I am here for now on assignment: answer to Recall
Foremost, I apologize again to everyone. It seems like no matter where or when one goes, work rears an ugly head!
Recall, you asked about Yaz, my recruitment, the world going Fugazi, and differences in your now weighed against my now.
My recruitment in the late 1980's is simply happenstance. I was young, without family ties, and studying nothing in particular at any great length but several things lightly. My landlord's son, whom also lived in the same building and I got to be pretty close friends as we shared a plethora of the same interests (heavy metal music, martial arts, movies, and 'cosmic mysteries'). He had another friend in the building named Dewar. I used to call him flask-man. Nate was a decent guy and we spent many a night dong nothing productive, jamming, talking, hitting the bar scene, typical early college years stuff. His buddy Dewar was truly bizarre.
I remember seeing Dewar leaving his apartment one day clean shaven and well dressed and we passed 'hello's' as we walked by each other. About 2 weeks later I sa whim entering his apartment in the middle of the night (I had a late night myself). However, he had a full beard, he was badly bruised up, and his clothes were in total disarray. His hair was also a good deal longer. The next morning I awoke to Dewar knocking on Nate's door, which was across the hall from mine. I opened the door and told him that Nate was gone for the week. Dewar asked me if I had any food in there as all of his was bad. I didn't, but he did accept my invite for breakfast at a local greasy spoon, so we went and ate heartily. I knew Flask-Man only casually, but we became chummy and he ended up spending lots of time with me (and Nate still). But I started to notice that Dewar would disappear without warning and be gone for a few days, and he always showed up looking like he'd been gone for months and always disheaveled. I also noted that his manner of speaking was not quite in vogue with the local vernacular, and that he oftimes made obvoius errors in observation and had a trouble with speaking in the proper tenses.
There was simply something enigmatic about this fellow, but out of politeness I never said a word. I should also add that in a large college, odd cats such as he were not quite so odd, and accepted. Dewar never took any classes, and he had no visible means of income that I ever knew about, but he always seemed to have a load of cash, and he really liked to have a good time when he wasn't away. But there was one day that really stuck out. I was sitting on the ladning of our building reading a novel when I saw him leave. he was dirty and his hair was a long, tangled mess. He also had a black eye. I htought nothing of this as he oftimes had bruises or marks of battering. I actually thought that he was an underground arena fighter, or something like that and didn't want to talk about it.
Now contrary to how I act here, I am actually a fairly intelligent person, and I can read a light novel fairly quickly. In what I estimated to be less than an hour he came back. His hair was cut, he was wearing clean clothes cut from a good cloth, and his black eye was gone. He turned his head away as sprinted up to the door but I jumped up and stopped him. I demanded to know what was going on. He laughed at me and told that I full of snarf, but I persisted and related about a dozen instances that just didn't fit with how I htought things should be. He gave me a very odd look and then chuckled. he told me that if I really wanted to know, then I should spring for a steak dinner tonight and he'd tell me about it, but I won't believe because nobody ever does.
In essence, that was my recruitment. Of course I did not believe, but things went South fo rme after that. I poked holes into everything that he said, and he couldn't backup his claims one iota. But wihtin about three or four days I met Dr. Franklin and agreed to be shot into my future as proof. I htink that part of Flask's job was to find people like me that are creative enough to cope, just barely smart enough to ge tthe job done, but not so smart that we go crazy or Lunar.
And to your quesiton about why the world is going Fugazi soon, I've already addressed that somewhat. Your comfort zones are being eroded, and if you look objectively, you can see that. Likewise, the rights of persons are being stripped away. It won't be long, unless things change drastically, until you have neither. right now, you should feel honored if you are allowed hte choice to smoke a cigarette if you so choose, let alone to bear arms. Try having a political voice right now. Or try to keep your land if the powers that be deciode they want it fro themselves. The fairly near future sees the total eradication of any individual rights, all in the name of safety. With poisons and troubles coming in from each and every direction, the populace, having grown compacent within their comfort zones, forego their rights for the pillow of solace, and total devastation is not far behind. This opens a vacuum that is filld by the psycho-sexual revolution for a time, but is closed by the corps taking over. This eventually will lead to a terrible state of things. In the end, unless this is all prevented, people become cattle and slaves, and only the extreme minority will enjoy any of the blessings of what the future could have wrought.
On the differences between your now and when I come from:
First and foremost, you have a chance and you have middle class. When I came from, there is almost no middle class. A very few enjoy things that seem almost like magic to me, but the vast majority lives in squalor. They have their Vid-Cubes and Dry-Net, but things such as good food, clean water, and even a small vacation are pretty much dreams. There is no real legal system wherein a person is innocent until guilty. There is only accusation and sentencing. In the yards, this pretty much means the business end of mag-gun (a firearm that shoots a projectile via magnetics rather than a powder charge) Child mortality amongst the peasants is about 30% and a work day is about 13 hours, with only 4 15-mintue breaks during the day. Most have no luxuries other than what the government provides, and health care is tertiary. If somebody gets injured or sick, they have to wait until all of hte upper class people, and then the military, are taken care of.
Drugs and crime run rampant and the government (the reich) not only condones most of this, but supplies it and takes a tribute. Most hope to escape this by joining the military o rturnign to a life of crime.
It rains almost every day, but the rain is grey and it is not drinkable. Pure food is rare and most have to rely upon stipends from the reich. Any voicing of dissention of actions of the same are met with swift and brutal punishment.
Cities are worse. Picture a red-light district populated by violent thugs of rival gangs. Crime, Contraband, and Corruption are the mainstays, and one must be very rue-wise to get down the block, let alone flourish there.
There are, for the priviledged, wonderous things, such as VR shows, instant drugs fo rnay type of desire or mood, replacement of limbs, and flying vehicles that are the epitomy of luxury . Their compartments are lush and large; and they enjoy the life of a king whilst standing upon the broken backs of more than 95% of the population.
The military of the reich controls everything, from the lowliest bottom to the top echelons. I have heard of entire towns being razed and burnt. I have seen entire families executed because one elder voice his opinion that they should be allowed longer breaks. I have been witness to horrors that I do not care to mention.
About YAZ:
YAZ is an abbreviation for Year Zero. Ultimately, this is when I come from. YAZ is a complex of connected buildings that exists in its own time field, if you would call it such. From what I understand there are two main states of being in time. You are either in the time flow, or not. there are actually, from what I heard, 986 states of being or so (something about Pi squared multiplied to the 3rd power or something...maybe seocnd power, I don';t care to know) in the time stream, but there are two main ones. When one is in the time stream, they are a victim of it. When one is not, they stand apart from it and can observe, but are not affected. YAZ in some sort of constant fluz apart from the time stream so the primary records do not get corrupted.
I have seen the generators, but can tell you nothing about them other than that they are painted green, they are large, they hum, and I feel sick when I'm around them for more than a few nanos. The entire complex reminds me of a hospital in the general feel of the complex. A large portion of the complex is dedicated to the library, which holds the records fro time stream actual, and then several layers therafter accounting for modifications. There is a smaller sub-complex that is the rec and training areas. There are about a dozen or so small gymnasium sized rooms fro training and simulation. There is a large recreational area that is about 20,000 square feet and of several rooms. This houses the 3V cubes, the holo Vid section, and several game and eating rooms. There is an infirmary, several recovery areas, and the mess, which is a largish cafeteria with three kitchens attached. One of these kitchens is very small, in comparison, and we may cook our own meals there if we so choose. I have cooked there upon occassion, but my culinary skills are wors than my typing! There is a running joke that my coooking is kept in the lowest 'secret' levels in case we need to torture anyone.
There is a singular level that is designated as bunking quarters. These rooms are roughly one gross of square feet and have no amenities other than a byunk and place to put our stuff. I have a suit of maximillion armor there with a Darth Vader head on it, as well as several things that I have collected thorughout my missions.
There is set of conferenc erooms that are the briefing and debriefing rooms. These have long tables made out of metal and some too uncomfortable chairs.
My favorite area has to be supply and requisition. We call this the FX department. Those that ru this area are the suppliers and gods of the realm. They keep track of what we have, build or aqcuire what we need, and do the supplying for outgoing shooters. Trust me, if they don't want you to have it, you don't get it. usually in order to get what you need you have to barter with them. The people that man this station are the geeks and nerds of any era. If you want a Colt 1911A, for example, you'll have to come up with something in trade to get it. Franklin not only condones this sort of thing, but seems to give those bastards bonuses for getting more than they give.
We are not allowed outside very much, and only then for a very short while. There are no windows, so the impression is that you are in an underground complex far removed from anything and anywhen.
I cannot say how the base is able to operate without being detected, but I am told that it exists outside of the normal flow of time and space.
The very bottom level holds the remaining Infernals. That in itself is an amazing sight to behold.
Thje thuggies have their own area, apart from the res tof us, but we intermingle in the rec rooms. We are a very volatile bunch...if it helps I am considered to be a quiet and sane one...and it seems to me that the agents that poplulate our little sphere of non-time are more a group of individuals than a team. Fist fights, practical jokes, and operatic affairs run rampant.
However, through this all, we somehow manage to get our jobs done. And there is a huge feeling of family there somehow. We migh tpick on eachother extemeely harshly, but woe unto those that tread on our people.
Those recruited are generally free thinkers, and those that are not too grounded in linear or psuedo-scientific ideas of time and how it flows. There always seems to be an endless game poker going on, and finding a sparring partner is easy (amiddle finger extended ahs become the invite for a sparring match).
So that, in a nutshell, is YAZ...year Zero. a place out of all times, and containg them all.
Fo rme, I spend my idle hours eating pizza and chips, and I watch the 3V, or play at being a warrior. And my honest opinion is that there are no windows because it is desirable tat we want to go back into the field to see the sky.