Greetings from a Parallel Earth *DELETED*

Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

A little application of Kepler's third law....and I calculate that your 'Earth' orbits its sun at 98 million miles....with its period of 397 days

That is some 5 MILLION MILES ( or about 5% ) further from the sun than our Earth.

That is not just 5% less sunlight......but actually 10% less ( double the distance, for example, and you halve the sunlight ).

Now 10% less sunlight is drastic ! You should be in a freakin ice age ! Snowball Earth ! The average temperature on your 'Earth' would be not enough to even warm the tropics ! do I already know what bullshit you will come up with to get round this ?
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Darby is stating the laws of physics in this plane of existence, just as most pre-Copernican peoples stated the Earth is flat. It is not that he is wrong in his here and now, and from his point of view, but that he has no way of knowing reality beyond his perception.

I'll give you that. I am stating the laws of physics in this universe. In theory the laws could be different in other universes should they actually exist.


The laws of physics in your universe are exactly the same as the laws of physics in this universe. How do I know? You're here, you are made of the materials of your universe and from all appearances (limited though they be considering its just an image of text in a screen) your atomic structure has remained intact.

Had the laws of physics, laws such as those that govern the binding energy of subatomic particles in atomic nuclei, in your universe been even the slightest bit different your presence would result in a rather short afternoon for you and probably a lot of other people.

And maybe on your world pre-Copernican people believed the world was flat but you just arrived on this workld with no prior knowledge of its history. Pre-Copernican people in general did not believe the world to be flat and had not so believed for about...oh,...3,500 years. Some people so believed, yes. But there's always the Kool-Aid drinkers who will believe just about anything, even in pre-Copernican Alterworld-Europe and Alterworld-Canada today.

While you're at it why don't you also toss out the old saw about "everyone" circa 1900 believing that man would never fly. It's always good for a laugh.

(As we open our brave heroes Tonto and the Lone Ranger are visiting Alterworld-Nova Scotia Canada)

Um, kimosabe, Alterworld-Canadaman think all white man know everything, discover everything.

Yes, Tonto he does seem to think that. (Easy, Silver. Easy boy.)

Uh, kimosabe he no believe Chinaman, Japanman, Iraqman, Indiaman, Greekman all discover geometry long time before hairy-ape Euroman. Easy find Earth not flat.

Yes, Tonto. Let us leave this alterworld of yellow snow for the world of sanity. Hi-yo Silver, away!

Kimosabe, ramp down on Herc. We fly home. Inside, Scout! Get up there, boy. (Big laugh on Alter-Canadaman. He think we no fly.)
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

There are no countries on my Earth. Our sun is larger and a bit more luminous than the sun of this solar system, but our planet is farther away from our sun than this Earth is from this sun

Before you start down the road of planetary orbital mechanics and the consequences of altering the Earths orbit you might want to do some investigation to see just what is implied by a larger sun and altered orbit.

(And there we are once again. I'm writing the post, reading Twilight's mind as he's already making response.)
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Our sun is larger and a bit more luminous than the sun of this solar system, but our planet is farther away from our sun than this Earth is from this sun.

LOL !! You are on a 'parallel Earth'.....THE Earth.....yet your sun is bigger, your planet orbits 5% further away and gets 10% less sunlight. Parallel ????

Well I am sorry...but you just made your biggest faux pas of all !! Oh dear....and you don't even realise it.

You see, in order for your star to emit 10% more has to be a more massive star. Now...more massive stars burn out more quickly......and the difference in mass required to make a big difference to lifetime is actually very small.

For example.....our sun will have a lifetime of 10 billion years. Increase the mass to 1.5 solar masses....and that lifetime is reduced to just 3 billion years. For a 1.1 solar mass star, it would be about 6.5 billion years ( the change is almost logarithmic ).....quite scary how a small change in mass so hugely affects the liftime.

That means YOUR sun is just 2 billion years from becoming a red giant ( wheras it is 5.5 billion for ours ). But it's worse than that for you ! You see, stars INCREASE in brightness with age. Our Sun is 10% brighter now than when it first formed.....and that increase itself increases....for us it will be another 10% every billion years.

YOUR sun would already have increased in brightness by 50% since it formed. In other words, if your sun is the same brightness as ours is now.....then it MUST have been 50% less bright 4.5 billion years ago. Your frickin EARTH would have been a snowball from hell......and life would never have got started !

LOL ! YOU thought you could sneak in a 10% brighter sun and it makes no difference. In fact it buggers up your entire story ! ( as if everything else you have said here hasn't done that already )
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

I suppose you missed my post about the manner of my arrival on this Earth

You suppose wrong. You arrived here with some silly glass triangle but have no clue whatsoever how it works or how you got here.

But we digress...

How's about you get your arse back to the orbital mechanics of your iceball planet and 'splain that one, Lucy.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Take it or leave it, as detailed explanations of such things (again) is not my purpose here.

Well, actually it is your purpose here. You see - it's a democracy. The vote's in. The collective has chosen. Answer the questions. (I don't think that I have any pending so don't answer mine.)

Remember that your time is running short. It's almost OWETO time again, you're firmly ensconced in OEWTO Phase II (Justification) and when the next OWETO comes along the group will migrate away from your thread. You could end up transiting to Phase III (Bye-Bye) with no audience to wave adios to. Que triste.

Hustle, hustle.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Before you start down the road of planetary orbital mechanics and the consequences of altering the Earths orbit you might want to do some investigation to see just what is implied by a larger sun and altered orbit.

(And there we are once again. I'm writing the post, reading Twilight's mind as he's already making response.)

Not least of his problems is how the hell he can come from a 'parallel Earth'....and he's made it quite clear he means THE which every damned parameter is different, even the laws of physics !

I the hell does a solar system with a bigger sun, greater Earth distance..etc....end up with a planet that STILL manages to have Australia, America, Africa, etc ?? It must have those continents....or how the hell is this planet in any way 'Earth' ??

The chances of those exact same continents arising with such different parameters is....ZERO.

In fact there is NO sense in which his planet could possibly be 'Earth' in any sense at all, parallel or otherwise. His entire frickin solar system is different....must be....right back to the original stellar accretion disk.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

In fact there is NO sense in which his planet could possibly be 'Earth' in any sense at all, parallel or otherwise. His entire frickin solar system is different....must be....right back to the original stellar accretion disk.

It's triangles, son. I say triangles - big fat fracking glass triangles with with a VW logo and flowers painted on 'em.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Seriously...if I can manage to maintain some sense of seriousness at this point...

I have a suspicion that the Phase III exit strategy will be the old, "It was an experiment, you see. I was running an experiment on the forum members to see how people [.......................]."

Fill in the blank. That's always been my favorite OWETO exit ploy toy.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

There was man named Jesus Christ, but Christianity as it exists on this Earth never developed on my Earth.

I was just reading through all the posts....and finally found the ultimate 'Gotcha !' moment that totally, utterly, irrevocably consigns your bullshit story to the waste bin. And without any science...but just using your beloved subject of religion !

You see...even on THIS Earth....there was NEVER a guy called Jesus Christ.

He would, at most, have been Yeshua, son of Joseph. 'Jesus' is actually an ENGLISH word, based on a mis-pronounciation of the Hebrew name into Latin. As your planet does not have English, you could not possibly have 'Jesus'.

But it gets far worse for you. You see, the original Hebrew name Yeshua is actually a name of religious origin. It means 'salvation'....and is very much derived from Judaic beliefs. But YOU tell us that " there were never various religions " on your Earth....which is complete bullshit as Judaism is a very specific religion indeed, has clear ethnic and national overtones, and is about as far removed from your 'pantheism' and 'no nations' as it gets ! Indeed, you could not POSSIBLY have ever had Judaism in a pantheistic world of no nations. So you could never have had a Yeshua !

But it gets even WORSE for you....FAR worse ! You claim that your planet had Mohammed too. Now, the fundamental claims of Mohammed are two. Firstly that Judaism was not properly following the Abrahamic beliefs.......and secondly that Jesus was not 'the Christ'. Now....WHY would Mohammed be riling against a backward Judaism...3000 years after Judaism was your nice little pantheistic world in which nationalistic religions like Judaism don't exist because there AREN'T any nations ???

And worse still.....WHY would Mohammed be claiming that Jesus was not 'the Christ' a world in which, according you you, he never claimed that he WAS the Christ ??? If there was never any Christianity on your planet......what the frick is Mohammed bothering to spout forth about ? I mean, a rile against Christianity is half of what Mohammed bothered getting up in the morning for !

You want it to get even WORSE for you ? can....

You say your Earth had a Jesus Christ. Well....we have already dealt with the 'Jesus' part. But you see, Christ is yet another ENGLISH word....derived from from the Greek 'Khristos'. It was never anyone's surname......but is a word quite literally meaning ' Annointed'....or a direct translation of the Hebrew 'Masiah'.....MESSIAH. your world never had a frickin Roman empire ( Your words " There was no Egypt or Rome on our Earth" )....who the hell crucified this guy ? Without the crucifiction, there IS no Christianity ! Without Christianity....there IS no Jesus Christ !

I rest the case for the prosecution. Case proven.....beyond all reasonable doubt.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

I'm a member of - if you were interested in discussing your spiritual ideas with people who might be like-minded, you might want to check it out.

Which is what I suggested in the first appropriate forum.

However he made his study, read all the threads here and decided that this and only this forum was the appropriate place to start his Alter-World campaign to save humanity. Remember, he wasn't tasked by his handlers to come here and just talk about spirituality. He's supposed to be here to offer "The Way" for this world to avoid going down the road....uhhhh(it gets a little fuzzy here)....Uhhhh...the road that his world never went down but somehow they knew that our world was about to go down it...before they had ever had any contact with this world......errrrr....Tractors! Big fat ugly solar powered tractors. And triangles - glass triangles! Fat fracking glass triangles to power solar powered tractors. And Snow-Cone world - skiing capitol of the multi-universe. That's the ticket.


BTW: We are now half way through OWETO Day Six and on schedule. Tomorrow, Day 7, begins Phase III - a day of rest followed by The Exit Strategy...another forum.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

errrrr....Tractors! Big fat ugly solar powered tractors. And triangles - glass triangles! Fat fracking glass triangles to power solar powered tractors. And Snow-Cone world - skiing capitol of the multi-universe. That's the ticket.

Looks like you are finally on the way to being "saved" and attaining spiritual enlightenment, Comrade Darby!

Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth



I'm now wondering how fat fracking glass triangles were used to solve Chistado's "Beetle Unitary Gague Event Horizon" (BUG Horizon) problem on his world.

As my friend Professor Vos Bromeaieis Relo has posted before, the Danes and Germans solved the BUG Horizon Problem in the 1940's. This is central to any would-be time traveling society's TT R&D program.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Looks like you are finally on the way to being "saved" and attaining spiritual enlightenment, Comrade Darby!

Hey..if there's enlightenment cake being handed round, I wanna bit !

I promise not to arrive at the party with my ' Schrodinger's Cat IS Dead !' t-shirt. But crystals......I have small ones for $200 and big ones for $1000.....excellent value for money seeing as you can contact long lost Auntie Maud ( even if you don't have a long lost Auntie Maud )....and ward off evil spirits, dead senators, Al Gore documentaries...oh and they soak up oil spills too !

More cake, vicar ? ( that's a joke the Brits here will get )