Greetings from a Parallel Earth *DELETED*

Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

That is not my concern, though. I am aware enough of how some personalities operate that I knew even if I presented an airtight scientific process by which my world came to use solar power, there would always be those who refused to believe me, whose only purpose on such forums seems to be to shoot holes in other people's accounts.

Ah come off it ! This sort of language is the very HALLMARK of the quack ! It is absolutely typical quack evasiveness.

The fact this entire thread to date you have not provided a SINGLE piece of evidence that you are who you claim to be. Not one.

Given that the world is FULL of people who claim to be Jesus, Buddha, Napoleon, Attila The Hun, or would have thought that your OH SO ENLIGHTENED 'Council' would have provided you with some means of demonstrating that you are not just amother psychotic babbling incoherent nothings.

They clearly didn't. And that shows they have not studied Earth at all if they had they would have known full well that you'd come across as a lunatic and end up with a following of 2 retarded hippies and a pet ape.

Kinda reminds me of the Hitchhikers Guide scene where an entire stellar battefleet gets swallowed by a small dog because they misjudged the scale.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Was your religion founded before humans ever even left from Africa, because I see no other way you could have completely universal religion.
And if it was not founded that early, how did Tribes in the New World such as the Native Americans come to the same Conclusion.
How was there a Abraham without an Egypt, or a Buddha without starvation, or a Christ without Rome?
And how, if you never founded a real society as we know today, did the Nomad early humans invent farming?
How do you deal with genetic mental disorders like Sociopaths and Schizophrenia, who simply cannot fathom doing things for the greater good like you society is founded on.
Is there any mytgology to you religion, or is it basically "So there is this Source, and she says do what ever you want but dont be mean" without a fairy tale aspect like many of our major religions?
Are there other religions completely seperate to The Source?
Oh, and since your people dont speak our english, could you give an example of your worlds langauge.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

So, the figures of Jesus Christ and others like them are truly only similar to our versions of them by location and by that they are prohets?
We are able to detect birth defects early on in fetal development, and these souls are often released to be born again.

So, you abort babies with genetic deffects? Is this a choice or a requirement? Do you abort dwarfs or mentally handicapped children as well?

There is no mythology associated with the Source. Ours is a practical, not a mystical, religion.

Was there ever a mythologty around it, or has it always been like that?
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Drop the attitude. Just radiate your kind off of this planet and out of life instead of leaving a stinking rotting corpse on the ground or in the ground.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Again, I am not telling anyone anything. I am simply offering a different way of human existence.

Come off it. Your story was already blown sky high umpteen posts ago when it was scientifically shown that your alleged 'solar powered tractors' CANNOT exist because solar power cannot generate enough energy to run a tractor.

Then you were shown to be talking a load of complete and utter bollocks about your alleged 'crystals' amplifying energy. As Rainman correctly pointed CANNOT get 'more energy' by amplification......that violates the laws of conservation of mass/energy !

With those and other have been PROVEN to be making up your story.

Only a person totally deluded, and suffering from cognitive dissonance, carries on flogging a dead horse when any fool can see that it IS dead !

We're obviously going to have to send an ambassador to your 'planet' with an appropriate Monty Python sketch.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

You have no duties that you are not charged with by others?

Yes, I do. But I entered into the relationship with my fellows voluntarily. I can withdraw from it at any time with no repercussions, no guilt and no stigma. It is my individual choice - a free association between consenting people not subject to the collective, government intervention or vote of a democracy.

Terminating the relationship may be contrary to self interest. Continuing the relationship could also be contrary to self interest. How I proceed is my business. If I make poor choices I suffer the consequences without invoking the involuntary power of the collective. If my choices are well founded I owe nothing to the collective though I may choose to share my good fortune with others. If my choices injure others I fully expect that there will be consequences. But it is still my choice as to how I want to proceed.

The difference between you and me is that I trust my fellow man to do the right thing without invoking the Maoist collective criticism/self-criticism Bravo Sierra.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

This (Results of Oil Spill) is one reason my Earth never began using any type of energy source beyond solar power.


So Og and Mog emerged from a cave, immediately discovered quantum mechanics thus by-passing Classical mechanics entirely and went from cave-dweller to solar powered society without first inventing fire?! Are you fracking with us or are you just so misinformed about your world's history that we should discount you entirely?

I've conjectured this before but it seems worth repeating. The typical would-be time traveler who comes around appears to have been the spawn of the LBJ theory of how to choose an astronaut. His preference was a trained monkey. If it was to be a human being then his preference was professional wrestlers or destruction derby drivers. Not necessarily the brightest candle in the Menorah but stout and athletic. Our time travelers' handlers always seem to pick the science imbicile as their embassador (and for some reason we always get the virgin time traveler).

Come on. Admit it and be done. You've drank deeply of the BHO Kool-Aid. I'll even bet that you prefer cherry.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Ok so, I have followed this post for the past couple days now, and while I strongly support the scientific notion that what this fellow is saying could simply not occur on this earth; I completely reject the idea it could not happen someplace else. This is the exact close mind set which I have spoke of in the past. While I do not believe what this poster is stating to be true, I do find it to be an interesting twist to the norm.

For instance, Twighlight's notion that what this poster is stating is simply rubbish based on the assumption that evolution occurs in a species the exact same way it did here on our earth is just simply not true.

For example: it seems entirely plausible that a species could be wondering around making basic fire or what have you, and a very advanced race made contact with them from another planet which they may call "spirits" or "aliens", or whatever, and basically taught the how to do certain things. Hence the need for some sort of industrial revolution need not occur. Maybe those "spirits" or what ever, already learned from jacking up their own planet.

If Al Gore and his buddies learned a new technology which bypassed fossil fuel need and somehow magically got transferred to another planet, don't you think they are going to use their newfound technology, and not "destroy" this new place they inhabit?

And Darby...your arrogance has once again shown in stating you know anything what so ever about how much solar energy can be garnered in another system with a completely different type of star, and totally different variables. You know about how things work on this earth, and once again you try to apply them to something you simply know nothing about.

By all means, it is ok to take a skeptical approach about something or someone, but to flat out disbelieve based on the scientific facts and assumptions of our earth is flat out ignorance at its finest.

As far as this guy saying "they" sent a prophet instead of a scientist, I can easily believe. I have to look no further than those damned "Jihadist's". Those guys have some brilliant minds in the background pulling the strings, and they sure as hell don't strap bombs onto themselves, no...they send their loyal followers, and I am VERY well aware of the fact that if you capture one they will not be able to answer scientific facts of how their operation works. All they are interested in is spreading their twisted view of religion. Ask them how their bombs work and they know nothing, but ask them about religion and they will go on for hours, this I know firsthand and for a fact.

The fact of the matter is nothing this poster has said have been proven to be impossible somewhere we know nothing about. What this poster is stating simply might not work here on our earth for sure, but our galaxy and universe may not be the only one's around, and what happens there is anybody's GUESS.

I don't personally feel this poster comes off as arrogant. For somebody to tell you " this is how "we" do things" is not arrogant nor controlling, it is only when somebody tells you "This is how you "should" do things" is when you should put you guard up. To offer another alternative is simply an exercise of free will. You either choose to believe or disbelieve. I simply choose to disbelieve based on the fact of what the poster is stating goes against my beliefs, nothing more, nothing less.

True arrogance is forgetting you only use 8-12% of your brain, but yet somehow think you know everything there is to know about how things work, and by forgetting how we got to where we are today is by new discoveries.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

For instance, Twighlight's notion that what this poster is stating is simply rubbish based on the assumption that evolution occurs in a species the exact same way it did here on our earth is just simply not true.

For example: it seems entirely plausible that a species could be wondering around making basic fire or what have you, and a very advanced race made contact with them from another planet which they may call "spirits" or "aliens", or whatever, and basically taught the how to do certain things. Hence the need for some sort of industrial revolution need not occur. Maybe those "spirits" or what ever, already learned from jacking up their own planet.

Sorry...but not even an advanced race can defy the laws of physics and make a tractor run on solar power or get crystals to create energy from nowhere !

Darby is stating THE laws of physics. It is provable that they are the same around other spectral analysis shows identical elements, orbital analysis shows identical gravity..and so on.

By all means, it is ok to take a skeptical approach about something or someone, but to flat out disbelieve based on the scientific facts and assumptions of our earth is flat out ignorance at its finest.

Come off it ! If someone comes on and says that on their planet....two apples plus two apples equals five KNOW they are talking bullshit !!

The fact of the matter is nothing this poster has said have been proven to be impossible somewhere we know nothing about.

The true fact of the matter is that the onus is on the person making claims to demonstrate they are true.....not on others to prove they are not. NOTHING that this guy has said provides a single scrap of evidence for the veracity of his claims. There is NOTHING that demonstrates this guy is anything other than a run of the mill psychotic having delusional hallucinations.

I don't personally feel this poster comes off as arrogant.

LOL ! Some guy comes on and announces that he is leader of his planet....and has come here to save the world......and that's not arrogance ???
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

For instance, Twighlight's notion that what this poster is stating is simply rubbish based on the assumption that evolution occurs in a species the exact same way it did here on our earth is just simply not true.

You are completely missing the point.

Darby and myself and Rainman are not the ones coming on here and claiming to be 'saviour of the universe'. That is 'churcheads' claim.

As the is 100% UP TO HIM to to PROVE that what he says is true. It is not our responsibility to prove that it isn't !

If a person cannot provide supporting evidence of their claims.....then 'ipso factor'...what they claim IS bullshit. THAT is how science works. ALL theories and ideas are complete bullshit until DEMONSTRATED otherwise.

It is NOT the job of scientists to prove things untrue.......quite the reverse it is the job of anyone making any claim to lift it from the default 'Bullshit' status to the 'Proven' status.

Now....perhaps you would care to tell me where Mr 'saviour of the universe' has done that !!!

Where is your evidence that this guy is anything other than a delusional psychotic ?

You don't have any ????
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Cats and Kittens (although I've seen no evidence of kittens here...),

I like to think of myself as a smart guy. But, even I have my limitations... I can't hang in real, hard science. I just don't have the background. So, when these claims are being debated, I have to hang in the background, while the science-minded folks pick apart the stories. I watch, and cheer, but I generally stay quiet, because I just can't contribute to a discussion of space-time dynamics.

But, dialectic I can handle. I've read the last 44 posts. I've made some notes. I'm ready.

1. If you've never used anything beyond solar power, how'd you know oil spills were "bad"? A culture that has no experience with oil and oil spills wouldn't know that. For all you know, oil spills turn water into chocolate milk.

2. Tenet number 4 of Church of the Source states "Freedom is the gift of creation and unlimited to the extent that it does not cause harm to another." I've got some pretty serious issues with this. Who makes the determination on "harm to another?" If I decide my "life calling" is navel contemplation, aren't I causing harm to the community by not contributing? But, if you come crashing in on my Belly Button Basics session and compel me to work, aren't you limiting my freedom? Please don't tell me that EVERY SINGLE PERSON on EARTH is so down with your harmonious fascism that this would never occur. You're going to have to limit "freedom" to a practical point. The idea of "as long as nobody gets hurt" is a good general concept, but you'll find that there's always an [censored] or two that wants to test the concept. If every single person in your society always puts the community first every single time, you're aborting more than birth defects. You'd have to be scanning for any sort of psychological aberration. Or, do you just practice eugenics of a stripe, and decide who gets to breed? In that case, your lip service to freedom is as laughable as Iran talking about human rights.

3. It is 2010, and "new age" idealists have enjoyed some measure of popularity for about the past 40 years. If your collectives actually have the ability to, and I quote, "actually create reality", you should have no problem finding a group of like-minded individuals to help you achieve this. I would advise caution, the last guy who "actually created reality" on this earth ended up nailed to a couple of pieces of wood just outside of town. If you get any emails from [email protected], I'd delete them!

4. @Eyecare - Al Gore and his buddies have the advantage of already knowing the deleterious effects of irresponsible fossil fuel use. A society that's NEVER used it has to learn it's bad, first.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

OMG...There is no THE law of physics. There are certain scientific facts which are repeatable and have shown to hold true on our earth and in various other parts of our know universe but that’s it. Even modern day REAL scientists (not keyboard warriors), have stated that what may be on the other side of black holes or worm holes (if they actually exist) we have no knowledge of, nor what laws apply. All we can do is guess.

No, all I know is in my house if I have 2 apples and buy 2 more that I now have 4 apples. I do not know that if in another place and time having 4 apples together by some mechanism automatically creates a 5th.

The true fact of the matter is that the onus is on the person making claims to demonstrate they are true

I universally and ultimately reject this claim outright. This is the ultimate cop out of science. If I claim something but am unable or unwilling to prove it, it does not make the claim ultimately untrue. It simply means you do not believe it. If I told you I were a talking snake curled up here in my hole typing on a keyboard and I really was, and you do not believe me, then that's your problem not mine. I stated a fact, and you just choose not to believe it. Now if I wanted to I, could let you rant and rave about what a liar I was for a few years, then one day slither out of my hole with my keyboard and make you look like a dumbass. Any man or woman who uses the word impossible with out having been there to prove other wise is ignorant.

Maybe I read it wrong, but I just seem to recall the poster stating he was a religious leader, not THE leader of his planet.

If a person cannot provide supporting evidence of their claims.....then 'ipso factor'...what they claim IS bullshit. THAT is how science works. ALL theories and ideas are complete bullshit until DEMONSTRATED otherwise

And THAT is exactly why science is BROKE and utterly ignorant to anything relating to matters outside our own known boundaries.

Where is your evidence that this guy is anything other than a delusional psychotic ?

LOL, I don't have any, and he or she very well may be. Look, I've already said I do not believe the poster. I just base my disbelief on a different standard than you. That is your right, but to attack an individual if they pose no threat to your existence is the wrong way to go about matters. I'm with you guys on about 93% of every thing posted on this site, but sometimes you attack rather than listen and just choose not to agree. Where as I choose to debate some of you choose to close your mind because your science says it's untrue.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Darby is stating the laws of physics in this plane of existence, just as most pre-Copernican peoples stated the Earth is flat. It is not that he is wrong in his here and now, and from his point of view, but that he has no way of knowing reality beyond his perception. are clearly SO ignorant of science that you don't realize that comment just put the final nail in your story.

You see, as someone who DOES know physics and particularly nuclear physics......the chances of 'Earth' arising with even a slightly different set of physical laws is ZERO.

If the ratio of strong nuclear force to electromagnetic force ( a ratio defined by the fine structure constant...about 137.036 ) was just SLIGHTLY different, then iron would no longer be the most stable element. You would have a totally different chemistry ! You'd end up with some very whacky planets indeed.

Even the SLIGHTEST change to electron orbital resonances, and carbon would no longer form compounds with most other elements. Carbon has over a million ways of linking up with other elements ( and itself ). Change this even slightly and life and complex organic chemistry would be impossible.

The TINIEST variation in the force of gravity would affect the lifetime of stars HUGELY. As would ANY variation in the relative mass of hydrogen and helium. We only exist because 4 hydrogen nuclei ( protons and neutrons ) merge to form one helium atom......and the combined mass of the helium atom is ever so slightly less than 4 hydrogen nuclei. That mass diference gets converted to energy ( E = MC^2 ) and is what makes stars shine.

And so on......

But here is what you, in your complete ignorance of science....COMPLETELY MISSED...

We KNOW that the laws of physics are the same around other stars, and across the entire universe. We KNOW this because of several things /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

1) Spectral analysis reveals that stars even billions of light years away are made of the same elements, in the same abundance.....and visible in the same area of the electromagnetic spectrum. That tells us for a fact that physics and chemistry are the same there.

2) We know the speed of light was the same in the past ( actually derived from the same method as (1) )

3) We know that gravity is exactly the same and operates in the exact same way even billions of light years away. We KNOW this because we can measure orbital characteristics of entire galaxies, double stars, etc.....all of which agree with Einstein's laws.

4) We KNOW that the laws of quantum mechanics MUST have been the same across the entire universe across the entirety of time. We KNOW this because the cosmic background radiation ( afterglow from the big bang ) is exactly as predicted.

I could go on.....for page after page.....but I would hope you get the gist !

So don't give us a load of CRAP about different laws of physics leading to 'another Earth'. You are SO far out of your depth in the science involved that truly it is comical to watch you desperately struggle to come up with yet more bullshit to prop up your delusional story.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

I universally and ultimately reject this claim outright. This is the ultimate cop out of science. If I claim something but am unable or unwilling to prove it, it does not make the claim ultimately untrue. It simply means you do not believe it. If I told you I were a talking snake curled up here in my hole typing on a keyboard and I really was, and you do not believe me, then that's your problem not mine. I stated a fact, and you just choose not to believe it. Now if I wanted to I, could let you rant and rave about what a liar I was for a few years, then one day slither out of my hole with my keyboard and make you look like a dumbass. Any man or woman who uses the word impossible with out having been there to prove other wise is ignorant.

NO !

A person who comes on this forum is making a claim with the whole PURPOSE of having others believe that it is true.

Now...if you were in possession of the world's first flying pig, would you not want people to BELIEVE that you had such a creature ? Of course you would ! Why come here in the first place and announce your flying pig.....if you don't give a toss whether anyone believes it ??

CLEARLY...anyone coming here and making a claim is doing so in the expectation that others will beleive their story.

But come off and I are not idiots.....we KNOW that people make up stories.

So....HOW do we seperate the wheat from the chaff ? There IS only one way ! It is the simple words ' Prove it !'.

That was my point. The onus is on the person who wants to be believed ( or why else come here ! ) to PROVE that what he says is true. We rightly suspend believe until the person has done so.

Only an idiot believes something on the basis of no evidence whatever. And no evidence whatever is precisely what our 'saviour of the world' has provided.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

fella, you mustve been bonked on the head too many times.

his sun in his (fake) world puts out the same thing our sun does. if it doesent, there is no life. if he has a stronger sun, then things are much hotter. that isnt make believe, thats real.

you and churchhead really need to lay off the drugs. you miss the most obvious things.

there is no magic crystal that amplifies power. theres nothing in this world or the next that creates overunity. how do i know this? because these guys, on this site, taught me. if you didnt have your head up your ass, or in the clouds, you would learn something too.

this guy admits he isnt very technical, yet he uses a proxy. he says tractors are solar powered, yet he doesent realize what it takes to power a tractor from solar energy. his response is, "magic crystals amplify the power."

this is ridiculous, and this is the sole reason will never be taken seriously...