Greetings from a Parallel Earth *DELETED*

Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

It is difficult for me to understand why it is hard for some on this Earth to understand that if a traveler comes to a certain place, he or she learns the language of that place.

Oh've truly dug a hole for yourself there !

You see, as Darby pointed out, if you are the FIRST traveller the hell would you know what the language was ???

Neither you or any of your kind have ever been here on this Earth before.....according to YOUR OWN STORY. Yet you arrive here and post immediately in Oxford English Dictionary vernacular !!'ve truly tripped yourself up there haven't you ! And you have no way out of it.

That's what comes from not thinking out your hoax properly beforehand. You end up tripping over all the logical inconsistencies in your story.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

The crystalline machine by which I traveled here transferred my soul to this timeline via new birth. My physical body on my Earth ceased to exist at that time. It was something I volunteered for, so it does not sound nearly as harsh as it may seem. I was born in the southern United States, as a legal citizen of course. This was not a virginal birth, as in so many of this Earth's god-man stories, but was an "ensoulment" of the fetus created by my father's sperm and mother's egg on this Earth.

At the age of 16, I was telepathically informed by the High Council on my planet of my mission on this Earth. I am currently a graduate student of religion.

That I was born and raised on this Earth should provide some understanding as to my English usage.

Oh come off it ! Most people when their badly thought out time travel stories are exposed as such at least have the decency to give up. But you seem determined to dig an ever deeper hole for yourself.

So now you're completely changing your story. No longer an interdimensional traveller, but some regular Earth being hallucinations.

Well.....planet Earth has lots of secure institutions full of people who think they are the leader of some 'new religion' and sent from beings hiding in the space ship behind the comet.

You may have found a psychotherapy forum more useful than a time travel forum.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Per your second argument, I do not assert we have had no scientific achievements, but simply that these achievements did not take root in an Industrial Revolution as on this Earth. We have never used fossil fuels.

Well....that kills your story stone dead. And shows how little you know about the Industrial Revolution.

You see....NONE of our current technology would have come about without steam power. It was steam power that provided the very basis of the industrial revolution. And even more was steam power that powered the pumps that emptied the coal and other mines of water.

The need to create more efficient steam engines is what drove the industrial revolution. The need to understand HOW steam worked was what led to modern chemistry and physics.....and the discovery of atoms.

So to argue that you have never used fossil coal for example....well, it is inconceivable that you have ANY modern technology on your planet at all !
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth


Darby, why are you basing our solar-powered systems on the technology of this Earth's solar-powered systems? Again, technology is not my area of expertise, and I am aware how inefficient solar-powered energy is on this Earth, but that is what we use on my Earth.

I wasn't basing your solar-powered systems on our solar-powered systems. Quite the contrary and I did make that very clear. I said that assuming you got 100% efficiency and had a 2 square meters of solar panels that you would generate 300 watts of electricity. On the surface of the Earth facing the sun (at noon actually) the solar energy that reaches the surface is about 160 watts/m^2. At 100% efficiency your tractor has a bit over 300 watts available from the panels. It's quite impossible to get 100% efficiency but I allowed you to have it in any case.

But it's irrelevent. Your scientists are either idiot savants who don't understand the implications of their own technology or you are getting hosed, my friend, and there ain't no kiss involved.

Why the frack would your scientists and engineers let your poor slogging farmers slave away with solar powered tractors in the first place? Un-freaking believable. You said it best. You have a gadget that uses a crystal and a pyramid configured such that it outputs so much energy that it literally rips a hole in space-time that allows you to not only move in space and move in time but it allows you to travel ro entirely different universes! And they stick you schmucks with the toy technology - solar panels - that can only use whatever the comparitively insignificant star Sol outputs to the surface of the planet. What? Solar panels? You don't need no stinking solar panels, Gringo. You have crystals and pyramids. Energy is energy. Your Pyramid Power (tm) gadget is just slightly more efficient and has a slightly larger power output than your panels. In fact, one crystal-pyramid would do quite nicely powering every device on your Earth plus those of several hundred additional planets for maybe 10,000 years. Just one.

Hosed, I say. Hosed. And I'm assuming that the hippie-dippie Haight-Ashbury escapees have outlawed the petroleum industry so you don't even have Vaseline to easy the pain of the hosing.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

I will post on other forums more specifically designed for religious/philosophical discussion, but I will also continue posting here. If one receives the message, that is a beginning is it not

But that's the problem, isn't it? Here we are in our own universe, located in our own spiral galaxy where our planet is located way out on the periphery of one of the spiral arms enjoying ourselves. And you, far, far away in your own universe and galaxy where we pose no threat of even communication with your world let alone spreading our technocracy to your world presume in the most arrogant, self-righteous, patronizing imperialist manner to know better than we what is best for us and then go out of your way to journey to our world to let us know about your opinion of us. Who died and elected your world as Keeper of the Faith of anything but your own world?

Our world already tried your way of National Socialism and the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist collective where people have value, but only to the collective and freedom plays second fiddle to the collective. You know, individualists need not apply - and we have a pogrom just for you. Heck, it only cost the lives of 50-60 million people before the progressive liberated proletariat mass of the collective realized while vacationing in the pristine climes of Sobibor, Treblinka, Warsaw, Auschwitz, Siberia, Kamchatka, Irkutsk and Yakutsk that, like you, they'd been hosed. At least they had some form of generic Vaseline.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Nothing good to report here, except I guess that parallel universes are made up of fascists or that a lot of them are fascists.

Now, when you asked a question on the other page, why did you think that you were actually asking a question when it is clear that you were not, except you used proper English? No, that is not English that is what it is, a question, that does not require an answer.

Humans are on this Planet in this Universe. Smaller than amoeba-sized, the Universe is not Enough!
I guess!

Let us continue this discussion, with:
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah! And blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

I wasn't basing your solar-powered systems on our solar-powered systems. Quite the contrary and I did make that very clear. I said that assuming you got 100% efficiency and had a 2 square meters of solar panels that you would generate 300 watts of electricity. On the surface of the Earth facing the sun (at noon actually) the solar energy that reaches the surface is about 160 watts/m^2. At 100% efficiency your tractor has a bit over 300 watts available from the panels. It's quite impossible to get 100% efficiency but I allowed you to have it in any case.

Yes, the idea of a solar powered tractor is actually quite laughable. But even more so....I'd love to know how his 'Earth' gets by without the use of plastics.....ALL of which are derived from that fossil fuel called oil.

I mean...what are his 'radios' made of ? Cast iron ? Take any electrical component apart and you will find a great deal of plastic inside ( not to mention the casing ). Plastic is is ubiquitous. Technological society could not exist without it.

The idea that a 'modern' society evolved without the use of fossil fuels is quite preposterous. It's all very well him arguing that his trains run on electromagnetic levitation.....but the discovery of electromagnetism was a DIRECT result of the industrial revolution and the use of steam power.

It is no coincidence that the Standard International unit of power, especially for electricity...the named after James Watt, whose primary work was on steam engines. It is no exageration to say that without Watt's invention of the steam engine 'condenser' there would BE no modern society....for it was THAT invention which unleashed the true power of the steam engine.

And, it was scientific consideration of the nature of steam that led to the discovery of atoms and electromagnetism. People were ONLY interested in such matters because there was a desperate need to make things more energy efficient and thus reduce costs. As has always been the case....scientific discovery was led by business needs.

Modern society simply would not exist without the steam engine. It is the reason the Greeks ( who knew about steam power ) never became a technological society. They simply never grasped the true power latent in steam.

And of course, it was steam powered engines that drove the trains, ships, tractors, etc of much of the industrial revolution. Oil actually took over quite late on in the game.

The notion of an advanced technological society developing...without ever having used fossil quite frankly a load of b*ll**ks.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

The foundation of your argument applies to technological development on this Earth, which has nothing to do with technological development on my Earth. This point has been re-hashed again and again in a few of our former posts with one another.

No that's complete nonsense. Whatever the history of your planet.....there are certain basic fundamentals to the way things evolve. And this is where your badly thought out story is TRULY caught out !!.........

For example, the whole reason why the 'green' movement is a fairly recent thing is because for much of the industrial revolution people did not KNOW about the effects on the world.

Why, for example, would a 19th century factory owner give a damn about polluting the atmosphere with CO2....when he does not even KNOW that CO2 exists ?? Your absurd world gets the cart totally before the horse. Why should your society start out 'green'.....WITHOUT the scientific knowledge of what is green and what isn't ???

And how do you suppose that knowledge comes about....huh ? How do you get to discover that CO2 even exists, without an industrial revolution that uses the damned stuff !

I find it quite laughable that one day your scientists just happened to come along and say ' Hey guys - better not use that coal stuff or that oil stuff as they will add CO2 to our atmosphere '.......without there ever having been an industrial revolution that forced the science of such discoveries.

MANY of the discoveries of chemistry, for example, were ONLY made as a direct result of massive industrial scale usage. They COULD NOT have come about any other way !

And to argue that you jumped straight to using solar power, without any of the intermediary steps in between, is about the most laughable thing I have heard in a long time. What powered the first factories that made the solar power units ???? Huh ? You can't answer ' solar power units'.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

The answer to this conundrum is ceramic. Heat production does not require fossil fuels.

As Darby has already pointed out, you haven't the faintest idea of the LIMITED power gained from a solar power unit. Solar power is actually a very inefficient means of energy production compared with the huge energy potential in fossil fuels. THAT is why cars run on petrolium and not solar power !

Your story is just LAUGHABLE. You would have us believe that 'solar powered' excavators dig up the sand from which the silicon for solar power units is obtained. Rubbish ! Solar power can barely run a bicycle ! You would have us believe that tons of this material are sent to the glass solar powered trains. Have you ANY idea of how much power is required to haul a 1000 ton locomotive ?

And then there's all the other components of the solar power unit. Which includes plastic ! You are clearly oblivious to the fact that MOST wires are coated in plastic ( actually PVC....poly vinyl chloride ). Derived from oil ! And also, because over 50% of the mass of PVC is also derived from the MASSIVE chlorine industry...which was one of the first industries of the industrial revolution.

So your entire planet must be full of devices with NO electrically resistant coating on the wires !

Oh really did not think out your story at all well before you came on with it.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

There are various ways societies can become aware of the ill-effects of certain energy sources beyond trial and error. In our society, guidance by "spirit guides" helped us avoid the mistakes that have been made on this Earth. But I assume any spiritual explanation of the way my Earth works will be rejected on the spot by you. I regret this, but there really is nothing I can do to change it.

I see....and do the 'spirit guides' somehow manage to coat your planet's wires with some magic substance to prevent you all getting electrocuted ?

The reason that I KNOW you are talking complete rubbish is because I know how industry works. Something like a solar power unit is the end result of hundreds of different industries. Silicon, steel, zinc, chlorine, carbon, and many many others. It is NOT manufactured in a little cottage industry somewhere !

Steel, for example, uses carbon. And where do you think that carbon comes from ??? Yeah....fossil fuels !

So your planet clearly does not have steel, and all your devices are just left to quickly rust. And as for buildings, well, you clearly cannot have any large ones ( such to make your solar units ) as most large buildings use STEEL reiniforcement. In fact, it is well nigh impossible to imagine an advanced society without steel !

And what the hell are your trains made of ???

But you CANNOT have steel.....because you have no fossil fuel industry.

If I were you I'd give up while the going's bad. It can only get worse.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Ceramics and crystalline technology allow for more efficiency. I am tiring of repeating myself, and as stated in the op, my expertise is not technological, so I am sure to disappoint in any technologically-oriented conversation. Again, my purpose here is primarily spiritual, and I have decided not to post any more replies to questions I have already answered to the best of my ability. I am happy, however, to answer any new questions to the best of my ability - primarily spiritually-oriented questions.

No you have NOT answered have just evaded them. The person tired of repeating themselves is me...for you have not properly answered a single question or issue that has been raised.

I have raised FUNDAMENTAL issues with your story. Issues that clearly show beyond any shadow of a doubt that you are making up a load of contrived bullshit. You have not given a single proper response to those issues.

All we get is some rather pathetic ' I don't know technology '. Too damned right you don't ! So you are oblivious to just what a load of rubbish your story is.

FUNDAMENTAL how the hell your planet has plastics or steel ( or any of a host of other materials ) WITHOUT a fossil fuel industry.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

There are various ways societies can become aware of the ill-effects of certain energy sources beyond trial and error.

Lol.....look, just answer me this one SIMPLE question....

What powered the first factories on your planet that made solar power units ?