Titor's Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

And philosophically, the more a person accuses another person of something, the more that something is also true or themselves. In layman's terms, "it takes one to know one" and this is a truth.
And so applying this to your own criticisms of me, what does that say about yourself? Perhaps we are more alike than you might care to admit?

I willfully admit to my excessive use of sarcasm, and SOMETIME high-handedness. That's part of me. It comes from YEARS of dealing with people in my business who appear to have most of the same characteristics as you: Like to think big (nothing wrong with that), think they have answers to big problems (nothing wrong with that), but then claim their ideas will work and can be done without doing the difficult work that involves factual science, math, and engineering (LOTS wrong with that). There are people in high positions over me that never got a degree in a science or engineering discipline. And they just love to "pronounce what will be" and send me off with tasks to analyze their ideas and "show me how it will work and be accomplished." Yet, when I come back with hard (objective) facts, figures, and equations that show where the problems occur that will NOT make it happen, they get upset at me...much like you when you say:

but if all you do is pick apart what everyone else has to say
I have been imploring you (yes, sarcastically at times) to look deeply into the objective facts surrounding any one of your ideas. Yet all you can do is get upset at my call to reality. You're not mad with me, you are mad that the universe and physics "conspire" against your grand ideas. Going from thought to practice is hard work. You seem to wish to stop at the "thought" portion and do some handwaving to claim that going to practice is "utterly simple". It's not. And THAT is why I pick apart pseudo-science. And each time I point these out to you, they fall on deaf ears. You are so convinced that you are "right" that you don't want to be bothered by objective facts and the detailed analysis that must be done to verify if your ideas can be pulled off. I know it is a bitter pill to swallow, but this is where you are at.

So...I am willing to admit my sarcasm and sometime snootiness. Are you willing to admit that, unless you can do the detailed math/engineering, that your ideas could quite possibly be flawed?

>Honestly...I just want to see some REAL science and math out of you.<

Okay- nothing really matters because everything breaks down or combines or can be manipulated with an equal opposing force. This is as scientific as you would ever need to get, any more and you're staring into a microscope ignoring the meteor that's about to hit you.
You see that? Right there, that is hand-waving and, in a manner of speaking, condescending. Because YOU SAY nothing really matters, that should be good enough for anyone? This is the classic cop-out to the "big thinkers" who don't think it is necessary for THEM to have to figure out the details. You honestly would be a powerful force in science IF you stopped copping-out like this, and got some real science, math, and engineering education that would allow you to solve the detailed analysis problems. In essence, this is where YOU are the one who thinks he is better than others, in that you don't think you need to know or figure out the details. You think all you need to spew is claptrap like the above, and all will be well. Rude awakening: That is not how the world works, especially the world of science.

Solar technology is not advanced enough, you get more energy from the wind.
When the wind is blowing hard enough to overcome the generator losses and inefficiences, I would agree with you. But this is where analysis and equations come in. If you've read all my posts, then you know I have a 3.3KW solar system on my roof in SoCal. And you would also know that I not only don't pay a dime to SoCal Edison for power, but I also generate MORE power than I consume and thus give back to the grid. (I've got objective facts and charts to prove it). So.... given this, what have you PERSONALLY done to help make a dent in our energy problems? Have you put your $ where you mouth is and built a windmill for your own personal power generation?

All I know is I live less than a mile from an array of 34, 200 foot tall windmills. They spin with a 4mph wind, they shut themselves off if the wind gets over 25mph. They spin all the time, except during a storm. This includes days when there is no wind.
OK, all sarcasm, pot-shots, or personal bashing aside. I'd really like to try and teach you something, but you must be willing to learn. What you have here is good, but it is not enough to be convincing. Here are some things that can go a long way to helping you make a more convincing story:

1) Do you know how much power (Watts) is generated when a single windmill is turning in a 4 mph wind? This is a KEY metric that will help you figure out if your idea is SCALEABLE (and scaleability of ANY solution is a big deal...companies spend millions on trying to solve this problem.)
2) Do you have figures for how much energy (KW-h) is required by an "average" household in a single day, or a single month? This will help you compare "power available" vs. "power required", which is a standard engineering analysis for any project that needs power.
3) Assuming for the time being you can show viability for powering a home with the above. Now, do you know how to estimate how much energy is required to power even a small car for a distance of, say, 30 miles (perhaps a round-trip to work)? If so, then you must now add this energy requirement to the figure you have for an average home for each electric car in your household.
4) Do you understand why windmills shutting themselves off at 25 mph is not really an ideal condition, given how power goes with force*velocity? (And speaking aerodynamically, this boils down to velocity^3)
5) Did you see/understand the analysis I ran for power available from a hurricane back when MEM was hunkering down and waiting for Rita? Here is this analysis (with objective numbers):
Let's say you had a wind turbine on your property with a propellor diameter of 5 feet down there where you are just about at sea level. At a steady 50 mph wind you could be generating (ideally) about 12.5 KWatts of power! What is even more amazing, is if this turbine was designed to operate in greater than 100 mph winds, at that windspeed it could generate an ideal power of about 100 KWatts! If you applied "economies of scale" to this with 1000 of these wind turbines, those numbers go up to 12.5 and 100 MWatts, respectively. Sure the power generation doesn't last for a long period of time, like a powerplant, or solar energy. By comparison, the generators at Hoover Dam can generate 225 MWatts continuously, and it serves a helluva lots of loads in the US Southwest.
And BTW, you need to understand that these are "ideal" numbers. I have not yet accounted for frictional and conversion losses in the generators.

So let me do an analysis of your windmill spinning in a 4 mph wind. You did not tell me the radius of the blades, but let me assume they are about 9.8 feet in radius (3 meters). We will also assume you are at sea level, which specifies the air density. Are you aware that the IDEAL amount of power that could possibly be extracted by this type of windmill under these conditions is:

101 Watts (Enough to power a single, bright lightbulb)

And that is ideal... when you start to factor in losses, the total power you can reasonably extract is obviously lower.
This is a viable technology because once you put it up, it runs itself for the next 50 years producing energy.
Are you aware that as bearings wear out, they produce greater and greater amounts of friction? If you think it will happily produce energy without ANY maintenance or upkeep for 50 years, you are not being realistic and you are ignoring the details.

The above is objective science. Science which all learned people in engineering would agree with and know is true. If you can get beyond your hate for me, and start digging into the details that I am pointing you towards, you will see and understand that solutions are not as easy as you seem to think. But as long as you think you are right, you have the "simple" solutions to all the world's problems, and you refuse to see that the emporer is naked, you will learn nothing and you will become an even worse manifestation of the things you hate about me than you could ever imagine.

PS - Some More Help For Your Ideas

Sometimes, I really feel sorry for you, Ren. I do so because you ARE smart, and you only need some math and science "pedigree" to increase your ability to take your ideas further. I get great enjoyment in my teaching whenever I see the "a ha" look of the lightbulb going off in the students' heads when they finally understand how an equation works, and how they can use it to solve REAL problems.

Here is a website that has some equations you might want to look into modeling. The 2nd equation is the one I use for ideal wind turbines. Now it might be good for you to model the 3rd equation to see how much real power you can get out of a turbine when you account for losses.


Good luck,
Re: PS - Some More Help For Your Ideas

73,000 dead in Pakistan's Earthquake with 40 more villages to go!

Otherwise back to the game of Civilization IV, because I do not endorse the real Civilization either, but the game popped-up --- Moses --- as a Great Prophet --- in my Civilization!
Oh the IRONY of it all!

To get away from the political wrangling that this thread has become, I thought I would point out something truly ironic:

1) Titor predicts "civil unrest" in the US around the time of the 2004 prez election, and how that would be one of the sparks that ignited the US Civil War.
RESULT: No major civil unrest at/around the prez election, and the only real large civil unrest since then was due to Katrina. Still, no civil war.
2) Titor did NOT predict civil unrest anywhere else in the world, nor civil wars anywhere else.
RESULT: For the last 7 days, there has been MASSIVE civil unrest in France... and let's not forget that France is the country that:
a) Did not support going into Iraq.
b) Has cracked-down on individual religious freedoms with a ban on wearing Islamic head scarves.

Now if the US had passed such a law (which would never have made it past Congress) people would point to it as evidence of how the US is "evil". Yet the law is passed in France, and the world barely bats an eye.

Too funny!
Re: Oh the IRONY of it all!

Funnily enough, I was going to mention that. But as I have said before, Titor said 'western' not 'American' so this could be something to do with it, but then, of course, it might not.
Re: Oh the IRONY of it all!

But as I have said before, Titor said 'western' not 'American' so this could be something to do with it
Clarification: He said this about the collapse (of western stability). He was quite specific about civil disobedience and civil unrest being in the US, and was also specific about it being around the time of the prez election.

Just to clarify! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Oh the IRONY of it all!

I'm not saying that he didn't say that,but you can't deny that he said 'western' (to me that means western Europe and America), but he didn't specifically say there would be nothing in, for example, the UK (as in the recent Birmingham riots) or France. I will concede that there was next to no civil unrest over the 2004 election, but that in itself is not enough to convince me that there cannot be a civil war in the US, it's getting towards convincing me that Titor was not a time traveller though.
Re: Oh the IRONY of it all!

Rainmantime and Creedo eat a sandwich out together.

Oh' it's a lovely day, isn't it Daniel"?

"Yes' quite, a type of day, shrimp on the barbie and eh_what-not"?!

Oh yes, absolutely lovely.

Are those domestic terrorist over there, Rains?

*A bunch of men, with rifles skirting the treeline, catches Creedo's interests, as these look like home grown, yes ((homegrown threats)) and are as dangerous a stale Snickers candybar.

"Oh oh' Rains, they are domestic homegrown people, who might on Guy-fox Day, not agree with George Bush.
Should we call the Air Force and hose them down, with A-10 air to ground suppression?

No Creeds, we'll use A-One Steak Sauce, instead.

Jolly good, A-what, pip pip cheerio and all that rot.
By the way Rains, is that a multiple warhead in the back of you pocket?

No, its a ground penetrating nu-crear weapon.

Is this dangerous?

Indubitably not. Not unless you sit on it, like you sit ontop of a fire hydrant, like your waiting for a bus?!

I never prescribed to being gay.

Why's that?

Couldn't afford the membership cost.

Oh, by the way, I brought mountain lion repulsion spay along.

There's one now!

What a democrat?!

No, el tee-grea.

Ohpe,___Psssssssssst, It's gone.Nother sandwich?

Quite, pip pip cheerio!
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Hey jmpet,
you're the one who proclaimed well over a year ago you had it solved. Yet here we are, here you are examining everything everyone else has to say instead of making a point yourself.
If you have read my posts, and have not understood my "point" of Massive Spacetime, or my "point" of the triple threads on Spirals, then all I can say is that you have been missing the "points" of these posts. And I will note that no one seems to have any falsifications to offer with regard to these posts I have made with scientific offerings, correspondences, and explanations of certain geometrodynamic configurations.

In short... do you have anything to disagree with in my posts on Massive SpaceTime or the triple threads devoted to Spirals? If so, I'd love to engage on these topics, as they are what I believe to be the structures of our physical universe. All the rest of my ranting and raving, especially about how much of a fraud the John Titor Experiment was... all that is just background entertainment for me.

What I am really interested in is why things are all structured the way they are, and why information processing elements in our universe are always based on triplex-groupings, and why the human body was designed to be a physical instantiation of the Tree Of Life. This is the stuff I am really interested in, because these are the structures that I believe to be key to understanding ourselves and our relationship to our universe.

It's a mighty puzzle, and it calls to all of us to solve it...
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Well said; btw Rainman did you see my reply to your DNA and Electromagnetism thread in the New Energies section? Totally forgot bout that till a few days ago, but there is the solid reasoning for my denial.

Good Scientist
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Actually there is a simple explanation of this that preserves the possibility that Titor is real. He mentioned I think 10% variance between the 2001 he ended up in and the 2001 from which his own future evolved.

Therefore, even a small change, perhaps even John Titor's own presense here in our timeline, which already had a ten percent divergence, could have caused us to travel down a different future path.

I think old John did say he had to go back to the past to ensure he could arrive at his own future and not ours.

John Titor estimated that 10% would be insufficient for any obvious differences, but he never claimed to be a time travel theorist or expert. To me 10% sounds like quite a lot.
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Actually there is a simple explanation of this that preserves the possibility that Titor is real. He mentioned I think 10% variance between the 2001 he ended up in and the 2001 from which his own future evolved.
And that is exactly why he planted this ficticious (and still undefined) measure of "percent worldline divergence." He actually was hoping that someone like you would come along and use that weak science to help validate his story and "show" how it could still be true.

I can invent all sorts of fallacious "percentage" measures which could prop up any story I wish to tell. And as long as I don't explain the basis upon which this percentage is measured, then you cannot falsify my story. That's the whole point of Titor's tactics. Unfalsifiablity. It is bad science and any serious scientist today will tell you that.

but he never claimed to be a time travel theorist or expert
And yet he certainly did speak as if he knew a lot more about complex physics topics than you would expect from someone with a degree in history. Did you ever notice how much he retreated to the "I'm not a scientist" defense whenever someone cornered him with good questions?

This leads to perhaps the most glaring issue with respect to the Titor story: Ever notice the overwhelming LACK of support for his story from actual, practicing, degreed scientists? Sure, there's lots of people wielding bad science on this, and other TT websites. But if his story really was so "good" when it comes to science, don't you think there would be real scientists defending his story as credible? There is a great silence, and that silence says a lot.

Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

But if his story really was so "good" when it comes to science, don't you think there would be real scientists defending his story as credible?

No. "Real" scientists would not waste their time trying to disprove him. His scientific writings were not specific enough to prove or disprove them. Any good scientist would see that immediately. At most titor's writings can be deemed entertaining.

Being the logically and scientific person you are you should have picked up on that. Or did I miss you stating that?
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

His scientific writings were not specific enough to prove or disprove them.
And this very characteristic of these posts is sufficient to declare them "non-scientific". In order for something to be considered a scientific theory, it must be falsifiable.

Being the logically and scientific person you are you should have picked up on that. Or did I miss you stating that?
I believe I have always maintained that Titor's writings are not falsifiable, which makes them bad science. Yet that doesn't stop people from wanting to provide "evidence" for why Titor's science may be correct. And I have also been clear that pointing out where such people have errors in their science is quite entertaining to me...thus:

At most titor's writings can be deemed entertaining.
And I get one helluva lot of entertainment out of them... not from anything that Titor said, per se, but by the wild claims that those who want to validate Titor have made, and will no doubt continue to make. Beyond being ticklingly funny entertainment for me, it also keeps my scientific wits sharp. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Sorry Rainmantime but I don't agree that it is fallacious at all. I don't believe that time is one steady unchanging continuum. Every time someone makes a decision, a potential future morphs into another. What happens to the "old" future that was to be but isn't because someone made a decision different to that which they would normally make? Or do you believe in pre-destiny? Do you believe we are all locked into our paths no matter what we do? That decisions aren't really decisions at all but we are just playing out the actions pre-destined for us?

The very act of going back into the past creates new future possibilities. If the concept of timeline divergence is fallacious, then time travel itself would be completely impossible, as it would disrupt the timeline. Of course many would say to that: "Well, Duh of course it's impossible".

However I only have intuition, no facts at all, to guide me in the belief that fate is what we make of it, using our Human free choice. However, my intuition is highly accurate in my day to day affairs, so I have to admit I do have a lot of faith in my intuition. Of course intuition must sometimes be moderated by reason which helps eliminate inaccurate "wish fullfillment" desires that are so easy to mistake as intuition. However too much "reason" can also eliminate accurate intuition. So it is a hard balance to draw between intuition and reason. I have practiced this balance my entire life. My intuition hasn't always been accurate, it's only something I have started to really understand in the last 5 years.

I'm not saying I believe the story of John Titor, in all likelyhood it is a fabrication, but the story to me is very self-consistant. It may not be true, but the story is woven from some very well thought out premises, in my view.

Regarding the lack of support from "real" scientists, I'd say most scientists wouldn't even give the story any consideration at all. Their sense of "reason" is so strong, that they will dismiss it out of hand, therefore missing the opportunity to really study it with an open mind. Reason is not the only path to discovery.
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

there is nothing scientific about John Titor's writings. He responded to people who questioned what he knew to be true (if his story is true), without a scientist's ability to respond scientifically.

The fact his writings are not falsifiable? WTF? Doesn't that just add weight to the possibility of them being true? "John Titor" was not proposing a theory of time travel, he was a soldier attempting to explain something he didn't understand properly himself.

If he was a theorist, presenting a scientific theory then yes you would expect it to be testable in some way atleast. But if he was a guy just telling his story, why the requirement of "falsifiability"? Definition of Falsifiable: Capable of being falsified, corrupted. So his story can't be disproven? So what.
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

oh yeah, and many legitimate scientific theories are "propped up" with random values to make the theory plausible. I'm sure you know this, but had just forgotton..
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

I'm not even sure what theory you believe from reading your posts but it doesn't sound right wedge. Rainman is rarely wrong though, in my school of thought, that I do know.

Good Scientist
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

I'm not quoting from any particular theory. I'm open minded. I've had discussions with rainmantime, under my old screen name wedge, I couldn't remember the password and don't have the email address I sined up with - so I'm now max_wedge /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif and I agree he is one smart cookie. But rarely wrong? I've read many of his posts that I agree with, but also many that I differ over.

I don't really believe John Titor is true; I simply disagree with RMT's assessment of the evidence or the lack thereof.

Regarding variables used by scientists to support theories:

Scientists do this to balance the theories that they have thought up to explain natural events. When their equation doesn't balance, they plug in variables that makes both sides equal. They then seek to "prove" their theory with more evidence, and in the process discover the true nature of the variable they have chosen to balance the formula. If the theory is proven correct then it is shown that the balancing variable is correct also.

It's not an accident that the apparently random variable is correct. It's because the scientists original theory was incomplete but on the right track, and a scientist with faith in their ideas will use random variables to prop up their theories until more evividence comes to hand, vindicating their intuition (this is were interestingly scientist's rely on intuition - coming up with theories even though there are not enough facts to complete them)

Of course, in practice these variables are adjusted many times as other elements of the equation are adjusted.

John Titor's choice of 10%:

"I can invent all sorts of fallacious "percentage" measures which could prop up any story I wish to tell" RMT

If John Titor was able to suppy conclusive evidence that the theory is correct (for example, demonstrating the use of a time machine), by proving his truthfullness about time travel, it's likely he is telling the truth about the 10% as well.

So in effect RMT is arguing as if the John Titor's story is known to be false from the start. He may be correct, and it may indeed be fallacious of a hoaxer to choose 10% to prop up a story about a time traveller.

All I am arguing is that a 10% variance between two parrallel time lines could result in the type of events Titor spoke to occur in one timeline but not the other. I think that's a reasonable supposition. 10% is a big slice of all possible outcomes for all the human choices being played out every day.

If my point about variance is reasonable, then it greatly weakens the argument that the John Titor story is false due to unfulfilled predictions. If one timeline can have a John Titor like history but any timeline with a variance of 10% or more is quite different, then the John Titor hoaxer could have chosen any figure between 10 and 99% without needing to worry that unfulfilled predictions could disprove his story.