Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight
I have no problem with Raimnan's theories or whatever, I have a problem with the way he delivers them- it's usually in sermon form and only after first asserting his superiority over them. This tells two things- first, he is insecure with himself if he has to resort to a Time Travelling website and bashing wacko nutjobs like me and second, that he's been here for over five years, has been touting his superiority over the rest of us yet has not presented any complete ideas of his own. He's the best at shooting down other people but when it comes to him making a point, he is sorely lacking.
I have only been here a few weeks and have seen him personally shoot down several people, including some who had such a bad taste in their mouth they left this website. All this while not presenting his only theories. And when I pushed him on his own theories, he started with a tirade prefaced by his own new definitions of fundamental principles that well, the entire world disagrees with. And when I made an issue of that, he took it personally and stopped sharing his enlightenment with the rest of us and went back to post-bashing the newbies.
But worst of all, it's the way he ignores the parts he agrees with and breaks balls over the smaller parts he does not. This is immediately followed up with his summation that since any part of it is wrong, the whole thing is fundamentally wrong. Then he usually ends it with a
And yet no one has a problem with this. I do. If he is going to go out and attack and no new ideas are ending up at the table as a result then so be it- I'll stop being intellectual and resort to his level of insulting bathroom humor; I'll "do a him" in the hopes that maybe for once he'll experience what he does to other people firsthand- make them second guess themselves, make them afraid to come out and say whatever rant is on their minds for fear of this person attacking and berating him. I'll make him censor himself as he makes others.
You have to realize this is a wacko nutjob website. This is a place where anyone can come here and assert any claim and they'll have an audience, good or bad: they'll be noticed. And people like Rainman who think they have the answer to everything conclude that since they do know everything, all we want to hear is their rant, not another wacko nutjob's.
As for me, since I realize that if I went back to making points or carrying on conversations to whatever ends they may lead to, Rainman will just piss all over it I can either not visit this website anymore, or play his game and personally, it's more fun showing Rainman what an ignorant man he is.
Oh, and for the record, the answer to my question from last week regarding intelligence and wisdom, the difference between them is this: Intelligence is simply learning stuff, widsom is applying what you've already learned to new situations to glean new knowledge from them. While a wise man may not be an expert in any one field he still considers himself a well-rounded person who can carry a conversation to its logical end. An intelligent man is a man who knows facts and spews them upon demand; he bases his knowledge on the knowledge of others; he is unoriginal. A wise man can talk about things he's never thought of, an intelligent man dismisses them if they don't fit within his views. Now which do you think is better suited for a website full of time travellers- an intelligent man
or a wise man?