We're in the final stretch, Ray, the fourth quarter of the game.
More than you can possibly know, Peter. And you have just seen fit to throw me an interception...
Here you do the very thing you condemn me for doing -- (snip)
Outside of your adoption of the very tactics you criticize me for using
It seems you have decided to pull the trigger. However, I would bet you have done so unwittingly. I am not sure how many of my other posts here you may, or may not, have read. But it is no secret to many of the regulars here that I always use a "mirroring" tactic in my debates that go on this long. And you know what? It never fails. In fact, since you think you have researched and written a lot about mystical traditions, a little entity known as Aiwaz was the one who taught me how to use this field-leveling option. And do you want to know the best parts about this?
1) I have willingly (and do now also) admitted in the past that I use the "mirroring" tactic in doing battle. So I have kept NOTHING from you about my tactics...heh...and Obama talks about "transparency". Mmmph.
2) The use of this tactic never fails, and the endgame always begins when the person I am mirroring finally figures it out and attempts to "surprise me" by telling me what I know I have been doing all along (and have said as much!)
I am driving down the field, throwing 20 yard passes and all you can do it look at the clock, Peter. I hope you enjoy the ride, because you are going down...
Zeshua once wrote to me that most of her predictions...blah blah blah <font color="blue">(in case anyone is wondering, the blah-blah-blah part is mine!)[/COLOR] /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
It is too bad you are not aware of some of the things Zeshua has written to me! (Private EMAILs of course!)
is there any other reason you can think of to dismiss the obvious hit of "a 3rd becomes next"?
Oh yes. In actuality, there is a whole LIST of reasons! You see, you constantly underestimate me and how much "homework" I do behind the scenes, Peter. I have collected data from you and Zeshua ever since you both showed up. I have cataloged it in a relational knowledgebase which allows me to explore trends, and come to conclusions. Do you think my own version of Zeshua's anagram "poem" was put together on a whim??? Heck no. Lots of background work and analysis went into that. Just as lots of analysis and development went into ALL of Zeshua's "predictions".... yes, even "a 3rd becomes next." But because I play this game my way (to win), I am only going to give you the top item on the list of reasons to dismiss what you believe to be a "hit". It will become very obvious to people who see you for what you are when they read what is at the top of my list:
<font color="red"> A 3rd
Bush becomes next. [/COLOR]
I probably do not even have to explain, but I will for the sake of other readers. Back when Zeshua made this "amazing prediction", Dubya was fresh off his 2004 presidential election win, and his brother Jeb was well into his second term as the
43rd governor of Florida. (I always found it interesting that Dubya was the 43rd president while Jeb was the 43rd governor!) Back then in 2005 everyone already knew that Jeb could not run for another term as governor of Florida. And since the US just re-elected his brother, the tide of "Dubya Haters" had not begun to rise enough to the point where Obama (or any Dem) could be certain of defeating the Bush "political dynasty". And of course, the raving liberals with attitudes much like Zeshuas were always talking about how "Bush was setting up a dictatorship and he will install his brother as the new dictator." I know enough about Zeshua's political leanings to know that this is EXACTLY what she was predicting... but I didn't even need this "knowing."
So yes, this one naturally rose to the TOP of my list of reasons to ignore any "shoehorn" manner in which you could force Zeshua to be "correct" in her "prediction" of "a 3rd becomes next". What Zeshua was
really predicting was that a "3rd member of the Bush family would become the next president." And now the real kicker:
I know this because Zeshua told me in a private email...
Instead, as things have developed, you don't have even one, not even one, instance where you can point to a clear and obvious instance where one of her predictions failed to come to pass
Because they are your predictions, and you were the one who dug up the data to force them to be correct.
while I have pointed to a great many that did come to pass.
That is not at all surprising to anyone who knows your part in the game.
You do realize, of course, that this whole discussion and argument will be decided without either of us, don't you?
Absolutely, not. Here again, this is your evil nature seeking to rob me (and others) of our ability to shape our future. You have gotten so used to FORCING Zeshua to be right, that you now think you command the power to tell me (and others) that the future will be decided without us as pivotal players. You are sadly deluded, and the belief you can use this power without consequence has gone to your head. You do not own my future, and neither does the "Zeshua" person who puppets you. "And I will spit in your eye to the last." (Go look up that quote and where it comes from.)
It doesn't matter what you or I post here, Ray.
Again, you are hopelessly wrong. Myself and another friend here who has studied the mystical arts could put you through a little schooling about your "Binary Soul Doctrine". And, in fact, that is exactly what has been going on here, with us, over all this
TIME. There are levels of this confrontation that you are so hopelessly unconscious to. I mirror people like you for a very deep reason. A reason that I do not think you can understand because of your insistance on a future of doom. You may think you are an "expert" on hemetic traditions because you wrote a few books about them. But I know, from nothing other than the energy you expend here with this Zeshua hoax, that you have never been able to come to grips with what the use of power entails... nor how to use it responsibly.
Your future is quite dim. Unless you learn the lesson you need to learn.
I assure you, Ray, that I'll be praying at least as hard as you that these remaining three stories stay out of our newspapers at least another six months.
That is a lie. I know your intention. It has been made clear to me, and it didn't even take a private message from Zeshua to learn it.
Sic Semper Tyrannis,