Greetings from a Parallel Earth *DELETED*

Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

I am not from this universe.

Bullshit stinks of bullshit no matter what universe you are in ! That is THE best known scientific law.

And once put your foot in it as you have seriously failed to grasp the point I made. You CANNOT have a 'parallel Earth', as you claim, if the laws of physics are radically different ! Only a complete moron would fail to grasp that.

You have twisted and convoluted your ludicrous story to the nth a futile attempt to get round science. But that very twisting shows you up as a liar.

You originally claimed to be from a PARALLEL Earth. Now, parallel MEANS it evolved off the same timeline some way back....which MEANS it was part of the SAME universe. Indeed your entire opening post claims you are from the SAME Earth...just in a different 'timeline'.

Yet you now, in a futile attempt to get round scientific fact, seek to CHANGE that story and argue that you come from a totally different universe.....with different laws of physics !! And you are obviously such a moron that you expect people to believe that somehow the SAME Earth evolved under those different laws !

Jesus wept ! What are you on !! medical help !
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

A person who comes on this forum is making a claim with the whole PURPOSE of having others believe that it is true.

Now...if you were in possession of the world's first flying pig, would you not want people to BELIEVE that you had such a creature ? Of course you would ! Why come here in the first place and announce your flying pig.....if you don't give a toss whether anyone believes it ??

CLEARLY...anyone coming here and making a claim is doing so in the expectation that others will beleive their story.

But come off and I are not idiots.....we KNOW that people make up stories.

So....HOW do we seperate the wheat from the chaff ? There IS only one way ! It is the simple words ' Prove it !'.

That was my point. The onus is on the person who wants to be believed ( or why else come here ! ) to PROVE that what he says is true. We rightly suspend believe until the person has done so

In concept, and in relating to this particular poster and similar posters I agree 100% with your statement. However, I disagree with your method of delivery of your disagreement when no harm can be done to an individual who actually does believe what a poster may state.

See, in my field (disturbed or chemically imbalanced individuals), we listen to them. We ask questions relating to their claims no matter how outlandish they my be. LOL, and believe me, I have been told some funny stuff. However, if no harm can come about by somebody believing a crazy story then there is no problem. I could have a whole clinic of people who think they live on monkey island and they may all have one of your flying pigs. As long as they are peaceful and are causing no harm to them selves or others then so be it.

The problem arises when somebody comes along and starts causing problems by way of spreading violence or unrest. That is when a firm hand is needed to guide.

Until that time though, I just listen and humor them while they rant and such. It makes them feel better. I know there is no monkey island with flying pigs, but more power to them if they want to believe that. Hopefully with the right medication and counseling they will see the folly of their ways and get better.

Only an idiot believes something on the basis of no evidence

Now this I don't really agree with you on. There are many many great minds who believe in a higher power, and many who believe in the big bang, and when it comes to cold hard facts, there are not a lot to support either.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

See, in my field (disturbed or chemically imbalanced individuals), we listen to them. We ask questions relating to their claims no matter how outlandish they my be. LOL, and believe me, I have been told some funny stuff. However, if no harm can come about by somebody believing a crazy story then there is no problem. I could have a whole clinic of people who think they live on monkey island and they may all have one of your flying pigs. As long as they are peaceful and are causing no harm to them selves or others then so be it.

Despite all appearances..this is NOT a psychotherapy clinic. If someone wants to come here and claim that they are Napoleon Bonaparte......then they do so in full knowledge that they will be resoundingly shot down for talking bullshit.

I really don't have the time ( or inclination ) to humour such people with ' yes, that's an interesting story '. If I wanted to read the rantings of the 'chemically imbalanced' I'd join a schizophrenia forum.....which would be FULL of people sent by alien civilizations to save the Earth.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

fellow, you must’ve been bonked on the head too many times.

his sun in his (fake) world puts out the same thing our sun does. if it doesn’t, there is no life. if he has a stronger sun, then things are much hotter. that isn’t make believe, that’s real.

you and churchhead really need to lay off the drugs. you miss the most obvious things.

there is no magic crystal that amplifies power. there’s nothing in this world or the next that creates over unity. how do i know this? because these guys, on this site, taught me. if you didn’t have your head up your ass, or in the clouds, you would learn something too.

Oh dear god I hope you are not directing this statement toward me, and if you are, you are sadly mistaken, and have your facts way out of line.

#1. the temperature of the sun or any sun for that matter does not make it any more reasonable or not for an organism to thrive. Neither does the atmosphere for that matter. It matters to creatures such as us who need certain levels of oxygen and a certain temperature range, but that's about it. Look up lake Vostok and then geothermal vents both related to life forms...enough said about that.

#2. I take this many drugs "0"

#3. You should really look to another source for training, because most of what Darby, and RMT state on here are wayyyy over your head, and are not possible to grasp with out proper basics and starting points.

#4. If I actually wanted to learn "something" I would take a proper class. This forum is for nothing more than personal debate. What one chooses to believe or disbelieve is totally up to that individual.

#5. My head is no where near my ass. I think clearly and rationally about every statement I make, and attempt to deceive no one. I'm sure if you read my other posts over the past few months you would realize this.

#6. Don't try so hard, don't be the skinny kid standing behind the bullies saying "yeah, yeah, that's right, we'll kick your ass." It's unbecoming of you.

#7. learn to use spell check.

You originally claimed to be from a PARALLEL Earth. Now, parallel MEANS it evolved off the same timeline some way back....which MEANS it was part of the SAME universe. Indeed your entire opening post claims you are from the SAME Earth...just in a different 'timeline'

There you go, that is the key to my disbelief in this guy. I have different reasoning, but same concept. I knew it would not take long for you to get where I was coming from with out me stating the obvious or attacking the poor guy... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif The word "parallel" made it completely impossible for his story to be true, not all the other stuff. Because we simply do not know what laws of our own hold true in a different space and time, but we do know what the poster stated can not hold true in a universe which is said to be identical to our own.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

you are quite the funny guy. at least i hope your being funny.

It matters to creatures such as us who need certain levels of oxygen and a certain temperature range, but that's about it.

im pretty sure this guy isnt a meat popscicle. thanks for stating what i already stated.

Look up lake Vostok and then geothermal vents both related to life forms...enough said about that.

ooh, a lake populated with humans. i will have to look that up.

#2. I take this many drugs "0"

i believe ya, why not?

#4. If I actually wanted to learn "something" I would take a proper class. This forum is for nothing more than personal debate. What one chooses to believe or disbelieve is totally up to that individual.

theres more than one way to skin a cat. taking a class is good and all, but for us financially deprived, we appreciate folks sharing their knowledge.

#5. My head is no where near my ass. I think clearly and rationally about every statement I make, and attempt to deceive no one. I'm sure if you read my other posts over the past few months you would realize this.

you ever heard that you get what you give? you dish it out pretty well, but you dont seem to take it near as well. im sure you have a brain, but you do not think rationally by any means. the way you look at it, facts are a no no, and your opinion is the cats meow.

#6. Don't try so hard, don't be the skinny kid standing behind the bullies saying "yeah, yeah, that's right, we'll kick your ass." It's unbecoming of you.

actually, im the bigger fella standing behind the brainiacs saying, "i follow in the footsteps of greater men." i know exactly what i am good and bad at. if i was to apply myself to the same fields, i could stay on par with them or more.

#3. You should really look to another source for training, because most of what Darby, and RMT state on here are wayyyy over your head, and are not possible to grasp with out proper basics and starting points.

silly, silly man. only if you knew the things they have taught me and the doors they have opened for me. you can ask them both, i have challenged them on many things, and though we may not agree on everything, i respect them greatly. nothing is over my head. except maybe how people like you rationalize things.

#7. learn to use spell check.

who is this god named spell check, and where do you go to worship him? i kid, i kid... seriously though, if you cant understand my writing... learn to use brain check. muy splaallin eez juwst fahn.

you spoke earlier about psychology and chemical imbalances, let me attack that as well since i have the time. how many of these people have you cured? lemme take a guess: zero. you dont use deception? ha! they fill your pockets with money, why would you cure them? people that act crazy because they dont feel good, or use the chemical imbalance cop out, are missing some things: determination and toughness. that is the only thing that will help them, not some crazy drug that makes the problem worse, prescribed by people like you: idiots that think they know it all.

alright, im done tearing a gaping hole in your ass for now. until next time! :D
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Parallel does not mean identical, whether we are referring to worlds or universes.

My God ! In addition to your planet's education system giving citizens zero knowledge of don't even understand basic geometry ! And your ever so uneducated world wants to educate us ???

You said ' parallel EARTH'.......YOUR WORDS. You even qualified that with ' a different timeline '. Now a parallel Earth is the SAME Earth ( parallel MEANS running along the same direction ).....just with a different history. And that was entirely what your own words in the opener stated. You don't say 'my planet' quite CLEARLY identify it with Earth.

It does NOT mean ( as you now deviously seek to change to ) a different frickin universe with with different whatever planet you might live on there would not be called EARTH !! Huh ??

Unless your head is SO far up your ass that you NOW seriously believe a different set of laws of physics is going to come up with human type beings who call their planet 'Earth'.

You are changing your tune and your story every 5 minutes. Lack of consistency in a story is one sure sign that the story is being made up as it goes along.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth


Assuming your premise is true, your society seems to be fascism in enlightened clothing. There's no way your "message" is going to fly here. So, no matter how you cut your cake, your mission is a failure.

I'm an American. I'm not giving up anything I've worked for so someone else can follow their "life calling" to do something I think is stupid. You know, like fox hunt and inbreed... tea got dumped in Boston Harbor over that kind of stuff.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

And another point, if your alien beings are soooo advanced and friendly.....what the frick is stopping THEM from coming and visiting us ??

I mean...what a convoluted load of hyperbole....for your 'Earth' to go to all the bother of creating some crystal interdimensional soul transfer inject you into some human being's womb here on Earth....and run the risk ( or is that certainty ) of being dismissed as a nutter........when your alien overlords could SIMPLY turn up here and hover over the Whitehouse with a mile wide crystal device and say ' take us to your leader ! '

And you STILL have not explained a very basic faux pas in your story. How the hell did your 'Council' know this Earth was in dire need of saving.....when you yourself state that YOU are the first person to have ever made a journey here ( YOUR WORDS ). Huh ???
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

why dont you respond to my comments instead? how did your technically inept ass learn how to use a proxy? or a pc for that matter?

how did a pc even come into your thoughts?

how do you know what oil is? how do you know an oil spill is bad?

how do you strap a 300 square foot solar panel on a tractor?

how do you know electronics in your time use ceramics?

do you want to continue looking like an idiot? or do you just want to accept that your an idiot, and quit wasting everyones time?

you quit everyone, and you will make alot more friends here. i for one, would respect you alot for telling the truth instead of lies. i know what your trying to do, and its not right, even if you think you will be able to help someone. the reality is, you are harming them more by putting false thoughts into their heads.

the only person that would believe any of this already has enough false fairy tale crap in their heads.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Though your scientific understanding on this Earth may be beyond reproach, your reading comprehension and retention skills are lacking. I've already written pertaining to your last question. I am not the only one who has been sent to other worlds. Our Council sent many, and those who find themselves on worlds more enlightened than mine relay information back to the Council on ways we can improve our system of governance.

My reading and writing skills are one would expect of someone who has published scientific articles.

YOU are the one who quite clearly stated ( no misreading on my part ) that " I am the first of our race that has ever traveled to another timeline "......YOUR WORDS.

It is therefore fully reasonable for me to the hell did your 'Council' know about the dire state of this Earth....when nobody from your planet had ever visited it before !!

An extremely simple question.....which you have spent the past umpteen posts avoiding since Darby asked it.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

You are changing my tune so that you are able to create whatever argument it is you wish to create. When I use the word "parallel" as in "parallel Earth," I am of course not speaking geometrically. My Earth is similar in many ways, but it is in a different universe and it is a different Earth, though the currently accepted vocabulary on this Earth for such a place is "parallel."

Ah, come off it...this is bullshit of the highest order. YOUR WORDS....

" My account is a bit different from other time travel accounts here in that I am not from this Earth's future, but rather from the future of a parallel Earth with a different past and future timeline."

" Because the timeline of this Earth is different from the timeline of my Earth, it would be impossible (and futile) for me to say with certainty where this Earth went wrong "

At NO TIME do you say 'another planet' make it quite abundantly clear that you are referring to THE EARTH. It may be a different timeline, different universe....but it still has Africa, America, Australia...etc ! How the hell else would it be THE EARTH ????

But you THEN start teling us that YOUR Earth has a year of 396 days. How the **** did THAT happen ?? I you have ANY idea of the energies involved to change the Earth's orbit ? Do you have ANY idea that this greater orbital period MEANS that your Earth must be further from the Sun by several million miles ? in fact you have EVEN LESS energy for your solar tractor than Darby calculated !

And as if that was not bad THEN start telling us that THE EARTH in your universe runs under a completely different set of physics laws ? You what ? How the hell could your planet POSSIBLY be THE EARTH if the entire frickin laws of physics are different in your universe ??

Seriously, your story has to be the biggest load of self evident bullshit anyone has read in a long time. Only a complete nutter would carry on with it.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

While I do not believe what this poster is stating to be true, I do find it to be an interesting twist to the norm.

There's no twist of the norm at all. It's Titor-flavored Kool-Aid (not cherry) where time travel is irrelevent and imposition of one's neo-Maoist political philosophy on the forum is the beginning, middle and eng-game.

Still at issue is why these morons choose a time travel forum rather than a political science forum. I've always supposed it's a matter of no guts. I could be wrong. But the evidence says probably not. THey simply don't have the courage to face a forum where the entire membership is there for one purpose only - to argue politics and political theory.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

how would you know (beyond your narrow scientific view) that what I state is not true. Do you have evidence (that which you so cherish) that it is not true?

Ahhhh yes, I was waiting for this rube to descend to this point... asking someone else to prove a negative, rather than having to prove any of his own rubbish.

Pay attention Mr. Spiritual Leader, and see if you can understand how the following quote applies to the snake oil you are selling (and not very convincingly):

<font color="blue"> What a strange narrowness of mind now is that, to think the things we have not known are better than the things we have known. ~Samuel Johnson [/COLOR]

The grass is NOT greener where you live. You may believe so, but that is your own personal delusion. Rather than trying to "save" a bunch of people on a Pop-Sci forum on the internet, why not first work on yourself? Because for you to come here and continue to spin such an obvious hoax, under the false pretenses of "saving the Earth", and to continue in the face of solid falsification, means you really need to take a long look at yourself...and get yourself fixed-up.

Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Now we see evidence of blatant lying. First, here is a quote from you that Twighlight just repeated:

"Because the timeline of this Earth is different from the timeline of my Earth, it would be impossible (and futile) for me to say with certainty where this Earth went wrong "

And now let us contrast that to what you just said in this post:

"What you know as America will soon be no more, no matter how much you cherish it. It pains me to say this, but anyone with eyes to see can see that this world, as it currently operates, is doomed."

Ahem. Note to hoaxer: You just did the one thing that you had earlier said it would be futile for you to do! Nice. Now you are contradicting your own ethos. Remove the mote from thine own eye, Pharisee.
