Anyone Want To Know... ???

Re: The THREE Methods - Categorized

Thank you OvLrdLegion, I appreciate the kind acknowledgment to my questions. I look forward to any further responses from you and anyone else who may wish to answer my questions.

What type of commitment are you prepared to make to the study of the Tree and that which evolves around the Tree ?

Well I don’t wish to disrupt the great conversations many are having on this thread. I know this information is important to many people, and would probably appreciate it more without the TTA interfering by posting.

P.S. Tell me more on your endeavor ...I would be interested in giving it a look-see.

I am against Time Travel (long-long story) and I have deep connections to it’s influence. My endeavor, I don’t believe I have one anymore, other then having a difference of opinion about TT. I don’t have any long-term plans for posting, and the website is mostly for archival purposes only. It's just info regarding my experiences & perspectives with Time Travel. As perhaps some would agree and say, basically the same old subjective math-less spiel

Regards /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif,
Merkaba & Octahedron - Internal & External

Hello Olly,
I realise that the Tetra/merkaba also works here. But for certain reasons i'd rather use the example of the Octahedon.
And this is the most amazing aspect of the technology of Creation... there is always more than one answer, more than one configuration, more than one solution to achieve our INTENTION.
In the idea that the Crown chakra is where information comes down from the higher consciousness (and yes, operational system information woud also have to be sent in via this chakra) and the root chakra being where the outward spiral of physical forces occurs. However as is the promblem with modern chakra theory it gets needlessly confusing. In ancient times there were simpler ways of putting it, i debate to what degree 'chakras' are helpful in comparison to them being a complex distraction.
Really it is just different ways of describing the same ethereal patterns of Energy as they manifest in physicality. What works well for some folks is complex to others. I think the most important realization if we are talking the human body (or the human mind) is the recognition of the balance of triads, through mediation of dyads, with a central focus represented by monads. The geometry of how Massive SpaceTime fits together and "works" is at the heart of all Creation.
Chi/Orgone or orgasmic energy as Wilhelm Riech called it, is a creational life force energy - it comes in through the head sub-system and is associated with being expressed outward through the genitals.
Exactly. And when one comes to realize the beauty of the balanced design of the human being in this manner, the next step is often "how can I reflect this same amazing, balanced design in elements of MY Creation?"

But let's also not ignore the fact that these same principles (inward, outward, and closed spirals) can be manifested in other ways that don't necessarily follow the "standard construction". As an example let's look at the FUNCTION of human respiration (breathing). We can certainly "see" the inward vortex of air from a large volume (the atmosphere) being concentrated and focused through our trachea down to the lungs. The lungs represent the "closed" spiral where the transformation between O2 and CO2 takes place. But notice that the outward spiral does NOT manifest at the lower extremeties (well, except maybe after a good, hearty, bean-laden dinner!) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif. The primary outward-expanding vortex of CO2 laden air occurs via the same "axis" that formed the inward vortex. So when we compare the food energy vortices to the air vortices we see two variations on the same theme. In the food vortex patterns we see the system operates continuously over TIME, where the inward and outword vortices have separate physical architecture elements. However, in the air vortex patterns we see a system that operates on a "Time-shared" (or multiplexed) basis. The same physical architecture elements are used in opposing halves of the respiratory cycle to independently form the inward and outward vortices. This is another IMPORTANT lesson about how TIME (a metric of the Operational domain design) can be used in two different ways, with two different FUNCTIONS, and result in two different PHYSICAL system designs.
Then This planetary 'body' is in essence no different in nature and is a living system(s) just like us with its own ENERGY CORE.
Spot-on, Olly. The human body has a CENTRAL AXIS around which are inward/outward vortices that combine to define us and keep us functioning. In the same manner (but with different system design parameters) the earth has a CENTRAL AXIS around which are inward/outward vortices that combine to define it and keep it functioning as a complete system.

Now we might begin to examine what happens when the human axis and the planetary axis are "in sync" (in phase) and "out of sync" (out of phase). Some might immediately jump to the conclusion that it is always best to be "in sync" with the earth, and always a bad thing to be "out of sync" with the earth. But the truth is that we choose between these two depending on what OPERATIONAL RESULT we wish to Create! Some results we wish to Create would require us to be in-sync with the earth's energy sphere and axes, other results would require out-of-sync operation. As always, it depends on what you are trying to accomplish. And with this comment behind us, let's examine:
Of course the Merkaba is the same, But i can't help but shake the idea, that the Octahedon - in this current dimension for us - would be more beneficial in view to accessing the functional domain and change the operational effects of time. But i can't back this up much with evidence, currently.
How about both? It is possible that BOTH the Merkaba AND the Octahedron are useful, but for different things? Certainly their shapes would hint at this. The Merkaba represents an interleaving of two opposing (polar) forces to define the North and South poles of the resulting energy sphere. Whereas the Octahedron seems to represent a stark contrast of two polar forces, yet it also defines the North/South poles of an energy sphere. Perhaps the question of which one you use relates to whether you are INTERNALIZING (embedding) some result, or whether you wish to EXTERNALIZE (extract...the antonym of embed) some result?

HUH... once again we see where this conversation has lead us to some important realizations. Notice how we went from "internalizing the model" to the concepts of embedding, and now we are talking about two different (but similar) geometric forms with regard to internalizing and externalizing some Creation.

Ray, I think that you might have been descirbing this >< vortice hour-glass shape, rather then the octahedron <> shape? In which case we may differ in opinion. Either that and/or i am talking about something else and working it back to your information, where it may not this time
It all belongs, Olly. And it is at the right Time! You have simply extended the conversation (I guess you are now steering the wagon again)
to address the concept of EXTERNAL manifestation of triple-spirals, whereas I began it only addressing the INTERNAL manifestation of triple-spirals. You have completed the picture! Well done, mate!

however the >< shape will certainly generate effects (likely just as powerful), but my guess is they may well be very different to anything constructed with the <> form. Its like the octahedrons reverse form.
There you go. So perhaps we have now come to realize that the pyramid (as being one-half of an octahedron) represents an EXTERNALIZING of the power of Creation which flows from INTENTION. And at the same time, we have also broached the concept that the Merkaba (one-half of which is a tetrahedron) represents an INTERNALIZING of the power of Creation that flows from INTENTION.

Any ideas...?
See above, and keep steering! I think we are establishing our individual FUNCTIONS on this wagon... It seems that you and wa1ex are doing a fine job of steering, and CAT is manning the throttle giving us the "oomph" we need to keep going. I guess I haven't found my function yet... maybe I'm the chef working in the kitchen to keep everyone nourished? I'd like to think so, but it also may be that I'm just the guy picking up the "outflow" of the horses! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Merkaba & Octahedron - Internal & External

I guess I haven't found my function yet... maybe I'm the chef working in the kitchen to keep everyone nourished? I'd like to think so, but it also may be that I'm just the guy picking up the "outflow" of the horses!

At the moment (i'd suggest), this thread is created by everyone - however its existance was specifically initiated by you for an intention that is either known, or not YET known to you. You chose to start it, which means you need to keep it in check and polish off each rough repsonse that comes your way until we are all more conscious of the unified intention. Trust me you are doing this, whether you mean to or not. You may think this is wrong, BUT you will find and it looks to be the case now, that you will be attracting the people to your thread that either know, or do not YET know [excalty] why they are responding. They just realise that they want to take the ride to the specific destination.

In other words, despite our different characters - we are united in via similar Intention in posting here, even if we dont 100% realise it.

Every polishing off and summarising of each post that you comment on - is starting to give me a picture of where you are infact trying to go with your intention. Time Travel certainly combines with this intention, but i feel that it is not the end of it.

you are now lumbered with the responsibility of playing this role until we are all working in optimal tandem (which is starting even now). At this current stage though some of us are still finishing the background briefing/ footwork before we can really start help out. Which is why i can gaurantee if you (specifically) stop posting at this key stage, the thread will end.

This could end up being a very long thread, however. Its only just starting to show its true potential /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif!!

its a bit late here now though.....So i best save the things i had to mention regarding your reply, until tomorrow.

kind regards,
Re: Merkaba & Octahedron - Internal & External

Thanks Olly,
however its existance was specifically initiated by you for an intention that is either known, or not YET known to you.
Part of the intention I have with this thread is known to my conscious mind. Yet I know there are other intentions that exist "below the surface" of my conscious mind (Soul, Spirit) which are (and will continue) to manifest as we move along. Work In Progress by us all! :D
In other words, despite our different characters - we are united in via similar Intention in posting here, even if we dont 100% realise it.
Time Travel certainly combines with this intention, but i feel that it is not the end of it.
Again, agreed. Does anyone get the sneaking suspicion that we are about to broach the subject of the structure of consciousness and how it plays a role in TT?
This could end up being a very long thread, however. Its only just starting to show its true potential
Yes indeed, and along those lines let me just share a graphic I found that will help people visualize the Inward/Outward vortices we have discussed...this may help some envision how the Platonic solids can be embedded/extracted related to this energetic form.

Re: Merkaba & Octahedron - Internal & External

Hi ray,

not only is it helping but its 'filtering' down some other information. Will share shortly.
The Parker Spiral - Scientific Evidence

Hi all,
not only is it helping but its 'filtering' down some other information.
There is more. And perhaps now is a good time to go a step beyond the graphic I just shared, and share some scientific knowledge that validates things that myself and CAT have discussed in this thread.

There is a phenomenon associated with the Sun (the original source of ALL energy here on earth) called the Parker Spiral. The following is a scientific explanation of this phenomenon that has been confirmed via measurements from NASA probes. (See THIS web page). I have added emphasis to some of the words... see if you can understand how they directly apply to the things we have been discussing in this thread as of late:
As the Sun's magnetic field is carried out through the solar system, the Sun is rotating. Its rotation winds up the magnetic field into a large rotating spiral, known as the "Parker spiral", named after the scientist who first described it. The Parker spiral magnetic field is indicated by the yellow arrows. (See graphic on referenced web page)
The magnetic field is primarily directed outward from the Sun in one of its hemispheres, and inward in the other. This causes opposite magnetic field directions in the Parker spiral. The thin layer between the different field directions is described as the "neutral current sheet". Since this dividing line between the outward and inward field directions is not exactly on the solar equator, the rotation of the Sun causes the current sheet to become "wavy", and this waviness is carried out into interplanetary space by the solar wind.

This is NOT "New Age pseudoscience" folks. These are verifiable, scientific FACTS. The energy distribution patterns defined by spirals and vortices is a crucial, enabling element of Creation. It is, if you will, one of the biggest "secrets of the pyramids". When you learn to apply this "secret" in your own acts of Creation, you will achieve amazing results.

Fractal Embedding of Spiral Models of Physics

You may never know what this post actually said, or what information it actually presented... but if you hunt around and follow your nose, you might find what it was referring to!

Re: Fractal Embedding of Spiral Models of Physics

I certainly hope to have some more time tomorrow night, to give this thread the attention that its been crying out for over the last couple of days!!
Re: Fractal Embedding of Spiral Models of Physics

Apologies about the delay!


(trying to keep this out of the fantasy realms of the 'New Age'...)

Do you think that waves from the current sheet are spread out into the solar system. The Vortex At the planet(s) north pole takes this energy in at the top and expels it via the south pole, and so the cycle goes. This will happen (to whatever respective extent) to all the planets. This is the source of the energy that is fed to the core in order to keep the planet itself animated?

Obviously the Suns light energy is the energy [witin an outward observation] that gives energy to power most of the surface natural proccess - however - there needs to be something more in order to keep the planet itself (as a total living organism) going in the first place, to allow for these processes to occur.

Or do you strongly disagree with this, and want to be going somewhere else with all this information?

Could it be that the magnetic waves feed the core with certain information from the sun.

These pyramid set ups, it may seem, also allow for information to be taken and recieved from other pyramid 'set ups', which would also explain certain human 'communication' traits that are possible. A particular magnetism form (perhaps this much speculated 'Scalar' magentism by that name) should of course be the medium of expressing this information within the physical domain.

Kind regards,
ElectroGraviMagnetics... & The Grid

Hi Olly,

There's so much to discuss from here... but before we do, let's have one more message from our "sponsor" (interlinked vortices!). I thought I would share THIS cool java toroid applet that allows one to explore the vortex fields that create the "closed" toroid form.

One thing to notice as you play with this applet is that the vortex motion is not ONLY "into" and "out of" the vortex throats. There is also a rotational motion around the torus such that the path of a particle moving towards/into the throat is definitely 3-D curvilinear. There are some interesting theories one can arrive at if you consider how this motion might apply to the facts we know about orbital dynamics.

Do you think that waves from the current sheet are spread out into the solar system.
Certainly these electromagnetic waves move outward from the sun. And we call the interaction of these waves with the earth's magnetic field the "magnetosphere". HERE is a picture of the phenomenon..and you can read all about the science related to our magnetosphere at a NASA page HERE.

The Vortex At the planet(s) north pole takes this energy in at the top and expels it via the south pole, and so the cycle goes.
Yes, but let us also respect the balance of the universe and understand that if there is this type of "current" flowing in the direction you describe (into the N pole and out of the S pole), there is likely also some other form of current flowing in the exact opposite direction.

This is the source of the energy that is fed to the core in order to keep the planet itself animated?
This is part of the energy, certainly. But let's not lose sight of a major premise we have established in this thread: How "things" manifest in ordered, orthogonal, interacting sets of THREE (Operational-Functional-Physical is simply ONE orthogonal decomposition of complementary elements). There are several things going on with respect to this spiraling form of energy from the sun... and as the NASA pages above point out, it is really an interaction between the solar magnetic currents and our earth's magnetic field. And you have touched on one of the other elements in the mix:
Obviously the Suns light energy is the energy [witin an outward observation] that gives energy to power most of the surface natural proccess - however - there needs to be something more in order to keep the planet itself (as a total living organism) going in the first place, to allow for these processes to occur.
Exactly... Olly, I find it quite amazing how your contributions are taking this thread right where it needs to go. So now let's be VERY clear and explicitly state the THREE "things" that describe the interactions between the earth and the sun:

1) The sun & earth's magnetic fields (The spherical inward/outward vortex that defines the earth's magnetic axis, and the same form on the sun which creates the solar wind and the outbound Parker spirals that eventually interact with the earth)
2) The sun's photonic energy (the light whichs moves on a direct, radial path from the sun outward)
3) Anyone want to take a guess as to what the THIRD element of this triad is that defines the interaction between the earth and the sun? HINT: We rely on it to keep us in place on the planet, but there is still a lot about it that we don't understand!

It is interesting to note the TIME DIFFERENCE that exists between when the earth feels the effects of light vs. when we feel the effects of the solar wind. When light leaves the sun, since it travels on a radial path, it only takes about 8 minutes for that photonic energy to reach us and affect us here on earth. However, the solar magentic field travels outward in the shape of the Parker spirals, and thus takes approximately 2 to 3 days before it affects us. Hmmmm.... I wonder what the "time delay" characteristics might be for the THIRD element which I hint at above?
Or do you strongly disagree with this, and want to be going somewhere else with all this information?
I'd say you are doing fine...who am I to argue with this?
And what's more, you have also brought up another key idea that we have to be aware of: INFORMATION. Let's not forget that we have established (in other threads) that Information is a higher-level metric which actually has the capability to control Energy expenditures. So here at this point in this thread we have been discussing Energy interactions between the sun and earth. We need to be aware that Information is the "behind the scenes" field that is also present and acting "in a higher dimension" so as to control the 3 energies we outlined above.
Could it be that the magnetic waves feed the core with certain information from the sun.
I would say "yes and no". "Yes" because there is certainly information embedded within the magnetic spirals. But "no" because it is not ONLY the magnetic spirals that contain information. There is also information "behind" the photonic energy and the third, "mystery" energetic field. It is my thought that it is the mixtures and exchanges of these 3 energetic fields that provides a mechanism for information exchange.
These pyramid set ups, it may seem, also allow for information to be taken and recieved from other pyramid 'set ups', which would also explain certain human 'communication' traits that are possible. A particular magnetism form (perhaps this much speculated 'Scalar' magentism by that name) should of course be the medium of expressing this information within the physical domain.
Yes, let us now focus on the HUMAN aspects of what is going on here... for I think if we do, you (Olly) will help us uncover new information that relates to how the human relates to the planetary grid.

Let's return to the "systems within systems" concept that general systems theory provides as a means for us to understand how systems embed and how they relate to one another. In the last few posts we have come to understand the power of spirals in energetic forms, we have discussed how these spirals take shape in inward/outward vortices that form toroidal shapes. And we have pointed out how these toroidal shapes align with the earth's and sun's magnetic fields and the energetic interactions between them. So this is our "system level view" of the earth and its "source" in the sun. If we now examine the "subsystems" that exist and operate within the earth, we are bound to identify a very powerful, very energetic, and very information-intensive subsystem of the earth... the human subsystem!

So, let me ask... if the opposing vortex dynamical toroid model is what we see at the "system" level of earth in its solar system environment, is it possible that the human being subsystem is structured around, and operates via the same vortex dynamical toroid energetic model?

Anyone who has read the Carlos Castenada books describing his apprenticeship with the nagual shaman known as "Don Juan" may already "see" where I am headed with this question!

Re: ElectroGraviMagnetics... & The Grid

just to do another 'hit and run', before i muse this over properly tomorrow.

Are you also suggesting here that Magnetism/Gravity/Light have a similar closed method of interaction as the Functional/Physical/Operational domains in Pyramidal form. In that they mimic the orignal method behind them [in how they interact]?


Kind regards,
Re: ElectroGraviMagnetics... & The Grid

Hi Olly,
Are you also suggesting here that Magnetism/Gravity/Light have a similar closed method of interaction as the Functional/Physical/Operational domains in Pyramidal form. In that they mimic the orignal method behind them [in how they interact]?

I think you're following me, yes. The overall pattern of triple-dimensional phenomenon "secret of the pyramids" model we have dicussed previously can and should be neatly overlayed on a 3-dimensional, orthogonal model for Energetic Exchanges.

But before we define these 3-dimensions as Mag/Grav/Light, let's see if there is a benefit to further analysis and simplification. Light is a form of electromagnetic phenomenon, so we can say that the science of Electro-Magnetism (E/M) aligns with the pyramid's X-Y square base. Since the basis of any system design is the Intersection of the Functional and Physical designs, one can surmise that ElectroMagnetism represents the combined Functional and Physical means by which we can achieve any Operational state of Gravity projection.

It is my belief that a "more correct" 3-Dimensional model for Energy Exchanges between any two bodies is based on a 3x3 TENSOR model that unifies ElectroMagnetism with Gravity. And I believe mankind is on the verge of perfecting such a model that will change how we view TIME, and also how we view Massive SpaceTime.

ElectroMagnetic Waves & DNA Double Helix

There's no going back now...

I feel compelled to make another connection that can, as always, be supported by current math and science. The connection I wish to point out is one I have alluded to (explicitly and implicitly) in various threads from Past Times...

The connection is between the manifestation of electric and magnetic waveforms in mutually orthogonal planes, and the manifestation of human genetics as the double-helix of DNA. Anyone is certainly free to try and debunk (falsify) the scientific connection between these two phenomenon, if they can. However, it is no coincidence that both of these phenomenon can be explained by 2-D spiral dynamics which project themselves into a third, physical dimension.

To give everyone a feel for the connection between E/M waveforms and the DNA double helix structure, play around with the java applet on THIS page to envision how the waves of electric and magnetic fields oppose each other in two mutually orthogonal (at right angles to one another) physical planes. As you turn this model and view it from other directions you will be able to see how much it parallels the 3-D helical shape of DNA.

Now stop and think about how our technology of today uses ElectroMagnetics as the primary physical structure for carrying INFORMATION from one point in Space to another. Then stop and consider how science has showed us how our human DNA (and RNA) is our primary physical structure for carrying INFORMATION from one generation to the next.

See the connection? E/M system design is a combination of Functional and Physical domains that modulates E/M Energy to transfer Information. DNA system design is a combination of Functional and Physical domains that modulates BioChemical (B/C) Energy to transfer Information.

Now what if we developed a "systems of systems" design which considers the combined E/M and B/C design aspects of a human body and some human-designed E/M receiver/amplifier/transmitter device. Let's say we use the 3-D form of a pyramid (or merkaba, or octahedron) as a physical means to shape the E/M field around some physical object that is placed inside the pyramid. And let's say that the 3-D form of a human being (based on a DNA B/C design) is the physical object that is placed in the center of this 3-D pyramid E/M device.

Can we modulate the E/M field in a manner that offsets and balances the B/C field of the human body? And if we can modulate the E/M in such a way, what might this balancing effect mean to how the Human Consciousness within the device perceives Time?

Lots of possibilities here... anyone have comments or criticisms?

Re: ElectroMagnetic Waves & DNA Double Helix

So Ray,

I would like to get clear something, as i may have been confused. When we talk about the planet and the human body, we are talking about pyramids like this?

(in) > (center) < (out) ><

so what of the octahedron set up?

< (center) > <>

Where does this fit into the equation? I realise that this is a vague question its just i have been waiting to get onto it and where its place is.
Re: ElectroMagnetic Waves & DNA Double Helix

Hi Olly,
I would like to get clear something, as i may have been confused. When we talk about the planet and the human body, we are talking about pyramids like this?

(in) > (center) < (out) ><

so what of the octahedron set up?

< (center) > <>

Where does this fit into the equation? I realise that this is a vague question its just i have been waiting to get onto it and where its place is.
Now it may be that I am not sure I understand the question, Olly. So do let me know if that is the case. But it seems to me that you understand the structure of the inward and outward spiral vortices and how they "define" a stable, central plane of "Energy existence" or "quantifiable reality".

And are you now asking how the central aspect "broadcasts outward" above & below the center? Am I understanding your question correctly?

If this is what you are asking, then my answer is that the central aspect cannot "broadcast outward" on both the "UP" and "DOWN" channels at the same Time. It has to alternate between the two to achieve its goals. It has to strike a balance. Or it can forego "broadcasting outward" on one channel (either UP or DOWN) so they can focus all their output on the opposite channel.

And when you look at the UP and DOWN channels in the human body, you see the brain and the genitals on opposite ends of the "central point" of the heart. Some people dedicate themselves to broadcasting their DNA and raising a family of children. Other people will never have children but will dedicate themselves to broadcasting their knowledge by being a writer, or a teacher, or a news reporter, or (...fill in the blank). And still other people will elect to have a family AND broadcast their knowledge in their work.

In my view, there's room for all three of these "types of broadcasters" in society. In fact, one could make an argument that a healthy balance of all three of these types of people makes for a "good", stable society that can view issues from many angles.

So how far did I miss the mark in what you were getting at? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
New/Improved RMT, do you really need me to come up with something new?
Re: ElectroMagnetic Waves & DNA Double Helix

Not that it may mean much to you, but my respect for you has grown quite a bit as I witness the interaction between RainMan and yourself.

Most of the threads that have dealt with these topics dissappear into oblivion, the messages vanishing into obscurity.

At least you are taking the time to understand what Ray is offering.

Good Show, Old Man !
Re: ElectroMagnetic Waves & DNA Double Helix

Quite the contrary, Ovlrd. I appreciate the mention.


Yes fortunately you understood what i was asking (i wasn't much looking forward to the prospect of trying again)

And are you now asking how the central aspect "broadcasts outward" above & below the center? Am I understanding your question correctly?

Yes this is it, i am trying to go over confusion regarding this, before we move on.

If this is what you are asking, then my answer is that the central aspect cannot "broadcast outward" on both the "UP" and "DOWN" channels at the same Time. It has to alternate between the two to achieve its goals. It has to strike a balance. Or it can forego "broadcasting outward" on one channel (either UP or DOWN) so they can focus all their output on the opposite channel.

Yes, what i was checking was that you agreed that both potentials exist within this systems model that has created. That the set up is in through the head and out through the lower half (south. This is how we deal with reproducition and how we recieve information and retain our place within this reality. But under will (intention), we can also flip the in/output.

But also the potential exists to to use the vortex at the North to also expel intention back into the universe. The south can absorb it (but this is going into another area that probably isnt as relevant to this thread) and project it. i was clearing up as to whether you shared the same view thats all. No i agree that they cannot be used at the same time (either vortex) both broacasting and both recieving. Telepathy seems to retreive information and then switch to projection. It is hard to have telepathic arguments! Which fits.

trying to move on.

I think that if you ever wanted have a hope of talking to someone like me (which will hoestly, be very limited) about gravity and EM (EGM as you say), then we should start to discuss the planet's grid first - so you can let me into your area via another route. If we do this then we can easily apply the same principles to the body under our own time and initiative.

Ray; you sent me this, and i shall put it here now as it appears to be where we should be headed (but let me know if you don't want it here, i am pretty sure you wont mind though, so i will without checking);

X-Y (Func+Phys) Plane of Pyramid's Base = Electricity & Magnetism (Electromagnetism)
Z (Oper) Axis of Pyramid's Apex = Gravity

This model is consistent with what science tells us about Electromagnetism (i.e. their individual effects are ORTHOGONAL to each other in space, as in an X-Y plane). Furthermore, it is also consistent with what science knows about Gravity (i.e. it operates as a RADIAL force/acceleration at right angles to any X-Y surface of a planet or body).

I think this is a great neat summary of the situation as the theory is greatly supported by outward scientific observation of these forces. Especially regarding the 90 degree angle(s).

The planets grid seems to be an ElectroMagnetic (even if the basis of its electromagnetism is not yet understood - new agers have unfortunately done great damage to this area of understanding) energetic etheral structure. Its almost like a wire frame etheral/EM bone matrix, that manifests itself in this plane also. the Planet also exerts Gravity as well as being subject itself.

I think that we are getting to the subject you want to be at now (but still not ready to discuss TT). When you talk about the pyramids axis as corresponding to Electricity/magnetism/gravity. It would appear that the planets gird is projecting/recieving certain infromation out [and from] the fabric of space (i leave 'time' out for now).

So as a statement; The grid is an ElectroMagnetic wireframe of the pryamidal lattice that creates our planet. It WILL also be connected to the effects of Gravity.

The Gravity axis stems from the Electricity and Magnetism axis', so surely it would stand to reason that potentially Gravity is projected out via the E.M. gird. just as this the Z axis in the pyramid does. The grid is only copying the process that creates it.

One certainly has to wonder if the grid is the medium used to send out the Gravataional inforamtion out to the fabric of space in order to 'curve' space. Depending on the planetary body (the size/shape/energy output) there is a difference in gravitational pull. Obviously it goes without saying, the grid will also be different. I see no coincidence in this.

Space is not an absolute void, i believe that the grid is feeding the inward vortex (that leads to the "core" center) with informationl energy and the ourward one is projecting informational energy into the fabric of space.

I think we are also getting close to applying (in one aspect), the famous saying - regarding the LAW, (something else), and WILL;

When a man and woman express creational energy out (through the south) - a new child is made. When a new sun does this (via gravity) - potentially a new solarsystem can be made and held together. New Galaxies must also formed in this manner with a center (whatever that is) sending out some sort of rotating/circulating 'pull' that holds it all together.

I think that it will be hard to describe how this works until we acknowlege (which may be difficult for some) that the planet is projecting conscious will out it space using the grid. The The operational effects of gravity are being sent out into a 'vacumm' that can be 'bent' into shape by the consciousness. So, whatever the mystery ElectroMagnetic radiation is holding up this vacumm (?), it is easily prgrammable via consciousness (likely lacking its own). Pyramidal forms are a key aspect in how this consciousness is send out. the effect we see is the effects of gravitational force information.

Ray, i'm not sure if my views here are guiding us in the right direction of starting to looking at EGM and how we can access it for intentional use? Eventually/hopefully in the future we can tie this in to how to manipulate Massive SpaceTime - as you said, because they work on a similar (the same) form of matrix.

kindest regards,
Re: ElectroMagnetic Waves & DNA Double Helix

Not that it may mean much to you, but my respect for you has grown quite a bit as I witness the interaction between RainMan and yourself.
It takes a lot of finesse to have a discussion with a crazy man and get anything out of it, eh OvrLrd? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I see there is no getting ahead of you, OvrLrd. It seems clear to me that you see the "big picture" of not only where this thread may be going, but other things going on in other forums and threads. Indeed, you are contributing to an eventual result that you have in mind, so how can you not be aware of what is going on? I'm wif you bro.

Please Take This Poll

OK, all humor aside (which I have been having fun with elsewhere on this site):

This thread has pretty much been reduced to my own, wacky diatribe with Olly humoring me and responding with thoughtful ideas on these topics. And yet I am quite aware (from the thread view count, if nothing else) that there are other people "out there", lurking around.

Yet at this point in TIME, we have seen Olly express several connections between ElectroMagnetism and Gravity in an effort to understand how LIFE (and the Life Force) exists BEYOND our sphere of Earth. And I would like for those "lurkers" to make their voice heard, even if they are still too timid to openly post in this thread. So I would like all people who are following this thread to please, PLEASE, P L E A S E respond to this poll:

<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=""><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1152148136RainmanTime">

Should We Follow Olly's Thoughts for E/M and Gravity?
<input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />1) Yeah, I think Olly has really latched onto some key thoughts. He should continue.
<input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />2) I'm not sure yet. It would be good to discuss his latest thoughts a bit more.
<input type="radio" name="option" value="3" />3) No, I don't think there is any basis in scientific fact for what RMT or Olly are talking about.
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>

Re: Please Take This Poll

If I remember correctly CAT gave a link on how Light and DNA are linked together by
"coincidence" ? I read report about how the Wavelength of Light and DNA are similar
and how the Ultraviolet Rays affect DNA .

Does anyone here remember that link?

When I read all this discussion about the Parker spiral Energy and Saw the toroid Java applet
and rotated it I saw the DNA spiral and remembered that link which was a essay from a student
pointing the similarities.

I also found it interesting that the NASA site explains how the exact mechanism of solar wind formation is not known.

My apologies :oops: it was overlord region providing the link post titled: God?:
