ElectroGraviMagnetics... & The Grid
Hi Olly,
There's so much to discuss from here... but before we do, let's have one more message from our "sponsor" (interlinked vortices!). I thought I would share
THIS cool java toroid applet that allows one to explore the vortex fields that create the "closed" toroid form.
One thing to notice as you play with this applet is that the vortex motion is not ONLY "into" and "out of" the vortex throats. There is also a rotational motion around the torus such that the path of a particle moving towards/into the throat is definitely 3-D curvilinear. There are some interesting theories one can arrive at if you consider how this motion might apply to the facts we know about orbital dynamics.
Do you think that waves from the current sheet are spread out into the solar system.
Certainly these electromagnetic waves move outward from the sun. And we call the interaction of these waves with the earth's magnetic field the "magnetosphere".
HERE is a picture of the phenomenon..and you can read all about the science related to our magnetosphere at a NASA page
The Vortex At the planet(s) north pole takes this energy in at the top and expels it via the south pole, and so the cycle goes.
Yes, but let us also respect the balance of the universe and understand that if there is this type of "current" flowing in the direction you describe (into the N pole and out of the S pole), there is likely also some other form of current flowing in the exact opposite direction.
This is the source of the energy that is fed to the core in order to keep the planet itself animated?
This is part of the energy, certainly. But let's not lose sight of a major premise we have established in this thread: How "things" manifest in ordered, orthogonal, interacting sets of THREE (Operational-Functional-Physical is simply ONE orthogonal decomposition of complementary elements). There are several things going on with respect to this spiraling form of energy from the sun... and as the NASA pages above point out, it is really an interaction between the solar magnetic currents and our earth's magnetic field. And you have touched on one of the other elements in the mix:
Obviously the Suns light energy is the energy [witin an outward observation] that gives energy to power most of the surface natural proccess - however - there needs to be something more in order to keep the planet itself (as a total living organism) going in the first place, to allow for these processes to occur.
Exactly... Olly, I find it quite amazing how your contributions are taking this thread right where it needs to go. So now let's be VERY clear and explicitly state the THREE "things" that describe the interactions between the earth and the sun:
1) The sun & earth's magnetic fields (The spherical inward/outward vortex that defines the earth's magnetic axis, and the same form on the sun which creates the solar wind and the outbound Parker spirals that eventually interact with the earth)
2) The sun's photonic energy (the light whichs moves on a direct, radial path from the sun outward)
3) Anyone want to take a guess as to what the THIRD element of this triad is that defines the interaction between the earth and the sun? HINT: We rely on it to keep us in place on the planet, but there is still a lot about it that we don't understand!
It is interesting to note the TIME DIFFERENCE that exists between when the earth feels the effects of light vs. when we feel the effects of the solar wind. When light leaves the sun, since it travels on a radial path, it only takes about 8 minutes for that photonic energy to reach us and affect us here on earth. However, the solar magentic field travels outward in the shape of the Parker spirals, and thus takes approximately 2 to 3 days before it affects us. Hmmmm.... I wonder what the "time delay" characteristics might be for the THIRD element which I hint at above?
Or do you strongly disagree with this, and want to be going somewhere else with all this information?
I'd say you are doing fine...who am I to argue with this?
And what's more, you have also brought up another key idea that we have to be aware of: INFORMATION. Let's not forget that we have established (in other threads) that Information is a higher-level metric which actually has the capability to control Energy expenditures. So here at this point in this thread we have been discussing Energy interactions between the sun and earth. We need to be aware that Information is the "behind the scenes" field that is also present and acting "in a higher dimension" so as to control the 3 energies we outlined above.
Could it be that the magnetic waves feed the core with certain information from the sun.
I would say "yes and no". "Yes" because there is certainly information embedded within the magnetic spirals. But "no" because it is not ONLY the magnetic spirals that contain information. There is also information "behind" the photonic energy and the third, "mystery" energetic field. It is my thought that it is the mixtures and exchanges of these 3 energetic fields that provides a mechanism for information exchange.
These pyramid set ups, it may seem, also allow for information to be taken and recieved from other pyramid 'set ups', which would also explain certain human 'communication' traits that are possible. A particular magnetism form (perhaps this much speculated 'Scalar' magentism by that name) should of course be the medium of expressing this information within the physical domain.
Yes, let us now focus on the HUMAN aspects of what is going on here... for I think if we do, you (Olly) will help us uncover new information that relates to how the human relates to the planetary grid.
Let's return to the "systems within systems" concept that general systems theory provides as a means for us to understand how systems embed and how they relate to one another. In the last few posts we have come to understand the power of spirals in energetic forms, we have discussed how these spirals take shape in inward/outward vortices that form toroidal shapes. And we have pointed out how these toroidal shapes align with the earth's and sun's magnetic fields and the energetic interactions between them. So this is our "system level view" of the earth and its "source" in the sun. If we now examine the "subsystems" that exist and operate within the earth, we are bound to identify a very powerful, very energetic, and very information-intensive subsystem of the earth... the human subsystem!
So, let me ask... if the opposing vortex dynamical toroid model is what we see at the "system" level of earth in its solar system environment, is it possible that the human being subsystem is structured around, and operates via the same vortex dynamical toroid energetic model?
Anyone who has read the Carlos Castenada books describing his apprenticeship with the nagual shaman known as "Don Juan" may already "see" where I am headed with this question!