Greetings from a Parallel Earth *DELETED*

Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth


Twilight is a genius.

I wrote that post, put it up and saw your post between Ray's and mine. You got it up while I was responding to Ray.

I got a chuckle when I read your post and realizedn that it must be yet another New Agey thing going on - ESP. I must have been reading your mind as we were writing the posts simultaneously. Oh, the synchronisity of it all.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Twilight is a genius.

Yes, and with such ESP powers too.....y'all should elect me world leader and send me off to boldly go where no genius has gone before, to convert all the new age hippy planets out there to free market economics and capitalism.

Those who resist will be enslaved, and made to listen to Scott Mackenzie endlessly while sitting on unsheathed electric wires in rusty prison cells ( well, we can't use Steel for hippies can we....think of the pollution ).

I think we should consider the attempted 'conversion' of our planet an act of war....and send forth battlestar ships armed with photon torpedoes. Then...when we have the magic crystals....we can rule the universe !

Muahahaha !
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

I got a chuckle when I read your post and realizedn that it must be yet another New Agey thing going on - ESP. I must have been reading your mind as we were writing the posts simultaneously. Oh, the synchronisity of it all.

Ah yes, ESP is another thing that I believe in. Shocked?
I imagine not. As you can probably tell by now, I believe in a lot of things...

I do believe that twins, for example share some kind of ESP. The way that when one twin is injured, the other twin will get a feeling that something is wrong, or a part of their body will start hurting. That kind of thing.

I believe that the idea of ESP (as well as other New Age ideas) has been around long before the New Age movement actually started, though. Many of the New Age beliefs are a mixture of Eastern and Western spiritual ideas.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

y'all should elect me world leader and send me off to boldly go where no genius has gone before, to convert all the new age hippy planets out there to free market economics and capitalism.

Another one who doesn't like hippies or the New Age movement...?
Wow, I can see I'm going to be a fish out of water at this forum...never mind, though! Just none of you guys laugh at me - you all mind your manners, now, OKAY? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif :D :D :D

Keep on keeping on, guys!

Oh: Twighlight: your reference to Scott McKenzie has put If You're Going to San Francisco in my head. Great summer song! Be sure to wear flowers in your hair...
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

I think you're safe for the time being. I seem to be the target of the day (week? year?),

Oh, I was just joking when I told them to mind their manners. I don't seriously believe they're going to insult me, as I seem to have got along quite well with these guys so far. I admire their knowledge/intelligence. I was just trying to be light-hearted.

Besides, I'm sure Twighlight and Darby wouldn't want to make poor Corcoran cry... :D
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

I am offering what little I know of how the technology on my Earth works.

Dude, how the hell does someone get to be 'leader' on your planet......without even an elementary knowledge of what makes the society tick ? Now I know George Bush was not the brightest spark in the cosmos....but I'll bet even HE could give one a convincing account of how a car engine or even a jet engine works. He could give you the basics of how a rocket works. He's no physicist or scientist.......these are all basic science things taught at school !

And yet....YOU have somehow managed to rise to be 'spiritual leader' of your planet...without the faintest knowldege of how the devices in your world operate !

You clearly must have the most pathetically bad education system in the entire universe, as we're talking BASIC science here. What is more.......I can barely conceive of the sheer GALL with which your planet sends someone with NO knowledge of science, to rescue us from the perils of science !!

That truly takes the biscuit.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Now I know George Bush was not the brightest spark in the cosmos....but I'll bet even HE could give one a convincing account of how a car engine or even a jet engine works. He could give you the basics of how a rocket works.

I couldn't do any of that (blush) but I can write a good poem. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Maybe I'll post some of my work in the Off Topic forum and see what people think.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Oh, I was just joking when I told them to mind their manners. I don't seriously believe they're going to insult me, as I seem to have got along quite well with these guys so far. I admire their knowledge/intelligence. I was just trying to be light-hearted.

Hippies are OK. It's just when they start claiming to be from the planet Zargon and want to convert the whole world to their 'new universal religion' that one kinda feels they should lay off the LSD for a bit !
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Maybe you skipped over my posts or choose not to reply to them, but I am honestly interested in the religion you've come to spread to us, that you havent told much about.
Could you please give a breif summary of the philosophy/history or your religion. And if you could a history of your world and how it differs from ours with specific examples of key events.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

jesus you are dense...

im done trying to talk some sense into this guy. you guys have your fun with him.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

This (Results of Oil Spill) is one reason my Earth never began using any type of energy source beyond solar power.

I'm just amazed at the audacity with which you carry on with this nonsense......totally ignoring the fact that your claims have long since been disproved on this thread.

You have totally failed to answer Darby on how you run a tractor on solar power. He has scientifically shown that your claim is IMPOSSIBLE.

You have totally failed to answer my issue about plastics....and HOW you sheath electric wires in the absence of plastic ( which is derived from oil ).

You have totally failed to explain HOW your scientists discovered electromagnetism and how to use the complete absence of any industrial revolution.

You have totally failed to explain how you can have a minimalist technological society....when in fact the creation of solar power units ( of any decent wattage ) actually requires a whole bunch of major industries !

Neither have you explained WHY a society should go straight from camp fires to creating solar power units....with no steam power, oil power, nuclear between. I find it preposterous that apes on your planet just jumped down from the trees and immediately set about creating solar power units !

These are not minor little failures in your story.....they are MAJOR showstoppers ! Nobody has any reason whatever to believe a word you say unless you can answer them.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

I was not the only one sent to parallel worlds on this missiological endeavor. There are others of my race that are present on other parallel worlds carrying out the same mission. I expect on some of those worlds, civilizations have fared even better throughout development that my Earth has, in which case the missionaries will telepathically transmit the positives of the respective cultures they were sent to back to our planet. I have also shared with the Council the avid scientific curiosity present on this planet even in those whose life calling is not science. There are positive aspects to this trait if the curiosity follows a path of the best interests of communities and cultures.

Lol....what a load of arrogant bullshit !

I don't recall anyone on this Earth electing or appointing you 'saviour of the planet'. How utterly arrogant and condescending on the part of your alleged 'Council' to presume that THEY ALONE know what is best for some planet in another dimension that they have never been to !

Sorry, but if there is one thing that unanimously pisses off Mankind it is foreigners coming along and telling us how to run our affairs. We have enough home grown idiots for that already.....and don't need a bunch of arrogant and self opinionated later-day Conquistadors from another dimension adding to the fray.

Frankly.....the loony assylums of this planet are already full to the brim with people who swear blind that they are Napoleon, Jesus, Hitler, Annastasia....or the saviour of the world sent from another dimension to rescue us !