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Re: Disease

It says that because this is the original site where TimeTravel_0 (John Titor on Post-2-Post) began posting on 2-NOV-2000. The logo is hypertext. If you click on it you go "here" - the TT discussion forum.

Well thank you for the clarification. I went and searched and looked and I am not the only person you have referred to that post "TimeTravel_0". But of course you have been here for a while. Still I had trouble finding it had it and had it not being for your post I would not of understood. I still don,t understand if he has been proving a fake why a link to his post or where is post is suppose to be is displayed at the beginning of this site unless it was for advertisement purposes. But, don,t take that as a protest I am all right with it. I just did not understand. Thanks, Reactor
Re: Disease

Read slowly Ray:

If you cannot prove or disprove John with the outcome of the Olympics or no Olympics on this timeline then why do you persist with this thread as if you can?

I completely understand that John's story cannot be proven or disproven. You don't.
So yes your posts on this thread are funny to me. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Disease

I completely understand that John's story cannot be proven or disproven.

Sure it can. The entire story rests on Titor's claim that Everett-Wheeler-Graham's interpretation is correct. That can be proven or disproven to be true.

If it is found to be untrue then the story is proven to be untrue.

Furthermore, within the context of the story Titor relies on a "part" of the Everett-Wheeler-Graham model that doesn't exist - that one can travel from one "parallel universe" to another within the context of the model. The model, however, doesn't allow for such travel. In fact it strictly forbids such travel. That much alone disproves the basis for his scenario.

Titor described his gadget as relying on micro mass Kerr-Newmann black holes to open a wormhole through which a Chevy pick-up can safely traverse. That part of the story is known to be false. It's not about a "better theory" or "we'll discover something in the future". Its simply about the physics. What he described, two black holes with a total mass of less than 225 kilograms of mass, cannot open a wormhole of sufficient diameter to swollow up a truck. The mass of the entire Earth isn't sufficient. The mass of several stars might be sufficient.

You don't completely understand how the story can or can't be proven to be true. The reason that you don't understand, no mater how many times you chide others for being closed minded, is that you closed your eyes and mind on 2-NOV-2000 to any criticism of the story. You made up your mind before he ever posted the story.
Re: Disease

I think your answers may lie in this question.

Is the universe and our fate free to flow in any direction, or is there a path which must be followed to specified outcome?

In other words, if a time line diverges, can it infinitely differ, or does it fall back into and follow a predestined stripe?
Re: Disease

Is the universe and our fate free to flow in any direction, or is there a path which must be followed to specified outcome?

In other words, if a time line diverges, can it infinitely differ, or does it fall back into and follow a predestined stripe?

That would definitely be a question for a different thread.

It brings in the matter of causality.
That the effect that you are experiencing is directly related to the effect and forces you were just subject to a moment ago.
Simple Newtonian physics.

But I would answer that you could only measure it from your perspective and how would we measure what timeline we were on in the first place without a reference point?

At least you are in the right place to pose questions of that magnitude, just the wrong thread.

I will pass on the beer ray , but I will still be here.

It may be nonsense Pamela, but a lot of people follow it so you must be prepared for the outcome whatever it is.
This won't be the last time but it may be the worst if the Olympics complete without any distractions.
I understand this was thrust on you, but being prepared might be a better thing to do in this case.
Even if the Olympics don't complete, and John himself came back and said "I told you so" still would be of no satisfaction, in fact it would scare a lot of people.
I think Darby and Ray may look at this in a way that may need a little review.
The only" win scenario" for everyone here is if the Olympics Complete without incident.
It is the final nail and needs to be accepted for what it is.


Hi Darby.
Re: some other timeline...

They don't understand time travel. John didn't predict anything he simply told us what happened on his timeline. He even said this timeline was different because he was on it now. He was concerned we may be headed in the same direction but he was not sure of the total outcome. Its all in his posts they just choose to ignore it.

You right Pam,

2. Mathematics. The property or manner of approaching a limit, such as a point, line, function, or value.

6. Mathematics. The property or manner of diverging; failure to approach a limit.

Re: Disease

It really doesn't prove anything concerning John if the Olympics play or not play.. atleast to me it doesn't. Even if John by some miracle was proven to be a real time traveler it is pretty obvious our timelines are no longer the same thats why posting things like this to prove John was fake seems so silly to me. It actually doesn't prove anything at all.
I am actually looking forward to watching the Olympics. I have no reason to believe they are not going to take place. I still laugh when I read some of these posts though because it is amazing what people think other people think. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Disease

It really doesn't prove anything concerning John if the Olympics play or not play.. atleast to me it doesn't. Even if John by some miracle was proven to be a real time traveler it is pretty obvious our timelines are no longer the same thats why posting things like this to prove John was fake seems so silly to me. It actually doesn't prove anything at all.

And here is the real rub... if any "predictions" had come to pass, you and the hosts of Titor sycophants would be all over it saying "yes, John told us about this". It reinforces the total scientific futility of a story where "anything that happens, it can be used to support the story". That is virtually the definition of unscientific! Should I go back and look for your statements, Pamela, where you say "John told us this"...where you attempt to invoke something that has come to pass as some sort of validation? Hmmmmmm?

I predict you will "stay in character" for the rest of your life! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Disease

Rainmantime, I admire your logic, and I have to say your point of view makes a whole lot of sense compared to others. Almost certainly John Titor was a hoax, but I would like to advise you to keep an open mind about these things. Of course there's still the slim possibility, even with all the knowledge of how time travel works (which, by the way, it doesn't look like you have (no offence)), that John Titor was real. He could have been a real time traveller who simply misunderstood how time travel worked. Just keep an open mind.
Re: Disease

Rainmantime, I admire your logic, and I have to say your point of view makes a whole lot of sense compared to others. Almost certainly John Titor was a hoax, but I would like to advise you to keep an open mind about these things. Of course there's still the slim possibility, even with all the knowledge of how time travel works (which, by the way, it doesn't look like you have (no offence)), that John Titor was real. He could have been a real time traveller who simply misunderstood how time travel worked. Just keep an open mind.

Are You, and "AWE" waiting for that Quake? LOL !!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Re: Disease

Is the universe and our fate free to flow in any direction, or is there a path which must be followed to specified outcome?

I'm going to assume that you're mixing cosmology with some sort of anthropic theory.

Is the "Universe" free to evolve or is there some path that it must follow? The cosmological answer to that question is no, the universe does not evolve "freely". Though we don't fully understand cosmology at the quantum level nor do we fully understand general ralativity we do understand enough of the subject at the classical, quantum and general relativistic levels of celestial mechanics and cosmology to state that whatever the ultimate physical reality is (the ultimate physical laws involved) the evolution of the universe is constrained by those physical laws. At a minimum every particle in the universe is gravitationally linked to every other particle in the universe. That much alone constrains cosmological evolution on the universal scale.

That doesn't mean that at the anthropic level we can't determine the evolution of our local reality or determine the course of our individual developments. We can manipulate our local environment and our lives to define the outcomes that we want though we have to take into account competing attitudes that might conflict with our desires. The outcomes of those events is undetermined until they physically "mix". The ultimate outcome might satisfy all competing sources, satisfy some of them or satisfy none at all.
The Titor Olympics Prediction

The Titor Olympics Prediction

Actually the Olympics have
already started. Canada
played against Argentina in
soccer and won 2 to 1. So
its over now. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Back to the Olympics!

Two more days until the opening ceremonies! Hi Titorite!

Read slowly Ray:

If you cannot prove or disprove John with the outcome of the Olympics or no Olympics on this timeline then why do you persist with this thread as if you can?

I completely understand that John's story cannot be proven or disproven. You don't.

Read my lips, Pamela:

The issue of whether or not "John Titor" was a time traveler is completely moot, because as you have even admitted, we are clearly not on the same "timeline" as the alleged Titor. What this means (to translate for the scientifically-challenged) is that because the vast majority of Titor's "predictions" have not materialized, everything he tried to "warn us about" with regard to our future is of highly questionable value. Do you understand THAT? LOL (And to let you know, I am still keeping that paradox you have not figured out in my back could come in handy between now and 2015!) :D

So the reason I persist is to continually hammer home the point that it doesn't even matter if Titor was or was not a time traveler (even though it is stupid to try and prove a negative). His "predictions" are not coming true, and thus all of the twisting and "interpretations" of "what he may have meant by....." (fill in the blank) is disingenuous flatulence. Science spits on it. The people who have done all these interpretive gymnastics (and there are still some active on this board, and I KNOW there are still some reading and lurking) are not likely to admit "yeah, I was wrong." Instead they will cling to the "well, you can't prove John was NOT a TTer" to their grave... thus embracing the stupidity of asking people to prove a negative just to make their bruised egos feel better.

Love, from a fellow Ohioan:
Re: Bush to China

Titor Right , Again...

web page

<font color="blue"> what's your prediction for first problem at Chinese olympics? [/COLOR]
more at:
GLP thread...
Welcome to the 2008 Olympic Games!

What is interesting is the wording that CNN has selected:

On their home page headline: <font color="red"> 2008 Olympics officially under way [/COLOR]

Perhaps even CNN is finally sick of Titor? :D

And as another dig back at Pamela: What is funny to me is that you find it amusing that I point out Titor's failures in predictions, and yet you do not seem bothered by all the people twisting and turing, trying to "interpret what he meant" as a means to make Titor "right". That is what gives us all insight into your character (and that word should be taken in both ways, as you are playing a character in the Titor saga). So you find it funny when people work to show where Titor was wrong, but you are totally OK with people trying to make Titor "right".

Enjoy those official Olympics!

Re: Bush to China


"Titor" was "created" by someone who KNOWS the future(may be) and the past. Also his creators may "control" the events on Earth. So that what he said "may" or "may not" be realised forever as true or not and thereby they can continue their "massive" mind control program. He may not be a time traveler. Nor i find anything good on his part except misdirection, manipulation and deception. "Titor" himself is basically an evil character. First he said civil war will break out in 2004 or 2005. But clearly there was indications of a civil war. But there was no war, still people live in confusion. Then he said about the next president. Where he used a "his/her" phrase, which indicates the creators had knowledge about Hilary Clinton coming in to 2008 elections. Then the Olympics, he was not clear about whether it was summer or winter. Now as we can see, with so many "discrepancies", the Olympics still is on. Which leads me to conclude that when there are events that indicated the olympics might be cancelled, people are "eager" enough to discuss the Titor topic. This creates a mass "hope" in people's mind, which i DOUBT the whole TITOR plot has something to do with mind control and Telepathy. Who is behind this, it is needless to say.
Re: Bush to China


Then he said about the next president. Where he used a "his/her" phrase, which indicates the creators had knowledge about Hilary Clinton coming in to 2008 elections.

It is this type of pre-supposing logic that I find amusing. I would like to know why you assume this means what you have stated, instead of the more simple logical conclusion which would state that using "his/her" covers all bases, and is thus not an indication of any foreknowledge. Whatever logic you employ automatically gives credit to the person who said this, rather than admitting the obvious which is that a man or a woman are the only two possibilities for who could become president! I don't think we could elect an animal as president!

Furthermore, did anyone familiar with politics NOT have knowledge that Hillary was going to enter the 2008 race? From the time the Clintons left the White House it was well known that Hillary's run for the Senate was her first step towards a presidential try. We all knew this before Titor showed up on the scene.
