Relocated: -Greetings from 2025. -

On FOX NEWS today, they discussed possible martial law, isolation and quarantine coming, even mentioning FEMA camps and vaccinations. All of this just 6 Days after ground-zero MSM coverage!

Who is they ? What are thier names ? What is there profession ? What capacity are "they" speaking from ?

You didn't mention "what they said" about FEMA Camps...which was perhaps something along these lines ?

" … Web Myths About FEMA Camps Tuesday,... call from a woman who asked me about FEMA prison camps. And I said to my producer ...I'm sick of seeing the e-mails about the FEMA camps. " - Quote from FOX NEWS Reporter


FOXNews - Debunking Web Myths about FEMA Camps

Also from FOXNEWS, available within the same link posted above:

Photographs of Detention Center ( Wyoming ):

CLAIM: “There is a minimum of one confirmed concentration camp built on American soil in rural Wyoming. … The (Department of Homeland Security) accidentally placed these photos on a publicly accessible portion of their website … (but) they were pulled within one hour. … The images are not gone forever though.”

FACT: These are legitimate images of prisons and forced-labor camps — in North Korea. The images were taken from a report about the camps prepared by a human rights organization, then someone manipulated the headers, photo dates and annotations. Of the original photos, of a camp near Kaechon, North Korea, showing a dorm for prisoners, shoe-making shops, and guard towers. In the fake, the original map and coordinates in the upper-right corner have been covered by a poorly pasted DHS logo. The whole thing may have been a hoax — the name of the made-up facility, “Swift Luck Greens,” is an anagram for “Left Wing Suckers” — but it’s evidence that once things get passed around the Internet, it’s like a game of telephone where context no longer matters and the wildest theory wins .

Peter, Please feel free to post sources ( link would be preferrable ) regarding any NEWS Report "from" FOX NEWS ?


From a different perspective, your time traveling buddy, just mentioned ( according to you ) these particular "headlines" and not what the expanded stories would be ? Correct me if I'm wrong ?

Even if the Headlined story turned out to be that FEMA couldn't slap both cheeks with their hands, would still be considered as confirmation ( to you ) that Zeshua was right on target with her predictions of "future" headlines -- right ?

FEMA was in the headlines when they dropped the ball regarding they're response to Katrina. Would you say this might also qualify as confirmation that Zeshua was indeed telling the truth about being from the future ?

If you could clarify this for me, it would be appreciated.
sharons quake disasters oh eight worse nine eleven assassinations influenza vaccinations fema symptoms election

Does an "UNPRECEDENTED" FLU VACCINATION PROGRAM satisfy this prediction?

The Obama administration is considering an unprecedented fall vaccination campaign that could entail giving Americans three flu shots -- one to combat annual seasonal influenza and two targeted at the new swine flu virus spreading across the globe.

If enacted, the multibillion-dollar effort would represent the first time that top federal health officials have asked Americans to get more than one flu vaccine in a year, raising serious challenges concerning production, distribution and the ability to track potentially severe side effects.

Another option, said Dale Morse, chairman of the advisory committee on immunization practices at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is adding to the seasonal flu shot an ingredient targeted at the new virus.

Experts in and out of the administration are evaluating a raft of complicated issues, including who ought to receive an inoculation against the swine flu and whether private vaccine makers can simultaneously manufacture the standard 180 million doses as well as up to 600 million rounds of a new vaccine
Experts in and out of the administration are evaluating a raft of complicated issues

The complications are that we do not manufacture vaccines in the USA any more. Anti-vaccination crackpots and a generally hyper-litigiuous populace have driven vaccine manufacturers abroad. Couple that with the Internet (and major news media) scare tactics about Swine Flu, most countries that are manufacturing vaccine are under severe pressure not to share their stockpiles with countries that don't manufacture vaccines. Countries like the USA. The Obama Administration is looking at pie in the sky for a vaccination program. We have no vaccine to speak of. Our current stockpile is sufficient for about 15% of the population while most EU countries have inventories sufficient for 45% to 55% of their populations. They aren't about to drop their inventories to help us out and the manufacturers aren't of a mind to risk it in any case. The woo-woos would sue them into extinction...and then no one would have any vaccine.

Thank you Doomers and Gloomers. If killing folks was the plan, then The Plan has been effective.

And all the hype over Swine Flu, which has killed a dozen folks over the past month-and-a-half, while in the USA alone, about 3,000 people have died from seasonal flu.
I expect more people die in Texas every year from sidewinder bites than have perished in the U.S.
from Swine Flu, or as I like to call it, "Swyne Phlu". /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
We average 1 to 2 deaths from snakebites per year, so far the Swine flu is dead even. However, there are all kinds of lethal critters 'round these parts. Most people that live here have an awareness of the critters in the wilds. The death rate caused by most of those critters isn't all that bad.

The most lethal critter we have in Texas is a species of bipedal primates in the family Hominidae (taxonomically referred to as Homo-sapiens ).
As predicted... by SANE PEOPLE /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Well, here we are on the 13th of May and has anyone noticed that <font color="red"> Swine Flu has completely disappeared from the news just as quickly as it came? [/COLOR]

And notice that we haven't seen Peter tooting the Zeshua horn now that this has finally been shown to be a ridiculous panic.

What a surprise... And here is another news flash no one will be surprised about:

Recall will also never admit he was wrong to be a promoter of doom about Swine Flu.

As predicted... by SANE PEOPLE

only on your "Candy World"...


<font color="red"> GMA just reporting Swine Flu was accident in a lab... [/COLOR]
end quoted

link to /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Swine Flu has completely disappeared from the news

Hardly. The number of confirmed cases of the new Influenza A (H1N1) flu has climbed to 6,497, including 65 deaths, the World Health Organization said on Thursday.

For the math-impaired, that's a 1% fatality rate, far higher than normal flu. And to make things worse, the WHO is also warning that because this is a new flu strain, NO ONE has immunity to it. The WHO estimates that 1/3 or more of the earth's human population will eventually get this flu.

Lessee ... that's 1/3 of 6 billion, or 2 billion .... 1% of whom will die from it ... that's 20 million deaths.

If 1/3 of America's 300 million population gets it, that'll be 100 million American flu patients. One percent of that number comes out to one million fatalities here in the States.

That's what the WHO is saying. Now, if you'd care to ask why the mainstream media isn't talking about this anymore, that's a whole other discussion.
City To Close Three Queens Schools...

Debunk this, please :


City To Close Three Queens Schools Over New Flu Fears
By: NY1 News
City officials say three public schools in Queens will be closed for the next five days due to reports of a high number of kids with flu-like symptoms.

The decision effects IS 238 in Jamaica , PS 16 in Corona and IS 5 in Elmhurst.

"Though there might be some inconvenience, this is the best procedure, to close these schools for public safety and the continued safety of the families involved," said Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

At IS 238, city health officials say four students and an assistant principal have tested positive for the H1N1 virus, otherwise known as swine flu. They also say the sickened assistant principal has been hospitalized and is listed in critical condition.

Mayor Bloomberg reassured city residents that the severity of the case is not typical.

"This person may have had other health problems earlier we are trying to identify that and ascertain whether those other problems were exacerbated by the flu or whether it's totally unrelated," said Bloomberg.

Since May 6th, a total of 50 students have been sent home from IS 238.

At Intermediate School 5, 241 students were absent Thursday with flu-like symptoms, while 29 students at PS 16 were sent to the nurse's office with symptoms.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg says the closures are being done as a precaution. He also urged residents to continue washing their hands and cover their mouths when coughing or sneezing.

In a statement, United Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten says, "The United Federation of Teachers has been working closely with the Department of Education, the Department of Health and the Mayor's office on this matter, and we are very concerned for students and staff at all three schools as well as their families. We hope that the measures being taken to address the situation will alleviate the need for additional steps. We will continue to monitor the situation and we hope that everyone affected will make a quick recovery."

Fears regarding the strain had subsided recently, and it appears that there is no reason to believe the virus is getting more dangerous.

Bloomberg also says there's no reason to believe the latest round of cases are connected to the recent outbreaks at Saint Francis Prep or PS 177.

He says anyone who is experiencing flu symptoms should get medical attention and stay home from work.

end quoted
******1st Arizona swine flu death reported


<font color="red"> A woman in Arizona suffering from a lung condition has apparently become the fourth person in the nation to die with swine flu, authorities said Thursday.

The Maricopa County Health Department reported that the woman in her late 40s died last week of what appears to be complications of the new strain of influenza.

Laboratory tests confirmed that the woman was infected with the flu strain. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is expected to add her to the official national tally on Friday, health department spokeswoman Jeanene Fowler said. [/COLOR]

end quoted..


Link to feed...
May 14, 2009, 11:00 AM ET

4,298 Confirmed and Probable Cases in 47 States

...or 946 more cases in 24 hours


When this thing first became public, the online math models for pandemic spread of flu showed a slow but steadily increasing number of infection which got seriously heavy on day 50 and peaked at day 85.

The math involved is not rocket science. At present we are about at day 17 in the whole cycle since this bug was "discovered" and made it's way into public awareness. According to those models, the progression is RIGHT ON SCHEDULE. Two to three more weeks and it begins to get nasty.
I still don,t understand what all the hopla is about. Epidimics come and go. We have yet to see a real bad one. Until I see dead people being dumped into mass graves and being burned I am not going to get excited. This mass media thing is something else. Reporters can get people to believe anything now days. Inquiring minds want to know. I want to see the UFO's forget this flu junk.;feedName=domesticNews&amp;rpc=22&amp;sp=true

The new influenza strain circulating around most of the United States is putting a worrying number of young adults and children into the hospital and hitting more schools than usual, U.S. health officials said on Monday.

The H1N1 swine flu virus killed a vice principal at a New York City school over the weekend and has spread to 48 states. While it appears to be mild, it is affecting a disproportionate number of children, teenagers and young adults.

This includes people needing hospitalization -- now up to 200, said Dr. Anne Schuchat of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"That's very unusual, to have so many people under 20 to require hospitalization, and some of them in (intensive care units)," Schuchat told reporters in a telephone briefing.

"We are now experiencing levels of influenza-like illness that are higher than usual for this time of year," Schuchat added. "We are also seeing outbreaks in schools, which is extremely unusual for this time of year."

New York City Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Frieden agreed with Schuchat.

"We're seeing increasing numbers of people going to emergency departments saying they have fever and flu, particularly young people in the 5 to 17 age group, " Frieden, who has been named by U.S. President Barack Obama as the new CDC director, told a news conference.

About half of all cases of influenza are being diagnosed as the new H1N1 strain, while the rest are influenza B, or the seasonal H1N1 and H3N2 strains. Flu season in the United States is usually almost over by May.

CDC officials say around 100,000 people are likely infected with the new flu strain in the United States and Schuchat said the 5,123 confirmed and probable cases and six deaths in the United States were "the tip of the iceberg."


"We are seeing more reports of influenza-like illness from outpatient visits that we monitor than is typical for this time of year," Schuchat said.