Relocated: -Greetings from 2025. -

Still waiting for you to accomplish the same feat Zeshua did.

Proof. Absolute certainty. Semantics again. Okay, you asked for proof :

"You must first prove to me that this was Zeshua's actual prediction, and not simply your interpretation [...] I want proof and validation that it was a prediction."

I have done so, showing conclusively that it was not simply my interpretation alone, showing that the majority of other people who read that post also interpreted it the same way. In any US court of law, that would be proof.

But even so, if you don't accept that as "proof", I have allowed you an alternative as well:

Make what seems to be, by an almost unanimous majority of observers, to be a prediction of the date of death for Kim Jong Il. Make the "apparent prediction" in a XX/XX/XX date format so you have four different dates to get it right.

Zeshua did that. You cannot.
Again leave your feelings at the door step and look at what you are doing. Look at what you are saying. Now, get on the same page as everyone else and put your conclusions into a context that academics the new world order can relate too. You will find a middle ground somewhere in doing that. And with that I am going to throw you back to the wolfs to be eaten alive. I showed you the one true way out of this.
How is that Skyline thing working out for you? You pay them a lot for their services?

And how about that lost love from your past? Still bitter about that? I guess so if it leads you to follow influences like Samael.

Keep it up, Ray. You're not hurting me with such comments, but you are hurting yourself in the eyes of your readers. You come off looking truly despicable with such tactics, which does nothing good for their evaluation of your argument or your motives.
Keep it up, Ray. You're not hurting me with such comments, but you are hurting yourself in the eyes of your readers. You come off looking truly despicable with such tactics, which does nothing good for their evaluation of your argument or your motives.

He is mod and he is expressing his freedom of speech. He does not care. Also your using a previously failed argument to try to get him. He has been down this road before. The only place your going to win here the only way you are going to get him where it hurts is by using academics. That is the only thing he understands. I am trying to help you. Well I should go now. Im done.
look at what you are doing. Look at what you are saying.

That Titor's war is still coming?

Yes. It is. Even Ray will admit this by the end of this year. That is what he is so afraid of. That's why he so desperately wants this argument to end now, instead of waiting to see what the future brings.

If he was so sure of his position, he would feel no pressure now, believing this issue to disappear on its own on December 31st. But instead he is going for the low blows now. His tactics reveal his desperation and his uncertainty.

Ray? Your challenge remains:

Make what seems to be, by an almost unanimous majority of observers, to be a prediction of the date of death for Kim Jong Il. Make the "apparent prediction" in a XX/XX/XX date format so you have four different dates to get it right.

Zeshua did that. You cannot.
Still waiting for you to accomplish the same feat Zeshua did.

Still waiting for you to address my interpretation that shows she didn't. It is impossible for you to deny that, even if some people interpret it as a prediction, she got the wrong date. Your stretching to justify the wrong date is just that. It does not change the fact her date was wrong.

Proof. Absolute certainty. Semantics again.

Semantics mean a great deal in any communcation. Especially if the people communicating disagree. As an "author" I would have thought you knew this importance. When you look up the word "semantics" it is "the study of meaning." If you are going to try and wave-off the precise definitions of words (which are NOT the same) as if they don't matter, you again show your sloppiness.

I have done so, showing conclusively

You have not shown it conclusively. You may think you have, but you have not:

conclusive - serving to settle or decide a question; decisive; convincing

Obviously it did not settle the question, because while you ignore the responses to that thread from people who were not convinced, that does not mean they were not there. And clearly it is not "decisive" because, as Kerr has pointed out, Zeshua did not (decisively) state "The Pope will die on April 2nd" (not the 3rd).

showing that the majority of other people who read that post also interpreted it the same way

Once again, you are factually wrong. And any defense attorney worth his salt could prove you are wrong. First, you have never, at any time, established decisive knowledge of how many people read that post. Hence, if you cannot establish how many people actually read that post (and you can't), how can you claim to have shown a "majority" of said people interpreted it as a prediction?

Finally, the other simple fact (i.e. cannot be refuted, no matter how much you try), even if some number of people did interpret it as a prediction, said prediction was WRONG. It was off by a day.

In any US court of law, that would be proof.

Should we bring a trial lawyer in to assess that? I know several. I can bring them in if you wish. Just let me know. In the meantime, let us see what Douglas N. Walton says about an argument and its relationship to evidence in a court of law:

From his book "Legal argumentation and evidence" -

<font color="red"> "To say an argument is valid (or structurally correct) is only a hypothetical claim that if the premises are true then the conclusion is true too. But the claim that an argument is sound is more than hypothetical. It is a claim that the premises are actually true. In a parallel way, to say that there is evidence for a proposition is not only to say that there is an argument for that proposition; it is to say that there is such an argument, and the argument has premises that are true, or at least that hold, in the sense that there is a claim being made that they are true or should be accepted by the audience to whom the evidence is shown. Legal evidence, however, is typically based on premises that are not conclusively known to be true. Instead they are said to have probative weight. In legal evidence, the probative weight is shifted from the premises onto the conclusion of an inference, provided the inference has a certain form that is structurally correct.

In other words, to say that there is evidence for some proposition, is more than just to say that there is an argument for it. It is to say that there is an argument for it, and that this argument has plausible premises. The premises are being held to be true by the proponent of the argument. So the notion of evidence is stronger than that of argument." [/COLOR]

There you go. All you have stated, Peter, is your argument. You have not shown a "majority of those reading the thread" accept the argument, nor that your premises are even plausible. Finally, we have "probative weight." The simple fact (again, this would clearly stand up in a court of law) that the alleged prediction was WRONG in the date of the Pope's death clearly shows that your argument is lacking probative weight. It would only have probative weight if Zeshua had stated the legally accepted date of the Pope's death.

So....what we have learned from this is that Peter thinks he knows law, but this is just as laughable as his belief that he can hide his intentions and connections to the Zeshua story.

But even so, if you don't accept that as "proof", I have allowed you an alternative as well:

You have "allowed"? That's mighty white of you, Peter. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif In case you have not noticed, I do not live, die, nor slave myself to what you will allow or not allow. I am a man of science.

Zeshua did that.

No, she didn't. You only say she did. Big difference. See above for legal information about this.

Now how about this: How about you show me all those people here on this forum that actually SUPPORT your interpretations of Zeshua? Because referring to a post from years ago is a bit...shall we say...dated? Let me hear from all the people on this forum who actually buy-into all of your interpretations of what you think Zeshua was saying/predicting.

Go ahead. We are waiting.
Keep it up, Ray. You're not hurting me with such comments

So then you are admitting you utilize the services of Skyline? There we go.

but you are hurting yourself in the eyes of your readers

2) The only readers of my work here that I care about are my freshman Aero Engineering students. Those students who I actually direct here to see what weak-minded yahoos spew and try to pass off as critical, or scientific, thinking.
3) You have earned yourself into the top spot for this coming fall quarter's focus on weak reasoning for my ARO 101 course.
4) Being the first course these students will take in their engineering discipline of choice, we teach more than just basic aerodynamics. We teach the fundamentals of sound, scientific thought.
5) One way to teach such fundamentals is to show, by example, what unsound scientific thought looks like and how it leads to fallacious arguments and conclusions.
6) For the last 4 years, my students always enjoy their exercises to come here, pick out any of the "time travel claimants" that they wish, and turn in a brief report explaining the problems with their arguments and claims. You are going to be a STAR, Peter... but perhaps not for the reasons you would like...

You come off looking truly despicable with such tactics

I dunno. There are many people who compliment me on my tactics. But what of your tactics? (And by that I mean the ones you acknowledge and those you do not)

which does nothing good for their evaluation of your argument or your motives.

Meanwhile, your arguments are in utter shambles (again, how many people here are jumping in and saying that you are correct and spot-on in your interpretations?), and myself and Kerr have fully revealed your motives for all to see...and they are so less-than-honorable, Samael.

RMT point in even continuing this charade with Peter, he ended this whole Zeshua thing when he wrote this :


"That is not to say that it proves Zeshua is a time-traveler or time-communicator or whatever, but it at least demonstrates that Zeshua is in possession of some sort of "supernatural" foreknowledge. "


What else that can possibly be said beyong this grave digger...revealing Peters true intention's from the beginning.

Anything beyond this point is merely lies, smoke and mirrors. Nothing he says from this point on-ward has ANY merit what-so-ever.

He is done. Finished by his own hands. I believe the last post from Peter should be an apology to everyone he involved in the Zeshua hoax, all an attempt for the selling of his wares. Only the foolish will even give Peter the slightest nod from this day forward. Period.

I hate to say it but this guy is good. If I was a jury I would have to vote with him. Reason is he structures his arguments really well. I have had experience with him on the battle field as well as many others around here have. Give him a time and place and method to meet you and he can adapt and meet you on that battle ground. He keeps records and studies his opponents acutely very well and does his homework. So, what are you going to do about it. I am sure you will stick by your guns but no two ways around it he has prepared and argued very well. I think he would of been a better lawyer than a scientist. What ever your feelings for the Rainman who brings the rain he does it rather well. maybe we need a expert trial lawyer to come in here and give him a beat down. I hang around for the day that will happen. Truly it would be fight to the death. I don,t see it happening any time soon. Anyone know a good trial lawyer to challenge Rainman. We could put it on pay per view and charge people to read it. Man TTI could make some money there.
I think he would of been a better lawyer than a scientist.
There you go hurling insults again! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

(Inside joke... engineers and lawyers are like oil and water. Mostly because we have a respect for each other's patience and tenacity.)
Alright I am sorry. I hate lawyers too them blood sucking vampires. Never go to court if you don,t have too.

And if you do have to go to court, make sure you have the best lawyer your money can buy! Alas, in a society based on laws, lawyers are often a necessary evil.

I didn't take the time to read the whole post response (some of them), there's just alot of them so if I duplicate someone's response, I'll delete this.
Instead of thinking long and hard about it, I just let it make sense.

(After reading back through, I did see Peter Novak at least for one had the below, but the big difference is I do not feel "my" is "my" as described below)

as horn squeak a distress he go hit new severe online a stain as sin sos fun in zeal iconic savant fame stomp smy clone tie

(And yes smy makes more sense than "my" as SMY has to do with RNA and the next word is clone, though don't ask me who would want to clone a worm at least that's what I gathered from a quick reference feel free to correct or clarify).
I only took a peek and threw a good minute into this because I saw that response in another thread Recall put awhile back and got curious.
Make what seems to be, by an almost unanimous majority of observers, to be a prediction of the date of death for Kim Jong Il. Make the "apparent prediction" in a XX/XX/XX date format so you have four different dates to get it right.

Empathetcally If I were able to to hypothetically use a 'sixth' sense or tie into some conscious to try and 'see' these things - how could that occur with a total conscious focus?
Is the whole idea here that everything is 'set in stone' so to speak?
If not, I'd imagine the possibilities would change second by second as every action/choice (freedom) is determined.
Though I'd further imagine if some people had this talent and if it were possible to 'perfect' or strengthen it - as a date would loom closer, accuracy should improve?
If it is something like along the lines of what some theories dictate, I'd also surmise that no matter how 'strong' such a perceived sense may be, that at times one would be more to the whim of it, than it to the whim of them?

I'd also imagine if there were such a thing possible, that there would be alot of people out there not quite sure what they are doing with it, and at varying degrees of self understanding.
Perhaps the 'superconscious' has the capability to calculate all probabilities and absorb all outcomes too, at any 'time', then ascertain the 'most likely', is this something if existed - would be controlled? I'm not under that impression.
However, 'if' that was a possibility of calculation, perhaps the key is through the subconscious, so understanding one's own (shadow) would be paramount? (Shadow in the Jungian sense).

I'm just trying to make sense of all this. I've had many occurances with acasual synchronicity before, though how much can be attributed toward my conscious choice, and my subconscious would be a hypothetical in my own mind - or even a combination of the two if there is ever such a thing as 'furthering understanding' of our largely unexplored psuedo sciences that are becoming more plausible it seems with real scientific research day by day.

Fascinating stuff nonetheless.

I'm not sure where the scientific community stands, but I know for a fact that the Theological community does not believe in 'it is set in stone' as that would be a predetermination of the choice of salvation in their eyes.
(Certain things are said to come to pass, but the choice of man is never said to be not his, probably the reason for the quote;
“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only”).
(That encompasses most main stream religions)
As for new age and other groups I may not have mentioned, alot do adhere to the same principle from what I've experienced.

I welcome any thoughts

When it comes to people like Zeshua and Mr Novak etc, I'd just like to mention that it was well known that President Raegan had a Psychic, so just for fun, why not check with an accredited one on their claims? Might be an interesting result.
Not quantifiable perhaps, no, but interesting.
I welcome any thoughts

When it comes to people like Zeshua and Mr Novak etc, I'd just like to mention that it was well known that President Raegan had a Psychic, so just for fun, why not check with an accredited one on their claims? Might be an interesting result.
Not quantifiable perhaps, no, but interesting.

what if
i didn`t relocated this baby on the Time Travel Claims -A job of a Moderator-

instead of the well and documented "mod nasty reaction" of "closed" the threads... of Zeshua
/ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Definition of SAP:

sap 1


a...The watery fluid that circulates through a plant, carrying food and other substances to the various tissues.

b...The fluid contents of a plant cell vacuole.

An essential bodily fluid.

Health and energy; vitality.

Slang A gullible person; a dupe.

A leather-covered hand weapon; a blackjack.

sapped , sap·ping , saps

Definition of LOGIC



The study of the principles of reasoning, especially of the structure of propositions as distinguished from their content and of method and validity in deductive reasoning.

a...A system of reasoning: Aristotle's logic.
b...A mode of reasoning.
c...The formal, guiding principles of a discipline, school, or science.

Valid reasoning: Your claim(s) lacks the logic to prove your thesis.

The relationship between elements and between an element and the whole in a set of objects, individuals, principles, or events


Although it might require the application of some thinking skills, perhaps there are those who might take advantage of the opportunity to learn the defintions of; And proper useage of a couple of words of the English language.

As an exercise: Determine which of the posted definitions apply in this case.

If anyone has difficulty with this exercise, let me know, I will gladly assist them by posting the answer's in BOLD. if necessary.

I have done so, showing conclusively that it was not simply my interpretation alone, showing that the majority of other people who read that post also interpreted it the same way. In any US court of law, that would be proof.


That's guilding the lily. In any "US court of law" two attorneys would take the jury panel on voir dire, ask them questions and in the end select a jury that is as unbiased and without preconceptions as possible. That's not even close to the case here nor is it the expectation.

And in a "US court of law" proper objections would be made relative to your testimony regarding your interpretation of Zeshua's anagrams. Objections like argumentative, hearsay, lack of foundation, "expert" witness not competent (to give opinions), lack of personal knowledge, calls for conclusion, ambiguous, vague...

The most obvious argumentative assertion in attempting to sway the jury is your testimony that "the majority of other people who read that post also interpreted it the same way". That assertion hasn't been established as true and may well be quite incorrect.

It's far from a slam dunk that a jury in a "US court of law" would agree with your conclusions.
The most obvious argumentative assertion in attempting to sway the jury is your testimony that "the majority of other people who read that post also interpreted it the same way". That assertion hasn't been established as true and may well be quite incorrect.

It's far from a slam dunk that a jury in a "US court of law" would agree with your conclusions.

<font color="red"> Are you implying,Sir, that our trials out here West of the Pecos are not held in a "U S Court of Law?" We offer the accused every opportunity to present his case before we take him out and string him up. Getting twelve concerned Texas citizens to do the right thing has never obstructed our pursuit of Justice.

Court Clerk for the Hon. Roy Bean.
Langtry, Texas. [/COLOR]
