I am here for now on assignment

Re: Reply To Jmpet

>By me stating that I had no illusions, I simply stated that I am not quite stupid enough to come here and tell everyone (that has no belief in time travelers) that I am one and expect to be believed<

Then you're right. If you think your half-baked ideas are going to sell here, then you're having some serious illusions.

Re: Answer to Darby

Thanks for the grammer pointer. I somehow thought that it would be prim adonis, after Adonis, and prima donna for the feminine reference.

You have my thanks on the correction

You're welcome.

Somehow I seemed to know that you were relating it to Adonis. Call me a time traveler.

The reference is to "don" and "donna"...loosely Lord and Lady.
Re: Reply To Jmpet


Go shoo yourself.

As much as I like a healthy debate, you are not doing so. You put forth earlier your supposed proof and only served to defeat yourself and edify my stance in the process.

You choose to ignore that (something you have repeatedly accused me of) and then keep shouting 'shoo' whilst prancing about in some self-conceived, but fallacious victory.

So again, I say, go shoo yourself. I again repeat that if you do not like, believe, or enjoy what I have to say, then do not read it.

Again I remind you that your 'proof' was twaddle, your incessant shouting of shoo only shows that when you cannot win your volleys that you resort to prancing about hoping that nobody will notice, and that the louder you yell here, the more people will come to see what all the fuss is about.

One of the primary practices of misdirection is to find somebody, such as yourself, to give you as much flack and as much bad press as is possible. While they're overturning every rock and making loud noises to expose you, you can smile and sit back knowing that they are doing all the hard work of getting people to look at you (or what you're doing); which was your primary goal in the first place.

Bonne Vie
Re: Answer to Darby


In actuality, you ARE a time traveler. You are traveling forward in time a the rate of one second per second.

It is the matter of speeding up, or reversing that per second part that makes you any different from meself....well and which side of the coin we're on.
Re: Reply To JustLurking

"In all fairness to Darwin I had a dream once of traveling back in time and there was ALOT of things I realized I didn't care enough to remember about that time. In my dream I was kind of laughing about it with my friend because I couldn't even remember who the president was at that particular time. I think that is how it would be. Unless your a history major or studied the time you were going to ahead of time you may feel quite lost and lacking of info about that time.

You basically would just need the info to get your job done safely and come back home.

Making yourself public to someone like Oprah would just put yourself in danger and risk the little safety you had for doing your job while you were there. Going on a time travel forum claiming your a time traveler is almost risk free. Even there only a small handful would really consider the possibility. But if you could absolutely prove yourself you would no longer be safe. A time traveler is just a fellow human being that is traveling through time. What he knows or doesn't know about the time he is in does not prove or disprove one is a time traveler. I know this to be true.
Thats the facts Jack. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I get the impression from what I quoted above... you're pretty much saying you would give them the benefit of the doubt. It makes perfect sense. From your point of reference - in your experience, anything is possible - and this doesn't necessarilly prove or disprove what they're saying anyway.

Okay... then let me ask you a question: At what point do you finally arrive at determining for yourself, that a self proclaimed "Time Traveler" posting on here is full of crap? Make that 2 questions.. Whose Jack? :D
Re: Reply To Jmpet

"Then you're right. If you think your half-baked ideas are going to sell here, then you're having some serious illusions. NOW SHOO "


JustLurking Holds up a box of Lil Darwins Twinkies "They withstand the test of time (on your pantry shelf)"

Okay, time for my meds....
Re: Reply To JustLurking

I'll be gone soon enough; as I should be pulled back any day now. If I'm not, then I am stranded here until I die or get fragged.

But back in early July you said that you had no way of knowing when you would be "reversed" and that it could come within within a few months to a few years.

I'm also wondering:

Back in the beginning you spiced up the English language with your local idiomatic useages (which came from the 1960's but that's another story). In your latter discussions you've dropped all of the idioms as you've replied to posts. Under stress you fall back on a more natural use of English. It makes me wonder why your handlers chose someone who has a problem with stressful stiuations.

One can always suppose that you'll switch back to your original style now that you've been reminded. That response is OK. It's an assumed response based on past experience with "TT's".

The real drill was to capture the style at a time when you were distracted and unconscious of the fact that you dropped out of character.

One can also assume that the response to the foregoing is that you switched styles for some conscious purpose. That too is OK and expected. The object in that case was not to announce to you that you dropped out of character.

It's just a reminder that every would be TT who has ever posted for more than a week has made the same error. They start out with a plan, they sketch out a few ideas but they also get their ego involved in the story. Given a sufficient amount of time they forget the plan and get caught up in the effort to go tit-for-tat back at every criticism. They stop playing the role of TT and get caught up in playing the role of Defender of the Faith (defender of the premise "I am a time traveler"). This is very predictible.

They can neither avoid nor resist the temptation. The same internal motivation that forced them to pose the story is the same pathology that ultimately forces them to fall out of character and get involved in defending the faith.

It's at that point when the "TT" self-destructs. The plan, having been tossed out the window, is replaced by defensive counter-posts. The "TT" is under a lot of stress in responding to all of the critical posts, especially when the criticism involves inconsistencies in the story. Now, instead of freely posting, the "TT" has to go back and double-check old posts for the sake of consistency. This takes time and doesn't move the story forward. The ego strokes become fewer and fewer. Its no longer as much fun as it was in the beginning. The "TT" has then entered the "I'll be leaving soon" phase.

A week later and s/he is gone.

In response to my quip...

"You see what I mean? Once every two weeks or so."

back in early July you asked...

"No I don't know what you mean! Pretend I'm REALLY out of touch, and have no idea...

what do you mean?"

I meant that a new would-be time traveler comes along every two weeks or so. That's been the patern for years. You were the would-be TT that arrived right on schedule at the time that you started posting. It's a pattern and it's predictible. Above, in the first part of this post I alluded to another predictible pattern.

Here's the third pattern:

You're in the "I'll be leaving soon" phase of your story, as both predicted by me and stated by you. You'll be gone soon. And you'll be replaced by another "Once Every Two Week Wonder". In a few weeks your thread will fall off the front page of the forum list. You'll be forgotten among all the other forgotten "TT's".

But the rest of us will still be here...and we'll actually continue to enjoy the forum. We're here because we like being here. We aren't here because of some pathology that drives our ego to demand that we be here.

Now, I'm not with Jmpet on the "Shoo" theory. Stay as long as you want to stay. I'll continue not to pay much attention to your thread; the rest will continue to enjoy responding to your thread and you'll continue to be under duress as you attempt to shore up the story. That's no longer much fun for you, but, hey. It's your pathology, not mine.

The funny thing is that in your response to this post you'll be overwhelmingly motiviated to defend the faith...as predicted.
Re: Reply To Darby

Actually no, Darby, I feel no inclination to stand up and shout louder that I am a time traveler. Whilst what you say is more than likely the pattern, and most cleverly wrought, to the inclusion of countermanding any truist or logical response, I actually only feel refreshed to be presented with a good set of debate points forth that are not so much piffle disguised as profundity followed by the word "shoo!"
Re: Reply To Pamela

Thank you for the very insightful response to what i was attempting to say so many times over and over (in regards to remembering every little detail that somebody would care to ask, and the treatise on safety).
And also, not that you care to really know, my eyes are a light, grayish, hazel that blend outwards to a green on the outsides.

Actually I do care to know. Its kind of nice knowing what the person looks like that you are talking to. What color is your hair? Can you describe yourself?

Yes, I know EXACTLY what you are talking about when you describe the fact that you are not a walking encyclopedia just because you are a time traveler. People view time travelers as this.
Tell me the lottery numbers! Well you would only know them if you cared to look before you left.
But that is probably the last thing on your mind. They don't think about how it would really be.
In one of my dreams" I had to go back and get a small machine that someone had invented.
I was told literally nothing about the time period because it was an "in and out" job if you know what I mean. What they have to do is put themselves in YOUR place and think about how it would REALLY be. I think you would have to experience it for real or like I did in dreams to really understand. The perfect situation would be for the "handlers" to totally school you on everything that happens in that period, to provide you with ultimate protection, to train you in several combat situations, but alot of times in real life things don't happen this way..because nothing is perfect and people are people. If you are sent on a simple job, and are one of many where you are expected to do it and come back why would they waste this time to send you to school for months to learn about the time zone? I can see if you were going to be there for awhile. The only ones who would get this extended training are the ones who would be expected to stay longer.
Re: Reply To JustLurking

I get the impression from what I quoted above... you're pretty much saying you would give them the benefit of the doubt. It makes perfect sense. From your point of reference - in your experience, anything is possible - and this doesn't necessarilly prove or disprove what they're saying anyway.

Okay... then let me ask you a question: At what point do you finally arrive at determining for yourself, that a self proclaimed "Time Traveler" posting on here is full of crap? Make that 2 questions.. Whose Jack?

Well. Take Zeshua for example. If they post a picture of the future and you later find it on the internet then you know they have lied and can no longer trust what they say.
You have to ask questions. Lots of them. If they are fake or lieing they will screw up somewhere.
Or if they are ridiculous in their claims like "time traveling clam" was. There are many ways to tell actually.

"Thats the facts Jack" is just a saying.
Re: answer to titorite


Thank you for the very personal and infomrative answers. I wonder if now, since you have mentioned that you feel orphaned in your spiritual beliefs, if you have sought after others with similar views, or have merely resigned yourself to feeling marooned in a spiritual solace?

Ad believe it or not, we have had the debate about death beign a doorway, a renewal, or just oblivion many times at Yaz as well. You'd probably fit right in on that note. My stance is that it does not matter what's next.

And I agree with you in the terms of 'owning' a pet. I like to think of it more as a partnership, or a symbiotic relationship. Pets give us friendship, affection, and some innocent fun as we play with them. They in turn get room and board and return affections. One of my neighbors in my early college years had a cat named Spock, that actually stayed when she was told, followed on command, and used the toilet.

Some of hte other muses and thuggies have small pets at yaz, but I don't care to have one. The idea of keeping another creature caged up is depressing to me.

I do need to ask you what kind of time travel K-paxian is. Of course, I can barely describe the methods that drive the infernals, let alone a present theory.

And I haven't touch the green-stuff in about 6 years my personal time. Now lots of booze, but not that. I trained with a guy by the name of Jack Crater (his parents must have hated him! Jack in the Crate...Jack in the box!) that enjoyed a healthy does of psilocybin before he shot, but I like to shoot through clean. To experience endless time in no time at all is a pretty harrowing experience, let alone when the mind is altered and accelerated into thinking about such things.

And your ending questions are quite original!

I prefer strong, aggressive, outsopken women of high intelligence. After that, anything else secondary or even tertiary.

A threesome? Kind of very personal, but I've partook of those delights once or thrice.

Intersting observation on the pyramids. How did you come to that conclusion? I have a vague remberence of the scant chambers connected by narrow corridors slanted up and down in my psyche, but know nothing about hydraulic pumps.

The funnest thing I've ever done in my life? If you would have asked me that question twenty liner years ago, which was about ten or so for me, I probably would have said something about playing music in front of an audience. But these past few weeks have probably been the most fun I can recall having. I have not had this many idle nanos in so long, and I had totally forgotten how enjoyable the world can be in the proper era. I have helped to repair and paint a deck outside of where I am staying. I have cooked chicken breast, sausages, and cheeseburgers over a charcoal grill. I sat on that same deck with a glass of lemonade in hand, munching on a pizza, watching a glorious sunset and conversing with my boarders of trival things. I have seen small children playing with a garden hose, running about with huge smiles, screaming and laughing, without a care in the universe. that is the most fun thing I have ever done. My life has been all rush and cover, using myself as a red herring, back to my small room and a complex with no windows. To observe the freedoms here, albeit taken for granted even as they are slowly being stripped away, is extremely enjoyable.

Do I enjoy interviews? Do you? Being here is the closest I've ever come to being interviewed, and if this i sit, I think that if I ever pass through here again, I'll come up and punch meself square in the eye!

Have I pondered the pros and cons of the sexes or considered life as a woman? Why do you ask this? I have found that deep down inside men and women are eerily similar. We approach things differently, but are basically the same. We all oppress each other in own ways, and we always think that the sun is brighter over there. To be honest, I can only conceive of meself as meself, and doubt that I have the empathy to consider anything outside of my own experience accurately.

Growing cloned teeth: I think that I may have mentioned something akin to this earlier, but that begins not too far in your personal future. When I come from, they are grown in a lab, to specific specifications and then surgically placed into the mouth. I believe that it is an engineered 'ivory'. of course, this service is only available to the higher class, and the rest, the poor, are excluded from this. There are polymers, however, that are 'psrayed' onto the teeth that prevent cavities and decay, and this is readily available. But then again, it is an odd era that I come from. Everyone has access to V3 and the comnet is a part of that, how else could everyone be told how well they have it and how happy they are. They have dent-rite, but no luxurious foods to use it on.
Re: Reply To Pamela

OK, Pam, I shall describe meself, but I expect the same in full from you in return.

I'm roughly 5' 10 inches, about 160 pounds. My hair is either a dark blond, or a very light brown, depending on your point of view. I always wear Chuck Taylor high tops and make an effort to find some anywhen they still exist. I prefer standard 1980's jeans and usually wear whatever shirt type is germaine to the era. On some missions I must dress to look a certain way, such as in a suit and tie, etc.
When I can get away with it, such as in this era, I wear my hair kind of longish, long enough to pull back into a short ponytail, with long bangs. I have my knife with me al lthe time, and I always carry a very worn liberty walking coin from the 1920's (a souviner from my first mission shoot)

My heritage is a smattering of this and that, but Italian and Miami Indian are two of the prevailent ones. Somehow I also got a lot of the recessives on my fraternal grandmother's side, including being left-handed and having lighter hair and eyes.

And you are correct in your assumptions abut how we are pre-briefed for our missions. All shooters stay pretty close to their eras of origin so we fit in better. My training for this mission was simply what the brain box looked like, what the interface was like, and some tutoring on how it functions. I was told to come here and see if I could find the root concepts and basic operating ideas, and to see if I could discover exactly when it becomes commercially available. I was not given any particulars about the political clime, other events, or any such things as that. And i like to spend my idle time being idle, not covering each and every little detail up and down the stream in case I decide to op in be judged as a Lunar. There were also some instructions to make some funds happen to fuel as deal happening further up the stream, but that is alsmost as easy done as said and took only a few days on my part.

Franklin and his acolytes are pretty tight-lipped about their reasons for such things and I have learned not to ask so much as those lines of queries usually end badly on my end.

Even here, I have not studied anything of particular historic import, but have managed to learn to cook some palatable fare.

I am interested in your dreams, would you care to share the general themes and such.
Re: Reply To JustLurking

A Long time before I signed up here - I had been following the Zeshua thread on and off for a time. When I saw the pictures - I laughed my ass off. Esp at the one of the city. I'd seen that one on line before at some type of communications website ...I guess thats what it was. Even proposing through some one else, that it was a test to see who was loyal to her - trashed that whole story.

As for the question about Jack... I was just humoring you :D
Re: Reply To Pamela

Quoted Dar in Re: Reply To Pamela:
"I was not given any particulars about the political clime, other events, or any such things as that."
end quoted


911 Part Deux?

Political Link

Shall I?

Quoted Dar in Re: Reply To Pamela:
<font color="red">"I am interested in your dreams, would you care to share the general themes and such. "
end quoted [/COLOR]

Hey Dar are you following in love with Pam?

Triangular Ship on the Moon
Re: Reply To Pamela

Ok Dar. I am about 5' 6" tall. I have very pale white skin with some freckles.
My hair is brown and sometimes in the sun it looks like it might have some red highlights.
It is a little less than half way down my back and I usually wear the top part loosely
back with some wispy bangs because I really don't like the hair in my face especially
when I am working. Sometimes I will gather the whole thing on my head in a fancy do. lol
Usually whatever is in style. Every one says they like my hair completely down better.
I get alot of compliments on my hair.
My eyes are also a light hazel color more greenishblue with light blue ring around the outside of the color part. Hmmm it is hard to describe as I am looking at it. It looks like I have light blue eyes and someone put some green hazel in the center.

I don't know my heritage as it is also a mix match of genes. My older brother has pale skin and blond hair and blue eyes and my youngest brother has traits of Indian in him with dark brown hair and brown eyes and he tans easily. Hmmm... me thinks someone was adopted! LOL kidding.

I am one of those nerdish people who like the science and discovery channel and read Quantum physics for fun. I also like Astronomy, oceanography, Biology, Medical science, Inventions,
Creativity, Ancient history and reading about NDE's. I have a great sense of humor and most people find me fun.

I think thats the most info I ever gave about myself online. Is that full enough? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

About my dreams. For some time I was having ALOT of time travel dreams. I must have been thinking about it alot. One of the reasons why I believed John at first was because of a dream I had.
Get this. I had that dream the same month and year he said he was going back to. It was too much of a coincidence. It was weird that I had the dream two years before I met him. I have a whole notebook of them actually.