be changed again. I do not know of any rifts that could be caused, as if you give me alever large enough I could move the world, but it becomes exponentially difficult.
"For example (which is over-simplified): If at one time (say this date and time) a traveler paints a certain building yellow and another time traveler sees the building and paints the same building blue and this goes back and forth over a million times with different time travelers each choosing blue or yellow ..is there a point where the building simply looks green? Or are the buildings simply "observed" different?":
This is where temrinology comes in very handy. Designer and I, I htink, are having terminology problems as I am not using temrinolgy that I am akin to, and my useage of TIME makes the meaning muddled. You ar espeaking of an event that is being, more or less, fought over, by factions with different goals (in your exmaple colors of paint). Assuming, form your exmaple, no outside forces, just us, our paint, and whatever...whomever wins, wins. Joe, from the riech would wnat to paint it yellow, I might be fond of pruple, and severasl toehrs would have their colors. We allshowed up at the same event, so we are all there. At that ponit,in this vacuum, it would be a free for all.
Incidentally, it would end up purple (my opinion), my color, because I tend to avoid such games and would make things such that the only color of paint available would be pruple, or set a pruple paint bomb to go off to acheive my goals.
Even with that in mind, with so many changes being ensued upon the event, once the outcome is determined, to go back anbd change it would be a very slick trick,something to quark about..T-mass again
"If a war is fought and a time traveler makes one side win and another makes another side win and this goes on and on and on is there a point where one will find a lost soldier that some how got caught up in the riff? Lost and not being able to tell when and where he is wandering around a feild in an old style uniform? ":
this is another quesiton of T-mass. Each and every inlfuence upon an event adds to the T-mass. There eventually, in theory, comes a poit where no change can be nmade because the effort to do so will exceed the energy at hand. Assuming that a time traveler is there fromthe onset of the war through the duration, each and every time traveler would be there at the same instance. Again, this is a battly royale, and those that win, simply win. The combined eforts exponetially add to the T-mass, so it will be harder to change again, but it is possible.
Thje lost soldier, as is discussed in moves and fiction, is a form of temporal fallout. This does happen, at least with our machines. The infernal is more like a gun, and it is aimed at more or less the precise space and time and then shot off. In the past 7 liner years of the TP, I know of 39 agents that have been lost, and I only know of two of them that were ever recovered. It is a risk we take...and you have to understand for the thuggies, those that actually make the changes and do the nasty deeds, they dont; reallty expect to live past the now.
(as an aside, I plan on living to a full and ancient life and retiring with wealth and luxury to some place...anywhen...that I can ust be alone, eat pizza, and make music)
To answer your question directly, if there is one of our agents on the good guys side, and oneof theirs shootsin later on thebad guy's side, it isn;t event A and then event B, it is event A with the influence of another agent as well.
Fallout is rare, but does happen in about 1 in 100 of our shoots. We are told that it happens in about 1 in 3500 of the reichs shoots as well. Just straspping yourself into the infernal is a gambkle, let alone the outcome.
/geeting your brains fugazied is a always a risk. Getting fragge dduring the trip is another. Ending up in who knows when is a bigger risk, epsecially by not strapping yourself in. But the occurance of a lost soul in time, wihtout knowledge of whom or what or when (from their standpoint) is so rare that it has myth status rahter than a risk status.