
Re: #778

To think that it can be explained in a few sentences is just absurd and naieve.

I totally agree. In fact, I don't think there IS an explanation yet. However, I was wondering if anyone could provide a synopsis of the Sepher Yetzirah. Most complex theories and physical laws can be explained to me in such a way that I at least understand the basics.

Now take that analogy and multiply it by a complexity factor of about 1e1000 and you're starting to see how difficult explaining God, and how God came into being, to folks who insist on only accepting evidence from their narrow domain.

In that case I don't think you'll blame me for asking for a synopsis. I guess it's difficult to imagine yourself in my shoes, but it's hard to put such an enormous amount of energy in something I don't believe is true in the first place. I don't think there's an easy way to understanding "the universe", but I think the "god factor" is only making things unnecessarily complex. Occam's razor right back at ya!

Why do you think it's possible for god to have always existed, or for god to evolve from nothing to something? Doesn't the same apply to the non-selfaware universe?

It requires going beyond what seems "real" to your mind.

From what I understand that's one of the (10) basic principles of the Sepher Yetzirah. Understanding negative existence. You can never convince me of the existence of god, simply because it's impossible. However, as long as you believe in negative existence, I will not be able to convince you that god only exists in your imagination.

My definition of negative existence would be something along the lines of: "That, what exists only in your imagination". The toothfairy is a perfect example of negative existence. Obviously, the toothfairy does not exist, however in the imagination of a child she does.

Perhaps that pretty much describes how I perceive god; to me he's nothing more than the toothfairy or Santa Claus.

Re: #778

God has always existed. In what form, I don't know for certain, however, at some point God evolved and became aware of Himself. As all that exists within the Universe(s) has always been, with no beginning and no end. However, awareness of existing is different.

Perhaps that pretty much describes how I perceive god; to me he's nothing more than the toothfairy or Santa Claus.

Actually, Santa Claus was real. St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra. Born c. 280 A.D.

The toothfairy is a perfect example of negative existence

No, the toothfairy is not a perfect example of negative existence. Negative existence is beyond description. You can not define nothing. Once you have labeled any aspect of nothing, it has become something.

...a synopsis of the Sepher Yetzira

All of those texts describe specfic aspects of God and the conditions surrounding Gods beginning. The beginning of the whirling of non-existence and existence. The resulting activity of that "dance" between opposing forces. The whirling of two opposing forces "eminating" the vibrations of creation.


"""The essentials of the yin-yang school are as follows: the universe is run by a single principle, the Tao, or Great Ultimate. This principle is divided into two opposite principles, or two principles which oppose one another in their actions, yin and yang"""

Interesting that a completely different faith mirrors the concepts of the Kabballah.

The texts then describe the language God provided to humanity. The symbols of the language containing universal truths encoded into the forms of the letters. Not only will a passage of the torah be as you read it, but also contain numerically encoded information as well. The Sepher Sepiroth is the expansion of terms/letters and the mathematical equivalents.


1....The Mystic Number of Kether...............A
2.....Notariqon of Arik Anpin, 422)............AA
3....The Mystic Number of Chokmah..............AB
.....To come,go................................BA
.....Hollow;a vein.............................BB
.....Elevation,top;pit,water-hole............. GB

If you correspond the numerical values of the hebrew letter A, it is equal to 1. If you see the A in a text it can have several meanings. The AB is equal to 3. Thus in a sentence, the appearance of the AB may also refer to other than what it is spelling out literally. An entire text actually can contain several layers of information. Some plain to see, other information hidden within the formations of the text itself.

Even the formation of the letters can be done in a manner not only to hide information in a numerical construct, but the actual shape of the letter can also cover over another layer of information.

The quest of the students is to unravel these layers and assemble all possible information contained within the texts. Even without the belief in God, the quest of unlocking all the hidden information is fascinating as well.

The ultimate in a puzzle of logic and thought.

I will not be able to convince you that god only exists in your imagination.

You will not be able to convince us that God does not exist because we "know" God exists. We experience God on a daily basis. We see His works everywhere. We hear his voice in all things large and small. Our senses have expanded beyond what the average person senses. I personally have spent years of study and discipline to "evolve" beyond what the world presents as per the definition of "everybody" else.

I am not asking you to take everything presented to be just "a" truth. As you are on a different path than I, myself as Thomas, you as Roel, each of us will percieve the truths differently. Your experiences are completely different than mine would be , even if we experience the same event.

You will see and hear things as Roel. I will see and hear things as Thomas. Our conclusions will be different as to what happened. The event did occur, that is a truth. But how we perceived that event will be completely different. To pass the event down to following generations, each of us will write different versions of what we experienced. My sense of sight may be greater than yours, and I will have seen more than you did. This will effect our conveyance of what we saw to others. Your sense of hearing may have greater range for frequency, since I listened to acid rock with headphones, and you then may have heard more than I. So each of our written texts will differ from those variations because of the differences of our senses.

Those who discover our texts in the distant future will need to use their faculties to deciper what we both experienced. The details of our experiences will only serve to provide assistance with what they are experiencing at the moment on thier paths. Some of our perceptions to be dismissed, some to be accepted. It depends on their individual paths. I may be a very violent person, you may be too passive. The lessons we need to learn would be different. The truths we uncover may or may not apply to both of us. But individually, portions will apply and can be used to evolve past those aspects of ourselves that hinder our evolution.

And, if we are writing this during a period of time that we would be executed for our true account of the event, we would encode the event into our texts. One group of people would see what we wanted them to see, to satisfy there ego's and to keep our heads.

The encoded information placed within for future discovery when we are beyond the reaches of those that would persecute us for what we truly had witnessed.

Expecting God to come to you and reveal himself, he can not do in full God-hood. What He is would render this planet into shreads. Thus the connecting link between God and Man is Jesus. Jesus was God incarnate, to relate to man as a man.

" No one goes to The Father, unless they go though me."

In the circles of those who know, to mention Gods true name cause the universe to shiver and quake. Only a few know that name for obvious reasons. The patterns of creation are all based on vibrations. Rest and motion.

Some quotes from Jesus...

"""Jesus said, "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all. [And after they have reigned they will rest.]"""

"""'Where have you come from?' say to them, 'We have come from the light, from the place where the light came into being by itself, established [itself], and appeared in their image.'""

"""If they ask you, 'What is the evidence of your Father in you?' say to them, 'It is motion and rest. '"""

"""...when will the new world come?"....He said to them, "What you are looking forward to has come, but you don't know it."""

Jesus said, "I am the light that is over all things. I am all: from me all came forth, and to me all attained """ ( God speaking? )

"""He said to them, "You examine the face of heaven and earth, but you have not come to know the one who is in your presence, and you do not know how to examine the present moment."""

"When will the kingdom come?"....."It will not come by watching for it. It will not be said, 'Look, here!' or 'Look, there!' Rather, the Father's kingdom is spread out upon the earth, and people don't see it."

"""Jesus said, "I took my stand in the midst of the world, and in flesh I appeared to them. I found them all drunk, and I did not find any of them thirsty. My soul ached for the children of humanity, because they are blind in their hearts and do not see, for they came into the world empty, and they also seek to depart from the world empty.""" ( God speaking )( to you Roel )

"""Jesus said, "Have you found the beginning, then, that you are looking for the end? You see, the end will be where the beginning is.
Congratulations to the one who stands at the beginning: that one will know the end and will not taste death.""" ( The Tree of Life/ Sephiroth )

You could discount and toss away all of the writings, remove all of the texts and simplify the existence of God with two words. There are only two words that God wants to emphasize to humanity. These are the only two words CAPITALIZED IN BOLD TYPE in all of the writings and all of the texts.

...................................." I AM ".................................................
Re: #778

God has always existed. In what form, I don't know for certain, however, at some point God evolved and became aware of Himself.

I wish it was that easy. I could claim that the (non-selfaware) universe has always existed, but that doesn't really tell us anything.

Actually, Santa Claus was real. St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra. Born c. 280 A.D.

Yes. However, kids believe he still exists. I guess the toothfairy is a better example.

No, the toothfairy is not a perfect example of negative existence.

The toothfairy evolved from negative existence to positive existence because people defined what the toothfairy was. Before anyone ever mentioned the toothfairy she was nothing.

The texts then describe the language God provided to humanity.

And this is exactly the reason why I am somewhat unwilling to put a lot effort into "understanding" these texts. All these texts stand or fall with the existence or nonexistence of god. You assume that god provided language to humanity. The way I see it, humanity has invented all languages, so everything that is derived from language is as reliable as the person who wrote or spoke it.

Even without the belief in God, the quest of unlocking all the hidden information is fascinating as well.

It's like a cloud... if you stare at it long enough you can find all kind of shapes in it.

You will not be able to convince us that God does not exist because we "know" God exists. We experience God on a daily basis.

I have not experienced god in my entire life and so have billions of people, but you won't hear me claiming that I "know" that god DOESN'T exist. I think you will acknowledge that our mind is capable of fascinating things. Perhaps this experience of god is just your mind playing tricks on you. That's my view. No matter how you look at it, your view is just as valid (or invalid) as mine. Both are not absolute truths.

There are only two words that God wants to emphasize to humanity.

I appreciate the effort you've taken to provide a "synopsis" of the Sepher Yetzirah. It was very interesting reading. However I think you are right when you say that we "walk different paths". In my world, god does not (yet) exist.

Re: #778

And this is exactly the reason why I am somewhat unwilling to put a lot effort into "understanding" these texts. All these texts stand or fall with the existence or nonexistence of god.

No they don't. I've implored you before to ignore the God aspect and simply study how the texts reflect science. I think you would have to agree that if God does exists, His universal laws do not require you to believe in Him for them to either work, or for you to understand them.

In all the areas that I have shown the Tree Of Life to correspond with science, you have said nothing... other than you cannot disagree with my science. So does that mean that you simply refuse to admit that "something is there"? If you refuse to admit the possibility of this connection simply because God is associated with how some people look at the Tree Of Life, then this is just being stubborn, and not wishing to look into something that shows scientific merit because of some grudge you hold against how people choose to believe in God.

Here are some other facts of science that fit the Qabalah model. Tell me what you think of them:

1) Hydrogen is not only the most plentiful element in the universe, as far as normal, baryonic matter goes, but it is also the most fundamental building block of all other elements. But let's not stop there, because the structure of hydrogen is eerily familiar to the 0=1 basis for all things that OvrLrd and I have been speaking of. Proton+Electron. Gee...science and Qabalah align with each other once again.

2) Have you ever thought that the flat, rectangular Periodic Table of Elements that has always been taught in schools might not be the only way (read:correct way) to envision the elements? In fact, the "evolution" of elements based on energy orbitals seems a lot more closely related to a TRIANGLE, wouldn't you say? Hmmm...even more "evidence" that the discussion of triangular forms as presented in Qabalah may hold a great deal of scientific merit!

3) But let's not stop there! When you look at how the electron orbitals fill-up you can see an inverted triangular shape. As if that were not enough, we know there are 7 distinct electron energy levels. The number 7 holds a lot of significance in many religious traditions, and many of them speak of 7 as representing discrete energy levels (chakras, for one). Check out my own table of correspondences for Seven.

4) Nope, we're still not done. Let's return to the Periodic Table again. While a triangle seems to make more sense than a rectangle, we still see "gaps" as the triangle grows. So maybe a 2-dimensional triangle is not the right model...in fact, given we live in a 3-D spatially oriented universe, we might want to look at a 3-D form. Perhaps a pyramid (tetrahedon)? Let's have a look at the Atomic Stack. This guy has done some impressive work, and has correlated this stack to quantum mechanics. The tetrahedron is a 3-dimensional form that describes the relationship "3=4", which is further down the unfolding of the evolutionary process from the seminal "0=1". And of course we know that the tetrahedron is the first of the five Platonic Solids.

So again, Roel: Forgetting the God aspect of Qabalah, how much scientific correlation do you need to see before you come to the conclusion it might be worth looking into the details behind why people down through the ages have attached God to it? Are you afraid you might find something?

Re: #778

All of those texts describe specfic aspects of God and the conditions surrounding Gods beginning. The beginning of the whirling of non-existence and existence. The resulting activity of that "dance" between opposing forces. The whirling of two opposing forces "eminating" the vibrations of creation

To build on what RainmanTime has stated above. Even though God seems to be the topic of discussion in those texts, the principles surrounding the evolution of creation itself is what can be "received" by those who take the time to understand what is contained within the words of those texts.

As I mentioned in my post, if we have made a discovery that disagrees with those in power, yet we wished to pass the knowledge to the following genterations, we would weave our data into our writings, while allowing the powers to see what they want to see, and thus keep our heads ( so to speak)

The scientific principles regarding the basis of creation and its structure are contained within those texts. It takes time and effort to extract that data. For anyone just to offer their discoveries up on a platter takes away any deeper understandings that would have been available to you.

It's like a cloud... if you stare at it long enough you can find all kind of shapes in it.

That is falling back onto Trollfaces statement that symbols dont have any significance whatsoever. The authors of the alphabet did create the letters in a manner to be able to convey different ideals, either on the surface, or beneath the surface. The comparison is a non-sequitor. As with my example of the Blue Boy painting, any debate as to what may be doesnt wash, that which is hidden behind the paint on the canvas is real and is there, no matter how much you wish it would go away.

Perhaps this experience of god is just your mind playing tricks on you

As much as you would like to believe it, it is not so. Society is the one playing tricks on peoples minds. The quotes of Jesus I posted above shows that even God himself knows exactly what would be said regarding his existence. And He even responded to your allegations. Perhaps if He was a little more specific, that may have helped

"Roel, You examine the face of heaven and earth, but Roel, you have not come to know the one who is in your presence, and Roel, you do not know how to examine the present moment.

"Roel, I took my stand in the midst of the world, and in flesh I appeared to them.Well, Roel, I found them all drunk, and I did not find any of them thirsty. My soul ached for the children of humanity, Roel. But Roel they are blind in their hearts and do not see, for they came into the world empty, and they also seek to depart from the world empty, Roel."

However, aside from all that, the principles contained within those texts are worth looking into. The idea of opposing forces is valid, even if contained within a passage that "God said..." . Just because you choose not to believe in God(yet), doesnt invalidate the rest of the statement.
Re: #778

I've implored you before to ignore the God aspect and simply study how the texts reflect science.

I can tell you that it's not easy to ignore the God aspect while reading these texts. I think that if you ignore god in the Sepher Yetzirah you will be left with only 10 or 15 lines of text.

I think you would have to agree that if God does exists, His universal laws do not require you to believe in Him for them to either work, or for you to understand them.

Yes. IF god exists, I agree... however, I don't think he does. So I maintain that these text pretty much stand or fall on his existence or non-existence. I've said before that some of the information contained in these texts may hold some truths, but to me it's like finding a needle in a haystack. In fact, I think that the useful information in these texts is debauched by the god aspect.

So does that mean that you simply refuse to admit that "something is there"?

No, I've been unable to refute your references to science simply because I'm probably not as knowledgeable in some fields as you are. You've applied valid scientific laws and theories to support your believes, but in my eyes (and probably in those of some fellow non-believers) these references are pretty farfetched. Also I've stated on multiple occasions that there is still a lot for humanity to discover. I just refuse to bluntly accept that all the things we have yet to discover have anything to do with a deity. To me there's no indication that this is the case. I am unable to see, hear, feel, smell, touch or sense in any way something that remotely resembles a deity. Your claim that you "know" god exists is just as good as my believe that he doesn't.

Hydrogen is not only the most plentiful element in the universe, as far as normal, baryonic matter goes, but it is also the most fundamental building block of all other elements.

Agreed. How exactly does this align to the TOL ? I am only aware of a passage in Genesis that mentions that the earth was formed out of water and by means of water.

Gee...science and Qabalah align with each other once again.

There's the "staring at a cloud" story. If you study anything long enough you're bound to find a pattern. I think that if I start reading the Complete Illustrated Works of Brothers Grimm I'll find that these stories align with scientific facts as well. I agree that it's interesting to see that old texts often seem to contain facts you wouldn't expect to find.

The number 7 holds a lot of significance in many religious traditions, and many of them speak of 7 as representing discrete energy levels (chakras, for one).

Like I said, in my view humans invented numeric and alpha-numeric characters. So, to me, every siginificance you attribute to a character is just as valid as the person that writes it down.

Are you afraid you might find something?

No, I'm afraid I'll be wasting a lot of valuable time to dig for farfetched similarities between the tree of life and things we already know.


Re: #778

That is falling back onto Trollfaces statement that symbols dont have any significance whatsoever.

I don't mind falling back onto Trollfaces statement. I agree with him completely.

The authors of the alphabet did create the letters in a manner to be able to convey different ideals, either on the surface, or beneath the surface.


As with my example of the Blue Boy painting, any debate as to what may be doesnt wash, that which is hidden behind the paint on the canvas is real and is there, no matter how much you wish it would go away.

So? The hidden painting has no significance whatsoever. It's a well known fact that painters used a canvas more than once to save money. This tells us something about the painter, but there's no deeper meaning to it.

As much as you would like to believe it, it is not so.

And still I think it is! Your opinion is in no way better than mine as much as YOU would like to believe.

Perhaps if He was a little more specific, that may have helped

Uhm... no.

However, aside from all that, the principles contained within those texts are worth looking into.

You have to admit they're not really easily accesible. Besides I think most of the principles contained within these text are hardly original... or perhaps they are, but over the years they've been surpassed by modern science.
Re: #778

I think that if you ignore god in the Sepher Yetzirah you will be left with only 10 or 15 lines of text.

You are missing (or ignoring) my point. I did not say "ignore every sentence that had God or a reference to Him in it." I said "to ignore the God aspect." One way to do this is to simply replace any reference to God with "natural laws of science". This way you do not lose the meaning that is "hidden" in the text. I am saying to dilute the words so your conscious self (which is clearly offended by the idea of God) is not so hurt.

So I maintain that these text pretty much stand or fall on his existence or non-existence.

And that belief is due to nothing more than your ignorance about what the texts are really describing. Again, forgetting the God aspect, if you were at least willing to believe it is possible that ancient cultures had advanced knowledge of physics, and purposefully encoded them in stories to "last forever", then you might be willing to look at such texts for what may be "behind the scenes." Do you have a good way to explain the unbelieveably accurate tolerances to which the pyramids were built? Tolerances as tight (or tighter) than what we can achieve with our "advanced" knowledge of today? There you go...you love "evidence" so much... the pyramids are evidence that ancient cultures knew a bit more than we do about science, for they applied it in their constructions!

I just refuse to bluntly accept that all the things we have yet to discover have anything to do with a deity.

For the gazillionth time, I understand this! Which is precisely why I am suggesting you look at these texts, ignore the God aspect, and instead be interested enough in our common human history to see if they might have had access to (and written down, in a coded manner) a higher level of scientific knowledge than we have today. I started the "Non-Linear" thread specifically to talk about this sans-God.

Agreed. How exactly does this align to the TOL ? I am only aware of a passage in Genesis that mentions that the earth was formed out of water and by means of water.

"1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1. As I have explained before, the translated terms "heaven and earth" align with the concept of "non-physical and physical" or more generically and mathematically "0 and 1". One could say that, since the first and only element to form after the BB was hydrogen, this verse of Genesis could be worded as "In the beginning God created the proton and electron, better known as hydrogen."

If you study anything long enough you're bound to find a pattern.

Untrue. The best example is the one that gave birth the chaos theory: weather. Mankind has studied the earth's weather for an awfully long time. Yet predictions are still not as accurate as you would expect from all that study. We found trends, but no patterns.

Like I said, in my view humans invented numeric and alpha-numeric characters. So, to me, every siginificance you attribute to a character is just as valid as the person that writes it down.

Well, humans did NOT invent the concept of number, because it is a natural consequence of consciousness and observation. Furthermore, humans did NOT invent the fact that atoms have 7 distinct energy levels. The link between 7 and atomic energy levels is related to pure observation. It has inherent meaning. Yet I will agree that the characters used for the concept of the number 7, and the characters used in words to describe the concept of atomic energy levels...THOSE were invented by humans....why? As a means to describe in inherent truth of the physical situation.

No, I'm afraid I'll be wasting a lot of valuable time to dig for farfetched similarities between the tree of life and things we already know.

Like our own human bodies? You really think it is far-fetched that the human body's architecture is modeled after the Tree Of Life? You realize that the form of the triangle is obviously evident in the structures of the face, the upper torso, and the pubus? We've made the analogy that intricate, complex, systems with minute tolerances (such as computers) don't come about by accident. Well, the human body is an intricate, complex system with minute tolerances for continuing to support life. If you wish to believe that is came about by an "accident" (actually several) of evolution, then you are, in fact, being closed-minded because you are not willing to entertain the possibility that the body was designed... even enough to look at the aspects of the design that are really there, and ponder the thought of how this system may have been designed, and by whom.

The hidden painting has no significance whatsoever. (snip) This tells us something about the painter, but there's no deeper meaning to it.

In your opinion. But WHAT IF the painter, himself, actually did not re-use the canvas for saving money, but instead wanted to convey a different message in a non-obvious manner? This is where your argument (and belief) stated above falls apart. For if he DID have an intent other than to save money, there there IS significance and deeper meaning. The fact that you do not see (nor wish to look for) that deeper meaning does not mean it was not placed there by the author/artist.

but over the years they've been surpassed by modern science

Oh really? Then why can't modern science tell us precisely how the pyramids were built to such amazing tolerances? And why can't modern science explain how Edward Leedskalnin managed to move huge coral blocks to construct his Coral Castle all by himself? I've said it before and I will say it again: Roel, you are in for very large surprises in the years to come. I am quite certain that science will continue to reveal findings that correlate to ancient knowledge...knowledge that was purposefully hidden in texts of their day. As each new finding comes to light (and the finding of dark energy/matter is a huge one), you can continue to deny the connection, as you do above. But again, that does not mean it is not there...it only means you are too closed-minded to look for, or find it. No offense. It is simply that denial is one aspect of closed-mindedness.

Re: #778

I don't mind falling back onto Trollfaces statement. I agree with him completely.

At this I am somewhat suprised. To make an assertion that symbols have no significance whatsoever is absurd. As I suggested to Trollface, next time you see a cop, run though a stop sign and then tell him that symbols have no significance whatsoever and the sign holds absolutely no meaning to you at all.

The text you are reading in this forum is a collection of symbols, and they dont have any significance?

Good God, man, how can you agree with that assertion?
Old texts written by ancient thinkers/scientists contain a wealth of information.
Don't you believe that there is anything worth extracting from them at all?
Every researcher that uses these ancient texts knows that the hebrew letters can mean many things
X - did you know this letter is considered a noun?
If you didnt it is a demonstration that there are many things unknown.
So, how can you stand by the idea that symbols have no significance?
This just is not like you Roel.
So you are completely dismissing any meaning in all the writings of all humanity for all time?

So? The hidden painting has no significance whatsoever. It's a well known fact that painters used a canvas more than once to save money. This tells us something about the painter, but there's no deeper meaning to it.

Actually you are incorrect. You know only a partial amount of information about this painting. Once again, you aren't willing to step up to the plate and find out what significance the image beneath Blue Boy has. This is an example of how you are approaching this whole discussion. I challenge you to find an adept (real) magician and participate in one of his/her summoning rituals.

The quotes from Jesus were meant for folks like yourself. God is directing this too you, my friend.

"""I took my stand in the midst of the world, and in flesh I appeared to them. I found them all drunk, and I did not find any of them thirsty. My soul ached for the children of humanity, because they are blind in their hearts and do not see, for they came into the world empty, and they also seek to depart from the world empty."""

"""You have disregarded the living one who is in your presence."""

"""Look to the living one as long as you live, otherwise you might die and then try to see the living one, and you will be unable to see."""

"""Congratulations to the person who has toiled and has found life."""
( Who is doing the toiling? Rainmantime and myself ? or you? )

"""I disclose my mysteries to those [who are worthy] of [my] mysteries."""
( This means you need to EARN it. Not have it served up on a platter. )

"If you bring forth what is within you, what you have will save you. If you do not have that within you, what you do not have within you [will] kill you."
( This has a meaning behind the mere literal construct. )

"""When you see your likeness, you are happy. But when you see your images that came into being before you and that neither die nor become visible, how much you will have to bear!"""
( The journey of ones ascension/evolution isnt supposed to be easy )

""""You examine the face of heaven and earth, but you have not come to know the one who is in your presence, and you do not know how to examine the present moment."""
( You are not using your full potential of senses to see beyond the perception of the mere surface of things )

And still I think it is! Your opinion is in no way better than mine as much as YOU would like to believe

I wouldnt know about that, Roel. My beliefs are not based on opinions. My beliefs are based on my experiences, disipline and practice, and an evolution of senses.

You have to admit they're not really easily accesible. Besides I think most of the principles contained within these text are hardly original... or perhaps they are, but over the years they've been surpassed by modern science.

Only to those who WANT to REALLY know. Hardly original? Considering they are within texts written thousands of years ago, how much more original can you get?
Actually modern science hasnt even gotten close to all the principles contained within those books. Every time they make a "discovery"; those in the esoteric disciplines have already known what the scientists are claiming to have figured out.
Re: A Tid-Bit To Consider...

"...the underlying reality of the universe and the plan?.was asked by Philip of Jesus.

Jesus repiled, " I want you to know that all men are born on earth from the foundation of the world until now, being dust, while they have inquired about God, who he is and what he is like, have not found him. Now the wisest among them have speculated from the ordering of the world and (its) movement. But their speculation has not reached the truth. For it is said that the ordering is directed in three ways, by all the philosophers, (and) hence they do not agree. For some of them say about the world that it is directed by itself. Others, that it is providence (that directs it). Others, that it is fate. But it is none of these. Again, of the three voices I have just mentioned, none is close to the truth, and (they are) from man. But I, who came from Infinite Light, I am here - for I know him (Light) - that I might speak to you about the precise nature of the truth."

"...teach us the truth!" requested Mathew.

The Savior said: "He Who Is is ineffable. No principle knew him, no authority, no subjection, nor any creature from the foundation of the world until now, except he alone, and anyone to whom he wants to make revelation through him who is from First Light. From now on, I am the Great Savior. For he is immortal and eternal. Now he is eternal, having no birth; for everyone who has birth will perish.( physcially ) He is unbegotten, having no beginning; for everyone who has a beginning has an end. Since no one rules over him, he has no name; for whoever has a name is the creation of another."

"And he has a semblance of his own - not like what you have seen and received, but a strange semblance that surpasses all things and is better than the universe. It looks to every side and sees itself from itself. Since it is infinite, he is ever incomprehensible. He is imperishable and has no likeness (to anything). He is unchanging good. He is faultless. He is eternal. He is blessed. While he is not known, he ever knows himself. He is immeasurable. He is untraceable. He is perfect, having no defect. He is imperishability blessed..."

"...Before anything is visible of those that are visible, the majesty and the authority are in him, since he embraces the whole of the totalities, while nothing embraces him. For he is all mind. And he is thought and considering and reflecting and rationality and power. They all are equal powers. They are the sources of the totalities..."

"..."The Lord of the Universe is not called 'Father', but 'Forefather', the beginning of those that will appear, but he (the Lord) is the beginningless Forefather. Seeing himself within himself in a mirror, he appeared resembling himself, but his likeness appeared as Divine Self-Father, and <as> Confronter over the Confronted ones, First Existent Unbegotten Father. He is indeed of equal age <with> the Light that is before him..."

"...I want you to know that he who appeared before the universe in infinity, Self-grown, Self-constructed Father, being full of shining light and ineffable, in the beginning, when he decided to have his likeness become a great power, immediately the principle (or beginning) of that Light appeared as Immortal Androgynous Man, that through that Immortal Androgynous Man they might attain their salvation and awake from forgetfulness through the interpreter who was sent, who is with you until the end of the poverty."

"...First Man has his unique mind, within, and thought - just as he is it (thought) - (and) considering, reflecting, rationality, power. All the attributes that exist are perfect and immortal. In respect to imperishableness, they are indeed equal. (But) in respect to power, they are different, like the difference between father and son <, and son> and thought, and the thought and the remainder. As I said earlier, among the things that were created, the monad is first."

"... Whoever does not know the work of perfection, knows nothing. If one does not understand how fire came into existence, he will burn in it, because he does not know the root of it. If one does not first understand water, he knows nothing. If one does not understand how blowing wind came into existence, he will blow away with it. If one does not understand how body, which he bears, came into existence, he will perish with it. And how will someone who does not know the Son know the Father? And to someone who will not know the root of all things, they remain hidden. Whoever will not understand how he came will not understand how he will go..."
Re: #778

One way to do this is to simply replace any reference to God with "natural laws of science".

And with what should I replace "creation"? I realize that some people can derive wonderful ideas and knowledge from these texts. I was fascinated by the 3x3 matrix for which, turns out, you were inspired by the Quabalah. I am not offended by the idea of god at all, I just think he doesn't exist. Therefore reading these texts will not inspire me as much as it inspires other people.

And that belief is due to nothing more than your ignorance about what the texts are really describing.
These texts assume that there is and/or always has been a selfaware god. If this turns out to be false, these texts will loose much of their value.

Again, forgetting the God aspect, if you were at least willing to believe it is possible that ancient cultures had advanced knowledge of physics, and purposefully encoded them in stories to "last forever", then you might be willing to look at such texts for what may be "behind the scenes."
Oh but wait... now we're getting somewhere. I acknowledge that ancient cultures probably had advanced knowledge of physics (amongst other things). I will even admit that a lot of this knowledge is hidden in these texts. However, I do not have a talent for decrypting hidden messages, so I'd rather leave that part to people who are knowledgeable in this field. Nor do I think that these texts will help me gain a higher level of understanding, at least not in a spiritual way.

Do you have a good way to explain the unbelieveably accurate tolerances to which the pyramids were built?
No. I'm often captivated by these ancient cultures, who seem to have had more knowledge of physics than we can probably imagine. Some time ago I read that the pyramids used to align with constellation of Orion in the time they were built. This is extremely fascinating, but that doesn't say anything about a selfaware god. It could just as well mean that civilization was brought to our planet by aliens.

There you go...you love "evidence" so much... the pyramids are evidence that ancient cultures knew a bit more than we do about science, for they applied it in their constructions!
Gee, thanks Ray /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif This is finally some evidence I'm willing to accept. However, it's evidence for something that I already believed.

I started the "Non-Linear" thread specifically to talk about this sans-God.
Ah yes, but this is the "God?" thread and I felt the need to state my opinion for the gazillionth and first time /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I will join the "Non-Linear" thread shortly. Like I said, I'm not much of a decrypter, so I'll just talk about the ideas as they are being presented in the "Non-Linear" thread, rather than studying the hidden messages myself.

"1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1. As I have explained before, the translated terms "heaven and earth" align with the concept of "non-physical and physical" or more generically and mathematically "0 and 1". One could say that, since the first and only element to form after the BB was hydrogen, this verse of Genesis could be worded as "In the beginning God created the proton and electron, better known as hydrogen."
To be honest, I think that's quite a stretch, but alas... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I can't blame you for making this link. It sounds pretty logical.

Untrue. The best example is the one that gave birth the chaos theory: weather.
Mmmmh... interesting... so you would agree that "weather" is actually a series of random events?

Anyway, you missed my point. People who study something long enough will eventually find a pattern. Even if you write down 100 characters, people will try to find a message in it and probably succeed. Mind you, I'm not saying that this is, by definition, the case with the bible-code.

Well, humans did NOT invent the concept of number, because it is a natural consequence of consciousness and observation.
The numerical system WAS invented by humans. The fact that we can use numbers to indicate a quantity does not invalidate the statement that humans invented them. Any occurrence of the number "7" is either coincedental OR purposely created by humans. It's something psychological... if I tell people that the number 86 is significant, they'll suddenly start noticing it everywhere.

To me "7" has no significance.

You really think it is far-fetched that the human body's architecture is modeled after the Tree Of Life?
Perhaps it's the other way around. The architecture of the Tree of Life is modeled after the human body? Seems more likely, if you ask me.

You realize that the form of the triangle is obviously evident in the structures of the face, the upper torso, and the pubus?
To my knowledge a triangle is one of the strongest shapes. So it's only logical that this shape is incorporated in the human body as a result of evolution.

If you wish to believe that is came about by an "accident" (actually several) of evolution, then you are, in fact, being closed-minded because you are not willing to entertain the possibility that the body was designed... even enough to look at the aspects of the design that are really there, and ponder the thought of how this system may have been designed, and by whom.
You're just as close-minded because you are not willing to entertain the possibility that the body WASN'T designed. To me it seems evident that the human body has been shaped by many (external) factors like weather, habitat and interaction with other humans, animals or vegetation.

In fact you're even more close-minded because you present the concept of creation as a truth, whereas I present my believes as a theory.

But WHAT IF the painter, himself, actually did not re-use the canvas for saving money, but instead wanted to convey a different message in a non-obvious manner?
I admire your talent for searching for things that aren't there. Sometimes the solution is right there in front of you, but since you are too busy looking for a deeper meaning, you don't see it. That's exactly what I mean when I say people are making things more complex than they actually are. In this particular case the artist came from a poor family. Like I said, painters in those days re-used a canvas to save money. If you want to think there's a hidden message, go ahead, but that does not bring us closer to the truth.

Oh really? Then why can't modern science tell us precisely how the pyramids were built to such amazing tolerances?
I think that, in time, modern science will be able to tell us pretty much everything. I do not believe that spirituality will provide revolutionary new insights in any way.

I've said it before and I will say it again: Roel, you are in for very large surprises in the years to come.
Oh, but believe me Ray, you're in for a couple of very large surprises as well. Especially since you've already accepted certain things as the truth, that may turn out to be false! Also, I like surprises.

...it only means you are too closed-minded to look for, or find it. No offense. It is simply that denial is one aspect of closed-mindedness.
I'm just as closed- or openminded as you are, Ray. Actually, you could say I'm less closed-minded, since I have not declared anything as the absolute truth yet. As long as you insist on presenting the existence of god as THE truth, it's YOU who is closed-minded.

Re: #778

As I suggested to Trollface, next time you see a cop, run though a stop sign and then tell him that symbols have no significance whatsoever and the sign holds absolutely no meaning to you at all.
Funny. You and Ray sure are a couple of dramaqueens /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif No offence intended.

I'm quite sure that I stated that symbols have no significance other than the person who wrote them. We as humans attribute siginificance to certain symbols.

The text you are reading in this forum is a collection of symbols, and they dont have any significance?
Ucdnoi kjewhg I ufudp ukjydu jkad kasjd. Symbols only have meaning if I want them to have meaning. Old texts can contain hidden messages, but it's still the author who gives these symbols their meaning.

So you are completely dismissing any meaning in all the writings of all humanity for all time?
No, clearly you are not interpreting the symbols (that I am trying to add significance to) in the right way.

Actually you are incorrect. You know only a partial amount of information about this painting.
Yes, but again, why keep looking for a deeper meaning, while the answer is obvious. I do not know much about the painter Thomas Gainsborough or this specific painting, other than the fact that Gainsborough was raised in Suffolk (a poor town in those days). However, I'm quite sure that the canvas this painting was painted on was re-used.

Once again, you aren't willing to step up to the plate and find out what significance the image beneath Blue Boy has.
I have always appreciated abstract as well as figurative art. I'm not an expert, but I can safely say that I've been well introduced to art. I enjoy going to museums and I think I'm very well capable of interpreting a painting. However, I think some people are looking for messages that aren't there. Not too long ago there they pulled a joke on some people in a German museum (I think). They had some paintings made by chimpanzees, but still some people managed to talk about it as if they were made by some great modern artist.

I challenge you to find an adept (real) magician and participate in one of his/her summoning rituals.
When I find one, I'll let you know.

Actually modern science hasnt even gotten close to all the principles contained within those books.
To my knowledge, modern scientists have always shared their discoveries in a way that is comprehensible to most people (eventhough some discoveries are probably withheld from the public). So even if those principles are contained within those books, modern science will eventually come to the same conclusion and share it in a more comprehenisble way. Usually I'm very curious, but I'm patient enough to wait for modern science to provide the answers.

Every time they make a "discovery"; those in the esoteric disciplines have already known what the scientists are claiming to have figured out.
Perhaps those in the esoteric disciplines should be taught the concept of sharing in that case!

Re: #778

Funny. You and Ray sure are a couple of dramaqueens No offence intended

No offense taken. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif But Drama-KINGS would have been a little better...
And remember, Hollywood is in our backyards.

I'm quite sure that I stated that symbols have no significance other than the person who wrote them

I agree. In one of my posts above I have a hidden message contained within its text. It does have significance becuase I meant for it to have such. And so it was with the authors of those ancient texts.

No, clearly you are not interpreting the symbols (that I am trying to add significance to) in the right way.

Thats almost hilarious, /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I am sure you have not spent much time in the study of ancient languages, so prove me wrong on my interpretations. Just go into any hebrew alphabet site and post where they demonstrate that the hebrew letters dont have dual meanings.

Yes, but again, why keep looking for a deeper meaning, while the answer is obvious. I do not know much about the painter Thomas Gainsborough or this specific painting, other than the fact that Gainsborough was raised in Suffolk (a poor town in those days). However, I'm quite sure that the canvas this painting was painted on was re-used.

Since the painting was done over another, I would suppose that it was re-used canvass. The story as I understand it was that the man did something to offend the painter and to erase his opportunity at immortality ( so to speak ) he was covered over. As far as the little dog that was painted out, it was merely a mistake. The whole point of the example was that you are looking at the surface of the canvas. Unless you know the painters style and habits, you would more than likely miss the picture underneath. Thehidden meaning was that to the untrained eye, blueboy was all that existed on that canvas. That assertion is false. Indeed there was more to the painting than what appearred on the surface.

Perhaps those in the esoteric disciplines should be taught the concept of sharing in that case!

One of the greatest teachers tried to share and was crucified. Most of the teachers that have come forward have been ridiculed and persecuted. So is it any wonder why they decided to keep their mouths shut, and keep their teachings hidden? And where do you think the information for my Tid-Bit post came from...this was told by Jesus to his disciples.
Re: #778

Therefore reading these texts will not inspire me as much as it inspires other people.

I thought the same thing the first time I was introduced to them. Interesting you can make that judgment without actually doing the work. It reminds me of what virtually every child tells his parents when they want him to eat something new: "But I don't like it!" And the standard, logical response from the parents: "You can't know until you try!"

If this turns out to be false, these texts will loose much of their value.

I've made this point before as well, but you keep coming back to it. They will NOT lose their value if much of what they hold is shown to be true by science...as has been occurring for many years now. You again missed my point about how "truth" (yes, scientific truth) does not depend on whether you believe in God, nor whether a text professes that there is a God.

Oh but wait... now we're getting somewhere. I acknowledge that ancient cultures probably had advanced knowledge of physics

Yes, we are getting somewhere! Because if you can acknowledge that ancient cultures "probably" had advanced knowledge of physics, then there is no reason to only limit it to physics. It is equally as probable that they had advanced knowledge of spirituality, and even how they two relate to one another. You've helped make my point yet again! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Some time ago I read that the pyramids used to align with constellation of Orion in the time they were built. This is extremely fascinating, but that doesn't say anything about a selfaware god.

Yes, their pattern does match Orion to very tight tolerances! And the Sphinx was facing the dawn rising of the constellation of Leo at 10,500 BC. What these DO say is that they were very advanced, and as mentioned above, if you admit that you cannot discount the possibility they were at least this advanced in understanding spirituality. Thus, they could have easily encoded their knowledge of both God and science in their texts.

To be honest, I think that's quite a stretch, alas I can't blame you for making this link. It sounds pretty logical.

Once again: It matches established science, and yet you think it is a stretch. In my opinion, that is NOT very logical.

so you would agree that "weather" is actually a series of random events?

No. Only that they APPEAR random. Per what Chaos Theory has told us about the closed-loop behavior of complex systems: If you could model all of the effects of the universe, and knew the initial conditions to adequate resolution, you could predict the weather exactly. That is why man still studies the universe to find those patterns...because sometimes those patterns are really there, and not just our imagination.

The numerical system WAS invented by humans.

No. The NUMERALS were invented by humans. Even an ape knows the difference between one banana, two bananas, and a bunch of bananas!

To me "7" has no significance.

And you whizzed right by my example of the seven atomic energy levels. Those don't have significance to you? Not the numeral, the number itself. Do you think the quantum numbers of atoms are the invention of man? If so, then WE created the universe!

Perhaps it's the other way around. The architecture of the Tree of Life is modeled after the human body? Seems more likely, if you ask me.

Well, it would be more likely IFF the human body was the only thing that reflected the Tree Of Life. How about DNA and the triplet codon sequences for human amino acids? Or the 3 pillars of the TOL matching the DNA ladder? And how about the 22 asexual human chromosomes and their alignment with the 22 paths on the TOL? Wow, you know there are a total of 32 elements that comprise the Tree Of Life...32... a binary sequence number. Back to that 0 and 1 again. Now I don't know about you, but I haven't seen any evidence that the people of the day when we trace the TOL first "coming out" had any knowledge of computers. I guess if mankind invented the TOL, whoever did it got awfully lucky to hit so many truths with that one picture, huh? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

To my knowledge a triangle is one of the strongest shapes.

Actually, it's not. I do believe Buckyballs (named after the man who predicted their properties, Buckminster Fuller) are some of the strongest shapes known to mankind. But still... did you ever want to go deeper to find out WHY the triangle is so prevalent? Or is that as far as you needed to go, and then just assume the rest of the knowledge about it is related to "accident"?

You're just as close-minded because you are not willing to entertain the possibility that the body WASN'T designed.

Well now, I'd say you can't really make that judgment, given that I have knowledge from my studies that you do not have.

I admire your talent for searching for things that aren't there.

And again I must qualify...that is your opinion, and certainly not fact.

If you want to think there's a hidden message, go ahead, but that does not bring us closer to the truth.

Ah, but you see, it DOES bring us closer to the truth each and every time science confirms something that has been in these ancient texts! In fact, speaking statistically, each time science verifies a "truth" that has been described in mystical texts, the probability that there really IS a hidden message in those texts goes up! That is math you cannot argue with. The more evidence you find that supports a theory, the more likely that it is "truth". That's the way science works, by experimentation and verification.

As long as you insist on presenting the existence of god as THE truth, it's YOU who is closed-minded.

And as long as you ignore information from texts (and teachings), you will never come to see and understand how the existence of God is "THE truth". At least in my version of closed-mindedness that you pin on me, I am not ignoring data...I have looked and I have found. In your case, it is more like you refuse to look, and hope some day truth will be delivered to your door, nicely packaged and ready to use.

And...I am always open to any evidence that would prove the universe is an accident. Now that is not trying to prove a negative, is it? I'll look at your evidence whenever you can dig it up! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: #778

I do not know much about the painter Thomas Gainsborough or this specific painting, other than the fact that Gainsborough was raised in Suffolk (a poor town in those days).

Just a small nit-pick, but suffolk is a County, not a town. It is, in fact, the county where I live and Gainsborough's home town of Sudbury is about an hour's drive from my house.
Re: #778

No offense taken. But Drama-KINGS would have been a little better...
Well, I did mean for it to have a bit of an edge... so I'll stick to queens if you don't mind!

Thats almost hilarious, I am sure you have not spent much time in the study of ancient languages, so prove me wrong on my interpretations.
And again... clearly you are not interpreting the symbols (that I am trying to add significance to) in the right way.

Your reply actually proves my point. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

One of the greatest teachers tried to share and was crucified.
Many great thinkers were not understood in their time. That doesn't mean people should refrain from sharing knowledge now.

I do think that we can learn from ancient texts, but I see no reason to bluntly accept them as the absolute truth. Especially since a lot of these texts contain statements that do not match with the things I personally believe in. Even if these civilizations had more knowledge of physics and astronomy, that doesn't mean they actually knew the absolute truth.

Re: #778

And the standard, logical response from the parents: "You can't know until you try!"
I'm typically a person who will always try new things, even if they don't appeal to me. For instance I will eat almost anything that is remotely edible. But changing your believes is something quite different from changing spices.

In the end something good will come out of this. The fact alone that I know more about the Quabalah now than I did before I entered this discussion, makes it worthwile.

Interesting you can make that judgment without actually doing the work.
I've read enough to see that these texts will not inspire me as much as they inspire you. I simply do not believe there is a god. I also don't believe that the universe was created. Don't you agree that these two statements are quite the opposite of what is mentioned in Genesis or Sepher Yetzirah?

, if you admit that you cannot discount the possibility they were at least this advanced in understanding spirituality. Thus, they could have easily encoded their knowledge of both God and science in their texts.
Unlike you, I will not discount any possibility. The simple fact that they had more knowledge of astronomy and physics does not validate their spiritual believes. In fact, I was under the assumption that the Egyptians worshipped more than one god?

I'll tell you something else. I think it's more probable that ancient cultures encountered aliens instead of god(s).

You again missed my point about how "truth" (yes, scientific truth) does not depend on whether you believe in God, nor whether a text professes that there is a God.
Take the Sepher Yetzirah as an example. You told me that this text describes "the evolution" of god. If it turns out god does not exist, then this text will be of no value.

When you leave the bible code out, Genesis has no real historical value in my opinion.

It is equally as probable that they had advanced knowledge of spirituality, and even how they two relate to one another.
So, Amun is responsible for the creation of the universe and I have Hathor to thank for Creed singing "What's this life for"? If you acknowledge that they had advanced knowledge of spirituality, I guess you like the idea of henotheism? I think it will come as no surprise to you that the Egyptians had several religions, most of which worshipped one supreme god, but at the same time assigned gods to all his powers. In several of these religions you can find great similarities with some of the ideas you've presented. I remember something my history teacher once taught us: In one of the old texts found in the pyramids there's a passage that describes the process of the supreme god masturbating in order to give birth to his own parents.

Perhaps after millenia of worship and faith in "the one supreme" it's time for something new? The fact that ancient cultures MAY have had more knowledge of spirituality is in no way reason for me to believe in the concept of a creator. Instead of thinking "there must be something", perhaps it's better to allow yourself to think about the possibility that "there is nothing".

Once again: It matches established science, and yet you think it is a stretch.
Star Trek also matches established science to a certain extent, but I don't believe that is true either. I think it's a stretch because your explanation, although it sounds logical, depends on a couple of assumptions. Again it sounds logical, but it isn't necessarily true.

No. Only that they APPEAR random.
In which case I stand by my original statement that eventually people will find a pattern in almost everything. Humans have a talent for finding patterns. Sometimes these patterns are actually present, but sometimes people try so hard that they find patterns that were not intentionally meant to be there. If I say the color red is significant, instantly people will start seeing red things everywhere if they have faith in me.

Even an ape knows the difference between one banana, two bananas, and a bunch of bananas!

Yes, apes can count if you teach them. They can understand the numerical system that was created by humans.

The numerical system we know from antiquity made its appearance for the first time in inscriptions of the 5th century B.C., but was obviously formed during the Archaic period. This system is based on a method of writing that was known in Assyria and Phoenicia, and is called acrophonic. That is, the number was written with the first letter of the word that indicated it: Ð for pente, D for deka, H for hekaton, X for chilia, and M for myriads (tens of thousands). The units were shown with a vertical bar. Multiples of these numbers were indicated by repeating them and by inscribing the letter in question between the horns of the letter Ð (when it was a question of a multiple of five). This system was replaced in the first Imperial years with the alphabetic, the use of which continued into the Byzantine period.

And you whizzed right by my example of the seven atomic energy levels.
Uhm, no... well I did, but only because I think it's insignificant. There are 7 very famous dwarfs. Seven is also the title of a movie. Next year I'll turn 28, which is exactly 4 times 7. Seven rhymes to heaven. 7 is not a significant number to me. Just like 3 or 666 or 13... Of course these numbers can be made significant in a certain context, but the number itself is not significant. Again, any occurance is either coincedental or purposely created by the author.

If so, then WE created the universe!
Well, who knows /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

How about DNA and the triplet codon sequences for human amino acids?
It's in the way you interpret it. If you really want to find a match, eventually you'll find it. I bet you can think of a million of other things that match the model of the Tree Of Life.

Wow, you know there are a total of 32 elements that comprise the Tree Of Life...32... a binary sequence number.

Uhm, 32 also happens to be the number between 31 and 33.
Some people in Holland work 32 instead of 40 hours a week.
ThirtyTwo is also a company devoted to the ultimate snowboarding experience
Route 32 leads from Santa Clara Caltrain Station to San Antonio Shopping Center

Also, do you know how many binary sequence numbers there are?

What if there were a total of 33 elements that comprise the Tree Of Life? I'm sure you'd have another explanation for that.

I guess if mankind invented the TOL, whoever did it got awfully lucky to hit so many truths with that one picture, huh?
I guess the person who invented the TOL can consider himself lucky that there are people like you who will keep looking for anything that will match the model of the TOL. What if modern science hadn't discovered human amino acids? You wouldn't be able to match it to the TOL, now would you?

But still... did you ever want to go deeper to find out WHY the triangle is so prevalent?
I clearly stated that to my knowledge a triangle is one of the strongest shapes, but you totally missed my point. Did you purposely ignore what I said about the triangle being incorporated in the human body as a result of evolution? In fact I would have given you the exact same answer if you asked me why the circle is so prevalent, or a square, or a torus, or any other shape... I can think of no reason, aside from mathematics, why the triangle is more prevalent than any other shape.

That's the way science works, by experimentation and verification.
If only these "truths" were described in the bible literally and not in the form of somekind of secret code that will only "confirm" every scientific discovery. What scientific discoveries do we have the bible code to thank for?

Well now, I'd say you can't really make that judgment, given that I have knowledge from my studies that you do not have.
Yet you live by the illusion that you CAN make that judgement about me. Sure you have knowledge that I do not have, but I'm quite sure that I have knowledge that YOU don't! I'm not closed-minded, but even open-minded people do not always agree. In my previous post I stated that you are just as OPEN- or closedminded as I am, but if you insist on calling me closed-minded, I can only pass the same judgement on you.

I have looked and I have found. In your case, it is more like you refuse to look, and hope some day truth will be delivered to your door, nicely packaged and ready to use.
I do not refuse to look. I just look in different places.

I'll look at your evidence whenever you can dig it up!
I think by now you should know that I do not have this evidence. However, I think in time science will provide a more accurate description of how the universe came to being. By the time a new discovery is made, I'm sure you'll be able to "confirm" it and show me the exact passage in the bible where this knowledge was hidden all these years.


Newsflash - Energy is THE Truth!

In the end something good will come out of this.

Oh, I totally agree! I learn a lot from these back-and-forths as well, and I'd be stupid to deny otherwise. In fact, human interaction (exchange of energy) is the prime reason for existence.

Here is more evidence regarding a point I was trying to make to Trollface: Information is yet another form of Energy. Scientifically, we know this from Shannon's discovery/definition of information entropy and its relationship to classical thermodynamic entropy. But there is even more practical evidence that "stares us in the face" every day we use the internet. It is easy to see that two humans who are interacting in a face-to-face, physical encounter are exchanging energy. Whether it be through touch, expressions, or speech, each of these represent expeditures of energy...for the purpose of conveying information from one to another. But even when we interact in a virtual encounter, such as this forum on the internet, we are still exchanging ENergy. The physical energy is represented by the electrons that flow as I hit the "post" button and my message goes out to the board, and as the electrons do the same when one accesses the post and the message flows to them over the internet and onto their computer. But even in this virutal environment of Energy exchange, the primary basis of it all is still Information.

I simply do not believe there is a god. I also don't believe that the universe was created. Don't you agree that these two statements are quite the opposite of what is mentioned in Genesis or Sepher Yetzirah?

I suppose so, but I am not sure I know what you mean. You are obviously one of many beings who holds the power of Creation. This I know you will not argue with. Genesis and Sepher Yetzirah describe that power of Creation. Whether you associate it with God (or even believe in God) does not change the technology of Creation. So you are telling me you don't wish to understand the technology of Creation more fully? I just find it interesting that you wish to cut yourself off, and draw a line of distinction between yourself and the rest of the universe. It is as if you are saying "Yes, I can see that I am a being that has the power of Creation, and that I am self-aware. But I do not believe that the supersystem context that I am immersed in is the same as I am in this regard." When in reality you ARE the universe, and the universe IS you. The only distinction between the two is the fallacious one we infer from our (limited) senses.

I am. You are. We are. The universe is.....all the same thing....we call it Energy.

The simple fact that they had more knowledge of astronomy and physics does not validate their spiritual believes.

True, but the fact that their scientific and spiritual beliefs are intermingled in their mystical texts would be considered significant, especially since we in our day have chosen to forcefully keep these two separate. And so, as our "secular" establishment of science continues to validate that the universe works in ways described by these ancient mystical traditions, we progressively validate that link between science and spirituality that the ancients held firmly as part of their culture.

In fact, I was under the assumption that the Egyptians worshipped more than one god?

And I worship a God that can be One and at the same time Three.... and more. In fact, God is the Infinite and Unknown. And so Infinite encompasses all numbers. Now weren't you the one who was arguing that mankind invented the concept of number? If so, then God does not submit to such classifications. And that means that no matter how many "numbers" of gods one worships, the true form of the Infinite and Unknowable God integrates all of these numbers, and indeed trascends them. I'd say that this statement of yours shows that you have really not grabbed the deeper significance of the 0=1 concept as giving birth to all things.

I think it's more probable that ancient cultures encountered aliens instead of god(s).

There you go throwing around probability again. Are you willing to rigorously back up that statement with mathematical analysis?
Still, I actually agree with you the ancient cultures did encounter aliens. But whether the ancients worshipped these aliens as God, or whether the aliens simply taught the ancients about God (universal Energy)...the jury is still out on that. Our preachers and clerics teach us about God, but we do not worship them as if they ARE the totality of God. At least those people who understand the nature of God do not do this. Weaker minds (those who have not ascended in their understanding) do fall prey to worshipping something physical as if it were the totality of God.

I guess you like the idea of henotheism?

Yeah, maybe. But even that is too limiting for what I believe. If you had to classify my spiritual beliefs (which I usually seek to avoid), the better word to use for me would be to say I like the idea of pantheism. It is in our own minds, souls, and spirits that we resolve (integrate) the individual aspects of God into One, single God, the Monad... who is also None.

This is the essence of the integration of science and spirituality. Your senses tell you that there are a lot of separate "things" in the universe. The reality (outside our limited existence and senses) is that there is really only One "thing", and that is Energy. We simply describe Energy as being multiple parts...hence: Mass, Space, and Time.

Perhaps after millenia of worship and faith in "the one supreme" it's time for something new?

Oh I vigorously agree! But it seems like you do not see that what I am talking about (integration of science and spirituality) as being something "new".
I think this is clearly where you misunderstand my message. In point of fact, the "old way" is the way we have lived since the Church first decided to keep science and spirituality separate from each other. The "new way" is to resolve this split-dyad. And what we will find when we do is that the "real old way" (which had these two forms of searching integrated) was more true to the nature of the universe and our consciousness.

Again it sounds logical, but it isn't necessarily true.

So then prove it wrong. Falsify it. But I don't think you can for the very fact that what I am talking about completely aligns with what the cutting edge of science is discovering about Energy. "One God in Three Forms" is borne-out not only by Einstein's E = mc^2 (which actually defines Massive SpaceTime), but also by our recent discovery of the 3 forms of Energy (Dark Matter, Baryonic Matter, and Dark Energy). I'd say I am in pretty good company!

Yes, apes can count if you teach them. They can understand the numerical system that was created by humans.

And yet, from your statement of belief about the ancients probably being in contact with aliens, you cannot even show that this statement of yours is true. What if the numerical system was never created by humans, but rather GIVEN to us by more advanced, extra-terrestrial cultures? That would kind of throw a wrench into your belief that humans created the number system. I imagine then you would just shift the focus of your belief and say "OK, so then the aliens created the number system." The problem is one of infinite regression...it could have always come from some other source, and if it did, then the concept of number always existed.

I have posted elsewhere my suspicion about the "coincidence" of AT&T Bell Lab's "invention/discovery" of the transistor in 1947 coming literally 3-5 months after the Roswell incident. From the stories related about advanced technologies witnessed in that wreckage, I do not think this is a coincidence. I am also suspicious of this connection because my father was at Bell Labs during that time, just beginning his career with AT&T. He knows something about what went on back then, but he is not telling. I am hopeful he will confide in me prior to his passing, as he is both aware and supportive of my work on the Tree Of Life. There is more there than meets the eye!

Uhm, no... well I did, but only because I think it's insignificant.

The structure of the energetic shell of atoms is insignificant??? I pretty much think every physicist in the world would disagree with you there, Roel. Given we are made of nothing but atoms (which are dense forms of Energy), you cannot escape the fact that it is HIGHLY significant. You saying it is insignificant is another example of how you refuse to see what it staring you right in the face.

Of course these numbers can be made significant in a certain context, but the number itself is not significant.

You are again not addressing what I am talking about. The number 7, by itself, is not significant. But how it manifests as the 7 energy levels of the electron cloud IS. No amount of your denial that this is significant will make it any less significant to how the universe is put together and how it exhibits phenomenon. It is almost funny that you cannot see this. Digging your heels in, are you?

I bet you can think of a million of other things that match the model of the Tree Of Life.

Indeed, I can. But none of them would be anywhere close to the major significance of the fact that is matches the information model (DNA) and resulting physical form for our species! If you agree with the Massive SpaceTime premise that each of us is the center of our own universe of awareness, then the structure of your physical shell is significant to how you "process" your universe. The fact that the blueprint for humans matches the Tree Of Life is a clue to look deeper. Scientists are looking deeper, but it appears you don't wish to, as you think it is insignificant.

Also, do you know how many binary sequence numbers there are?

Yes, I do, infinite. But they do not match the configuration of the human body (and mind), now do they? The question for you is: Do you understand the significance of each binary sequence number in terms of differing constructs of life in the universe? 2^5 is connected to the human form of existence (five senses anyone?). Are you aware of how 2^1, 2^2, 2^3, 2^4, 2^6....2^N is related to other, varying forms of existence? If you are not aware of this, studying the mystical texts of Qabalah would help you become aware. Again, it gets back to the recurring theme of the binary 0=1 nature of everything in our universe.

What if modern science hadn't discovered human amino acids? You wouldn't be able to match it to the TOL, now would you?

Dealing with "what ifs" that counter established history are of no use to us, now are they? Whether the amino acids were discovered or not does not change the fact that they are there, and that they match the TOL, now does it? It's the same message that OvrLrd is trying to get across with Blue Boy. If a being Creates something and purposefully hides something in the structure of that Creation, whether or not you ever find it absolutely does NOT have any bearing on whether it is there or not. The Creator knows it is there because He put it there. So it is with God.

I can think of no reason, aside from mathematics, why the triangle is more prevalent than any other shape.

And mathematics, of which geometry (or more generally topology) is one of the more useful forms, is exactly why one who is curious about the universe should seek out explanations for their prevalence. It is not "by accident", but rather "by design".

If only these "truths" were described in the bible literally and not in the form of somekind of secret code that will only "confirm" every scientific discovery.

I refer you to OvrLrd's discussion of what happened to scientists who openly described what they knew. Being so open about what they knew was true (through observation/experimentation) didn't exactly make Copernicus' and Galileo's life a bed of roses, now did it?

In fact, there is plenty of "blame" to lay at the feet of science, just as there is to lay at the feet of certain spiritual traditions. Part of the problem of science is continued branching and specialization. This reinforces the fallacy that each form of science is different. A chemist will tell you how chemistry is nothing like solid mechanics. And a mechanical engineer will tell you solid mechanics is nothing like electrical mechanics. And a thermodynamicist will tell you that thermodynamics is nothing like information....but wait! We now know that this is not true! When science allows, encourages, and enforces specialization, rather than integration, it is tantamount to a specialist saying "this is my sandbox, it is nothing like your sandbox, so your rules will not work in my sandbox, so don't bother coming and trying to play in my sandbox."

Rather, there is one, simple thread that ties all of science together. Energy. I tell you this: If our science continues to specialize and avoids integration towards that single, simple thread, we will surely destroy ourselves. There is no doubt about it.

but if you insist on calling me closed-minded, I can only pass the same judgement on you.

That's fine. I am certainly not hurt or otherwise deterred from my path because you do. This whole thread is about "evidence" of God. OvrLrd and I are telling you some highly structured sources of information where you can find that evidence. The fact that you keep your eyes glued shut, so to speak, and do not wish to examine this evidence is simply a reflection of how you appear to not wish to understand the evidence for That Which Is.... The I Am.

I do not refuse to look. I just look in different places.

Is that perhaps because you think you can reach the same answers of Truth in an easier manner? It is evident from science that the "easy" path not only does not provide all the answers, but it can result in incorrect anwers. For example, g = G*m1*m2/r is the "easy" answer for gravitation because it only deals with the effects of two bodies. But is it correct? Technically, no, because to get the whole story you must take into account ALL bodies. In fact, this "easy" form of gravitation is on its last legs in the days we live in. I can confidently say that anti-gravitating Dark Energy is going to put this "easy" model to rest in the not-too-distant future. Oh sure, it will still be sort of accurate for mundane applications, just as F=ma is still good for mundane mechanics. But for the more exotic things we wish to accomplish in our universe, like interstellar travel and time travel, the "easy" methods of yesterday will be as useful as a computer is to my dog Chili! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

However, I think in time science will provide a more accurate description of how the universe came to being.

And are you aware that, right now, some of the greatest minds in theoretical physics are strong in their understanding that an accurate description of the universe cannot be divorced from the force of consciousness? Folks such as: Misner, Thorne, Wheeler, Bohm, Sarfatti... the list stretches all the way back to Einstein. He knew this was true, but did not have the data to "prove" it that the men of today have at their disposal.

You might want to check out the work of Jack Sarfatti and Ken Shoulders. They are on the cutting edge of Dark Energy and Exotic Vaccuum Objects (EVOs).
