Re: Fallacies About God & Life
Because of the behavior of people, in no way refutes the fact that there is God. No matter how the Word of God is twisted, still doesnt mean He is not.
And those who are killing to prove they have the "right" God usually are not following what God has told them to do.
And how can we, as His creations question "who" He is or His being? He was asked that question and gave a reply..."I AM"!
Cant get much simpler than that. He is who He is. Now as far as exactly what He is, how can human words describe entirely something infinite? We can collect thousands of clues, but, they will never get close to infinity, for obvious reasons.
Anything beyond " I AM ", is based on perceptions, unless you are able to understand what God intended in Scripture. A vast majority of people try to read God's Word like an ordinary book, and attempt to apply reasoning and logic to something that is beyond our ability to completely classify and identify.
God understood this as well, and certainly that which we have experienced is only a very small sliver of what God actually is in entirety.
what made it just decide one day 2 stop?
Who says it has stopped ? Most people just dont hear Him. He himself said that many times. He stresses this, Listen, Listen, Listen...but so many are wrapped up in their own ego's, they dont hear anything but themselves.
And the day is coming that He will reveal himself again as was in the beginning. We have something to learn as men ( and women ), and apparently, this includes His method of doing as it is now.
I am in no position to question the teacher, are you?
I look around and see al the things that cause me to wonder why He allows things to be the way they are, and ask why they are this way, can't He finally step in and put a stop to all the pain and misery around us?
But, then, that is questioning the teacher, and He has INTENTION beyond my understanding.
And who is to blame for most of the "negative" things that happen ? God ? No. If I decide to go on a rampage and shoot people, God didnt make the decision for me. I had a choice to do it or not.
The very first lesson in the Bible is one of accepting responsiblity for ones own actions. Adam and Eve made a choice, and then had to experience the consequences of "their" actions.
God could have made it different, but what would Adam and Eve have learned ? or the rest of us for that matter.
God could have made only a Tree with "fruit" that provided knowledge of Good, but then, how would you know what is good , if you hadnt a clue as to what is bad?
As a parent, I can see so many simularities between mankinds behaviour and children. My daughter is told, don't touch that! and as soon as we arent looking ( or so she assumes ) , she will do it anyway.
Isnt mankind that way as well ? God made it plain as day what to do or not do, even made it simpler with the introduction of Jesus, yet, we still ( assume He isnt looking ) do it ( sin ) anyway.
As a parent, I am aware of the fact that I cant go follow my child everywhere and tell her every moment of her time, "Dont Do That" ! or " Do This "! , she wouldnt become her own person through her own experiences.
She needs to learn that there are "results" to what she does in life.
Thus, is the same with God. If you are to develope into "you", if God was always stopping you from doing this or that, what would you, yourself learn about yourself, via experience?
Life sure would be different if God was doing that with every individual. Instead, He gave us an instruction manual, and also gave us the gift of His counsel, but most people ignore these opportunities.
He has said, this wont go on forever, He will "reveal" Himself to everyone as He is, the I AM who I AM.
Just as the teacher may leave a list of instructions on the chaulkboard for the students to follow, when the teacher leaves your sight, doesnt mean that as you freely break the rules, that there will not be consequences when the teacher "returns" to the classroom. And just because you dont see the teacher, doesnt mean the teacher isnt there, or will not return.
The teacher is returning, of that you can count on.