Titor's Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

What? I wasn't referring to you. Only people that act the way impet described. You don't act that way, do you? Gosh. Awfully sensitive today!
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Here is your college's website:

And here is the aerospace department's listing of faculty and strangely enough, your name is not there:

Here are the intranet search results for "Ray Hudson" in the Cal Poly Pomona website and strangely, your name is nowhere there either:

Here is the only place "Ray Hudson" is on the entire website, it lists a Professor Hudson, who is a part time faculty advisor who is there two days a week as an advisor:

Here's what I did find:
For $199.00, you can buy a diploma from Cal State Polytech at Pomona.

So where are you? Where are your classes? And if I send my diploma from Cal State Poly, will they let me rant like a lunatic the way you do?

Don't worry /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I am sure you work there, "Professor"
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Hey wait- I DID find a Professor Hudson within the intranet search engine- it links to a pdf file that shows a part timer named Hudson. So it's part time what- whittling?
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Looking on Google, I found about 50 Professor Hudsons all over the place. Which one, if any, are you? Are there any websites that have your thesis on them? You did write a thesis, right "Professor"
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Oh, and one more question, "Professor"- does everyone at Cal State Poly know about your time travel theories and is that why you, if that is you
are a part-timer listed right above "Hector the janitor"? And howcome the Professor could make a radio out of a coconut but he couldn't fix a hole in the damn boat?
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

And here is the aerospace department's listing of faculty and strangely enough, your name is not there:
Oh really? Well that must just be because you have a problem reading, now wouldn't it? Why not read this page a little more carefully:


Here is the only place "Ray Hudson" is on the entire website, it lists a Professor Hudson, who is a part time faculty advisor who is there two days a week as an advisor:
Yep, that's right. Professor Hudson. Yep, that's right, part time. You see, that's because I actually have a 40 hour/week job in which I actually DO real aerospace engineering design. Now you think you're so smart to assume I am "only" a faculty advisor, well it just shows more of your ignorance. You see, because I am part time I do not have time to be a faculty advisor. Faculty advisors are ONLY permitted to be full-time professors. So your wish to try to demean me actually backfired... instead you tried (but failed) to demean my colleagues. Yet nothing I have told you here has been false. It seems you can't handle the truth, and because I was telling the truth, so you have to make fun. Isn't that right?

You've done a good job of internet research, and as I say, you have yet to prove that my credentials are anything other than what I claim. However, you have not yet called the department office, as I suggested. They will confirm which classes I teach. You see, I am an open book, and it appears you just don't like that. You want to somehow "catch" me in something. Ain't gonna happen, Bubba. Maybe you'd like to REALLY dig deep into my background? Why not get a hold of the DoD? See if they will tell you what sort of security clearances I have? They likely won't, but you are certainly welcome to check.

You poor, hate-filled soul. I pity you. I really do. But go ahead and take all the potshots at me that you wish. It doesn't change the truth about me one iota. Yet it speaks volumes about your character, doesn't it? And are you really a "man of the Lord" as indicated by your website reference? Maybe it's time you make an act of contrition and perform a good confession, as I am quite sure the Lord wouldn't think highly of the way you berate me...God rest your soul!

Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Windmills; It says power homes, but normally these homes are homs that consume less than half the average electricity of the rest. A tricky fact to look for. At 4mph, the wind may not even tunr the blades = 0 MW, 0 KWh, nothing. I agree with RMT on this one, and having visited,.

I have never had RMT trying to take the piss out of me, probably because I'm not trying to hatch theories or disprove RMT's theories with highschool/ primary (elementary) school science and maths. And I'm sorry, but reading stuff from the internet about advanced science is no substitute for having a hardcore, science degree, understanding of physics.
I have also disproved RMT's theory on DNA as a conductor and he took it quite well, I could in fact have good go at them all where are all these theories located? I shall look.

And yes when RMT speaks he should be listened to;

"wise man on top of the mountain" that is doing us all a favor by sharing your clearly superior intelligence with us.

You said it yourself jmpet.

He may and I may destroy simple minded theories if they are put forth, simply because the way forward is through top notch scientific theory. Less people come if RMT or myself give them the cold, hard truth about what they thought was a 'good idea', but we are far more likely if we do this to get closer to creating a good solid ground for time travel research. Which is the point of the institute? I think we all need to rediscover that, trully, and advance all of our understanding in time travel.


Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

I have no problem with Raimnan's theories or whatever, I have a problem with the way he delivers them- it's usually in sermon form and only after first asserting his superiority over them. This tells two things- first, he is insecure with himself if he has to resort to a Time Travelling website and bashing wacko nutjobs like me and second, that he's been here for over five years, has been touting his superiority over the rest of us yet has not presented any complete ideas of his own. He's the best at shooting down other people but when it comes to him making a point, he is sorely lacking.

I have only been here a few weeks and have seen him personally shoot down several people, including some who had such a bad taste in their mouth they left this website. All this while not presenting his only theories. And when I pushed him on his own theories, he started with a tirade prefaced by his own new definitions of fundamental principles that well, the entire world disagrees with. And when I made an issue of that, he took it personally and stopped sharing his enlightenment with the rest of us and went back to post-bashing the newbies.

But worst of all, it's the way he ignores the parts he agrees with and breaks balls over the smaller parts he does not. This is immediately followed up with his summation that since any part of it is wrong, the whole thing is fundamentally wrong. Then he usually ends it with a

And yet no one has a problem with this. I do. If he is going to go out and attack and no new ideas are ending up at the table as a result then so be it- I'll stop being intellectual and resort to his level of insulting bathroom humor; I'll "do a him" in the hopes that maybe for once he'll experience what he does to other people firsthand- make them second guess themselves, make them afraid to come out and say whatever rant is on their minds for fear of this person attacking and berating him. I'll make him censor himself as he makes others.

You have to realize this is a wacko nutjob website. This is a place where anyone can come here and assert any claim and they'll have an audience, good or bad: they'll be noticed. And people like Rainman who think they have the answer to everything conclude that since they do know everything, all we want to hear is their rant, not another wacko nutjob's.

As for me, since I realize that if I went back to making points or carrying on conversations to whatever ends they may lead to, Rainman will just piss all over it I can either not visit this website anymore, or play his game and personally, it's more fun showing Rainman what an ignorant man he is.

Oh, and for the record, the answer to my question from last week regarding intelligence and wisdom, the difference between them is this: Intelligence is simply learning stuff, widsom is applying what you've already learned to new situations to glean new knowledge from them. While a wise man may not be an expert in any one field he still considers himself a well-rounded person who can carry a conversation to its logical end. An intelligent man is a man who knows facts and spews them upon demand; he bases his knowledge on the knowledge of others; he is unoriginal. A wise man can talk about things he's never thought of, an intelligent man dismisses them if they don't fit within his views. Now which do you think is better suited for a website full of time travellers- an intelligent man
or a wise man?
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Aerospace Engineering- to me that sounds like one step above car mechanic, right? Wings instead of wheels, right? Like that Apex Technical School ad on TV- you know, the ad that appeals to high school grads and teaches them how to install air filters for $8.00 an hour only with aerospace engineering you're teaching high school grads how to screw a $20,000 screw paid for by us taxpayers. And you do this part time? What's your class "the non-importance of O-rings in Space Shuttles"?

Oh, and I don't see anything as "backfiring". My objective is to go totally off topic and attack, that way, any salient point you may have tried to make is lost in the shuffle. I must admit it's a whole lot more fun attacking other people than actually making a point.

So which classes do you actually teach and why aren't you listed with the other aerospace engineer faculty on the official website for the school you've had no problem telling people you teach?
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

All this while not presenting his only theories.
And still you sling the BS. Once again I will state: Just because you cannot comprehend the theories, or where the math comes from, does not mean I have not presented them.

But keep bashing me...makes you look real good!

Yep, I know how much you love those emoticons.
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Aerospace engineering is a very hard degree. VERY hard, that said a graduate from that field is mathematically fluent with all manner of calculus and algebra. They are also educated in some of the hardest newtonian physics. I won't let you say ohter wise on that.

RMT takes getting used to. I accept all the current theories as a good base for advancement, but alot of people here would rather rethink the atomic arrangement of matter to fit their flawed theory on time-travel/gravity. Such theories that require this, or people who come up with weirdo concepts to explain phenomena that has already been put to bed really piss me off. So if they come up with a sufficintly complex theory and they are obviously proud of it then I will leave it be, but I do not believe if RMT has one such theory (as I think he does), it could withstand my through investigation.

If intelligence is learning stuff (sounds like memorising to me), then understanding is applying that knowledge to other concepts, ideas and situations. Wisdom is not only correctly applying this understanding, but creating new understanding for new concepts, ideas and situations that are not based on understanding that you have been taught.

Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Thanks GS,
RMT takes getting used to.
No doubt about it. And for the record, I do not have some belief that I "know everything" nor that I have a personality that everyone would like, or could even understand. But I think one thing is pretty clear from my posts: I don't make personal attacks on people. What I do "attack" are ideas that are not founded in good science (one reason I like your handle, GS). And my "weapons" in attacking those ideas are known facts of science itself, and the scientific method.
I accept all the current theories as a good base for advancement, but alot of people here would rather rethink the atomic arrangement of matter to fit their flawed theory on time-travel/gravity.
I agree, especially about the "base for advancement". I've also often expressed the notion that people who believe we will be able to achieve time travel without disrupting our physical composition are silly (you know, the "romantic" view of time travel where the TT'er retains his physical makeup without change). The logic I use to back this is simple, and scientific: In order for us to travel through SPACE, we must expel MASS over TIME. This is well founded in the science of how a jet or rocket engine produces thrust... it is all based on Mass Flow Rate (Mass/Time) which is what I call Matter... changing Mass. Since Mass, Space, and Time are the 3 primary physical dimensions we know of, then it stands to reason that if you wish to travel through TIME, then you will have to morph both MASS and SPACE in order to do it.

So if they come up with a sufficintly complex theory and they are obviously proud of it then I will leave it be, but I do not believe if RMT has one such theory (as I think he does), it could withstand my through investigation.
I'd be interested in any falsification you could throw at my theory that both Mass and Time are multi-dimensional, just like Space. Clearly, we know that Mass is comprised of charged particles, and so my theory begins with existing science and seeks to extend it by recognizing the charged particles of e-, n0, and p+ as being "orthogonal" subdimensions of a vector field we call Mass. Furthermore, since we always talk about the "arrow of Time", and vectors are associated with arrows, it would seem reasonable to me that the components of Time that we call Past, Present, and Future could also represent and "orthogonal field". If my theory does have a solid foundation, what I find most interesting about it is that the mathematics of tensors will perfectly describe the tensor field I call Massive SpaceTime, and it also fits in with Einstein's work which describes the stress-energy tensor.

I've said on this forum many times that I would *prefer* to have good, scientific discussions that might lead to a better understanding of how to achieve time travel. GS, you seem to have a very good scientific mind and could appreciate such discussions. Therefore, I'd like to suggest we continue in another thread, or start a new one. I'd like to explore the possibilities of real science with you, and leave the personal attacks from some behind.

Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

My objective is to go totally off topic and attack
And so I am assuming from your website that you are an expert on ethics? If so, then I wonder what your "ethics" would say about violating forum rules (not purposefully going off topic), and I am sure your "ethics" would have some choice things to say about making personal attacks on people.

I'm glad you are such an ethical person, Doctor Peterson.

Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

I can continue to make your attacks look quite silly, if that is what you wish. For example:
What's your class "the non-importance of O-rings in Space Shuttles"?
It's interesting you bring this up. While I am sure you bring it up in an attempt to poke fun at me, and to try to belittle me, the reality is much more interesting. You see, in my primary job for Northrop-Grumman I am currently working on developing advanced designs for Launch Vehicle Health Monitoring. If you haven't kept up with the news, we are embarking on a new space vehicle development with the Crew Exploration Vehicle. Given the Challenger and Columbia disasters, there is a new emphasis being placed on system health monitoring to avoid hazardous conditions. My company has deemed me to be the best person to attack this problem. So isn't it interesting, that you try to make fun of me, and imply that I would ignore problems that lead to launch vehicle hazards, and yet precisely the opposite is true with respect to how I am currently earning my living.

But if you wish to keep attacking, go ahead. There are already some other gems I could respond to that would continue to show your "ethics". I'm sure you could supply me with an endless stream. Attacks based in anger will often do that.

Have a nice day,
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

History note, to those going, "duh":

The space shuttle poured solid booster, had suffered a deformation or their radiuses, due to a slamming impact to the sea.

The problem arose from the fact, that the design committee via NASA contract bids, never properly allowed the best concepts to come forward.

One of these concepts, was the delta parasail, which was a proposed derivative from the Gemini program.

The poured solid rocket motor casings, empty, slammed onto the surface of the ocean, with such force, that their tops, or ends, were squashed out a little, from the weight of their own impacts.

The closure rate the surface of the sea, (which is similar to cement), due to the slow plasticity of relativity of one object to another, had misshaped the open ends of these large now empty rocket motor casings.

Morton Thiokol, a rocket motor manifesting firm from Salt Lake City, had advised NASA, once these very large empty tubes, had been re-inner surfaced, poured and repaired, that the company was not sure of a non-leak, in the gasket to metal re-assembly, due to this past shown impact.

There was, it seems, some prompting from a political enmity, (which I cannot at this time say) and NASA, that it might be an efficacious process, to launch the entire shuttle composite spacecraft, in the early, frosted, Florida morning sunrise.

The launch went ahead, even though it was a bit too chilly for proper launch protocol standards, via NASAs safety launch officers.

At pitch-over, in forward velocities approximating that of a very high performance jet fighter, a jet of burning hot exhaust gas, from this malappropriated seams between the now reset casing had occurred._This said in the close quartered area between the now active and very hot solid rocket booster casing and the main, very large liquid hydrogen tank, used to propel the space shuttle to its orbital insertion.

The explosion was instantly catastrophic.

What was believed was a hail of hot burning fragments.Among these many burning fragments, was a sectioned crew compartment, with the still living crew nestled inside.

This module then descended to the surface of the ocean where upon the impact, probably ended the life of the then shuttle crew of seven.

May their memory and courage on this veterans day, to all veterans, regardless of where they may be, serve as a testament to courage, honor and unselfishness, when the duty to country, is asked.
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

May their memory and courage on this veterans day, to all veterans, regardless of where they may be, serve as a testament to courage, honor and unselfishness, when the duty to country, is asked.

Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

I've also often expressed the notion that people who believe we will be able to achieve time travel without disrupting our physical composition are silly (you know, the "romantic" view of time travel where the TT'er retains his physical makeup without change).
Right-brained people line up here. Left-brained people line up over there. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Its going to happpen. Titor said it will happen betweeen 2005-2008 so we still have a full three years before the titor was b.s thing.