Relocated: -Greetings from 2025. -

In case anyone missed the implication, that was a gauntlet being thrown down.

And how many gauntlets have been thrown down at your feet that you have been too much of wimp to pick up??????

Let me just say this. Before I accept any challenge that Samael puts out for me, you, Peter, will first have to PROVE and VALIDATE that this was indeed a prediction:

Zeshua made a prediction about the Pope’s death, and hit one of those four designations.

You must first prove to me that this was Zeshua's actual prediction, and not simply your interpretation. Good luck with that.... but I know, Peter, it is "too hard" for a numbskull like you will ignore it or tell someone why you do not have to prove it.

But you do. You cannot simply claim that, because you interpret it as a prediction, that it is indeed so. That is a dictatorship of assessment.
You must first prove to me that this was Zeshua's actual prediction, and not simply your interpretation.

It was obviously a prediction. The first people who saw and commented on that post all understood it to be a prediction. This was not my interpretation, but one shared by many others. I did not invent this interpretation; I wasn't even aware of Zeshua yet at that point in time. But many others were, and with the exception of RMT, they all read this as a prediction. They are my witnesses, the first people to come on the scene, and their consensus testimony is my proof :


Zeshua, 3/3/05:
what happens if the Pope Dies? 03/04/05.

Nitescott, 3/30/05:
He is eating through a tube in his nose now! I actualy wonder if he will make it to 03/04/05.

RenUnconscious, 3/31/05:
I just heard the popes condition is deteriorating, and Terri Schiavo just died today. These two individuals must be connected somehow. And we had a claimed TTer post about the pope dying almost a month ago, strange don't u think?

Nitescott, 3/31/05:
Italian television stations said the 84-year-old pope had been given the last rites. There was no confirmation of the reports. The pope is too weak even to be raced to hospital, Vatican sources were quoted as telling Sky Italia television. But will he make it to 03/04/05.

Yeyeman9, 3/31/05:
Dude 03/04/05 is March 4th 2005. Do you mean April 3rd?

Where I come from it is DD/MM/YY. But I guess we should ask Zeshua. He posted that date.

good point, i don't think us americans thought of that. in fact before you posted this i just realized that. very interesting to see, as you see, for us this thread was Posted on March 4th 2005. and at the bottom it said 03/04/05 we assumed March 4th 2005 like a date stamp. but perhaps it was a predicition, April 3rd 2005. regardless, i did not at ALL expect this downturn with the pope so suddenly, figured he had a few years left.

yeyeman9, 4/1/05:
That is a good point nittescot, didnt see it it like! But I thought you were. Anyways, that could be his date indeed.

Malcolm, 4/1/05:
The pope is on his last legs tonight.

RenUnconscious, 4/2/05:
Well the Pope is dead folks. Zeshua was only off by 1 day,

Nitescott, 4/2/05:
Well, where I come from he was on the money. He got it right. The 3rd of April - 03/04/05.

RPA, 4/3/200:
Most impressive. Either a great guess or you are a time traveler.

Hercules, 4/7/05:
You predicted the date the pope dies.


All the above six people who commented on this in the days immediately before and after JPII's demise were viewing it as a definite prediction of the date of the Pope's death. That means there was a majority consensus opinion regarding this in the beginning (even Timenot, who argued against this being a successful prediction based on the ITL, still never questioned the premise of whether it was a prediction at all).

But really, Ray, what would your argument be anyway? That it wasn't really a prediction, but it was just an incredibly lucky coincidence that (A) it just happened to look like a prediction, and (B) it turned out to be an incredibly successful lookalike? What are the odds of that? Your argument then would boil down to "Zeshua is just incredibly lucky"? Not much of an argument there, Ray.

Okay, now quit stalling. Go ahead and pick a date out of your magic hat for Kim Jong Il (maybe those deities you invoke for your curses will tell you). Don't worry about specifying if you're using American or European date formatting, nor if you're looking at it from east or west of the IDL. That way your one set of numbers will give you four possible hits, just the way they did for Zeshua.

Go ahead, Ray. I bet you can't do it in a hundred tries.
Well, where I come from he was on the money. He got it right. The 3rd of April - 03/04/05.

Apparently, where Peter comes from this is an accurate "perfect prediction". Lets see here...

He got it right, the 3rd of April ? Where does Zeshua say April ? I only see Peter posted above:

what happens if the Pope Dies? 03/04/05.

So, by my book, considering that the Pope was 84, and in poor health when Zeshua made the post, Zeshua was still off by a month. But, unless we twist it a bit, and presume we made a mistake, then Zeshua was off by only one day. IF Zeshua meant April 4th, and NOT March 4th, the Pope John Paul's offical date of death is listed as April 2nd.

This would mean that if "we" made a mistake, then Zeshua, who see's headlines from the future was 2 days off.

However, IF the Pope made it to May, then we could say that "we" made a mistake, and that Zeshua actually meant May 4, 2005 ?


maybe if the Pope had passed way on 3/5/05, then Zeshua meant what s/he said, that it really was March., and was a perfect hit.

Hmmmmmm...guess no matter when the Pope died, there would be some way of making the date a perfect hit, eh, Peter ?

And wasn't something really bad supposed to happen when the Pope passed away ? or was that prediction in one of the deleted posts ?'re quite the comedian, you know.
Hmmmmmm...guess no matter when the Pope died, there would be some way of making the date a perfect hit, eh, Peter ?

No, and you know better. Any XX/XX/XX date will only give us four different dates, depending on format and the IDL. Four dates. No more, no less.

Zeshua had four chances to get it right, and one of those chances was a hit.

If Ray dares to try the same feat, let him give us a XX/XX/XX as well, and we will see if one of his four dates is a hit.
Well, where I come from he was on the money. He got it right. The 3rd of April - 03/04/05.

he wasnt a he at all. he was a she. i wonder how you forgot that softball?
Zeshua had four chances to get it right, and one of those chances was a hit.

But wait, Zeshua can read the headlines from our time period !!! Why would Zeshua require anything beyond ONE chance ? This isn't a Las Vegas gaming table with odds of a hit or miss, not for someone that actually can read "exactly" what happened and when.

IF Zeshua has said that Pope John Paul 2 passes away ON Saturday, April 2nd, then that would be the perfect hit...not for anyone to have to sit down and try to figure out what Zeshua meant to say...which still is off, and tsk tsk for someone that claims to be transmiting an actual account of the events of our future from headlines.

Thats the whole point Peter...Zeshua is NOT transmitting from 2026, but is someone who took guesses on existing conditions in 2005.

The greatest prophet of our time, whom is written about in books that still out sell anything published today, is Jesus. Ironic that Zeshua showed up in the beginning of 2005, you showed up shorlty after Zeshua, and then in the fall of 2005 your publisher releases a book about the Gospel of Thomas.

What was the title of your book : "Original Christianity : A Key to Understanding the Gospel of Thomas and Other Lost Scriptures "

And who is the topic of discussion in that text ?

Jesus...or perhaps that is an interesting coincidence. A perfect fit by your standards.

Zeshua is only one letter off from Yeshua. Hmmmmm...what, were you hoping that your guesses, or a fellow author of yours, would have enough perfect hits to at some point claim some sort of connection between Zeshua and Yeshua ? or could that be Yeshua - Zeshua, then you could say that is a perfect fit for Alpha and Omega. With Zeshua being "the" Omega.

Should have learned from the master Prophet, and did what He did, and merely say that only God knows when the prophecies will come to pass. Might have saved you and your buddies some trouble.

And the results of someone posting from our time, about the future, is just about as it would be, as Rainman has been pointing out.


Zeshua is someone posting from this time period,

Zeshua is not sneaking down to some entry point in a pipeline and tapping into a network to send messages back from 2026.

Get it ?
Tsk, tsk, tsk. You show your shallow and sloppy thinking yet again, Peter:

It was obviously a prediction. The first people who saw and commented on that post all understood it to be a prediction.

Did you read what I wrote? I said I want proof and validation that it was a prediction. I did not say I would be happy if you told me that a gaggle of people presumed (essentially GUESSED) that it was a prediction. I know the answer to this could very well be "no" for you, but: Do you understand the difference between guessing/presuming and proof/validation?

All the above six people who commented on this in the days immediately before and after JPII's demise were viewing it as a definite prediction of the date of the Pope's death.

So if six people look up in the sky & view something they do not understand as a "definite UFO" does that (a) actually MAKE it a UFO and/or (b) PROVE that it was a UFO?

No. I didn't think so. Just how dense do you wish to portrary yourself, here, Peter?

That means there was a majority consensus opinion regarding this in the beginning

Science does not work by "majority consensus opinion" to determine reality. They rely on facts, not guesses and presumption.

But really, Ray, what would your argument be anyway?

Now I am going to do something that you NEVER do: Answer ALL your questions. Just to PROVE TO YOU that this is YOUR interpretation (and a presumption by the others), I can easily give you MY interpretation, which is just as reasonable as your presumption.

1) The original post was entered (by the adjustment applied to my Pacific Time Zone) on "03/03/05 at 05:24PM". So that "05:24PM" is reporting the Pacific Time Zone time when the post was entered on the server.
2) I can PRESUME that since Zeshua was saying "we are in real time" and further that she told us she was posting from the UK, that when the date/time is "03/03/05 5:24PM" in California, that the date/time in the UK (being right on GMT which is 8 hours ahead of California time) would be "03/04/05 1:24AM" GMT.
3) So now, with these presumptions, I could look at Zeshua's last point in her post of "03/04/05" as being nothing more than her documentation of the "real time" date upon which she was making this, the first post in that thread.
4) As it has been CLEARLY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY pointed out in the past: The Pope's ACTUAL, certified date of death was the 2nd of April, 2005. That means it is NOT A FACT that the Pope died on the 3rd of April. You must "interpret" it this way by forcing you to correct for an ARBITRARY timezone, rather than the time zone in which the death was certified.
5) Clearly it is and would be silly for a doctor in Italy to say "Oh, well, it is already the 3rd of April in Australia, so I guess I will mark the death certificate with that date." No, since the death took place in Italy's time zone, it must (BY LAW!) be marked with the time and date that the death occurred WHERE IT OCCURED.

So we see, you must actually "interpret" outside of what the laws state for certification of death! How effed up are you for doing that????

There. I answered your question about what my argument would be. Of course, you will not accept it, but it does not matter if you accept it. My argument is at least EQUALLY plausible to your interpretation...and moreover, you still have not given me ANY PROOF that it was a "prediction".

That it wasn't really a prediction, but it was just an incredibly lucky coincidence that (A) it just happened to look like a prediction, and (B) it turned out to be an incredibly successful lookalike?

It only "looks like a prediction" because you want it to. It certainly does NOT look like a prediction if you view it in the alternate way I have just presented to you. Again, you can tell me my alternate view is "incorrect" but that is only your opinion...which is not worth much at all given your weak mind.

Your argument then would boil down to "Zeshua is just incredibly lucky"? Not much of an argument there, Ray.

And now Samael is presuming to tell me what MY argument is/will be? No, I am not even saying Zeshua got incredibly lucky. I am saying that she was a hoaxer, and was not even TRYING to predict the date. Rather she was documenting the date she started that thread and asked what would happen if the pope dies. Furthermore, YOU FORCE HER TO BE LUCKY by re-interpreting the date of the death of the pope to be OUTSIDE the time zone where he actually expired!

Okay, now quit stalling. Go ahead and pick a date out of your magic hat for Kim Jong Il (maybe those deities you invoke for your curses will tell you). Don't worry about specifying if you're using American or European date formatting, nor if you're looking at it from east or west of the IDL. That way your one set of numbers will give you four possible hits, just the way they did for Zeshua.

Go ahead, Ray. I bet you can't do it in a hundred tries.

I told you what the precondition is before I give you my prediction of Kim Jong Il's death date. You can either provide me the proof that it was a prediction, or you can keep soiling yourself and running off at the mouth trying to force-fit this even more. But no amount of your presuming, or telling me how much I might get the date wrong will not bully me into doing anything until you meet MY conditions.

Again, do you want me to write a post recapping ALL the gauntlets I put before you...and ignored? there are a lot...and yes, I have been keeping score!

I knew you would try to weasel out of this, Ray, because you have no other choice, knowing you cannot hope to do what Zeshua did here.

You insist on absolute proof that this was a prediction, and an almost unanimous agreement by a jury of eyewitnesses is apparently not enough for you. But what is "absolute proof"? There is no such thing. One cannot even give absolute proof that the sun will rise in the East tomorrow morning. There is always doubt in everything; that is why our jury system only requires certainty "beyond a reasonable doubt", and not the "absolute" certainty you are insisting on here. There is always some small room for doubt in everything, and here you are clinging to that fact as your only life preserver in this debate, because it is all that lies between you and certain defeat.

It's time to man up. Stop clinging pathetically to semantics like a coward, and go ahead and replicate Zeshua's feat here if you can. If you object to the term "clear prediction", we can go ahead and replace that with the more awkward phrase "what seemed to be a prediction by the vast majority of observers". Thus, your challenge now becomes :

Make what seems to be, by an almost unanimous majority of observers, to be a prediction of the date of death for Kim Jong Il. Make the "apparent prediction" in a XX/XX/XX date format so you have four different dates to get it right.

But wait! You said you were even BETTER than Zeshua! So forget about the four-date format, and give us the exact single date of Kim's death. You can do it, can't you Ray? You said you were better than she was. So do it.

You can't do it. You know you can't do it. Everyone else here also knows you can't do it.

Yet Zeshua did it.

How will you try to weasel out of this one, Ray? Will you seriously attempt to argue that Zeshua's post did not "seem to be a prediction by the majority of observers"? Obviously it did seem so, as their comments above demonstrate, so that avenue of escape is blocked to you. Whatever will you do now, Ray?


Hooper: "That doesn't prove a damn thing."

Quint: "Well it proves one thing Mr. Hooper. I proves that you wealthy college boys don't have the education enough to admit when you're wrong."
But what is "absolute proof"? There is no such thing.

I hate to jump in because you have enough on your plate all ready but if there is no such thing as absolute proof then we all should just pack up and go home because we are wasting our time. But the truth is that without proof science, technology, even better hunter gathers would never of happened but it did happen because people could look at proof of a concept or better way of doing something. There is also proof that something is incorrect or not right. Proof is what makes human civilation go round and round. Another example for you. If my paycheck is bigger that is proof I am making more money. If my paycheck is smaller that is proof I am making less money. To me that suggest there is absolute proof. It does exist. Absolutly.
I hate to jump in because you have enough on your plate all ready but if there is no such thing as absolute proof then we all should just pack up and go home because we are wasting our time. But the truth is that without proof science, technology, even better hunter gathers would never of happened but it did happen because people could look at proof of a concept or better way of doing something. There is also proof that something is incorrect or not right. Proof is what makes human civilation go round and round. Another example for you. If my paycheck is bigger that is proof I am making more money. If my paycheck is smaller that is proof I am making less money. To me that suggest there is absolute proof. It does exist. Absolutly.

Socrates, the greatest of all philosophers, had but one teaching : "the only thing I know for sure is that I don't know anything for sure." This was considered the peak of all wisdom.

And your paycheck? If your paycheck is smaller, but the value of the dollar has gone up, are you still sure you are making less money?

In a completely abstract world of pure mathematics, perhaps then, absolute proof is possible. But in our world, there are always more questions than answers.

And how do you know for sure that we are not all just "wasting our time"? Doesn't that depend on all sorts of facts not in evidence, like what happens after death, and what happens to humanity in a million years, and so on?

Nothing is certain in this world. That's why faith plays such a big role here.

We cannot achieve absolute certainty, at least not most of the time, and that's why we as a culture have been quite satisfied with making our most important decisions based not on "absolute" certainty, but instead merely on certainty "beyond a reasonable doubt".

But even though our entire culture accepts that as a reasonable guideline by which to make decisions, Ray has here rejected that venerable tradition, and clings to an impossible demand for absolute certainty.

P.S. And right now, it is not I, but Ray who has his plate full. He cannot meet this challenge, even though Zeshua did.
a jury of eyewitnesses ...

Ok...go ahead and avoid my post, Peter.

God, this is so typical of we go with the hit and run tactics, again.



All you are trying to do is once again confuse the issue, it doesn't matter what other posters here wrote, only you.

They don't need to sell books, you do.

You're the one that can't admit that Zeshua is merely someone posting from this time period and NOT transmitting data from 2026.

I asked if you get it ?

Obviously, you don't get it.

When people look at this and other threads with your posts, what they will really be seeing is that Peter Novak is getting his behind whooped, and didn't even have the critical thinking skills to know it, he should have given it up when he had the chance.
Socrates, the greatest of all philosophers, had but one teaching : "the only thing I know for sure is that I don't know anything for sure." This was considered the peak of all wisdom.

And your paycheck? If your paycheck is smaller, but the value of the dollar has gone up, are you still sure you are making less money?

In a completely abstract world of pure mathematics, perhaps then, absolute proof is possible. But in our world, there are always more questions than answers.

And how do you know for sure that we are not all just "wasting our time"? Doesn't that depend on all sorts of facts not in evidence, like what happens after death, and what happens to humanity in a million years, and so on?

Nothing is certain in this world. That's why faith plays such a big role here.

We cannot achieve absolute certainty, at least not most of the time, and that's why we as a culture have been quite satisfied with making our most important decisions based not on "absolute" certainty, but instead merely on certainty "beyond a reasonable doubt".

But even though our entire culture accepts that as a reasonable guideline by which to make decisions, Ray has here rejected that venerable tradition, and clings to an impossible demand for absolute certainty.

P.S. And right now, it is not I, but Ray who has his plate full. He cannot meet this challenge, even though Zeshua did.

Ray is arguing physics and you are arguing philosophers. Philosophers are old school science. Philosophers don,t pay the bills or take out the trash. You can,t argu physics and talk about philosophers at the same time because you are comparing apples to oranges and oranges to apples. That is not a smart thing to do. I would suggest to you that you get on the same page as everyone else here if you wish to make any sort of connection. I do understand where you are coming from because I too have made the same mistake as you. But again that is old school science. You are way behind the times with that argument.

Irrelevant. Her motives are irrelevant to the fact that she DID get a hit with the four-date format. Her motives are also irrelevant to the fact that Ray cannot replicate that feat.
Irrelevant. Her motives are irrelevant to the fact that she DID get a hit with the four-date format. Her motives are also irrelevant to the fact that Ray cannot replicate that feat.

What ??? Wanted to make sure to put this reply in quotes. Irrelevant ?

How so, Peter ?

A individual posting "from" the headlines in 2026, does not need a four-date format. Ray never said he was posting from headlines in 2026.

Zeshua did, and Zeshua didn't even "create" most of the predictions, you did.

Even then, you have to waffle around to make your creations seem like perfect hits.

And you have even admitted to this ...
Yes, irrelevant. She did get a hit using this format, regardless of any other considerations.

Your speculations about her intentions are besides the point. And Ray's guideline, absolute certainty, makes that argument inadmissible anyway, as one cannot ever be certain about another's intentions.

She did it. She accomplished this feat. You can argue why she did it, but you can't change the fact that she did.
Ever see Monty Python and the skit regarding the Arguement Room ? Seems to me you're running out of steam and are clutching at straws. Ripping Ray really isnt helping the cause of You-Shoe-Ah.

The longer these threads get, the worse it looks. Not only for You-Shoe-Ah, but worse for you, too, Peter.

I will give you credit for your perseverance, but, your logic about someone actually transmitting data from 2026 is full of holes.

That "you" don't see it, is a habit of yours that has been addressed as far back as 2003, by people that have never heard of nor could care less about You-Shoe-Ah.
Peter is in trouble when he has to resort to constructing a strawman:

And Ray's guideline, absolute certainty

Strawman, Peter. Another strike against you. I would like you to quote precisely where I used these words ("absolute certainty") or even say they were a "guidelines".

Go ahead, do it. You know you can't. (see that mirroring tactic again? Your tactics work both ways)

Anyone can go back and read precisely what I asked you. And it is nothing like what you suggest. You are just ducking the issue again, because you are incompetent and fearful that people are revealing you for what you are.

How is that Skyline thing working out for you? You pay them a lot for their services?

And how about that lost love from your past? Still bitter about that? I guess so if it leads you to follow influences like Samael.

She did it. She accomplished this feat.

No, she didn't. It is only you trying to force people to believe she did it. It is your interpretation, and you admitted as Kerr's signature line. Those are your words and you will never live them down.

The longer these threads get, the worse it looks. Not only for You-Shoe-Ah, but worse for you, too, Peter.

And to think, at one point in time he issued his "fond farewells" to this forum. I'll bet right about now he wished he actually abided by that promise and stopped where he did. I have made him look like the fool he is with his "3rd becomes next" bantering of me. Perhaps he will cut his losses and actually leave?

Rest assured, Peter, I have more ammunition. Like I told you, I have done my homework and amassed facts and data since you arrived here. We are just getting started... much more "fun" lies in your future...such as...

That "you" don't see it, is a habit of yours that has been addressed as far back as 2003, by people that have never heard of nor could care less about You-Shoe-Ah.

Interesting, Kerr. You think you might be willing to expound on that?
Not when he says "prove this was a prediction", he isn't.

The effort to determine meaning is philosophy, and semantics is a branch of that.

Maybe physics was not the best word. He is debating from a academic (new world stuff.) point of view not from a (old school outdated train of thought point of view.) As you are coming from with your philosophy. Philosophy is not science. Philosophy is not scientific proof. Again if you wish to prove anything you need to get on the same page as everyone else. It has taken me a very long time to understand RMT but I can tell you he sticks to academics his guns as I call it in his debates. Validate your proof and stop using philosophy to hide from the Rain - Kerr too. Your behind the times. Leave your feelings at the door step and look at what you are doing. Look at what you are saying. Now, get on the same page as everyone else and put your conclusions into a context that academics the new world order can relate too. You will find a middle ground somewhere in doing that. Good luck to you.