Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight
>Everything is simple when you don't address the crux of a problem. I get the feeling you didn't even read that SHORT article I gave you in the link above. Let me repeat it, go read it (2 minutes tops), and then give me DETAILS about:<
Well the answer is rather apparent. Rich oilmen would rather not build refineries than build them. The article mentions a cost of 2-4 billion and 800 permits etc. but once you have an oil well, you can tap nearly unlimited oil from it.
If I went into a bank and said I just won the lottery- $50 million a year for the next 25 years, do you think they'd extend me $100 million in credit? You bet your butt they would because they know if I don't pay them their $100 million back they'll just take it from the $1.25 billion I'll get for the next 25 years plus their pound of flesh. So why is this different than oilmen going to bankers looking for funds to build more refineries?
>a) How you convince tree huggers that their laws and blockades are making it increasingly difficult to build refineries in short order (that means MUCH less than 5 years!).<
You really can't because treehuggers have a problem with the entire oil-dependant system. The best you can do is educate them about the truth and the hard reality of it- we CAN drill our own oil and we CAN refine it on our own, then we won't be reliant on Middle Eastern oil anymore, then we won't have any reason to go there and kick butt. It'll cost billions but years down the road it will pay for itself not only from freedom of oil but from an actual lower cost per gallon for US citizens. But this is what we have a government for; this is what our government should be doing. Why aren't they? It's easier to shut up and take a check then actually make things better.
>b) How do you make building a refinery cost effective (i.e. so money is not LOST when you look at the profit margins... remember, the refiners don't get all the big bucks!)<
Considering one phone company buys another for several billion because they know ultimately we need telephones, the oil industry is just as viable. Outlaying billions in exchange for trillions in oil is a no-brainer.
>c) How you convince the country to standardize on a SINGLE fuel blend, thereby eliminating inefficencies.<
I wouldn't. I'd make driving gas-powered cars a novelty. I'd have vast fields of windmills producing free electricity for all Americans, then I'd have cheaply-made mostly plastic, electric cars. Then it's up to the consumer- if you really have to be in an 8mpg SUV then more power to you- you'll end up being the one laying out $50-$100 a week to drive it while more sensible people drive ugly but free-to-drive electric cars. And as a side-effect of this, tens of thousands of people won't die from speeding-related deaths.
>You will probably, once again, accuse me of making fun of you. However, NONE of the above is SCIENCE. Much of it (like "Orpheus") you have no evidence for.<
Glad you brought that up because I obtained more information last night after I posted.
1. The Earth as we know it was formed when a proto-Earth, which was mostly rock, and Orpheus, which was a gas giant (or gas dwarf?) collided. This explains why we have two completly seperate habitats for life- deep sea hydrothermal vents and with it, anerobic microbes and the sea and land. Also explains why we have had liquid oceans for billions of years regardless of the fact that there's "something solid under it".
2. Thinking more, it became clearer- molicules fall into the ocean, the ocean is 6% salt. As these molicules fall to the bottom of the sea they are broken down by the sea salts and ultimately basic compounds hit the bottom.
3. The very bottom of the sea is not a bottom at all, it's more like mush. There is no sea floor at the very bottom of the sea, it's more like liquifaction: the pressures of the deepest part of the seas make the water there and minerals a mush. Like in that horrid movie "The Core": as they penetrated the deep sea floor they more "slipped into" the "land under the sea" rather than drilled through something.
4. This soup is what will become petrolium. As it slips and drips deeper, it only gets more pressure and heat and with time becomes petrolium. I assume you know the by far there is more living at the bottom of the sea then in all the seas and land combined.
>Over time, this soup becomes petrolium.<
As these anerobic microbes thrive in this soup, they consume these mineral compounds and expel oxygen as waste, just like on primordeal Earth. Their decaying mass becomes hydrocarbons- hydrogen from the seas and carbon from their mass. The oxygen in turn keeps the oceans H2O and we end up with petrolium. Considering no research has been done on this partly because oil doesn't want it and partly because they spend billions to suppress it, and considering we've just begun to research these undersea systems, this is the closest you're going to come to a real answer. I have gone as far as I can on this subject, any more inquiries and I will ask you in turn to legitimize "fossil fuel" claims which is impossible to do. If you're looking for the silver bullet answer then you'll never get it- if I had the answer I wouldn't be here telling you, I'd be writing a book and making millions from it. But then again there are lots of books that tell the same story I am telling here, this is not some obscure theory, this idea has been around for at least 60 years, it's just always been debunked and suppressed.
One final thought on this matter. I am seeing a logical system here that makes petrolium. I see a connection between heat, gravity, liquids and compounds. With more clear thought you can see a connection between our planet making petrolium and a sun making plasma and for that matter, every planet potentially having some liquid that could run cars. Looking at the moon and considering the moon used to be part of the Earth, it's obvious that we have an abundant supply of energy on a molecular scale- what's up there? Tri-helium or something like that... well the same kinda stuff is here too, the same stuff came from here. Titan looks like a viable planet for life as well as Mars, clearly planets have molecular compounds that have energy.
Lastly, you're looking for answers and math when all there is is theory. You're missing the reason we have science in the first place- to be able to look objectively at something with different eyes and formulate new ideas then test theories to see if they're true. Considering we've all been blind sheep believing in fossil fuel when there is absolutely no evidence anywhere to support it, I see no reason why I need to continually present you with facts when logic is a better yardstick for what's ultimately right and wrong. You need to be more objective. Science is the building of truths from other truths, not a fact-finding mission. Science is conjecture turned to research which leads to experimentation which results in a clearer and simpler understanding of complex concepts, not a fact-finding mission.