Greetings from a Parallel Earth *DELETED*

Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

I've been reading this thread and I notice something. Whoever this is, has read this board very well and maybe a poster who has been here awhile. He tried to cover all the hard questions people usually ask in his first initial post.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Those who farm in our communities use solar-powered tractors and reapers.

Solar powered tractors? To till the land? Le'see - if your tractor has virtually 100% efficient solar panels, about two square meters of them, you'll generate, oh 300 watts. Enough to light three 100 watt light bulbs for 24 hours. How much does that tractor weigh and how many acres of dirt mass does it bust up per day? Even if the electric motor outputs zero heat loss and converts all 300 watts to useful work? On rainy days does it have a wind power conversion kit?

In your self described 18th Century farm co-op society do they teach basic physics in school? Ever think about using an ox to pull the tractor? They eat a lot of food and output a ton of ox crap but you can always use the dried crap to make a fire in the fireplace.

And speaking of crap...
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

I see.....and despite the fact that every language on Earth has evolved and changed and often even died out, somehow in the year 10,000 or whatever they still speak Queen's English as defined by the 9,845th edition of the Intergalactic Oxford Dictionary it seems !

Why even in their completely different world of spirituality and everlasting peace where indiviiduality appears to be a sin they not only use the same King;s English - they even use the same idioms. Imagine that.

so if you are looking for technological knowledge, I am afraid to say I will not be of much use.

"I'm afraid to say". An English idiom that defies transliteration. Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the many world universe, s/he walks into mine speaking local English. Go figger.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

I am the first of our race that has ever traveled to another timeline. Our Central Council, the ones who sent me here, did so only with the express intention of spiritual mission. Because the timeline of this Earth is different from the timeline of my Earth, it would be impossible (and futile) for me to say with certainty where this Earth went wrong, but I can venture some guesses based on spirituality. Having studied this Earth's history in depth, there were many "turning points" at which humans or groups of humans made wrong decisions. The most important of these, in my opinion, were the following: (1) The establishment of any and all divisive theocracies; (2) Especially the establishment of the Roman Catholic Church and it's marriage to Constantinian government; (3) The establishment of any and all sovereign geographical borders (which can only lead to war); and (4) The Industrial Revolution.

1) You assert there was never a Catholic Church
2) There then was no Church sponsored trade with the Far East
3) There were no rats brought back to Europe from Asia
4) There was no Bubonic Plague
4) There was no massive die out in England
5) There was no Great Vowel Shift, which defined the beginning of Modern English
6) Henceforth, thou shaltest speak in olde english.

1) You assert that you had no industrial revolution.
2) None of the technology you are describing is possible.

1) You assert that you live in small communities, that are generally isolated
2) You assert you live a closed circuit society that is under a single religion with no defined borders.
3) You assert borders and religion cause war.
4) You should have no war
5) Communications technology was a developed in wartime for war purposes.
6) You should have no communications technology
7) You assert you have a global government
8) You assert these government oficials are democratically elected
9) Democratic Global elections and global governance would be impossible without a vast communications infrastructure
10) Therefore, your government is impossible.

1) You assert there was no Catholic Church, which you have determined was the conversion of Constantine to Christianity on his deathbed
2) Christians continue to be persecruted, until they are extinct without the support of Roman.
3) Next would fall judaism and Islam without the strong wall the Catholics provided between the German invaders and the Palestinians.
4) Ultimately without Catholic defense The Norwegians would have conquered England, and been able to spread to mainland europe
5) The remaining religions are Norse, Hindu, various German tribal religions, and Eastern Mythos.
6) The Norse and Germans would clash
7) The germans would be able to hold back due to there home feild advantage
8) Eastern Invaders like Genghis Khan would easily crush the germans
9)The main super powers of the world would now be The Mongols, India and the Norse.
10) Norse and chinese would clash, Mongols would win and ultimately destroy the Norse.
11) India falls
12) Africa is not advanced enough to defend against the mongols, and is conquered.
13) The entire old world is controlled by the war hungry mongols.
14) You assert that this Somehow transforms into a utpoian society.
15) I assert you're a person from this universe who didnt quite remember the Mongols when you decided that it'd be a good idea to remove the Catholic church from history.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Our society is not against science, and when I say it is not used widely, I mean it is not wasted or used beyond need, and it is not based on fossil fuels or other possibly contaminating substances. How the solar energy is harvested is a question beyond my area of expertise or purpose, but I can say most of the panels are extremely large (we have more than enough land for these since most land is undeveloped) and are located outside of the community centers.

Alien folklore and belief is very different on our Earth than it is here. I suppose you could call walk-ins our priests and priestesses work with "aliens," but they are not alien to us in the sense of being foreign or unknown. We know more spiritually advanced races exist throughout this and other universes, so it is not a mystery to us although it is mystical.. One more thing about our religion: it is not theocratic in the least. Though the religion is what our government is based upon, we have no "punishments" or "limits" for those who disagree or believe in no Source at all. Those who wish participate in the religious ceremonies; those who do not are not required to.
No, I don't mean how your solar panels work, I mean how are they manufactured at all. 
Do you have solar powered factories that make more solar panels that run completely automatically while you all read and take strolls in the countryside?
There has to have been some kind of progress from laterns to solar power, and because you've described your society as uncurious and utopian, there is no motivation to get anything done, so i dont undestand how that much advancement came about.
What I meant by aliens are things from other planets, if that clarifies things.
We've been hearing so much about your religion, but you really havent told us much about it except that it acts nothing at all like a religion. Could you please give more detail on it?
And finally, is there atheism in your society and if so, is it tollerated? 
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Having read previous posts on this board, I know one of the first questions I will be asked will concern the technological aspects of the "machine" that allowed me to come here. Suffice it to say, it is not a machine in any sense of this Earth's technology. I am the first to make this journey from my planet, and it was made with a pyramidal device constructed of crystals. I did not make it (our scientists did), nor do I know the mechanics of its construction.

All of which begs the obvious question: If you have no idea at all about how the gadget works and your mission is spiritual rather than time travel (time travel serving only as an incidental mode of transportation) how the hell did you conclude that this time travel forum is the appropriate place to land rather than a religion, philosophy or political science based forum? You might have noticed as you read the posts that we're here to talk about time travel, the one topic of which you know nothing. Doh! (You did receive a mission brief, yes? Were you confused about the mission goal?)

And I was wondering, BTW. If your mission is to "spread spiritual knowledge that we hope will guide this Earth from a technological point of no return to a more naturalistic, spiritual way of being" and you're the first time traveler from your world: how the frack did your handlers know that we were in need of some hippie-dippie pyramid and crystals 1968 Haight-Ashbury paternal guidance or that your way was more "natural" than what was occuring on another planet in an entirely different universe that they had no previous contact with thus had no way of even knowing that it existed let alone what was occuring there? Were they loaded while designing the mission profile or just RF'ing the rookie chrononaut?

(And God how I wish the OWETO's would at least attempt to posit something unique ( this one isn't), interesting (definitely not in this case) and do some self pre-release editing to make sure that there is some form of self-consistency and logic in the details of their not-so-original sagas. It's not really that much to ask of them, Lord, is it? Or is it your Plan for them to implode after four days, spend two days attempting to recover and rest on the seventh and final day before disappearing into Lame TT History?)
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

I don't know what happened to my previous post, if it was deleted, I don't know why...

I won't go into the whole song and dance again, but, in short...

Here's my whole problem with these "enlightened" societies, who's passionate about sewage treatment? Who had the calling to become a garbageman? Who was the five year old who had a dream to one day be a mortician?

I'm not saying people can't be happy at these jobs, but, if everybody does the work they're "called" to, nobody would be doing those things. In order for that type of society to exist, you're either going to have to have slaves or highly advanced robots. And, I'm inb4 robots, too, so don't claim you have them now.

-D. Dodge Silver
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Ok, I have some "spiritual" questions, then:

1. Please chart the development of your particular brand of monotheism. Did it develop from pantheism, or has the idea of a single divine being always been the standard in your culture?

2. At any time, have any analogues to our major (or minor) Earth religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism being the "big 5" so to speak) been in operation in your world? If so, compare and contrast.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Solar powered tractors? To till the land? Le'see - if your tractor has virtually 100% efficient solar panels, about two square meters of them, you'll generate, oh 300 watts. Enough to light three 100 watt light bulbs for 24 hours. How much does that tractor weigh and how many acres of dirt mass does it bust up per day? Even if the electric motor outputs zero heat loss and converts all 300 watts to useful work? On rainy days does it have a wind power conversion kit?

yeah, this guy is full of crap, but the idea is possible, if batteries are involved. but wait, that would make it a battery operated tractor, with solar powered batteries! heh...
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Given your society's lack of reliance on technology, there's a million logistical issues that would have to be dealt with on a consistent basis in order to have a sustainable community. In addition to trash and waste management:

1. Crops and livestock have to be cared for, harvested, and processed into food. Sure, some folks aspire to be farmers and ranchers, but making butter is pretty far from a glamour profession.

2. Your radios (which you mentioned) and other items have to be manufactured. Raw materials have to be acquired and processed. Mining and forging are tough jobs. At some point, they have to be assembled and packaged, not to mention retailed.

3. Solar technology is great, but even if you rely on it 100%, distribution systems have to be maintained. You need electricians. On that note, you need general contractors, builders, plumbers, HVAC dudes, etc. Since your society values community so strongly, you must have building codes of a sort... that requires inspectors and engineers to develop the codes, and a government to put force of law behind the codes.

4. Have you ever noticed that scientific progress always leaps when new forms of communication are made available? Science and technology are pushed further when one person builds on the work of another who previously built on the work of other predecessors. The more ways to share information, the faster your science progresses. What are your means of mass communication? Who maintains them?
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Oh snap! I forgot one more question:

5. If you are here for the rest of your natural life, how did you prepare for that change? Do you have documentation (social security number, birth certificate, citizenship-type stuff)? Did you get a job, how are you supporting yourself? Are you aware that most countries have pretty serious penalties for illegal entry?
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Distilled grain spirits?

Haha, no. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif And not the vodka kind either. Perhaps I should say "deceased loved ones" instead. Those kind of spirits. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

What this Earth needs is spiritual awakening

Well, even if you're a hoaxer, I still admire your apparent spirituality. I am on a spiritual path of my own and I'm very happy with it. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

However, I'm not sure that attempting to persuade people to spiritually awaken would work with most of them. I tend to be of the belief that a person comes to religion or spirituality when they're ready for it, and of their own accord. It doesn't work for everyone. Not that there's anything wrong with some light encouragement, but it's best not to lay it on too thick - I usually think it's best to let people discover religion or spirituality on their own, without attempting to force their hand in any way.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

It is difficult for me to understand why it is hard for some on this Earth to understand that if a traveler comes to a certain place, he or she learns the language of that place.

But, If you are the first traveler here, how could you have possibily of learned before hand?

Per your first argument, see my above posts on language. I do not speak here the language from my Earth, but the proper language of this Earth. That said, they are not terribly different.

Could you give us an example of your langauge then?

Per your second argument, I do not assert we have had no scientific achievements, but simply that these achievements did not take root in an Industrial Revolution as on this Earth. We have never used fossil fuels.

When and how did your Earth's equivalent of our Industrial Revolution happen, and what technology came from it.

Per your fourth argument, all aspects of a timeline are somewhat different. Every religion, not just Christianity, formed differently until they all amalgamated in worship of the One. There has never been a "divine claimant" on our planet, and we have never considered there to be different races, but only one.
P.S. Arguing from this Earth's timeline to my timeline cannot work since you do not know how events in my Earth's timeline developed. But as I've done a bit in this post, I am more than happy to answer questions to the best of my knowledge. about how my Earth developed.

I'm taking you up on that offer, could you give us this breif history of your world and how it differs from ours.