Titor's Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Suprisingly, at least to me, I stand by this statement, especially given teh business with the Lakota effectively "seceding" from the union.
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight


It has already happened. The stability is right now in process of collasping. Credit crunch, mortgage subprime crash, etc...people are getting laid off from their long career jobs.... The dollar isnt worth crap anymore. Iran stopped accepting us dollar for its oil (which is a precursor to world war, following when Iraq stopped accepting the dollar which knocked saddam out of power) One thing we all have to keep in mind, there is a control over the media. We are not getting the news we are supposed to be getting.

Civil War? a real physical civil war? nope... but a silent one, maybe. I dont know what "Stability" means in a collaspe. heck, that could mean anything.
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Good Scientist, here are the differences:

Aerospace Design Engineer (*raymond andreas hudson*, 39 yrs old)

This job requires the design of electro-mechanical components and assemblies for aerospace sensing products. The candidate will be responsible for design, testing, transition to production for new air data products. The position also requires:

Previous experience in using Modeling and drafting software
Knowledge/experience with structural and thermal analysis
Basic experience usually required:

Aerospace engineering degree
0-3 years experience

Aerospace systems design engineer
The job requires a the candidate to be familiar with commercial aircraft systems. The candidate will be familiar with Boeing aircraft systems. Knowledge of both electronic and hydro-mechanical control systems is desired. The successful candidate will work with a design team in preparing system requirements for design engineers.

Experience usually required:

Candidates should have a Bachelor’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering plus five years experience with aircraft systems.
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Most amusing:

Aerospace Design Engineer (*raymond andreas hudson*, 39 yrs old)

Sorry, you got the middle name wrong Protagonist! Easy enough to dig up my middle initial, but the name is wrong. Oh, the age is too... I wish I was still 39!
Of course, I could always say "39 and holding". /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

Wanna try again on both counts?
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight


I was just teasing you. Actually you're 43 yrs old and your middle name is arthur. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Very good. Not terribly hard to find.

And to keep us on topic, the specific collapse that Titor spoke of (Western Civilization) is STILL nowhere in sight! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Canada found a case of mad cow this week. EVERYONE PANIC.

The world as we know it would be over... That's what Titor said yet, not by any stretch of the imagination are we anywhere close to the disorder and chaos that he predicted.

I actually envy the US now. I wish I lived there.
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

yes, if he was talking about total collapse of the western civilization, then that would be false.

But again, its looking like its going to collapse any time because of the market effects. Could it be the start of it?

There was an news article about User Authorizations in credit files under the credit bureaus.. This was before the subprime mortgage market news came out. I cant find it on google/msnbc at the moment, looking like it was removed from media. IT talked about having to change the entire credit system blocking any further user authorizations on personal credit files. Like a parent cosigning a credit application for their children, stuff like that, which no longer shows up on their credit files. Transunion starts first then the rest will follow in 2008.

Hmm... there is another old article on MSNBC that I am looking at, which is related to ID theft, however it is corelated to ssns in computer databases. Thought you might be interested in this particular information:


The truth is, in a point of view, I think if there is going to be a authentic collapse of the western civilization, it would have to start somewhere relating to computer systems first.
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

another thing.. banks and merchants are posting huge quarter market losses due to the instability of the market. The way I look at it, its not going to be temporary as they perceive it to be. I truly think its going to start having big businesses to have enormous losses...
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight


I thought canada already had mad cow diseases for a very long time????
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Yea there have been one or two a year, proving that Titor's story is not possible because the food supply is monitored very closely. It's probably even safer in the US though since they have more money to spend on testing. What a great sounding place, the US.
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

But again, its looking like its going to collapse any time because of the market effects. Could it be the start of it?

He says on the day that the Dow Jones is up over 160 points! :D

The credit crunch is really only posing a problem for those people who over-extended themselves, bought "too much house", or ignored the fact that their gimmickey loans (interest-only, negative amortization) would eventually get them into trouble. If we truly believe in Darwinism, then there should be no rush to try and bail out those people. Furthermore, for those of us who have carefully built platinum credit scores, there is no shortage of funding at better-than-market rates. I try to ensure that my FICO score remains above 800 at all times, and with the current dip in rates I could combine my 1st and second mortgage into a single first for just about the same 5.5% rate that I already have on my first. It is all about personal responsibility. The greater the number of people who do NOT practice personal responsibility, the greater the effect market-wide. So the moral is: Keep your own nose clean, and stop blaming big business or the government. MARKET forces are at work, NOT conspiracy forces! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

The truth is, in a point of view, I think if there is going to be a authentic collapse of the western civilization, it would have to start somewhere relating to computer systems first.

I do not agree. Civilization is based on communal satisfaction of Maslow's higher order needs, of which computers only facilitate (but do not directly supply) those needs. Civilizations do not collapse from computer failures or even banking failures. They might go into recession, but that is not collapse of civilization. Civilizations collapse when people can no longer be fed or when disease runs rampant. IMO (and I believe most sociologists) these are the factors that would drive a collapse of a particular civilization...such as the Aztecs and Mayans.

Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Civilization is based on communal satisfaction of Maslow's higher order needs, of which computers only facilitate (but do not directly supply) those needs. Civilizations do not collapse from computer failures or even banking failures.

Well when political fails all you get this:

"Agence France-Presse
Published: Thursday December 20, 2007

The Lakota Indians, who gave the world legendary warriors Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, have withdrawn from treaties with the United States, leaders said Wednesday.

"We are no longer citizens of the United States of America and all those who live in the five-state area that encompasses our country are free to join us," long-time Indian rights activist Russell Means told a handful of reporters and a delegation from the Bolivian embassy, gathered in a church in a run-down neighborhood of Washington for a news conference.

A delegation of Lakota leaders delivered a message to the State Department on Monday, announcing they were unilaterally withdrawing from treaties they signed with the federal government of the United States, some of them more than 150 years old. "

end quoted.

News webpage

then you got the "Brookings Report"

Best Regards

Machines in space /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

Fico score of 800 or above is very rare. 770 Fico or above are not really necessary. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif What make you think you are protected in terms of your credit score? I had around 750 fico score a year ago until some idiot started using my ssn, etc... That took me a long time to build up to that 750 fico score. When that took its form of damage, I gave up. There was absolutely no way to repair the extensive damages. The police could not help me, the credit bureaus will not help me, only to "dispute" items that are validated or not. Placing a credit "freeze" on my records are not allowed in the state of Idaho, is one of the reasons I gave up.

Credit scores are our financial lives. Once they are damaged, it takes a very long time to repair. Its no wonder why people can get my personal data through public records or other ways really really sucks. There is absolutely no privacy at ALL through any of this. Thats why its one of the major problems with the markets. You are correct that it is relied upon the personal responsiblities of the people, but dont forget, its also the financial system's responsibilities too.

IF I was a owner of a large bank, and its financial loan officer granted a house mortgage loan to a couple whose credit scores are in a high risk terms, dont you think that it's also the bank's fault? I do know that the banks would rather see you default on some loans because its a major boost to their profiteering.

From the theft of my credit files, I have learned a great deal about banks of what they truly are. They are all nothing but frauds. Almost all their loan applications are based on fraud activities. People sign up on their loan applications agreeing to those types of frauds. That really sucks too. I guess I cant trust any bank at all. Any bank offering me a loan, I turn into a hardcore financial skeptic!

Well, we are getting more dependent on computer systems for varities of records. This ranges from criminal history records to bank records. This is why I think that the collapse of our modern civilization would have to start somewhere along with the computer systems...again like you said, maybe not. (i.e. a major virus hits the stock market computers and there is no way to prevent that virus from spreading, something new that antivirus vendors havent seen.(anythings possible)) (another example, hackers building bot nets, controlling 100,000 computers in a one day setting, but some of those bot net computers are financial systems)... stuff like that. Dont say its not possible, it CAN happen.

Such incident can happen to you too. One day you got over 750 fico score on your credit records, then the next day it drops to 500 range. Alerts are sent to you, etc.. too late!!!! already damaged. This is what happened to me. Thats why I do not personally trust those who operates computers. I am going to provide you a very clear example below:

Ray, let me give you a example of what I just found out through google. There are ways of using specific search text strings in google that makes google a very good public records search. I am only using google, nothing else. The way I am using it, is very horrible and there is absolutely no privacy in this. This is a reason for not sharing the specific use of search strings in google. (I wouldnt even want someone to find out where I am at either) Please understand this is reality of what people can find out through their computers about anybody.

First step of Data Intelligence:

1. I know your DOB.
2. I know you live on a Samoa Dr.
3. I know you are on other websites.
4. I know your phone number.
5. I know where you used to live. *other infos included*

Second step of Data Intelligence: (outside of google)

1. I would get your SSN by accessing restricted databases online. *hackers do this all the time*
2. I would get your list of associative contacts. (relatives, friends and neighbors)
3. I would use specific hack programs to access your IP online. I would clone your IP to match with your data coming from your ISP. In this attempt, I will find out what antivirus software you are using. (Mechnor showed me this trick, so easy a 12 yr old child can do it!)
4. Knowing what antivirus software you are using on your computer and exploit its weakness. Download a hack program from a underground hacker network system that will penetrate that antivirus, using a code in a virus log that the antivirus software you are using no longer recognizes that specific virus. (Even black box or personal firewalls have specific exploits too)
5. I open up a RPC (remote procedure call) dialog with your IP address, using a cloner program. Exploiting the microsoft windows XP and Vista weakenesses. (if not, apple macs, or even linux as well) I would then somehow upload that exploit program onto your computer, which it will send me stealth emails of everything you typed in emails, banking logins, etc.. (keylogger spyware based).

Third step of Data Intelligence:

1. I would get your employment data, how much you earn a year.
2. I would get your banking data (already got that in # 5 in the 2nd step) but analyzing it.
3. All other stuff and infos needed to have. *credit card accts, etc**

Then thats it. You're ruined for life. This is exactly what happened to me. When you find out that someone's stealing your personal infos, you report it to the police. The police will end up telling you that they are forwarding it to the FBI cyber crime or no longer have any resources to further investigate this crime. The FBI is so much behind on everything, you would be suffering big time for their delay of investigation, or the police says "sorry, man.. there isnt much we can do, because we do not have the technical resources or the manpower to support this because the ID thief used sophisciated (sp) technology."

Could you imagine that? The ID thief doesnt have to leave his/her computer to get all of your personal infos. In the past, the ID thief would have to dig in your garbage to get your infos and stuff like that, but not anymore because computers are more interconnected nowadays.

There is no such thing as a "perfect crime". People make mistakes which people end up getting caught. However, when it comes to a professional ID thief, that professional will get away with it because every action involved, is already pre planned. When I reported this to the police, up to now, they still have not have any suspects. Its obvious to me the ID thief got away with it clear and clean.

I have learned alot about protecting my computers from intrusion. However, all computers are vulnerable no matter how high security you got them set for. When there is a will, there is a way in. That really sucks! I ended up going to court with the social security administration to get myself a new SSN. It took awhile because they required so much evidence of ID theft. IT was a pain in the ass! Again, the SSA administration says that only abusing the SS number is a way of getting a new SSN, but your credit files are transferred over to the new SSN reference file. Now that SUCKED! I still have to deal with bad credit which isnt my own, at least I would be safe from ID theft for a time.

Now this is why I believe that it has to start somewhere in some computer system which all civilization is reliant upon. Hmmm... a good debate, but I still think its possible in this way.
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

pro7, i hate to break it to ya, but some things aint so simple. you have my i.p., i give you full permission to hack me. but the thing is, i guarantee you cant. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

hacking a pc usually involves ignorance on the hackee, unless your "old school." /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

btw, i use no antivirus. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

so tell me, are you a script kiddie? or do ya do it old school?

and sorry about your identity fraud, i can only imagine HOW you had your identity stolen, but be happy, for my credit is far worse. my credit is so bad that mofos wont even loan me a dime lol.
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight


I am more of a script kiddie than old school, but I am learning fast. I was just giving examples in reference of what happened to me /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif my mentor is old school. That is correct when you say that it involves the ignorance on the hackee. Alot of that 'ignorance' occurs.

When your credit is far worse than anyone else, dont worry about it. Sometimes in the future, your credit will be wiped out along with millions of peoples' credit histories. Nobody wants to loan me a red cent either! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Besides, cable one is shared cable. I had cable one before until I found out their security holes.

No antivirus? wow ure nuts! lol. I wouldnt be caught without a sturdy antivirus while going online. There are websites out there which I encountered before, had every virus attack known for windows, linux, apple.. etc.. I know of one very dangerous website, all it takes is to give the simple URL to a victim, and that computer is a goner, no matter if it had a strong antivirus-firewall on it. Yea my security enhanced computers in the past were destroyed by these kinds of websites. Security means nothing to these kinds of websites and I will NOT post that URL in here.. its too dangerous
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

I know of one very dangerous website, all it takes is to give the simple URL to a victim, and that computer is a goner, no matter if it had a strong antivirus-firewall on it. Yea my security enhanced computers in the past were destroyed by these kinds of websites. Security means nothing to these kinds of websites and I will NOT post that URL in here.. its too dangerous

What's the URL? I'd like to examine the site. Send it in PM if you prefer. :D
Re: Titor\'s Collapse Still Nowhere In Sight

I am amazed by all of this and all of the knowledge you all seem to possess. What amazes me most is that for someone like me who is ignorant to computers, it seems that it is the ultimate "white collar" crime as it has to take intelligence to be a hacker, no? Or is it just so foreign to the average person that its the difference between basic math and calculus?

It is scary stuff.

BTW, I clicked on this thread just waiting for someone to throw out the Lakota issue as a pre-cursor to Titor's civil war. I was not disapointed!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif