I am here for now on assignment

ZI;ve, is merely a typographical error

LOL!!!I know. Sure I jlike to dance. IL like to dance around ysou. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
You flapping fagazi snarfleburger. lol
"As you will note, I can spell, I am literate, and I am not preaching to you and trying to get some mystical point across.

Eigth: "

actually it is Eighth..
mmm PamelaM217 I really do fancy pizza now. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I had one the other day at Pizz Hut. It also had cheese in the crust. On top was goats cheese, black olives, and tomatoes. YUMMY!!
To be quite clear with you these questions come from other time travelers that were ask certain things but I put my own thing on it. Like this one C=ME^2 is the great new equation about 3 time travelers claim it to be true on various cites. What I am trying to do is find consistence between you all. If it terns out in the future that it is false all three of them are frauds. But my problem with you is you’re story is permanently safe just like all other time traveler except John Titor who had a picture of it and a manual that was shown for all to see.

It is really impossible to change the pastnow since the T-MAS is so high in your terms so you really could not exist in the past now. Thus if you walk on the street people would run into you since the past is so fixed (thus a car accident). So from what I understand from you the currentnow is July 2007 and thus the T-MAS is really low I guess and the future now there is no T-MAS since it does not exist yet AM I right. Please correct me if I am wrong because the T-MAS may fluctuate though all time periods then so that time traveler can exist in those periods unimpeded like in July 2007.
hmmmmmmm T-distortion detected...my mail provider Language suddenly change from English to Hebrew...
" משתמשים רשומים בוואלה! משתמשים חדשים "

Op said:
"I was born in the midwest of the United States in the late 1960's. I was recruited as an agent in late 1980's. Since then I have trained and worked with a small group of scientists and others like myself (recruited from various times) to alter the time line to make the future world a place that is safe to live in, free from the reich."

The End of Eternity continuum...ala Isaac Asimov Style

Quoted from Wikipedia:

"The Eternity of the title is an organization and a place which exists outside time. It is staffed by humans (usually male) called Eternals who are recruited from different eras of human history commencing with the twenty-seventh century. The Eternals are capable of traveling “upwhen” and “downwhen” within Eternity and entering the conventional temporal world at almost any point of their choice, apart from a section of the far future which they cannot enter. Collectively they form a corps of Platonic guardians who carry out carefully calculated and planned strategic minimum actions, called Reality Changes, within the temporal world in order to minimise human suffering as integrated over the whole of (future) human history."


I like this T-Grid, too.
specialy the info you can get from the web like this, banned by the future Reich:


Apollo 20 Alien Spaceship on The Moon CSM Flyover

First off, you are assuming that I am a physicist, and have more or less stated that it is your belief that nay time traveler must be well-versed in such things. That is akin to assuming that any passenger on a jet would be able to tell you how it is desgined, as well as discuss the principles of aerodynamics that are pertinent.

Also, one forgets that physics, in general, is a mathematical description tha tmore or less accurately predicts the outcome of physical events. Newton's physics reigned for a very long time, einstein's adaptation of them proved Newton to be 'wrong', or at least not as accurate as his vision. It has been known, even in my childhood that Einsteian physics arenot entirely correct as well. When one starts holding a certain manner of description to be a solid truth, that is when heads collide. And is C=ME^2 correct? It is pretty much known that using the speed of light as a constant doesn't hold up to meticulous observation, so it may be just as correct as what I know to be true.

And bringing up Titor is, in my opinion, laughable. So he had pictures, and even a manual! Anybody that has as full of a grasp of quantum mechanics and other things should know that if a well of gravity is so strong that it is bending light, the the entire field of view would be distorted, or the camera view would also be in the gravity well and the laser line would appear to be straight.

Likewise, any proof, had I actually known I would have this many nanos to kill, that I might have brought along would immediately be discarded as a fraud anyway. If I break open my beacon (which is in a watch casing of this era) and get a picture of it, it would immediately be dissected. The main thing I see is that everyone wants to believe that there are travelers here, but are not ready to accept that. I imagine that anything short of experiencing it for oneself would convince them otherwise. If you take away Titor's bad imagery, and documents that any child with a typewriter could have made, his story is likewise, as you say mine is.

And why shouldn't my identity be permantly safe? here's a hypothetical question in the form of a conversation:

HI I'm Designer.
No, you're not, you're a fraud.
No, I'm myself, and I know about planetary motions, physics, and I have a very solid idea of whom and what a time traveler will be.

No, you are not you, you are somebody else pretending to be who you claim.

no, here's my identification

it's a fraud

No it really is my state identification, see, it was issued three years ago, there's the date.

I'm sure I could make a false ID badge, and if I were really clever I could scrounge up some plastic and put an older date on it too.

Well, here's my life story, then!

Realy? A famous science fiction author wrote something decades ago that shares lots of those same ideas, you must have read the book and are tyring to pass yourself off as this Designer character.

My point here is that there is nothing I can show you, or say to you that would convince you of what you expect I should know.

Are you yourself? Can you prove it to the satisfaction of somebody that is predisposed against that sumamry? And even if you can shwo them evidence, how can you prove the veracity of that, and so on.

I do, however, commend you for trying to find a pattern. That is, after all, how scientists go about such things.

And actually, although I have not been as descriptive as I could be, as I tend to get pretty fugazi in the late evenings, events have a T-mass, not an era in itself. But once an event is altered, it does become much more difficult to alter it again in the same fashion, or at the same juncture.

As I've said before, all events happen at the same instant, and at the same point. When I shoot anywhere I am perfectly interactive. Now eras do not have much T-mass in and of themselves, but events do.

So without trying to get very convuluted, you are incorrect as I understand things. And for you, your future hasn't happened yet, for me, mine has not either. If you're traveling down a straight road from one house to another over the hill, it does not mean that the other house does not exist simply because you can neither see it, or have yet to arrive.

That's why we use so many muses, and other quarks like myself. We come, we watch, we do our thing, and then report. I'm sure that it must pale to the lofty claims given by others. I have had my few moments of doin the exciting things, but other than bury pots in the sand and draw atention away from other events, I don't do all the fun stuff.
Now that's what I call a fraggin Snarf! Good show, recall!

Sounds lke an interesting book, am I mentioned? I'll have to read it, I'm sure I'll have the downtime.

I doubt that there is event tha tone cannot find major similarites to in some work of fiction, somewhere. In fact, when I was in 2004 I found an album cover with two people standing in front of the World Trade Center. It was on fire and a jet plane was crashing into it. Those that did that MUST have gotten their ideas from that album!

I see that it still holds true from my youth that art imitates life.

And yes I can cook a bit, but it has been said around yaz that my leftovers are kept in the supply rooms somewhere in case we ever need to torture anyone.

I am a bit confused here. We are in 2007 in the present now. The future now has not occurred yet over the hill is a house I can’t see. But you went back into the past in the 1940 and 1950 and you also can say the future has not manifested yet either you know what I mean. But in 2007 it is in the history book and known. But you will say to me that everything is happening all the time. My question is there multiple present now’s going on all the time down the timeline or is only the observer determine the past from the future in which the observed is the past the present is the observing and the future is the unobserved. Am I close to what you are getting at here?
To Pam:

Here we go:
Stuffed-Crust Pizza

Dar only Cook...by the book!!!


Quoting DarwinMurphy:
"And bringing up Titor is, in my opinion, laughable. So he had pictures, and even a manual! Anybody that has as full of a grasp of quantum mechanics and other things should know that if a well of gravity is so strong that it is bending light, the the entire field of view would be distorted, or the camera view would also be in the gravity well and the laser line would appear to be straight."




a Solar Oddity - A Square Outlined Sunspot

quoted Rense:

"Before dismissing this as an act of nature, we should consider the following:

Sunspots are believed to be the result of irregularities in the solar magnetic field, and follow curved arcs stretching for millions of miles. When sunspots send material into space that doesn't return, it becomes a Coronal Mass Ejection. Neither of these violent activities have a square shape.

Square outlined areas on the Sun are uncommon. I have been observing the sun daily since the mid 90's, when satellite observatories in space and on Earth began posting images. It is rare to see this type of phenomena. There is a possibility that these areas are created by technology not yet made public.

What energy or force could cause such an object to form and retain this shape on the boiling, chaotic surface of the sun and last for days?

Why is it that the sunspot is neatly framed by this square area? "

end quoted...

We have an exception Here...and there...

Hey DarwinMurphy, talk us more about the lunar-men faction in a few nm. = nanometers!

Apollo 20 Alien Spaceship on The Moon CSM Flyover
man i'm starving... why do teleporters take so friggin long!!! grrr!

btw, i have a way to prove your a time traveler: we can meet somewhere, you can take me for a ride on that B.A. watch /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif from there, we can post a message confirming.
sure, you could do it yourself, but it wouldnt be half as fun for me. :D

woudnt be half as fun without me either. :D
I think it is funny all the proclaiming time travelers bash Titor but not one person can give me the name of the person who was behind it. Nor do they have any leading info on it.
All they ever can offer is their own opinion...nothing further. blah!
Ruthless! You didn't get the pizza I sent you yesterday? frackit.
You....you didn't receive anything with...with fly eyes did you? (gulp) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Just keep in mind...I DID order you pepperoni NOT anchoives.
i look up to titor, regardless of if he was a time traveler or not. he is a guy that i would love to be around. i would love to have a conversation with him about several things(philosiphy being one) i even wish that i was around when he was here.

i have been through alot in my life, and i could tell titor had been too. it bled through his words so to speak. i just wish we wouldve had the chance to talk, after all, not many people think like me.
>There is only one universe, and only one time-flow. It is how we swim through it that matters.<

>>...I have to reiterate that there is only ONE time stream, and there is only one universe. Everything else you've heard, no matter how well it appeals to your base logic, is bunk! Paradoxes don't really exist.<

>>>There are no divergences, only changes, and only those outside the loop can see the changes as they happen. <<<

>>>>I'll say it one last time, there is no divergence, there are no alrtnates; regardless of what popuar fiction and scientists say, and the universe isd fully capable of adjusdting to asnything.<<<<

How do you explain this:

>Our goal is to alter certain things so that humankind can grow out if it's infancy into an enlightened and peaceful existence, without the evils of greed and ego swaying that growth into a stunted demon.<

How can you change an unchangable thing?

ALSO- What would happen if someone went back in time with one of those "atom bombs in a suitcase" and set it off in, say- December 8, 1941 in NYC? You're saying that wouldn't affect the timeline?


Other comments...

>I also usually have a few month's worth of income for whatever era I'm in on my person.<

So you have money from the past and/or future? Can we see it?

>I could go anywhere and proclaim myself to be myself and all they'd do, is to ask me to leave the building.

Actually, they'd ask you for your ID. And if you had no ID, you would be arrested for vagrancy. You do have ID, don't you? How did you get it? Do you have a driver's license? How did you get that?

>I got reversed and spent two days at Yaz, and then got shot back here to observe the development of the brain can, as we call it. This is a particular bit of computer advancement that will eventually change the way computers are made and used. It will be small news here, but I have to keep looking.<

I thought you were here to alter certain things so that humankind can grow out if it's infancy, right?

No- wait!

>I'm actually here to take a count of how many are open to the idea of time travel, and how many think that I'm full of snarf.<

Make up your mind.


>we call it the infernasl (not my name fo rit but it fits) because when you shoot through it it's like going through Hell! It's like having every atom in your body shooting off in polar opposite directions at once, and having every mistake or bad deed you've ever dfown crammed down your throat for infinity. I usually vomit, an dothersw are lucky enough to pass out. thephysical pressure is paramount, and you cannot breath for what has to be forever. It's like dying and being awake during the trial.<

How do they replicate the impossible-to-record brain waves to make sure you don't come out the other end like scrambled eggs?
Designer, your end question more or less catches my meaning. It is difficult to refer to my, or your, personal future (which is subjective) whilst speaking about THE future from any temporal point of reference.

It gets further muddled for me as two or so weeks ago I was in 2004, then a week later I was in 2001, and now I am in 2007. However, for you, two weeks ago you were in June of 2007, etc.

I believe that if you slightly modify your statement to something like: the subjective personal past is the observed, the subjective personal present is the observing, and the personal subjective future is that not yet observed.

All I was trying to say is that the future is already happening/ has happened / will happen in the same exact instant that we are perceiving as the 'now'. Just because I haven't gotten to my personal tomorrow doesn't mean that tomorrow isn't there.

Or I could go the other route that was initially explained to me, with the same end result (I'm paraphrasing here, but the idea is the same). There, qwuite simply, is no such thing as time. It is merely a subjective set of blinders that we impose upon ourselves to keep our egos intact.

And as far as multiple now's? As I understand things there is only one timestream, at least that we can access. Some of the others feel differently, but the idea of altering the timestream seems inane to me, if one is not making changes to their own time. As I said before, if that were the case, then we'd all have just left for greener pastures in another timeline.

Lunar-men? My refernces to the Lunars? It has nothing to do with the moon...it's a slang for crazy, such as lunatic, such as lunacy, (and such as you are probably going to call me).

They are a very small group of unorganized rebels, criminal types mostly, that do short-shoots for purely personal gain. Most of them get fragged before they are in operation very long. The competition amongst themselves and the UIC is pretty cruel.
But....didn't you say that YOU were a criminal?

Which makes me wonder...How can we really tell if the time traveler is a good or a bad guy?