Greetings from a Parallel Earth *DELETED*

Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Again, my purpose here is primarily spiritual, and I have decided not to post any more replies to questions I have already answered to the best of my ability. I am happy, however, to answer any new questions to the best of my ability - primarily spiritually-oriented questions.

The onus is on you to demonstrate that you are genuine.......not on others to prove that you are not. If you make tall claims, then YOU should be prepared to provide whatever evidence is required to substantiate them.

Otherwise, I'm affraid to say, you are just another crackpot sitting at his PC and making up wild stories.

I would have thought that the 'Council' on your home planet would have provided you with a little more EVIDENCE.......and at the very least told you that THIS 'Earth' is already full to the brim with deluded people who think they are from the planet Zargon and want to found a new religion !
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Darby, why are you basing our solar-powered systems on the technology of this Earth's solar-powered systems? Again, technology is not my area of expertise, and I am aware how inefficient solar-powered energy is on this Earth, but that is what we use on my Earth.

It seems you cannot even read and understand. Darby said assume the solar panels are 100% efficient. In other words, he was not even using our "inefficient" solar panels (i.e. real ones you can make) in his analysis. He was assuming perfectly efficient solar panels...which there can be nothing better in your time/universe.

Because you have absolutely no clue about even basic science, you cannot understand that the basic physics used in Darby's analysis of your solar-powered plow proves that, even if the solar panels are 100% efficient, there is not enough solar power per square meter for such a device to possibly work! The only way it could work is if you used perfectly efficient solar panels (impossibility) and then you would need on the order of about 20,000 square feet of them to power said plow.

Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

That is unless there is am amplified storage and output device.

You have no clue what you just said. You just made that up. I mean you are NOT a technical person, right, so how could you ever even know if what you just made up would really work? You wouldn't, and it wouldn't. Amplified storage, eh? How, exactly, do you amplify energy storage? Get a bigger bucket? LOL.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

so how could you ever even know if what you just made up would really work?

His entire story is being made up as he goes along. He titles the post ' Greetings FROM a Parallel Earth '......then when caught out on that he changes it to he is not actually directly from there but on Earth like the rest of us. Yeah...right. Get ready for the spaceship behind the comet !

As for him not being a technical person.......that is why he hasn't a clue that fossil fuels are the primary ingredient of plastics. Most laymen have no idea that without fossil fuels there would be no plastics, steel ( to which carbon is added ), and so on. In other words, most of the MATERIALS of an advanced society come from fossil fuel derivatives.

He would not even have PVC to coat the wires in his world.

The majority of 'green' minded people are blissfully unaware of that. They sit there at computers for which fossil fuels played a HUGE part in the manufacture of.....and hypocritically rile against fossil fuels.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

There was man named Jesus Christ, but Christianity as it exists on this Earth never developed on my Earth. He was simply a prophet of the Source.

No there wasn't....because your 'Earth' as you have described it is an impossibility.

You have been caught out on the technicalities of your world umpteen times. But like all those coming on here with a load of go into ' I'm not going to answer awkward questions' mode.....which is the ultimate cop out and sign that someone's story is bullshit.

We've seen it all here 100 times before. Time travel claimant comes on, full of themselves and their story. But they have not worked out their story properly....and soon get caught out with logical inconsistencies or just plain impossibilities ( like your solar power tractor or an advanced society without plastics or steel ).

So the time traveller goes into....' Oh, you nasty people questioning my story.....I am not going to answer such questions ' mode. What he REALLY means is he KNOWS his story has been seen to be full of crap......and realises that he'd better shut the hell up about technology before he gets ripped to shreds.

Trouble is....your bullshit story has ALREADY been ripped to shreds. It is already too late to rescue the hoax. Those with even the remotest level of scientific knowledge here can plainly see that your 'planet' is a load of baloney.

Most would-be time travellers give up at that point. Only the SERIOUSLY deluded carry on peddling their story regardless.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth


But, you are not a technical person (which is obvious), so you cannot possibly know that crystals do not have the energy density necessary to act in the manner you seem to be suggesting. Or are you just throwing this word out there hoping it covers for your complete inability to craft a viable story?

Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

I am tiring of repeating myself, and as stated in the op, my expertise is not technological, so I am sure to disappoint in any technologically-oriented conversation.

you arent too good at technology, yet you figured out what a proxy is, and how to use it?

you have already slipped up so many times its not even funny.

so, whats your purpose, really? do you expect people to blindly follow you, with no proof whatsoever? i really dont post much anymore, but when i see someone thats so blatantly a con, i have to say something.

if you really are here for the purpose you say you are, you have to accept that you fail miserably. two wrongs do not make a right. that means a screwed up society doesent benefit from a leader that leads by deception.

the one thing you say you are trying to promote is the one thing you are destroying.

the options are:
A. you are on drugs.
B. you are trying to start a cult.
C. you are lonely.
E. you are trying to help people by what you think is a brilliant plan. it has major holes, yet you see none.
F. all of the above.

whichever issue you have, i hope you find a better way.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

I mentioned before in so many words that our solar-powered devices work in tandem with crystalline storage and amplification, making the solar power we harvest more efficient.

And I gave the Devil his due and allowed 100% efficiency at collecting the solar energy and converting to electrical energy at 100% efficiency which is impossible but I allowed for it anyway. The sun's energy output on the surface of the Earth is ~160 watts per square meter. That's all there is, nothing more. At 100% efficiency I've allowed you to suck every last photon from the field and use all of it without any loss.

As I said: Idiot-Savant or Hosed.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

I am offering an alternative to those who are interested in it, and are tired of the way this Earth operates.

And how's that working for you so far?

How about, instead of you lecturing us about how to run our world, we instead lecture you about how you should be running your world? Then, you go back and announce to your world that we have been elected Keeper of the Faith, that you have it all wrong and that those there who are tired of the way their Earth operates can adopt our ways?
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

And I'm assuming that the hippie-dippie Haight-Ashbury escapees have outlawed the petroleum industry so you don't even have Vaseline to easy the pain of the hosing.

Something tells me you are not a fan of the hippie culture...?

I don't agree with everything about it but there are aspects of the hippie movement that I admire.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

but I do have a duty to speak to the brokenness of this Earth's system.

And that's the arrogance. You have no such duty unless we, the people of this world, charge you with that duty. We haven't.

You are not one of us, we did not invite you here and we have never posed any threat of interacting with you. You're an imperialist. You're no different than the Old World theocrtatic monarchs who traveled the planet gathering colonies for the empire in the name of the Faith.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

And I gave the Devil his due and allowed 100% efficiency at collecting the solar energy and converting to electrical energy at 100% efficiency which is impossible but I allowed for it anyway. The sun's energy output on the surface of the Earth is ~160 watts per square meter. That's all there is, nothing more. At 100% efficiency I've allowed you to suck every last photon from the field and use all of it without any loss.

But don't you see, Darby? You are not accounting for those "magic crystals" that "amplify" the sun's energy! Yes, that's it! You see, these crystals can actually "amplify" that 160W/sq.m and make it bigger! That is what "amplify" means, right? would seem our friend's culture has actually succeeded (via the power of the magic crystals) in violating the 1st Law of Thermodynamics... or as ruthless points out, they have achieved the holy "Overunity".

We should be in awe...shouldn't we?

But then, if they achieved Overunity with these magic crystals, why bother collecting the sun? If you can create more energy from less energy, then just put pedals on the tractor and "amplify" the energy from the human's legs via the magic crystals. Certainly that would be not only easier than building solar cells (which require fossil fuels as Twighlight points out), but it would also serve to keep the plow operator in tip-top physical shape!
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Ceramics and crystalline technology allow for more efficiency.

Well, you finally said something that makes a bit of sense. Good for you.

Yes, ceramics and crystals do indeed make for more efficiency. Here on this planet we call it solid state electronics. You know, diodes, resistors, capacitors, transistors, etc. to boost the efficiency of the output while reducing the power input necessary to accomplish the task. Been using them for about 65 years.

But you have still boxed yourself in on the solar panel issue. No matter what you do, not matter what the strategy that is utilized you can't boost the efficiency of what is not there. You have a maximum of ~160 watts/m^2 of energy to play with and nothing more. Your solar powered tractors are propoganda but they are not real - not even on your own world.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

But don't you see, Darby? You are not accounting for those "magic crystals" that "amplify" the sun's energy! Yes, that's it! You see, these crystals can actually "amplify" that 160W/sq.m and make it bigger! That is what "amplify" means, right? would seem our friend's culture has actually succeeded (via the power of the magic crystals) in violating the 1st Law of Thermodynamics... or as ruthless points out, they have achieved the holy "Overunity".

Noooo ! Can't you see ? The magic energy comes from the invisible sheathing around the electric wires. Earth scientists have been SO dumb as not to realize that if we abandoned PVC coatings ( uuugh....made from dastardly fossil fuels )...well, one or two people might get electrocuted now and then.....BUT the wires then magically start to absorb ( with the aid ) zero point energy from the cosmos !!

See, this is what those nice aliens keep trying to tell people...while they are busy anally probing them. All will be disclosed imminently by Dr Greer and the exopolitics bunch. Free energy ! From nowhere !

Ah....hold on, I knew I forgot something. Damn, forgot my meds today. Normal service will be resumed soon.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

You are not accounting for those "magic crystals" that "amplify" the sun's energy! Yes, that's it! You see, these crystals can actually "amplify" that 160W/sq.m and make it bigger!

Oh, my. I forgot about that. Dang!

OK. Let's you and me help him/her out here with another New Age hint: let's let Churchhead tap into the vacuum field ZPE. Unlimited free energy output tapped into at 100% efficiency with zero energy input as the tapping source. That's the ticket...ZPE. Twilight is a genius.

(Shoot, maybe I should just take over as Churchhead and write the story for him/her.)