Quantum Scribe
You are gonna be one depressed sheep when you wake up in a couple days and theres not one word about this in the news.
Within just two days of this new disease being announced in the news, now we have cases of it in Mexico, Canada, Israel, England, France, Spain, New Zealand, Texas, California, Kansas, Ohio, Nebraska, Alabama, New York, and who knows where all else. The Mexican army is passing out face masks to the population, doing door-to-door searches and quarantining any they choose, and all schools and all public meetings in Mexico have been canceled until May 6th. Reports are now coming out of Mexico saying that over 500 people have already died from this thing. Meanwhole, American authorities are already publicly discussing mass forced vaccinations, the WHO has already warned, after just two days, that this disease has "pandemic potential", and announced the need for "rapid containment measures", while the CDC has already admitted that this disease is too widespread to be contained, and international news headlines are full of stories like "Fears arising of new global pandemic" and "Fears of a flu pandemic in North America at an all-time high".
You really want to base your argument against Zeshua on the likelihood of this story disappearing in two days? Hmmm?
Here's news from the horse's mouth (
"I'm a specialist doctor in respiratory diseases and intensive care at the Mexican National Institute of Health. There is a severe emergency over the swine flu here. More and more patients are being admitted to the intensive care unit. Despite the heroic efforts of all staff (doctors, nurses, specialists, etc) patients continue to inevitably die. The truth is that anti-viral treatments and vaccines are not expected to have any effect, even at high doses. It is a great fear among the staff. The infection risk is very high among the doctors and health staff.
There is a sense of chaos in the other hospitals and we do not know what to do. Staff are starting to leave and many are opting to retire or apply for holidays. The truth is that mortality is even higher than what is being reported by the authorities, at least in the hospital where I work it. It is killing three to four patients daily, and it has been going on for more than three weeks. It is a shame and there is great fear here. Increasingly younger patients aged 20 to 30 years are dying before our helpless eyes and there is great sadness among health professionals here."
- Antonio Chavez, Mexico City