Quantum Scribe
I,ve played with the proxies here and no they don,t all work. Good luck with that.
1) I regard personal freedom more highly than any arbitrary rules which benefit nobody.
2) Profanity is not bad. We're all adults here.
3) You're not admin on this forum.
4) Even if banned, proxies will still work.
Grow up.
And it certainly can’t be Darby’s suggested “sharon, quake disasters...†because that solution set only has four s’s, when the original anagram of “ashorn, squeak, adistress†had five s’s.
You won't believe what is going to happen to you next.
Would you believe ... Katrina II?
sharon, quakes, disasters, oh eight worse nine eleven, assassinations, influenza, vaccinations, fema, symptoms, election
2008 is not yet worse than 9/11 was, but we HAVE now seen FEMA in action in 2008, in Galveston.
ashorns queak adistress he gohit newse vere online astainassinsos funinzeal iconicsavant fame stompsmy clonetie
sharons quake disasters oh eight worse nine eleven assassinations influenza vaccinations fema symptoms election
One of the most pressing questions of the day is "Was yesterday IT?" Heck no. The latest HalfPastHuman (HPH) advisory explains why: What we're hearing is not emotional release language, it's still emotionally building language: "Salve omnes, we are hearing all kinds of language out and about in the MSM at this time. Note that they are speaking of the 'failed rescue' as being 'worse than 9/11' and other such phrases.
Worse than 9/11
When Barack Obama says that there is no need for a 9/11 Commission to investigate Wall Street, he is wrong. Senator Obama states in part, "this is not 9/11 where we didn't know who did it." By saying this, Obama seems to reveal a lack of understanding for the need for public accountability. He also seems to fail to understand that Congress cannot be trusted to investigate Wall Street or itself. [...] I have some news for Senator Obama: This Wall Street and economic crisis is not 9/11, inconceivably and alarmingly its effects on our economy look to be worse than 9/11.
Readers' Comments Stock dive worse than 9/11
Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - 16 hours ago
US stocks suffered their worst one-day loss ever today after the House of Representatives rejected a bailout plan to ease the financial crisis. ...
Advantage 2008: Current economic crisis worse than impact of 9/11
Travel Weekly UK, UK - Sep 28, 2008
British Airways general manager UK Richard Tams said: "This is a lot worse than 9/11. We are in a crisis situation. "9/11 was a short sharp shock but the ...
Worse than 9/11
Huffington Post, NY - Sep 17, 2008
And I have some news for Senator Obama: This Wall Street and economic crisis is not 9/11, inconceivably and alarmingly it looks to be worse than 9/11. ...
: "This is a lot worse than 9/11.
"oh eight worse nine eleven".
The original anagram was:
This divides up into a sequence of 26 separate words:
as horn squeak a distress he go hit new severe online a stain ass in sos fun in zeal iconic savant fame stomps my clone tie
Now, without changing that sequence, we find that these words can be organized into 10 groupings :
ashorn, squeak, adistress, hegohitnewsevereonline, astainassinsos, funinzeal, iconicsavant, fame, stompsmy, clonetie
which are anagrams for
sharon, quakes, disasters, oh eight worse nine eleven, assassinations, influenza, vaccinations, fema, symptoms, election
So the argument that these anagram solutions are too vague to make viable predictions has been proven incorrect. They are disprovable, which means that if/when they DO come true, those successes will indeed be provable.
Zeshua originally posted this anagram on February 22nd, 2008. Many here at TTI have argued that these anagram solutions are not viable predictions because they are so vague that almost anything could be pointed to as proof that they have come true. However, after almost a year has gone by, it is obvious that this argument doesn't hold water.
So the argument that these anagram solutions are too vague to make viable predictions has been proven incorrect.
If they are disprovable, they are also provable, which means that they indeed are viable predictions.
As stated previously, Zeshua provided me, and certain others, with the solution sets to all her anagram riddles so far. She gave us the simple textual solutions to the anagrams, but not their interpretations. That she left for us to figure out on our own.
The solutions themselves are not my interpretation, nor my creation.
As for my interpretation of those solutions, well, yeah, you have a point, they are my creation. But only to the degree that everything anyone says is open to interpretation. All language sets, i.e, all finite strings of words, are invariably subject to the interpretation of the reader. For example, lawyers regularly use 500 or more words to try to nail down the meaning of something that most of us would feel we would be able to get across with a simple sentence. And yet other lawyers feel justified in using another 500 or more words to argue for a completely different interpretation of those same words. For another example, the Bible has spawned hundreds of denominations, precisely because humans cannot agree on the correct interpretation of its contents; and because of the nature of subjective interpretation, we never will fully agree on that.
Everything is subject to interpretation. My words, your words, Obama’s words, Zeshua’s words. Everyone’s words. Fortunately, this hard and fast rule does not prevent us from discussing things.
As for your academic tackle over my use of the words “provable†and “unprovableâ€, I think you will find that there are more than one valid definition of those words. However, perhaps my argument would have been better served by using “arguable†and “unarguableâ€. My two points, which you adroitly and tellingly avoided, was that :
(1) while most of the solution sets for her Feb 2008 anagram predictions do not SEEM to have come true yet, the solution set “oh eight worse nine eleven†does seem to have come true, especially given that numerous news articles in the major media have now used those same words, and
(2) this was not the case for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, or 2007, and so it cannot be chalked up to being a commonplace statement. She specifically predicted that our news stories would be saying that 2008 was worse than 9/11, and they did. Oh, what’s that you say? That she did NOT specifically say that 2008 would be worse than 9/11, only that “oh eight†would be? Well, you got me there. You read it out, I read it in. But I think that most reasonable people would feel it justified to read “oh eight†as “2008" in this instance.
- Peter
P.S. If you wish to preempt all discussions of possible proofs in this forum, there will be no more successful way to do it than by repeating Popper’s maxim "nothing is eminently provable" (the idea of which, BTW, Popper borrowed from Socrates, whose philosophy was summed up as “nothing can be known for certainâ€). Popper and Socrates were correct, of course, but at the same time, some things are more apparent than others.
One of which was that Zeshua was right about 2008 being worse than 9/11. Another or which was that Zeshua's anagram predictions come with the qualification that they come from news stories in 2008 and 2009. Not only did her anagram predict that "oh eight" would be "worse" than 9/11, but also that the media would run news stories saying as much. Which they did. Just as she predicted they would.
P.P.S. Perhaps you have already noticed that the media is calling Israel's recent attacks on Gaza a new Massacre in Palestine?
A few quotes from news stories so far include: “Hamas Condemns Gaza 'Massacreâ€, "Palestine has never witnesses an uglier massacre", and “one of the bloodiest days in decades of the mideast conflict.â€
This of course would seem to fulfill another of Zeshua's predictions : the words "Massacre in Palestine" appearing in the major media.