Ollyb: How long do we give the poll?
Wa1ex you are very wise in your presentation of the statistical facts. A very scientific approach. And I agree with it wholeheartedly.wa1ex: Well The following have contributed so far to the post:
Rainman Time
14 people and only 7 have replied....1 more vote for the poll? is that ok?
But clearly you cannot pin such a judgement on this provided we can exhibit scientific analysis and reasoning to back it up, right? I would share certain dissenting views about some forms of "New Age" teachings where those teachings cannot be grounded in science. But what is wrong with something that sounds "New Agey" but can definitely be grounded in accepted science?Interesting concepts I must say, even though borderline Pseudo-NewAge: telepathy, ElectroMagnetism and Gravity.
Just a little aviation/aerospace history related to your play-on the annoying Verizon Wireless ad campaign. What many people don't understand is that the basis of this ad campaign was actually something well established in the aerospace communications realm well before wireless phones ever came onto the scene. Part of the standard flight vernacular that all pilots and astronauts are taught relates to round-trip radio comm checks. The script looks virtually identical to our geeky Verizon friend, but with different words:Psy wave transmission to group:
>~>~>Can you hear me now?
Good !<~<~<
Note that this fundamental higher-dimensional energy configuration is a scalar phenomenon. It consists of two opposite centripetal spirals and is the basis of the so-called (within the New-Age field) Merkaba. Everything that is created will have a Merkaba field, enabling energies to transduce across dimensions. We have also indicated it will be fundamental to mind phenomena of a dual or polarity nature---such as all ego perceptions (separateness, not unity).
I don't know about that. You'd be amazed at what richness we can find in seemingly uninteresting side notes!(i doubt that many will be interesting in this small diversion)
Right on, you get the "embedded system within system" model we are discussing. And let me again point out that the human body exhibits the physical geometrodynamical model that I have come to call the Qabalistic Dynamical Model (QDM). In essence, what I am pointing out here is that where some people think of Qabalah as "New Age Mystical Fluff", I can provide massive (spacetime) amounts of evidence to show how Qabalah really represents a highly advanced, systems-within-systems non-linear dynamics model. The QDM can accurately model spiral dynamics, and the platonic solids, because that is what the QDM is comprised of in its own configuration.So, as we are designed under the pyramid system, and this system allows a two way path in/out of this domain. It also seems that informational energy is creating and sustaining this system (i.e. thought).
As a result of these words from you, and the appearance of another thread by T12, I think it is time to share a clearer view of where this thread is going. I intend to do this by tying it into another thread I started with regard toSeeing as we are, what we think we are - then we are also informational energy (thought). So all this means, is to realise this and send the some of our intention (ourselves/ informational energy) back through the channels.
IMO, Freud did an admirable job of defining and modeling the subconscious, which is what I align to the SOUL in the above dynamical hierarchy. (Id-Ego-Superego) is a perfect trinity (-0+) model, and the subconscious mathematically maps directly onto the middle triad of spheres in the Tree Of Life. But you are right, Olly, Freud only did one part of the mind. I think the "four bodies" model you see above is a bit more complete... and it aligns with a significant body (PUN INTENDED!) of ancient knowledge that stretches back to.... yes... the time of the Pyramids.Even Freud's map of the human mind was missing a few volumes. in fact, i think perhaps much more.
The 4-level model I present above allows "optimization" at any of the four Body-levels. Inevitably, what we find out about Nature, is that when we seek to optimize one aspect of our reality, we lose optimization of some other aspect of reality. (REF: Heisenburg Uncertainty) This again points to an Embedded, Balanced, Symmetric, Geometrodynamical model of "Everything". /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gifThis is the optimal way, to change the operational effects of the "functional" domain(s). Or whatever your particular term is for this reality.
I certainly hope so... otherwise it is just going to be you, me, CAT, and a few others "talking to ourselves". Hmmmm.... in fact, that's not such a bad idea all by itself! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gifAre there any other people people lurking out there that take this subject seriously enough to look into it further.
Yes, we can certainly "go there" in this thread. And some might be interested to learn how such a "programming" activity relates to many spiritual traditions. Yet it all boils down to raising ones awareness before you can ever "program" on those levels above Mind (Momentum Body). Probing the subconscious (Soul or Energy Body) is one technique, and dream journaling and dream experimentation is another. And the good news is that ALL of these techniques can (and should) be approached in a scientific manner in terms of defining experimental objectives, collecting data, and performing post-experiment data analysis.To reiterate - I suppose i am trying to ask you, Ray, do you also intend to look at how to intelligently and consciously interact and 'program' your model you have outlined here?
Obiously 99.99% of us (at least) cannot do this exstenively in our current situation.
This is really the "big question" then, isn't it? How to use this knowledge of a specific geometrical dynamic model to "raise our level of universal interaction"... am I correct in describing it in this manner? IOW, there is a very mundane level of existence that it is very easy for all of us humans to agree upon. That mundane level is the physical level of how objects (Mass) move through 3-D (Space), and as they do they leave specific, unique "trails" within the dimension we call (Time).To reiterate - I suppose i am trying to ask you, Ray, do you also intend to look at how to intelligently and consciously interact and 'program' your model you have outlined here?
There is so much to comment on from your recent sharing! You've hit the nail on the head in so many different dimensions, that it becomes difficult to focus on and discuss even One. But endeavor I shall, and your discussion of a "recipe" has certainly hit a familiar spot inside my Mind. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gifIt is no coincidence that in the final analysis, it comes down to mind--and this is exactly what Torah is all about--training the mind in ways that are not natural to us. We do quite well on our own with just instinctual use of our "gifts", but if there is anything the universe has taught us, it is that everything works by "recipes" and that it is rationally intelligible. Therefore, there is definitely a recipe for defeating time.
I'd suggest we discuss and work on understanding the lowest level (represented by the tetrahedron described above), and then how it evolves into higher dimensions described by MOMENTUM and ENERGY. Eventually we will wish to go beyond these levels on to the understanding of the level above Energy which is Information.
to what extent is 'self' a mask and what does it conceal? what does it take to keep it in place?
Actually, I am saying that the "Integrated Matrix of Massive SpaceTime" is the lowest level. And as I always point out, what I find to be the easiest "schematic" to understand how all this fits together is the Qabalistic Tree Of Life. Here is a graphic that aligns the four distinct "levels" of the Tree Of Life with this model:so what you are saying is, that matter in motion is the lowest level (the physical)? Time is the relative linear perception of you observing changing space/matter. Or rather - our [wrong] perception of "I" within the effects of "matter" in "motion"?
That's a big 10-4, good buddy! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gifIn my view, understanding the true reality of "self" is the quickest way of rising above this current model of perception we are stuck within.
Oh yes. This is a very good model, and quite similar to the one proposed by Aleister Crowley. "Frater P" (as he often called himself) called the mind the "container" of our PERSONALITY, and the soul the "container" of our INDIVIDUALITY. He also pointed out that Freud's model of the subconscious (Id-Ego-Superego) was an excellent, balanced description of the soul. And you are quite correct in your assessment here, Olly. The mind has a tendency to "latch onto" the ego, because it is the dominant force of the soul and the easiest part of the soul for the mind to identify with. And thus the mind becomes "trapped" by the ego, and this is why so many people have trouble getting beyond their ego and striking a balance between it and the Id and SuperEgo. Just as our minds need to contemplate the physical reality below it as an Integrated Matrix of Massive SpaceTime, the mind must also see the soul above it as an Integrated piece of our aphysical selves that Crowley called our Individuality.I think that this model perhaps explains it best. As the ego works on this [lowest] level, percieving matter in motion and all the linear trappings that this generates, including [never constant] personalities. The current model of "self" is maintained by the ego. In other words the ego has become "self", which is incorrect.
Very good. But don't forget about "Energy" that is a level between Momentum and Information. So if we wanted to align the scientific model with the "layers of self" graphic presented above, we would have:If mind is momentum, then Information is above mind and Intention is the sender of information above them both. In which case intention/information is above Massive SpaceTime as many have mentioned before. Only, Mind is the last stop (like a deposit box) and is not TOTALLY a creation of Time/Space. Which is where we start to enter Sub-conscious...
Yes, exactly! And we must never forget that impulses flow in BOTH directions. So while the subconscious feeds the conscious mind with symbolic "commands", the reverberations of the physical world (as interpreted by Mind as Matter in Motion) are propagated upwards to the subconscious. This reverberation aids the subsoncious soul in reshaping itself based on the "reality" below it.the subconscious feeds the conscious mind with impulsed information. So the gateway to higher dimensions begins with the material/non material mind (momentum - in your model).
Once again, you are right on the money! And while those with "spiritual knowledge" have understood this for a great many years, many people of the sciences have yet to really understand that they are on this same "backwards" (or upwards, by the graphic given above) path to Truth. In Qabalistic studies we say we are "climbing the Tree of our Life to come to a complete understanding of Self."It seems really that we are reverse engineering our way to the higher dimesions here. We are following the bread crumbs back.