Skidmark's Mega Thread

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Hello I'm not a time traveller unless you think living had exceptionally long life qualifies me as one of sorts.

This is my second forum I've joined so be gentle with me, as I'm new to this kind of stuff.

My name is Hendrix I'm a practising alchemist off some reputation having been mentored by some of the great's in the field.

Introduce yourself to me,

Magically yours


As I've already mentioned in my first post I'm fairly new to posting in forums have you posted only on one other and noticed this one didn't have a introductory section.

So please feel free to relocate this post to whatever section is appropriate.


Read the linked post, you WILL be caught here as well you never learn....................
The fact is I made five post, then one of the staff members claimed I'm somebody who I'm not. I turn up here only to find one of the minions has followed me, spewing the same nonsense.

I didnt follow you at all, your IP's have bounced so many times seen them myself, your a compulsive liar.

Anyway go ahead and tell your tales.
You just contradicted yourself you buffoon. A certain mutual friend from Michigan, gave me the lowdown on you.

The fact is I made five post, then one of the staff members claimed I'm somebody who I'm not. I turn up here only to find one of the minions has followed me, spewing the same nonsense.
All of the IPs that matched yours were of the exact same address,

IP addresses don't lie. You were caught fairly. ;)

@Hendrix have a larp if you want to, that's part of why this place is here. However, you and your other accounts show a history of enjoyment enticing people to private message with you so you can take advantage of those inexperienced at discernment. THAT is not what this site is for. I'm not okay with that at all.

No, VPNs don't hide what you're doing the way you think they do. In fact, it makes it more obvious. You're really bad at the stealth part. @A.W.S.15, @Hendrix, @Walker, @Hugo B, @Mullac998, @Yukumnao, etc.

I don't know what your goal or motive is with the persistent need to deceive people in one-on-one roleplay via PM but I find that odd, and I'm the one with a time travel forum. Go somewhere else for that kind of thing.

The secret of time travel revealed: -


The Silent One

@Noah_A_S how do you know this is the same Mason, if the information has come from @Walker..? How is @Walker the friendly (alleged) time traveller , as he hasn't posted for sometime...?

The Silent Man
He (you) hasn't posted because the accounts were banned.

I am the stirring in your loins, the wind in your pyjamas, you know who I am you buffoon.
We sure do. Here's an abbreviated list for those playing at home:

  1. Hugo B
  2. Walker
  3. Youkumnao
  4. Hendrix
  5. Mullac998

And now we can add The Silent One to the list.

That's weird...

It actually translates to: "A plague of locusts on Cosmo and his moderators testicles."

Umm is this Walker?? @The Silent One lol
Yep. Thing is I don't care if he's on here talking to people and being eccentric. It's when it devolves into this kind of stupid that I have to put a stop to it. If he was just... You know... Posting like a normal person... It wouldn't be an issue.

He might say he's The Silent One, but the skidmarks give it away when it's time to do the wash.

Edit: Updated thread title to the one @Júlio_Eduardo translated in the second post (tired of the title breaking the layout in places).

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You're trying to discuss with me things you know nothing about or capable of understanding. But the answer you seek is yes.

I am the stirring in your loins, the wind in your pyjamas, you know who I am you buffoon.

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The Silent One tried to come back as "Fairy Fingered". He's gone through so many accounts he's now using old high school nicknames..

Edit: Then the Internet Tough Guy tried "Cosmo Broken Fingers", LOL. Living rent free.

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Cosmo Broken Fingers?? Bahahaha! That's the funniest shit I've ever heard! No disrespect meant to you @Cosmo - I really like you. but this person just can't seem to take a break from the forum. I think whoever he is, he has an eerie obsession with time travel forums ?
Our mutual friend Mullac/Hugo B/The Silent Skidmark sent this our way via the BBS contact form.


I don't know what any of it means, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I am, in fact, wearing my baseball cap though.

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Splitting this off from the main claims thread so as not to pollute it further with Skidmark's foul stench.

We got a few more attempts at registration today. This time he used Mr. Potato Head and Loo Brush. He's gone from using high school nick names to those of previous lovers.

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