Relocated: -Greetings from 2025. -

I gave you sufficient warning, Peter. So now it is time to start peeling back the cover of some of the intelligence I have saved ever since Zeshua showed up. You walked right into this one with your hubris, and how could I know that you would make such a big deal about "a 3rd becomes next". But you did, and how lucky for me and my tendencies to save data...

I am sure there are others here who were also around when Zeshua arrived on the scene who also received similar PM's to the one I am going to progressively reveal here. I do believe Darby mentioned to me that Zeshua tried such a PM-ploy with him as you will read here...although I am not sure if it covers the same subject it did with mine. If there were others who had such PM's from Zeshua with her trying to "enlist" them as her helper, I would encourage you to post your story here...

So at the first teaser, let's first review my last quote on this subject again:

In reply to:
What Zeshua was really predicting was that a "3rd member of the Bush family would become the next president." And now the real kicker:

I know this because Zeshua told me in a private email...

And now here is a snapshot of my inbox with the PM from Zeshua that pertains directly to this issue that you have made such a stink about, Peter:


Now I wonder who here (and I know Peter's answer) would like to read the contents of this PM from Zeshua sent to me on the date noted in my inbox list?????


read the content of the Darby one... LOLOL!!!

:D :D :D
Peter's awfully quiet since I gave him the "real" solution for "a 3rd becomes next".

I don't know what "a 3rd becomes next" means, Ray. You might be right with your interpretation. It's certainly possible. If a 3rd Bush gets to the White House, or if Kim's 3rd son becomes the next leader of NK, I will consider the prediction fulfilled either way (and if you counter then that others might have made the same prediction about Bush or Kim around the same time Zeshua did without being time travelers, or psychics, or anything, I won't disagree. I don't care how Zeshua is managing to make these successful predictions, but as long she she keeps hitting home runs, I'll keep paying attention. I'm not interested in methodology. I'm only interested in results, and so far, she's batting 1000).

But the difference between these two interpretations is, if this prediction is fulfilled before the end of this year, that would be an additional notch on Zeshua's belt, because of her telling me that most of her predictions would come to pass before then (and it doesn't matter that she told me this privately, because I've shared it publicly before it proved correct).

It doesn't look much like Jeb will reach the White House by that deadline, but Kim's son sure could.

"a 3rd becomes next"

This was one of her major predictions. It was in her very first list of predictions.

I have mentioned here a few times now that she stated in a private email to me that most of her predictions were about stuff that occurs in 2008 - 2009 (or was it 2007 - 2009? I forget exactly, but anyway, the deadline was the end of 2009). I have never been sure which of her predictions fall under that umbrella and which don't, but it seems to me that that first list of predictions most likely would, which would mean that the "a 3rd becomes next" prediction is supposed to be fulfilled by the end of this year ... which in turn would mean, if my interpretation is correct, that Kim Jung Il will die before the end of 2009. And it turns out that is looking more and more likely.

Frail Kim Jong-il "may only have months to live"
Kim Jong-il is seriously ill and is likely to be dead before the end of the year, according to a source within the North Korean leader's own family.
I can't help but wonder if you, Peter, are reading the same words posted by Rainman as I am ?

Rainman posted this:

What Zeshua was really predicting was that a "3rd member of the Bush family would become the next president." And now the real kicker:

And you wrote this :

I don't know what "a 3rd becomes next" means, Ray. You might be right with your interpretation.

And then Rainman posted the PM "from" Zeshua to himself where Zeshua clearly stated that "a 3rd becomes next" means...there isn't any "MIGHT BE" with what has been pointed out by Rainman.

I just can't understand how it is that you don't see the Zeshua thing un-raveling before your very eyes...and to pursue it further beyond this point in the game really has you looking rather man out, if you catch my drift.

I mean, do you really believe any so-called prediction like a war breaking out between two countries in Europe or Asia is "really" a prediction ?

Might as well claim that a war breaks out with two countries between the North and South Pole...Holy Hot Dog's...the holes in the Zeshua charade is like an elephant standing in your living in the world can't you see it ?
Ignoring reality will not improve your faulty mental state, Peter.

I don't know what "a 3rd becomes next" means, Ray. You might be right with your interpretation. It's certainly possible.

It is not a prediction, and no interpretation is required. I have told you, and shown you, that Zeshua actually revealed this to me in the PM where she tried to elist me to do exactly what you have done for her. You simply think you are being sly by not acknowledging (at all) what I have shown you to be true. That is another sign of your deteriorating mental condition.

If a 3rd Bush gets to the White House

A 3rd Bush will not reach the White House. It was Zeshua's guess for the 2008 election, just as I have told you, and just as Zeshua "predicted" (wrongly) in her PM to me from 2006.

I don't care how Zeshua is managing to make these successful predictions

For the millionth time, she was not making predictions. She was making vague guesses. And this one she guessed wrong.

but as long she she keeps hitting home runs

That is the funniest [censored] thing you have said since you and Zeshua arrived.

I'm not interested in methodology.

Clearly, because you wish to cover up and not discuss your own methodology.

I'm only interested in results, and so far, she's batting 1000

Prove it. Please start a new thread where you lay out ALL (and I do mean ALL) of Zeshua's "predictions". This would have to include, of course, all the "predictions" that you do not even think are predictions right now...give your methodology. And in that proof I want to see an accounting that shows Zeshua is "batting 1000."

You are really poor in drumming up drama, Peter. No wonder you failed as a author.

But the difference between these two interpretations is

It is not an interpretation. I have told you what Zeshua was "predicting" and she guessed wrong.

I have mentioned here a few times now that she stated in a private email to me

And what of the private email she sent to me? If you ignore it and refuse to include it in your analysis, you are, by definition, exercising confirmation bias.

I have never been sure which of her predictions fall under that umbrella and which don't, but it seems to me that that first list of predictions most likely would, which would mean that the "a 3rd becomes next" prediction is supposed to be fulfilled by the end of this year ... which in turn would mean, if my interpretation is correct, that Kim Jung Il will die before the end of 2009. And it turns out that is looking more and more likely.

This again reinforces why you are an evil soul. Why you act in a way that defiles God. You continue to think that by writing in such a way that you are simply certain Zeshua was "the real deal" that it will carry on your little hoax. But the evil, as I have said before, is that in hoaxing people and in playing like everything you write is certain, you are defiling the very nature of Time as it has been set out for mankind to use for the purpose of learning and growing.

You are an agent of the Qliphoth. And I will strike at thee to the last. You will never rise above my efforts, Peter, and my efforts will continue to showcase not only your shallow thinking, but they will also lay bare your attempts to elicit others into your cult of doom. By the knowledge that I have collected, through the grace of God, and the protection of Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel I will cause thee to seethe and stumble. You have lost someone dear to you in your past because you made the decision to deal in these black arts. Your continued dabbling not only dishonors her soul, but endangers your own. And by my oath I have taken to the Light, it is necessary for my works to devour you unless you turn away. Expect disaster to arrive from all four points on the compass, in series, in accordance with the might of the angels named above.

I am dead serious, Samael. I speak directly to you without fear. You can ask KerrTexas just how serious I am now that I have written what is above. Your failure will be complete by the end of 2009, and if you do not turn from the Dark, it will consume you in the new year. I assure you of this prediction.

Love is the Law, Love under Will.
Rainman posted this:

What Zeshua was really predicting was that a "3rd member of the Bush family would become the next president." And now the real kicker:

And you wrote this :

I don't know what "a 3rd becomes next" means, Ray. You might be right with your interpretation.

And then Rainman posted the PM "from" Zeshua to himself where Zeshua clearly stated that "a 3rd becomes next" means...there isn't any "MIGHT BE" with what has been pointed out by Rainman.

Perhaps I have missed something? I see that Ray has posted an image indicating that he received a PM from Zeshua, just as hundreds of others have also received. And I see that Ray has made the as-yet-unsubstantiated claim that Zeshua said that the "3rd" prediction was about the Bush family, but I haven't seen any independent evidence offered to support that claim.

And Ray! A university physics professor who is into Kabbalah? One who places "curses" on people? What would people say?

And you call ME evil.

P.S. Ray, I see that you have referred to the communique in question variously as both an "email" and a "PM". Why the confusion?

P.P.S. I also find myself wondering, Ray, if you had this hard proof at your disposal that Zeshua made a clear-cut failed prediction about the 2008 election in your email inbox (or was it your TTI PM inbox?), and you have been trying for so long to prove that she is a hoax, why did you wait until eight months after that election to mention anything about it?

Perhaps I have missed something? I see that Ray has posted an image indicating that he received a PM from Zeshua, just as hundreds of others have also received. And I see that Ray has made the as-yet-unsubstantiated claim that Zeshua said that the "3rd" prediction was about the Bush family, but I haven't seen any independent evidence offered to support that claim.

Right on cue. First, the exact same could be said about you and your "private emails" from Zeshua. You always refer to them and provide no substantiation. Predicting you is like reading a (bad) book.

Second, I DID substantiate the claim. Go back and look at the post that is now "[redacted]". I revealed that PM (email, all the same to me) during a 2-day window. MANY others here saw it. If you didn't see it, consider yourself to dull to play this game with effect.

And Ray! A university physics professor who is into Kabbalah? One who places "curses" on people? What would people say?

This is not a "curse", Peter, which clearly shows your lack of knowledge of the arts I practice (or does it Samael?). I am engaging in a lesser banishment, and you would be well to take heed and pay attention. I only use technology that has proven itself to work...and this has not failed in the past.

And you call ME evil.

You are inhabited by Samael. Samael is evil. Do you deny this? Do you deny that you lost someone close to you, and that it has pushed you down this dark road? Deny it and you further seal your fate, as well as further condemn her.

P.S. Ray, I see that you have referred to the communique in question variously as both an "email" and a "PM". Why the confusion?

The confusion is yours in ASSUMING that I mean anything different by the two. Clearly, as shown in my evidence, it was a TTI PM. So get over your evil self.

P.P.S. I also find myself wondering, Ray, if you had this hard proof at your disposal that Zeshua made a clear-cut failed prediction about the 2008 election in your email inbox (or was it your TTI PM inbox?), and you have been trying for so long to prove that she is a hoax, why did you wait until eight months after that election to mention anything about it?

Because you are clueless about how I play this game. I told you (or is that "you discovered"?) that I have been mirroring you. I do not "blow my wad" just because I have damning evidence. I save it until the Time is ripe for its usage. I knew there would come a Time and so I waited, patiently. And my own predictions of the future were validated, because that Time most certainly did come... the Time where you could not resist calling me out and taunting me as if you "had me"... This is another reason I know you are Samael.

Buck-up, brother. This is all going down as I have seen, and your continuing to act as clueless will not change your final demise one iota. You have tread down a seriously dark path in deciding to do what you have been doing. I am the "Dead End" sign at the end of that path.

Perhaps I have missed something? I see that Ray has posted an image indicating that he received a PM from Zeshua, just as hundreds of others have also received. And I see that Ray has made the as-yet-unsubstantiated claim that Zeshua said that the "3rd" prediction was about the Bush family, but I haven't seen any independent evidence offered to support that claim.

Yeppers, you did. As mentioned by Rainman, the PM was posted in this thread for a couple of days. Thus, from Zeshua's own lips ( so to speak ) the claim was indeed substaniated, and the 3rd Kind was in reference to Jeb Bush.

Thus, this prediction is over and done with, Jeb Bush will not be the 3rd Bush in Kind. Finito !

And Ray! A university physics professor who is into Kabbalah?

And this means what ?

Peter, you of all people, who also has studied numerous sacred texts should know that these texts are platforms TO knowledge, and an interest in the contents of these texts is not "evil", nor are the readers themselves "evil", the "evil" arises when the sacred texts are used as platforms for justification of behaviour to commit crimes against others.

One who places "curses" on people?

LOL...that's one good knee slapper ! Rainman is placing hexes on people...really ?

ROFLMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To be up-front with you Peter, Zeshua isn't really "the issue" that is being addressed.

Instead of beating around the Bushes...I'll come right out and say what the issue is.

Maybe this will clear the air a bit and lay down a foundation for better understanding from all sides involved.

People are individuals. As individual's they have the power to make choices and decisions. When I drive around a city like Santa Ana, Ca., and see portions of the landscape covered with garbage, the garbage seen is a direct result of individuals making a choice to toss their refuse on the ground, instead of properly disposing of it. Conscious or unconscious, does not matter, it is still a choice all the same.

Some people allow it to continue, and will go along their merry way as they witness other individuals tossing wrappers, cups, cans, and other refuse on the ground.

Some people don't allow it to continue, and will address the issue with the individual's committing the act. Even here, there are seperate groups of people, some that are harsh and maybe a bit rough, and those that gently instruct the offenders to properly dispose of their trash.

Either way, the intention is to keep the city clean, to have a place that the future generations can use, un-cluttered by the garbage of their ancestors.

With someone like Zeshua, that you may find such an individual a tool to direct traffic to your own ends, to promote the exposure of your own book's, is something that has crossed my mind. Especially when an IP trace is done on Zeshua's IP and it goes to a company that specializes in marketing published materials ?

Come on, admit it, if I posted predictions in a thread here, and you traced my IP to a marketing firm, would you be a little suspicious ? Come on now, Peter, be honest. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

That you "really" buy into Zeshua has being some kind of Prophet or Time Traveler, considering your education and exposure to the numerous texts as mentioned by yourself, I find it "very" hard to believe that you, Peter Novak, published author, really believe in anyone such as Zeshua.

You might believe that using somebody like Zeshua as a marketing tool is harmless, but, we don't see it that way. AND this is where the friction begins.

People today are under a constant barrage of advertising. Why, we even have a major food chain using UNTHINK as a slogan.

Can you imagine that ? UNTHINK ? WTF ???

I read on your own bio, that you have children. I would hope that you are not complacent with teaching them to think for themselves. To really consider what it is they see, TO THINK, before making a choice.

On the extremes, this is something every parent fears. Some smooth talking predator will pursuade our children to "go with them" under the pretense of "finding a lost puppy". We, as parent's, try to hammer into our children, THINK...make the right choices.

Every situation has a choice, and a consequence for the choice made. The drunk getting into his/her car and driving drunk and killing somebody in an accident:

Don't you think that somebody, somewhere, in that person's life should have taken the time to teach them that driving drunk is a BAD choice ? in other words...TO THINK !!!

To bring this into the Zeshua arena...

Some person decides to take a stab at pretending to be a Time Traveler. They make all kinds of predictions of a future filled with violence, mayhem, and death.

Some individuals realize that our future is NOT set in stone, and we DO have the ability to make a choice as to what our future "could be". They actually THINK about what they see.

Some individual's won't realize this, and become part of the UNTHINK group. They become people without hope, no chance for any kind of positive future, and will react accordingly, influenced by people who may think that playing a Time Traveler role is merely fun and games, something to do between classes or on their coffee breaks.

This is exactly like the Father that keeps a loaded gun in the house, and does not teach their children what a gun is and what a gun can do. The un-taught child finds the gun, brings it out to show his friends, and the other children convince the child to pull the trigger, the child either kill's himself, or one of his friends.

IF the man had taken the time to teach his children to THINK for themselves, to instill within the children what is right and what is wrong, then such a tragedy would more than likely be avoided.

IF the children are taught to take responsibility for their own actions. Then perhaps, as adults, our children would be able to take responsibility for their own actions, and the world might have a chance at becoming a better place.

But, this won't happen when we have people like Zeshua, and anyone who promotes people like Zeshua, who try to remove the idea of thinking for yourself out of the picture. That there is no choice, no future.

I don't know -- maybe you didn't see Zeshua this way, but I, for one, do.

IF people go around, peddling the negative wares "for" irresponsible people like whomever decided to play the role of Time Traveler Zeshua, and supporting a future with no hope, no dreams, nothing but violence and death, then as far as I'm concerned, ALL of the people might as well have pulled the trigger on the gun IF someone who UNTHINKS for themselves decides to avoid such a bleak and dark future, convinced that they don't play an active role in their own future.

Do you get it ? Do you understand ?

I would love to know what bedtime stories you tell your children. I highly doubt that you sit on their bedside telling them anything about this so-called Time Traveler/Prophet named Zeshua and that their future is going to be nothing but HELL, and there isn't anything they can do about it.

So this is my question to you...

IF you don't think it is appropriate to tell "your" children about a future with no choice excepting to die, what makes you believe it is OK for you to tell my children the same ?

You are a skilled and talented writer, with a wonderful gift, Peter. I am confused as to why somebody with your gift's, would not use them to make somebody's life better, to become a POSITIVE influence, and make a POSITIVE difference in someone's life ?

You could, if you wanted to.

It's your choice.

Imagine that !
As mentioned by Rainman, the PM was posted in this thread for a couple of days. Thus, from Zeshua's own lips ( so to speak ) the claim was indeed substaniated, and the 3rd Kind was in reference to Jeb Bush. Thus, this prediction is over and done with, Jeb Bush will not be the 3rd Bush in Kind. Finito !

Well, I missed it, and as I ought not comment on facts not in evidence, this conversation seems to be at an impasse. However, a friend who claims to have observed this mystery post insists that it did not specify that Jeb would be the "next" president, but only something like "RMT, you were more surprised than anyone when Jeb Bush became president of the U.S."

That leaves 2012 open for Jeb.

It also leaves Kim's 3rd son open to fulfill the prediction, which is looking more and more likely to occur before the end of this year, and if he does, that timing will look like yet another feather in Zeshua's cap.

Report: North Korea's Kim has pancreatic cancer
By JAE-SOON CHANG, Associated Press Writer Jae-soon Chang, Associated Press Writer 1 hr 48 mins ago

SEOUL, South Korea – North Korean leader Kim Jong Il has life-threatening pancreatic cancer, a news report said Monday, days after fresh images of him looking gaunt spurred speculation that his health was worsening following a reported stroke last year.

The 67-year-old Kim was diagnosed with the cancer around the time he was felled by the stroke last summer, Seoul's YTN television reported, citing unidentified intelligence officials in South Korea and China.

The report cited the officials saying the disease is "threatening" Kim's life.

Pancreatic cancer is usually only discovered in its final stage, and considering Kim's age, he is expected to live no more than five years, the report said.

The American Cancer Society lists rather less optimistic data; it says about 20 percent of people live at least one year after they discover they have pancreatic cancer....

(If only 20% live at least one year after being diagnosed, then 80% die within one year of being diagnosed. Kim was reportedly diagnosed with this last summer.)
Well, I missed it, and as I ought not comment on facts not in evidence

My facts are much more in evidence than any of your claims for what Zeshua told you in PMs and/or is that for a fact, Peter? Or should I just continue to refer to you as Samael?

this conversation seems to be at an impasse

Only because you insist upon it, that is not how I see it. Doesn't it take two people to agree something is at an impasse?

However, a friend who claims to have observed this mystery post insists that it did not specify that Jeb would be the "next" president, but only something like "RMT, you were more surprised than anyone when Jeb Bush became president of the U.S."

That leaves 2012 open for Jeb.

Confirmation bias. Again. Anything that works to support your interpretation, eh Peter? Except we have a break in the dyke... Because by your own interpretations and your own telling from "private PMs/emails from Zeshua" you have continually told us that all her predictions were to occur between 2007 and 2009. So that means the Jeb Bush prediction was in the same timeframe...that is, unless you insist upon changing the rules, yet again, to satisfy your own ego... it has happened many times in the past with you, Samael. And Peter, you know from your studies that contuining to follow this influence is evil. That is why you are choosing your own fate. The Dark is always overcome by the Light. Always.

that timing will look like yet another feather in Zeshua's cap.

Sureity. Vanity. Congratulatory tone towards Zeshua. Pump her up all you wish, Samael. Each time you force-fit a "prediction", the more people who demand to be in control of their own future (rather than the bleak future you are trying to foist upon them) will see the ugliness for what it is.

And let's not forget that in one of my predictions, one that has already been decoded, I was actually able to definitively predict the death of Kim Jong Il. No "interpretations by Peter Novak" even required. It is right there in the decoded prediction for all to see. That makes me better than Zeshua. And other predictions of mine, as yet uncoded, have also already shown me to be more accurate than Zeshua.

I ought not comment on facts not in evidence

That would be novel.

As for my interpretation of those solutions, well, yeah, you have a point, they are my creation.

It is my understanding that almost everything Zeshua has publicly predicted actually referred to events and developments that were supposed to occur in 2008 and 2009. Mostly 2008.

This is good, because it means that one way or another, the Zeshua question will be decisively answered soon.

That leaves 2012 open for Jeb.

2008 is not yet worse than 9/11 was, but we HAVE now seen FEMA in action in 2008, in Galveston.

Or IS it already worse than 9/11?

There were thought to be about 90,000 people who stayed on the coast that Hurricane Ike hit, and no one knows how many were killed, or how many were swept out to sea. Fox News is now reporting that it may be months or years before we know the true numbers of the dead in the Galveston area.

Eighty-two deaths have been reported in the US from Hurrican Ike.

2,740 Americans died in the September 11 attack.

Zeshua said that 2008 would be worse than 9/11.

Slightly under 3,000 people died in the 9/11 attacks.

Tens of thousands more than that are unaccounted for in the Galveston area after Hurricane Ike.

Eighty-two deaths have been reported in the US from Hurrican Ike.

Forty-eight in Texas

2,740 Americans died in the September 11 attack.

Ok, let's take another look at the string "oh eight worse nine eleven...

Zeshua said that all these things would be found in the news headlines between 2007 - 2009.

Mostly 2008

That leaves 2012 open for Jeb.

As for my interpretation of those solutions, well, yeah, you have a point, they are my creation.

"Shocking! Deadly Vaccination Discovery"

It sure seems to me that we've been seeing an unusually high number of stories about vaccines in the news since she posted this

Mystery virus kills 160

AP Story Headline: Mexico swine flu deaths spur global epidemic fears

we got the worst-case scenarios each time. That does not seem accidental to me.

On FOX NEWS today, they discussed possible martial law, isolation and quarantine coming, even mentioning FEMA camps and vaccinations. All of this just 6 Days after ground-zero MSM coverage!

On FOX NEWS today...

Quote from FOX NEWS Reporter: "I'm sick of seeing the e-mails about the FEMA camps."

They discussed possible martial law, isolation and quarantine coming, even mentioning FEMA camps and vaccinations

While there have been hospitalizations and deaths from the virus, and we expect there will be more, for most people who contract the virus the symptoms have been mild.

As for my interpretation of those solutions, well, yeah, you have a point, they are my creation.

Well, the "election" bit sure seems to be a pretty big hit,

Okay, ignore the "election" hit

Zeshua once wrote to me that most of her predictions dealt with developments between 2008 - 2009, but even that was vague enough to leave the door open for some predictions to be fulfilled outside of that time window. So, we cannot know the timeframe of this prediction for certain, which means that a 4+ year fulfillment of this prediction cannot be decisively ruled out.

It is my understanding that almost everything Zeshua has publicly predicted actually referred to events and developments that were supposed to occur in 2008 and 2009. Mostly 2008.

This is good, because it means that one way or another, the Zeshua question will be decisively answered soon.

As for my interpretation of those solutions, well, yeah, you have a point, they are my creation.

From October 2007 through most of February 2008, I received a fairly steady flow of emails from Zeshua, discussing/describing events she said were going to occur in 2008. Most of the content of those communiques were typically vague as to time and place of occurrence

Zeshua once wrote to me that most of her predictions dealt with developments between 2008 - 2009, but even that was vague enough to leave the door open for some predictions to be fulfilled outside of that time window.

I see that Ray has posted an image indicating that he received a PM from Zeshua, just as hundreds of others have also received.

yet another feather in Zeshua's cap.

As for my interpretation of those solutions, well, yeah, you have a point, they are my creation.

fits the prediction perfectly.

Most of the content of those communiques were typically vague

but even that was vague enough to leave the door open

As for my interpretation of those solutions, well, yeah, you have a point, they are my creation.

None of our rabid "debunkers" want to take a swing at how well Zeshua's prediction "a 3rd becomes next" matches up with Kim Jong Il's third son becoming the next ruler of North Korea?

a friend who claims to have observed this mystery post insists that it did not specify that Jeb would be the "next" president, but only something like "RMT, you were more surprised than anyone when Jeb Bush became president of the U.S."

That leaves 2012 open for Jeb.

It also leaves Kim's 3rd son open to fulfill the prediction

fits the prediction perfectly.

"A third becomes next"?

Israel just threatened to make Gaza (a third of Palestine) the next holocaust.

As for my interpretation of those solutions, well, yeah, you have a point, they are my creation.

"sudden outbreak of influenza" is pretty vague, you could basically interpret that any way you wanted.

Yeah. Keep telling yourself that.

"Shocking! Deadly Vaccination Discovery"

It sure seems to me that we've been seeing an unusually high number of stories about vaccines in the news since she posted this

Mystery virus kills 160 - Rural Kanpur is fighting its most frightening scourge

AP Story Headline: Mexico swine flu deaths spur global epidemic fears

As for my interpretation of those solutions, well, yeah, you have a point, they are my creation.

Could it mean the division, or space, BETWEEN Europe and Asia?

If so, that would be the Middle East, wouldn’t it?

And suddenly the prediction seems about to be fulfilled, to as the news is full of stories about how Israel is about to launch a pre-emptive strike against Iran preemptively thwart Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

North and South Korea have been "war bound" ever since their 1953 armistice, as their war never officially ended.

Of course "Europe/Asia" does not only mean "Europe and Asia" but also "Europe or Asia".

And suddenly the prediction seems about to be fulfilled,

Israel is about to launch a pre-emptive strike against Iran

North and South Korea have been "war bound"

As for my interpretation of those solutions, well, yeah, you have a point, they are my creation.

Peter, your comments are in Italics.

You said that your purpose in supporting Zeshua was to save lives.

Could you take a run through your comments listed above, and point out "where" this purpose becomes evident ?

You "seem" to be trying to promote FEAR, CONFUSION, AND DOUBT in peoples lives.

Show me where I'm wrong.

And you missed answering my question in the previous post, so I will continue to ask the same question until I get an answer.

I would love to know what bedtime stories you tell your children. I highly doubt that you sit on their bedside telling them anything about this so-called Time Traveler/Prophet named Zeshua and that their future is going to be nothing but HELL, and there isn't anything they can do about it.

So this is my question to you...

IF you don't think it is appropriate to tell "your" children about a future with no choice excepting to die, what makes you believe it is OK for you to tell my children the same ?
This again reinforces why you are an evil soul. Why you act in a way that defiles God.

Oops, did I come into this thread at a bad time? Wow this is going good here. I can always depend on Rainman to deliver the action with somebody. Well I will just step back and read.
By the way, Peter, it hasn't escaped my notice that you are posting in multiple this some sort of tactic you are using to avoid looking foolish ?

I challenge you to particpate in a debate regarding Zeshua in ONE thread, instead of jumping from one thread to another to try and hide.

Or are you scared ?

and you best be prepared, because you haven't seen anything, yet. What you've seen so far is just the warm up...plan on it getting "real" hot around here soon.

Of course, your idea of the term "soon" might cause you to believe I mean sometime 20 years from today...let me assure you this isn't the case. I will stick the the "normal" meaning of the word "soon".

Got Salt ?
The original anagram was:

This divides up into a sequence of 26 separate words:
as horn squeak a distress he go hit new severe online a stain ass in sos fun in zeal iconic savant fame stomps my clone tie

Now, without changing that sequence, we find that these words can be organized into 10 groupings :

ashorn, squeak, adistress, hegohitnewsevereonline, astainassinsos, funinzeal, iconicsavant, fame, stompsmy, clonetie

which are anagrams for
sharon, quakes, disasters, oh eight worse nine eleven, assassinations, influenza, vaccinations, fema, symptoms, election

Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccine Alert

by Stephen Lendman
Tuesday, 14 July 2009

On July 13, a World Health Organization (WHO) Global Alert headlined, "WHO recommendations on pandemic (H1N1) 2009 vaccinations" suggest that universally mandated ones are coming. It stated that on July 7, the pharmaceutical industry-dominated Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization held an "extraordinary meeting in Geneva to discuss issues and make recommendations related to vaccine for the pandemic (H1N1) 2009." [...] WHO "recommendations" are binding on all 194 member countries in case a pandemic emergency is declared under the 2005 International Health Regulations Act and April 2009 WHO pandemic plan.

Yes, one would be remiss not to point out that when she posted this, on 2/22/2008, the Bird Flu Panic had already raised the spectre of a big vaccination story hitting the media. But that whole Bird flu Panic could have faded away without ever generating any vaccination story at all (come to think of it, it DID fade away without doing so!). So she was obviously taking a big chance in making this prediction, as there could have easily been no flu pandemic at all by the end of 2009, nor any rush for a worldwide vaccine. But as it turns out, we HAVE HAD that pandemic (right on schedule, too!), and now we are starting to see news headlines trumpeting a mandatory vaccine. One thing is certain : as we get closer to this Fall, we will be reading more and more headlines about that vaccine.

So once again, it turns out she was right, whether by coincidence or foreknowledge.

Let's explore this prediction a little closer. We see that a string of words has been inserted : oh eight worse nine eleven. The appearance of this string alerts us to the possibility that other meaningful word strings may also occur within this anagram. I would suggest that the string influenza, vaccinations, fema, symptoms is another meaningful word string, signifying the sequence of events. First we find the flu pandemic announced in the news, then we read reports of the mandatory vaccine. This sequence suggests (granted, perhaps only to me) that FEMA will be activated to enforce the mandatory vaccine, and then after that the unfortunate side effects of the vaccine will start to appear in the populace.
And let's not forget that in one of my predictions, one that has already been decoded, I was actually able to definitively predict the death of Kim Jong Il. No "interpretations by Peter Novak" even required. It is right there in the decoded prediction for all to see. That makes me better than Zeshua. And other predictions of mine, as yet uncoded, have also already shown me to be more accurate than Zeshua.

"Definitively predict the death of Kim Jong Il"? Like that's hard? Everyone dies. Try predicting the exact date of death. Zeshua started her predictive career by posting the exact date of Pope JPII's death a month in advance. Can you predict the exact date of Kim's death?

Zeshua, 3/3/05:
what happens if the Pope Dies? 03/04/05.

Nitescott, 3/30/05:
He is eating through a tube in his nose now! I actualy wonder if he will make it to 03/04/05.

RenUnconscious, 3/31/05:
I just heard the popes condition is deteriorating, and Terri Schiavo just died today. These two individuals must be connected somehow. And we had a claimed TTer post about the pope dying almost a month ago, strange don't u think?

Nitescott, 3/31/05:
Italian television stations said the 84-year-old pope had been given the last rites. There was no confirmation of the reports. The pope is too weak even to be raced to hospital, Vatican sources were quoted as telling Sky Italia television. But will he make it to 03/04/05.

Yeyeman9, 3/31/05:
Dude 03/04/05 is March 4th 2005. Do you mean April 3rd?

Where I come from it is DD/MM/YY. But I guess we should ask Zeshua. He posted that date.

good point, i don't think us americans thought of that. in fact before you posted this i just realized that. very interesting to see, as you see, for us this thread was Posted on March 4th 2005. and at the bottom it said 03/04/05 we assumed March 4th 2005 like a date stamp. but perhaps it was a predicition, April 3rd 2005. regardless, i did not at ALL expect this downturn with the pope so suddenly, figured he had a few years left.

yeyeman9, 4/1/05:
That is a good point nittescot, didnt see it it like! But I thought you were. Anyways, that could be his date indeed.

Malcolm, 4/1/05:
The pope is on his last legs tonight.

RenUnconscious, 4/2/05:
Well the Pope is dead folks. Zeshua was only off by 1 day,

RainManTime, 4/2/05:
There are quite a few people who are surprised that he lasted this long, me being one of them.

Nitescott, 4/2/05:
Well, where I come from he was on the money. He got it right. The 3rd of April - 03/04/05. Right on Zeshua ! "Now I will not be so quick to call you a hoax"
By the way, Peter, it hasn't escaped my notice that you are posting in multiple this some sort of tactic you are using to avoid looking foolish ?

I am only posting in threads started by Zeshua, and my posts are consistently on-topic with the original post in each thread.
I created a thread for all of those interested in discussing Zeshua to have a central hub, as it were, to either validate your claims regarding Zeshua being able to transmit messages back in time -- or to demonstrate that Zeshua is just somebody in our time trying to capitalize on people's fear's.

If you would be so kind as to respond to my question in the new thread, we can begin to dicuss the whole Zeshua Saga in ONE thread, instead of having to jump around to see what and who replied to various posts spread out across the spectrum.

This may actually work to your advantage IF you can substaniate the claims of Zeshua in a logical, step-by-step process.
In case anyone missed the implication, that was a gauntlet being thrown down.

There are two variables in dating a given moment : the American MM/DD/YY vs the European DD/MM/YY, and of course the two dates on either side of the International Date Line (IDL).

Given those two variables, any given moment can be legitimately written in four different ways:

DD/MM/YY east of the IDL
DD/MM/YY west of the IDL
MM/DD/YY east of the IDL
MM/DD/YY west of the IDL

Zeshua made a prediction about the Pope’s death, and hit one of those four designations.

Ray has claimed to be better at predicting than Zeshua is, so here is Ray’s challenge: to repeat Zeshua’s feat by giving us an XX/XX/XX date for Kim Jong Il’s death that also successfully hits one of those four designations.

It should go without saying that it won't count if Ray waits until last rites have already been given before posting his guess.

I posted this same challenge before, but no one took me up on it, because everyone knows it is impossible without foreknowledge.