Perhaps I have missed something? I see that Ray has posted an image indicating that he received a PM from Zeshua, just as hundreds of others have also received. And I see that Ray has made the as-yet-unsubstantiated claim that Zeshua said that the "3rd" prediction was about the Bush family, but I haven't seen any independent evidence offered to support that claim.
Yeppers, you did. As mentioned by Rainman, the PM was posted in this thread for a couple of days. Thus, from Zeshua's own lips ( so to speak ) the claim was indeed substaniated, and the 3rd Kind was in reference to Jeb Bush.
Thus, this prediction is over and done with, Jeb Bush will not be the 3rd Bush in Kind. Finito !
And Ray! A university physics professor who is into Kabbalah?
And this means what ?
Peter, you of all people, who also has studied numerous sacred texts should know that these texts are platforms TO knowledge, and an interest in the contents of these texts is not "evil", nor are the readers themselves "evil", the "evil" arises when the sacred texts are used as platforms for justification of behaviour to commit crimes against others.
One who places "curses" on people?
LOL...that's one good knee slapper ! Rainman is placing hexes on people...really ?
ROFLMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To be up-front with you Peter, Zeshua isn't really "the issue" that is being addressed.
Instead of beating around the Bushes...I'll come right out and say what the issue is.
Maybe this will clear the air a bit and lay down a foundation for better understanding from all sides involved.
People are individuals. As individual's they have the power to make choices and decisions. When I drive around a city like Santa Ana, Ca., and see portions of the landscape covered with garbage, the garbage seen is a direct result of individuals making a choice to toss their refuse on the ground, instead of properly disposing of it. Conscious or unconscious, does not matter, it is still a choice all the same.
Some people allow it to continue, and will go along their merry way as they witness other individuals tossing wrappers, cups, cans, and other refuse on the ground.
Some people don't allow it to continue, and will address the issue with the individual's committing the act. Even here, there are seperate groups of people, some that are harsh and maybe a bit rough, and those that gently instruct the offenders to properly dispose of their trash.
Either way, the intention is to keep the city clean, to have a place that the future generations can use, un-cluttered by the garbage of their ancestors.
With someone like Zeshua, that you may find such an individual a tool to direct traffic to your own ends, to promote the exposure of your own book's, is something that has crossed my mind. Especially when an IP trace is done on Zeshua's IP and it goes to a company that specializes in marketing published materials ?
Come on, admit it, if I posted predictions in a thread here, and you traced my IP to a marketing firm, would you be a little suspicious ? Come on now, Peter, be honest. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
That you "really" buy into Zeshua has being some kind of Prophet or Time Traveler, considering your education and exposure to the numerous texts as mentioned by yourself, I find it "very" hard to believe that you, Peter Novak, published author, really believe in anyone such as Zeshua.
You might believe that using somebody like Zeshua as a marketing tool is harmless, but, we don't see it that way. AND this is where the friction begins.
People today are under a constant barrage of advertising. Why, we even have a major food chain using UNTHINK as a slogan.
Can you imagine that ? UNTHINK ? WTF ???
I read on your own bio, that you have children. I would hope that you are not complacent with teaching them to think for themselves. To really consider what it is they see, TO THINK, before making a choice.
On the extremes, this is something every parent fears. Some smooth talking predator will pursuade our children to "go with them" under the pretense of "finding a lost puppy". We, as parent's, try to hammer into our children, THINK...make the right choices.
Every situation has a choice, and a consequence for the choice made. The drunk getting into his/her car and driving drunk and killing somebody in an accident:
Don't you think that somebody, somewhere, in that person's life should have taken the time to teach them that driving drunk is a BAD choice ? in other words...TO THINK !!!
To bring this into the Zeshua arena...
Some person decides to take a stab at pretending to be a Time Traveler. They make all kinds of predictions of a future filled with violence, mayhem, and death.
Some individuals realize that our future is NOT set in stone, and we DO have the ability to make a choice as to what our future "could be". They actually THINK about what they see.
Some individual's won't realize this, and become part of the
UNTHINK group. They become people without hope, no chance for any kind of positive future, and will react accordingly, influenced by people who may think that playing a Time Traveler role is merely fun and games, something to do between classes or on their coffee breaks.
This is exactly like the Father that keeps a loaded gun in the house, and does not teach their children what a gun is and what a gun can do. The un-taught child finds the gun, brings it out to show his friends, and the other children convince the child to pull the trigger, the child either kill's himself, or one of his friends.
IF the man had taken the time to teach his children to THINK for themselves, to instill within the children what is right and what is wrong, then such a tragedy would more than likely be avoided.
IF the children are taught to take responsibility for their own actions. Then perhaps, as adults, our children would be able to take responsibility for their own actions, and the world might have a chance at becoming a better place.
But, this won't happen when we have people like Zeshua, and anyone who promotes people like Zeshua, who try to remove the idea of thinking for yourself out of the picture. That there is no choice, no future.
I don't know -- maybe you didn't see Zeshua this way, but I, for one, do.
IF people go around, peddling the negative wares "for" irresponsible people like whomever decided to play the role of Time Traveler Zeshua, and supporting a future with no hope, no dreams, nothing but violence and death, then as far as I'm concerned, ALL of the people might as well have pulled the trigger on the gun IF someone who UNTHINKS for themselves decides to avoid such a bleak and dark future, convinced that they don't play an active role in their own future.
Do you get it ? Do you understand ?
I would love to know what bedtime stories you tell your children. I highly doubt that you sit on their bedside telling them anything about this so-called Time Traveler/Prophet named Zeshua and that their future is going to be nothing but HELL, and there isn't anything they can do about it.
So this is my question to you...
IF you don't think it is appropriate to tell "your" children about a future with no choice excepting to die, what makes you believe it is OK for you to tell my children the same ?
You are a skilled and talented writer, with a wonderful gift, Peter. I am confused as to why somebody with your gift's, would not use them to make somebody's life better, to become a POSITIVE influence, and make a POSITIVE difference in someone's life ?
You could, if you wanted to.
It's your choice.
Imagine that !