I am here for now on assignment


After all this saga, I am almost sure that Darwin is a hoax. Police state, no rights, Reich etc. c'mon. I am not saying that this is impossible, but it is very unlikely to happen. World is developing in this time, why would suddenly start declining. And he also sounds very "presently".

Hi Mix:

I believe that the way to tell if someone is telling the truth about time travel is to compare what they report versus what happens. For example, if you tell me you have been to Paris and describe the City, I can go there and see if what you describe is accurate.

Personally, I was shocked by the number of recent non-european illegal immigrants living in the city. It does not look like the movies. These new arrivals provide fertile ground for radical muslim jihadists. I still remember a time traveller who stated that Eurabia was under Sharia law in the 2050's. Time will tell.

As for my predictions.

Dollar Devaluation

Google over 600 in 2007


regardless of whether darwin is hoax or not, a police state controlled by what is called the reicht is very plausible. So plausible that it could very well likely just be a contemporary prediction rather than a future.

The Bush administration back in 2003 or 2004 changed a specific part of the constitution by adding an a one liner to an amendment. The jist is that the president has the "right" and "authority", and power to more easily (under more circumstances) declare martial law over the land.

Later, another bill was introduced and passed which gave more "rights" to the military police enforcers, including taking any and all vehicles, ammo, food, gas, water, etc, that any civilian may have.

The most recent law passed in this line, was one that states that under martial law, all elections are postponed until further notice.

Thus, it may not be Bush, but at some point in the future, our executive branch of government is now set up to, under specific circumstances, declare martial law and stop the democratic election process cold. The executive branch would then control the military unchecked by a legislative or judicial branch of government and at the same time prevent democratic elections to replace, impeach, or otherwise oust the president.

Once this action is taken, it is almost certain that a ruling dictatorship will remain in place for many many years. ...which reminds me of a joke... Mike Tyson is in spelling bee and asked to spell and use the word "dictate" in a sentence. Mike says "d..i..c..t..a..t..e. How's my dic tate?"...

As far as calling it the "reicht". It seems logical, that after economic and communication lines break down (this could happen if the US power grid goes out for 2 weeks), and after martial law is declared and word gets around of clashes between hungry military and civilians, that the street name of the new government may be likened to Hitlers reicht.


The Bush administration back in 2003 or 2004 changed a specific part of the constitution by adding an a one liner to an amendment.

Say what? Please show us the Article and Clause that was changed.

Neither the Executive nor the Legislative branch has authority to change anything in the Constitution. Congress can propose amendments and the States can call for a Constitutional Convention. But changes can only be made if 3/4ths of the States ratify the proposed amendments. Only the States, not the US government, can amend the Constitution. The Executive branch plays no part at all in amending the Constitution. See Article V for details.

hmmmm... Darby, did you shall have a operarting time distortion unit to avoid the time quakes/Altervues on timeline 39?

'' Bush now has the ability to declare martial law at his own discretion, and in so doing dissolve the other branches of government, throw out the constitution, and suspend elections. He appropriated the right to do this largely by executive order. He can declare martial law whenever he deems there is sufficient cause; cause being an act of terrorism, an economic crisis, an act of war, civil unrest, or a natural catastrophe. For more information about the executive orders and legislation granting Bush these rights, please watch the short video at mountainsnetinel.com (What We Choose to Ignore), or visit the US Martial Law Timeline. ''

In case of Martial Law, Break Glass...


Chertoff: We're Preparing for Nuclear Attack


Iraq War About Time Machine Artifact

If there is nothing there -why hide it?

Paldius, are you referring to the Patriot Act, which gives our government the right to search our homes whenever they choose? And also gives the government the right to eavesdrop on our conversations? And also gives the President the right to declare martial law whenever he chooses? The Executive branch has no power. What happened to our Bill of Rights? No more comments on the subject.

I was curious about something. John Titor stated he came back to retrieve the IBM 5100, which is why he was chosen to go. He stated his grandfather helped build and work on the 5100.

Catjammin, I think if you scraped the red,white and blue paint off GWB's supporters, who let him get away with what he pleases, you would find plain old monarchy loving European peasants who haven't changed that much in a thousand years. The Christians and the Muslims were fighting in Spain around the 12th century. The President, to the right wingers, is the King and the King is the law.

Hi Cat:

John Titor predicted that fuel cells were a big deal in the future. I believe that prediction is coming true.


Wish Darwin Murphy had made more near term predictions like if he had told us stuff that would happen in 2008. This would help us determine if he is legit. Telling us about a Reich hundreds of years away is not much help. If he had given us a timeline of major events in 2009 we would have something.

For example, I predicted that not only would Hillary win in 2008, but that she would help pass major health care legislation. You should have seen the laughter from the debunkers. Now that Hill & Bill are talking health care again, there is a strange silence.

Still, politicians are figureheads. Hillary once sat on the board of Walmart, GOOGLE IT. She is nothing but a tool!

Basically we are now living in a quasimonarchic feudal government. It is close to being cryptofascist dictatorship run by big corporations, but the GM strike tells you that serfs hate the king.

I can tell you from doing astral time travel, that I have not seen anything like what Darwin describes. In fact, what I do see is that governments fall after the war and people get used to living without the oppressive taxes, like a Wild West without the sheriff.

I guess the closest I can come to is leaderless teams.

She sat on the board of Walmart? I'm not surprised. Walmart is government and being prepared for FEMA type situations, if you know what I mean. It's a sad state of affairs. What's sad is our loss of self-sufficiency. The best advice any so called T.T.'er has given is "rely on your own means of survival".


Paldius, are you referring to the Patriot Act, which gives our government the right to search our homes whenever they choose? And also gives the government the right to eavesdrop on our conversations? And also gives the President the right to declare martial law whenever he chooses? The Executive branch has no power. What happened to our Bill of Rights? No more comments on the subject.

Now, the Patriot Act is a rather long document. But I actually have read it through in its entirety more than once.

Because you've commented on what it authorizes I'll assume that you too have read it in its entirety.

Unfortunately I seem to have missed the place(s) where it gives the government the authority to "search or homes whenever it chooses", "eavesdrop on our conversations" and "declare matrial law whenever he chooses". Can you show me where The Act gives the government that authority?


What is Section 215?

* Section 215 allows the FBI to order any person or entity to turn over "any tangible things," so long as the FBI "specif[ies]" that the order is "for an authorized investigation . . . to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities."
* Section 215 vastly expands the FBI's power to spy on ordinary people living in the United States, including United States citizens and permanent residents.
o The FBI need not show probable cause, nor even reasonable grounds to believe, that the person whose records it seeks is engaged in criminal activity.
o The FBI need not have any suspicion that the subject of the investigation is a foreign power or agent of a foreign power.
o The FBI can investigate United States persons based in part on their exercise of First Amendment rights, and it can investigate non-United States persons based solely on their exercise of First Amendment rights.
+ For example, the FBI could spy on a person because they don't like the books she reads, or because they don't like the web sites she visits. They could spy on her because she wrote a letter to the editor that criticized government policy.
o Those served with Section 215 orders are prohibited from disclosing the fact to anyone else. Those who are the subjects of the surveillance are never notified that their privacy has been compromised.
+ If the government had been keeping track of what books a person had been reading, or what web sites she had been visiting, the person would never know.

Is Section 215 Constitutional?

* Normally, the government cannot effect a search without obtaining a warrant and showing probable cause to believe that the person has committed or will commit a crime. Section 215 violates the Fourth Amendment by allowing the government to effect Fourth Amendment searches without a warrant and without showing probable cause.
o The violation of the Fourth Amendment is made more egregious by the fact that Section 215 might be used to obtain information about the exercise of First Amendment rights. For example, the FBI could invoke Section 215 to require a library to produce records showing who had borrowed a particular book or to produce records showing who had visited a particular web site.
o Section 215 might also be used to obtain material that implicates privacy interests other than those protected by the First Amendment. For example, the FBI could use Section 215 to obtain medical records.
* The provision violates the First Amendment by prohibiting those served with Section 215 orders from disclosing that fact to others, even where there is no real need for secrecy.
* The provision violates the First Amendment by effectively authorizing the FBI to investigate U.S. persons, including American citizens, based in part on their exercise of First Amendment activity, and by authorizing the FBI to investigate non-U.S. persons based solely on their exercise of First Amendment activity.
* The provision violates the Fourth and Fifth Amendments by failing to require that those who are the subject of Section 215 orders be told that their privacy has been compromised.

Doesn't the government need these powers?

* The government already has the authority to prosecute anyone whom it has probable cause to believe has committed or is planning to commit a crime. It also has the authority to engage in surveillance of anyone whom it has probable cause to believe is a foreign power or spy - whether or not the person is suspected of any crime.
* Section 215 takes away a great deal of our liberty and privacy but isn't likely to get us any security in return.
o There's a real possibility that setting the FBI loose on the American public will have a profound chilling effect on public discourse. If people think that their conversations and their e-mails are their reading habits are being monitored, people will inevitably feel less comfortable saying what they think, especially if what they think is not what the government wants them to think.

Is the FBI abusing its powers?

* Attorney General Ashcroft has gone to great lengths to keep secret even the most basic information about the FBI's spying. For example, in answering questions posed by the House Judiciary Committee, he classified information that should not have been classified, including information that would have shown how often the FBI is spying on people based on their exercise of First Amendment rights.
* The little information that we do have suggests that the FBI is abusing its powers.
o For example, a survey conducted by the University of Illinois suggested that, by December 2001, the FBI had already approached 85 out of some 1500 libraries.
* The ACLU obtained some information about the FBI's use of Section 215 through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. More information about our FOIA request and related litigation can be found at http://www.aclu.org/Privacy/Privacy.cfm?ID=11048&c=130 .


As I assumed, you are relying on someone else's synopsis of Sec. 215 rather than reading it for yourself.

Title V of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978
(50 U.S.C. 1861 et seq.) is amended by striking sections 501 through 503 and inserting the following:
(a)(1) The Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation or a designee of the Director (whose rank shall be no lower than Assistant Special Agent in Charge) may make an application for an order requiring the production of any tangible things (including books, records, papers, documents, and other items) for an investigation to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities, provided that such investigation of a United States person is not conducted solely upon the basis of activities protected by the first amendment to the Constitution.
(2) An investigation conducted under this section shall—
(A) be conducted under guidelines approved by the Attorney General under Executive Order 12333 (or a successor order); and
(B) not be conducted of a United States person solely upon the basis of activities protected by the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
(b) Each application under this section—
(1) shall be made to—
(A) a judge of the court established by section 301(a) or
( B) a United States Magistrate Judge under chapter 43 of title 28, United States Code, who is publicly designated by the Chief Justice of the United States to have the power to hear applications and grant orders for the production of tangible things under this section on behalf of a judge of that court;
(2) shall specify that the records concerned are sought for an authorized investigation conducted in accordance with subsection (a)(2) to obtain foreign intelligence information not concerning a United States person or to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities.

The FBI has to obtain an order from a Court of competent jurisdiction as specified by 301(a) or by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to seize certain tangible items from some person or place. The application has to specify that the investigation concerns foreign intelligence operative and/or international terrorism, a crime. It has to specify what it is to be seized. It also has to specify that the information sought does not concern a US person if the act involves foreign intelligence operations and that the basis of a terrorism investigation involving a US person is not based on 1st Amendment protected speech. This isn't significantly different than any other search warrant. It requires places, persons to be searched, the things to be seized in a criminal investigation and a statement of probable cause.

What I don't see in Sec. 215 is anywhere that it authorizes the FBI to "search our homes whenever they choose", that the FBI can "eavesdrop on our conversations", nor does it say anything about giving the President the authority to declare martial law "whenever he chooses".

I'm still waiting for someone who has read the Act to show me where the government gets all of this conspiratorial power that is oft talked about but never pointed out.

This is the problem with reliance on a synopsis of the Patriot Act. In your response to my post you relied on someone else's analysis. The first rebuttal that you posted was:

* Section 215 allows the FBI to order any person or entity to turn over "any tangible things," so long as the FBI "specif[ies]" that the order is "for an authorized investigation . . . to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities."

The person who wrote that purposely left out some pretty important words in that synopsis because those words don't help him/her with the asertion that US citizens are in "great jeopardy".

That s/he left out "not concerning a US person" and "shall not be conducted of a United States person solely upon the basis of activities protected by the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States" should tell you something about the person who wrote that. It was no accident. It was intended to mislead people because the person who wrote that is aware that very few people have read or will read the actual text of the Act. Its manipulation of public opinion at its best (or worst).

In an interview last night on CNN's "Larry King Live," the former president of Mexico, Vicente Fox, confirmed the existence of a government plan to create the amero as a new regional currency to replace the U.S. dollar, the Canadian dollar and the Mexican Peso.

"According to a transcript published by CNN, King, near the end of the broadcast, asked Fox a question e-mailed from a listener, a Ms. Gonzalez from Elizabeth, N.J.: "Mr. Fox, I would like to know how you feel about the possibility of having a Latin America united with one currency?"

Fox answered in the affirmative, admitting he and President Bush had agreed to pursue the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas – a free-trade zone extending throughout the Western Hemisphere – and that part of the plan was to institute a regional currency from Canada to the tip of South America. "

end quoted from:
GLP web page

Apollo 20

In an interview last night on CNN's "Larry King Live," the former president of Mexico, Vicente Fox, confirmed the existence of a government plan to create the amero as a new regional currency to replace the U.S. dollar, the Canadian dollar and the Mexican Peso.

In that same interview, the ex-presidente also said he supported "the woman" to be our next president...but wouldn't name Hillary by name. That's funny, because I have never seen Vicente supporting the election of any woman for presidente of Mexico. Yet I am sure there are some ultra-liberals who will claim that Fox's endorsement of Hillary is somehow a good thing. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif


Hi Recall 15:

And when it the amero happens the debunkers will say that it was obvious and that I didn't predict anything. The same debunkers who were hooting with laughter when I predicted that Canada, mexico, & us would merge into one coutry NAU.

Wish that Darwin Murphy had told us who Hillary was taking as VP.