Relocated: -Greetings from 2025. -

You are gonna be one depressed sheep when you wake up in a couple days and theres not one word about this in the news.

Within just two days of this new disease being announced in the news, now we have cases of it in Mexico, Canada, Israel, England, France, Spain, New Zealand, Texas, California, Kansas, Ohio, Nebraska, Alabama, New York, and who knows where all else. The Mexican army is passing out face masks to the population, doing door-to-door searches and quarantining any they choose, and all schools and all public meetings in Mexico have been canceled until May 6th. Reports are now coming out of Mexico saying that over 500 people have already died from this thing. Meanwhole, American authorities are already publicly discussing mass forced vaccinations, the WHO has already warned, after just two days, that this disease has "pandemic potential", and announced the need for "rapid containment measures", while the CDC has already admitted that this disease is too widespread to be contained, and international news headlines are full of stories like "Fears arising of new global pandemic" and "Fears of a flu pandemic in North America at an all-time high".

You really want to base your argument against Zeshua on the likelihood of this story disappearing in two days? Hmmm?

Here's news from the horse's mouth (

"I'm a specialist doctor in respiratory diseases and intensive care at the Mexican National Institute of Health. There is a severe emergency over the swine flu here. More and more patients are being admitted to the intensive care unit. Despite the heroic efforts of all staff (doctors, nurses, specialists, etc) patients continue to inevitably die. The truth is that anti-viral treatments and vaccines are not expected to have any effect, even at high doses. It is a great fear among the staff. The infection risk is very high among the doctors and health staff.

There is a sense of chaos in the other hospitals and we do not know what to do. Staff are starting to leave and many are opting to retire or apply for holidays. The truth is that mortality is even higher than what is being reported by the authorities, at least in the hospital where I work it. It is killing three to four patients daily, and it has been going on for more than three weeks. It is a shame and there is great fear here. Increasingly younger patients aged 20 to 30 years are dying before our helpless eyes and there is great sadness among health professionals here."

- Antonio Chavez, Mexico City
more swine flu...

Apr 26 2009 4:59PM
New York Times: Students Fall Ill in New York, and Swine Flu Is Likely Cause

Tests show that eight students at a Queens high school are likely to have contracted the human swine flu virus that has struck Mexico and a small number of other people in the United States, health officials in New York City said yesterday.

USA Today: New swine flu cases reported in Kansas. New York

A swine flu outbreak that was first reported with two cases in southern California continued to spread Saturday, with new cases reported in Kansas and potentially in New York City.

Sunday Times, London: Briton quarantined as killer flu spreads

A British Airways cabin crew member was taken to hospital with flu-like symptoms yesterday afternoon after falling ill on a flight from Mexico City to Heathrow. Experts warn the disease has "pandemic" potential.

Sunday Telegraph: UK on alert over Mexican killer swine flu

Britain is on alert amid fears that the deadly swine flu that has claimed at least 68 lives in Mexico has spread to this country. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has given warning that it could create a global pandemic.

South China Morning Post: Flu checks in HK amid fear of pandemic

Hong Kong has stepped up surveillance at checkpoints and hospital laboratories in the face of a potential global flu pandemic which experts say could spread much faster and be far deadlier than the Sars outbreak.

Japan Times: Hot arrivals from Mexico face swine flu scrutiny

Japan went on high alert for swine flu on Saturday in light of the deadly outbreaks in Mexico, tightening health checks and inspections on passengers and live pigs arriving from Mexico. The quarantine station at Narita airport began using thermographic imaging to check passengers’ temperatures

end quoted from:
Link to The Times
Within just two days of this new disease being announced in the news, now we have cases of it in Mexico, Canada, Israel, England, France, Spain, New Zealand, Texas, California, Kansas, Ohio, Nebraska, Alabama, New York, and who knows where all else. The Mexican army is passing out face masks to the population, doing door-to-door searches and quarantining any they choose, and all schools and all public meetings in Mexico have been canceled until May 6th. Reports are now coming out of Mexico saying that over 500 people have already died from this thing. Meanwhole, American authorities are already publicly discussing mass forced vaccinations, the WHO has already warned, after just two days, that this disease has "pandemic potential", and announced the need for "rapid containment measures", while the CDC has already admitted that this disease is too widespread to be contained, and international news headlines are full of stories like "Fears arising of new global pandemic" and "Fears of a flu pandemic in North America at an all-time high".

You really want to base your argument against Zeshua on the likelihood of this story disappearing in two days? Hmmm?

Here's news from the horse's mouth (

"I'm a specialist doctor in respiratory diseases and intensive care at the Mexican National Institute of Health. There is a severe emergency over the swine flu here. More and more patients are being admitted to the intensive care unit. Despite the heroic efforts of all staff (doctors, nurses, specialists, etc) patients continue to inevitably die. The truth is that anti-viral treatments and vaccines are not expected to have any effect, even at high doses. It is a great fear among the staff. The infection risk is very high among the doctors and health staff.

There is a sense of chaos in the other hospitals and we do not know what to do. Staff are starting to leave and many are opting to retire or apply for holidays. The truth is that mortality is even higher than what is being reported by the authorities, at least in the hospital where I work it. It is killing three to four patients daily, and it has been going on for more than three weeks. It is a shame and there is great fear here. Increasingly younger patients aged 20 to 30 years are dying before our helpless eyes and there is great sadness among health professionals here."

- Antonio Chavez, Mexico City

Well of course the facts will be changed to keep the public from getting out of control. That is a government response. Death is going to happen and sometimes it happens to large groups or even very large groupes of people. All we can really do is take comfort in what ever god we believe in and do the best we can to protect ourselves. Right now the country away from everyone is the best place to go for those that can go there. This is going to get worse before it gets better and this won,t be the last time this happens.
The Spanish flu pandemic that started in 1918 was possibly the deadliest outbreak of all time. It was first identified in the U.S., but became known as the Spanish flu because it received more media attention in Spain than in other countries, which were censoring the press during World War I. The 1918 flu was an H1N1 strain — different from the one currently affecting Mexico and the U.S. — and struck mostly healthy young adults. Experts estimate it killed about 40 to 50 million people worldwide.

The 1957 pandemic was known as the Asian flu. It was sparked by an H2N2 strain and was first identified in China. There were two waves of illness during this pandemic; the first wave mostly hit children while the second mostly affected the elderly. It caused about 2 million deaths globally.

The most recent pandemic, known as the Hong Kong flu, was the mildest of the three pandemics this century. It was first spotted in Hong Kong in 1968 and it spread globally over the next two years. The people most susceptible to the virus were the elderly. About 1 million people are estimated to have been killed by this pandemic, an H3N2 flu strain.

my new favorite word- heh.

people have to die from something, and if you stress yourself to death about naturally occuring events, you might find that you die from a stroke...

man was made to fight, diseases are made to kill. do you really think we dont know this?
Poster: Peter_Novak
Subject: Re: Relocated: -Greetings from 2025. -

Within just two days of this new disease being announced in the news, now we have cases of it in Mexico, Canada, Israel, England, France, Spain, New Zealand, Texas, California, Kansas, Ohio, Nebraska, Alabama, New York, and who knows where all else. The Mexican army is passing out face masks to the population, doing door-to-door searches and quarantining any they choose, and all schools and all public meetings in Mexico have been canceled until May 6th.

OMG! schools out and everything! the world really is ending!
The 2009 H1N1 flu

Quoted from Wiki:
The 2009 H1N1 flu outbreak in Mexico is a new strain of influenza virus with an incubation period of 1-3 days[1]

that began in March and April of 2009. The virus has infected people in Mexico City, other regions of Mexico and parts of the United States. There have been over 1,000 suspected cases. Because it is not possible to confirm every one of such cases as being caused by an influenza virus, the World Health Organization (WHO) refers to them collectively as influenza-like illnesses (ILI). The cases are characterized by severe influenza-like symptoms, followed by pneumonia, which has been fatal in some Mexican cases. The new strain is derived in part from human influenzavirus A (subtype H1N1), and in part from several strains of influenza virus usually found only in swine (see Swine flu). In April both the WHO and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC)[1] expressed serious concerns about this novel strain, because it apparently transmits from human to human, has had a relatively high mortality rate in Mexico, and because it has the potential to become a flu pandemic.

On April 25, 2009, WHO determined the situation to be a formal "public health emergency of international concern", with knowledge lacking in regard to "the clinical features, epidemiology, and virology of reported cases and the appropriate responses".[2] Government health agencies around the world, including the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the UK Health Protection Agency and the Public Health Agency of Canada, have also expressed concerns over the outbreak and are monitoring the situation closely.

end quoted from:
Link to Wiki

Peter: Just Forget the Clones...of "the Said Staff"

:D :D :D
Re: The 2009 H1N1 flu

Supporting a prediction from a time travel claimant is one thing, and doesn't require endless post's on the same topic.

That the influenza break-out is a concern might be valid, but I don't believe that TTI is a NEWS SOURCE for continued reporting of such events.

An endless string of posts such as the above post, not only become's boring, but seems to be somewhat off the mark of what this section is supposed to be about...TIME TRAVEL.

It would seem to me that a bonafide time traveler would have a very high percentage rate of accuracy, and be able to be a tad bit more specific with events.

If any time traveler is really all that concerned about changing events, or "warning" us natives, then perhaps providing more verifiable proof, such as an AMS report before it is released by the AMS, would create some interest in the claimants story, and perhaps assist with the time traveler's quest to "save the world".
Just to Say here that the Original thread was looked by "these Staff", i just Relocated here, cause "these Staff" didn`t...


<font color="red">
Ray wrote:

In reply to:

Au Contraire, mon frer! It is YOU who will not believe what is going to happen to YOU next! This thread is closed because it is in the wrong forum! You should know by now Zesh old pal, old buddy, that you should be posting your TT claims in the TT claims board. What is most amazing (and which continues to serve to debunk your silly claims) is that if you actually were posting from the future, you would have known by now that I would close this thread and tell you to "move it or lose it".


Recursion. Closed-loops. Orobouros. [/COLOR]

End Quoted...

This is The Main Reason you don`t get more info regarding these future events...
... and that is the reason i am happy. suppression of misdirection, and suppression of doom.

ftw... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
"I'm a specialist doctor in respiratory diseases and intensive care at the Mexican National Institute of Health. There is a severe emergency over the swine flu here. More and more patients are being admitted to the intensive care unit. Despite the heroic efforts of all staff (doctors, nurses, specialists, etc) patients continue to inevitably die. The truth is that anti-viral treatments and vaccines are not expected to have any effect, even at high doses. It is a great fear among the staff. The infection risk is very high among the doctors and health staff.

There is a sense of chaos in the other hospitals and we do not know what to do. Staff are starting to leave and many are opting to retire or apply for holidays. The truth is that mortality is even higher than what is being reported by the authorities, at least in the hospital where I work it. It is killing three to four patients daily, and it has been going on for more than three weeks. It is a shame and there is great fear here. Increasingly younger patients aged 20 to 30 years are dying before our helpless eyes and there is great sadness among health professionals here."

- Antonio Chavez, Mexico City

wow, i wonder how mr. chavez is still alive. considering the facts above, i call b.s. or he is overexaggerating. he would have been infected and sick at the time of the interview.

Ray wrote:

Au Contraire, mon frer! It is YOU who will not believe what is going to happen to YOU next! This thread is closed because it is in the wrong forum! You should know by now Zesh old pal, old buddy, that you should be posting your TT claims in the TT claims board. What is most amazing (and which continues to serve to debunk your silly claims) is that if you actually were posting from the future, you would have known by now that I would close this thread and tell you to "move it or lose it".


Seems like a good point to me. Why didn't the claimant know that they needed to post in the time travel "claims" section, being from the future and all ? unless of course they aren't ! Duh !
Also notice from the link that Peter left that these are nothing more than "reader comments" sent to the BBC news site by...who knows who! The point being that to cite this "quote" without any substantiation that it came from exactly who it says it came from is nothing more than "inventing data" to support Peter's hypothesis. Doing what he did is certainly not journalism and it is even worse from a research perspective. Look at the very next "reader comment" and then decide who is more "right":

<font color="red"> "I am a doctor and I work in the State of Mexico. I don't work in the shock team; I am in the echocardiography team, but I do get some news from my colleagues in the hospital. There have been some cases of young people dying from respiratory infections, but this happened before the alert and they were not reported because the necessary tests weren't done. We doctors knew this was happening a week before the alert was issued and were told to get vaccinated. I went to buy some anti-virals for my husband, who is also a doctor, because he had contact with a young patient who presented influenza symptoms and died. I don't think pharmacies stock enough anti-virals.

I understand the government doesn't want to generate panic, but my personal opinion is that they issued the alert too late. Still now, the population is not getting the information they need. We have been out in the street and some people are not wearing face masks and are not taking any preventive measures.

Guadalupe, Mexico City " [/COLOR]

Anecdotal descriptions are interesting, and entertaining. But support for a claim of time traveling they most definitely are not!
Also notice from the link that Peter left that these are nothing more than "reader comments" sent to the BBC news site by...who knows who! The point being that to cite this "quote" without any substantiation that it came from exactly who it says it came from is nothing more than "inventing data" to support Peter's hypothesis. Doing what he did is certainly not journalism and it is even worse from a research perspective. Look at the very next "reader comment" and then decide who is more "right":

"I am a doctor and I work in the State of Mexico. I don't work in the shock team; I am in the echocardiography team, but I do get some news from my colleagues in the hospital. There have been some cases of young people dying from respiratory infections, but this happened before the alert and they were not reported because the necessary tests weren't done. We doctors knew this was happening a week before the alert was issued and were told to get vaccinated. I went to buy some anti-virals for my husband, who is also a doctor, because he had contact with a young patient who presented influenza symptoms and died. I don't think pharmacies stock enough anti-virals.

I understand the government doesn't want to generate panic, but my personal opinion is that they issued the alert too late. Still now, the population is not getting the information they need. We have been out in the street and some people are not wearing face masks and are not taking any preventive measures.

Guadalupe, Mexico City "

Anecdotal descriptions are interesting, and entertaining. But support for a claim of time traveling they most definitely are not!

Well all I know is the traditional brick and mortar news organizations are running pretty good with this now. Still it is all aftermath stuff nothing new about where this is going. At least from what I have read. But, I do know that someone out there knows where this is headed whether or not we see it in the news.
You are gonna be one depressed sheep when you wake up in a couple days and theres not one word about this in the news.

Sunday night the US had 7 cases.

Monday night the US had 20 cases.

Last night the US had 48 cases.

It's not even noon yet today, and we already have 91.

Of course, Ray might say it's all my fault, because of my "negative attitude". But that kind of medieval, archaic magical thinking also blames the weatherman for the winter and the astronomer for the sun rising in the east.
Zeshua says "Economic collapse", and we get the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.

Zeshua says "influenza" and we get a level four Flu Pandemic*

Zeshua says "Middle East War, and ....

When Zeshua predicted that news stories in 2007 - 2009 would hit with headlines about "economic collapse" and "influenza" and "Massacre in Palestine", people complained that these predictions were too vague, and most anything could come along and fulfill them. But we didn't get just anything, did we? No, we got the worst-case scenarios each time. That does not seem accidental to me.

* Expected to be level 5 by the end of the day today, from what I hear at Twitter.
Sunday night the US had 7 cases.

Monday night the US had 20 cases.

Last night the US had 48 cases.

It's not even noon yet today, and we already have 91.

And how about comparing this to cases of the "plain old vanilla flu"? Do you want to know why no news station is reporting that? Because not only is it boring, but it would serve to defuse the rampant paranoia. But go look at those numbers on CDC for just "influenza", and also look at the mortality rates for it. Go ahead. I dare you.

Of course, Ray might say it's all my fault, because of my "negative attitude". But that kind of medieval, archaic magical thinking also blames the weatherman for the winter and the astronomer for the sun rising in the east.

Strawman. Of course I would not say that. But what I will say is your fault is fanning the flames of paranoia... all for what? To do nothing more than feed the ego of your Master, Zeshua. I repeat, Peter... get a life, find a woman, enjoy what is left of your life. This is especially important advice if you actually do believe your time here is short.

Everyone seems to have forgotten what this is all about. Proof of an individual traveling in time.
To use events, such as the one's we face now, as proof, is not adequate for the reasons as listed before.

Nothing specific was ever given, only a general time frame.

These events were not "sudden" surprises, either.

All of the events that are being beaten to death, still doesn't prove squat regarding some sort of "time traveler".

ALL of the events were 'already' under discussion, and had been topics within numerous books; Long before they ever occurred.

As mentioned previously: In the R.E. Industry, it was a topic of discussion in the offices, whether the markets would keep going as they were. In the industry itself, the "crash" was expected long before iit actually happened.

The book by Frank Ryan, "Virus X" was published in 1994.

ANYBODY with half a brain could develop any scenarios of what is happening now. I would expect a time traveler would be 100 percent accurate, with a much smaller window of "when" events would take place.

To say 2008 to 2009 for any event to occur is obviously a GUESS, not a fact from a supposed time traveler.
sharon quakes disasters oh eight worse nine eleven assassinations influenza vaccinations fema symptoms election

On FOX NEWS today, they discussed possible martial law, isolation and quarantine coming, even mentioning FEMA camps and vaccinations. All of this just 6 Days after ground-zero MSM coverage!