Dimensional Traveler
Re: Bush to China
Projec Camelot: 2008 -STATUS-
2) The so-called 'Controllers'
It's important to realize that the 'Controllers' - the Illuminati, the Committee of the Majority, and/or various alien groups - are not in control.
Deacon reports, credibly in our view, that not only is there no overarching mastermind group successfully running the planet, but that at agency, military and black project level there are many factions, vying for control, with many different agendas between them.
Some groups may be doing their best to help the situation, within their particular context. Deacon includes the secret space program in these, which he says is a kind of a lifeboat program for Planet Earth if it really does hit the cosmic iceberg.
Dan Burisch has also spoken of and written about an 'Ark', which was partially constructed on Earth and then transported to the Moon in case it should be needed. He has described graphically that at Area 51 there were interesting problems lifting and moving this extremely heavy object.
Meanwhile, it's credible that other factions may have a very destructive and manipulative agenda, such as to reduce the planet's population by any practicable means - from the covert release of pathogens to orchestrated war. We report on both of these possibilities below.
Other situations are naturally caused and are adding to the mix. We also report on those. There may, of course, be other scenarios which we are not aware of.
3) What the insiders are doing
... is protecting themselves. There is in our view compelling and credible evidence that for several decades there has been a large-scale, covert program to build a large number (possibly thousands worldwide) of deep underground bases, in some cases entire self-sufficient cities.
These have cost trillions of dollars and this has not been done for the fun of it. This has been the largest construction program in the known history of the human race, and has been under way for fifty years. It has been kept entirely secret, and is a response to a serious threat of some kind. Below, we present some possibilities for what that threat may be.
In our view it is ethically unconscionable that the public has not yet been told what is certainly well understood at the highest levels of the military and government. One of Project Camelot's purposes is to discover the nature of this threat and make it publicly known.
4) The Biggest Picture
What follows here is a simple summary of a complex and unbelievable array of events and factors. Please see The Big Picture for some more on this, which is also a work in progress.
In our view it is compelling that the American military learned of a major threat to the survival of the species - possibly as long ago as the late 1940s. Time-portal technology gained at least partially from our visitors (whether they are space travelers, or time travelers as we believe), convinced the military that a major future catastrophe was possible or probable.
In response, MJ-12 (or whichever appropriate executive committee) decided three things:
• To embark on protective measures immediately.
• To keep the knowledge under the highest degree of classification.
• To embark on an accelerated program of ET liaison and high-tech research in attempts to increase their control and avert the situation.
At least one faction of this group is also interested in facilitating the worst-case scenario out of self-interest and a desire for domination. This agenda is very much involved in population control/ elimination plans detailed, for example, in The Report From Iron Mountain.
5) What was observed
One source, which we have not yet reported, has told us that on 5 November, 1971, using a device called a chronovisor, the US Supreme Court Building in Washington, DC, was observed "under about a hundred feet of brackish water".
We do NOT know the date of the event which was observed here, nor what the incident was determined to be that had caused this event.
Dan Burisch has referred to the threat of a pole shift round about 2012 and how this information was learned from time-traveling future humans. We consider his testimony credible and important. Henry Deacon has substantiated this, as have several others (including the source mentioned above).
Similar leaks of classified information, warnings, dreams, intuitions and channeled messages by the thousand - as well as the well-known mystery of the Mayan calendar - all combine to give credence to the idea that in or around 2012 there will be (or was due to be) a major global catastrophe of some kind - in all probability a pole shift.
Who is behind this, it is needless to say.
Projec Camelot: 2008 -STATUS-
2) The so-called 'Controllers'
It's important to realize that the 'Controllers' - the Illuminati, the Committee of the Majority, and/or various alien groups - are not in control.
Deacon reports, credibly in our view, that not only is there no overarching mastermind group successfully running the planet, but that at agency, military and black project level there are many factions, vying for control, with many different agendas between them.
Some groups may be doing their best to help the situation, within their particular context. Deacon includes the secret space program in these, which he says is a kind of a lifeboat program for Planet Earth if it really does hit the cosmic iceberg.
Dan Burisch has also spoken of and written about an 'Ark', which was partially constructed on Earth and then transported to the Moon in case it should be needed. He has described graphically that at Area 51 there were interesting problems lifting and moving this extremely heavy object.
Meanwhile, it's credible that other factions may have a very destructive and manipulative agenda, such as to reduce the planet's population by any practicable means - from the covert release of pathogens to orchestrated war. We report on both of these possibilities below.
Other situations are naturally caused and are adding to the mix. We also report on those. There may, of course, be other scenarios which we are not aware of.
3) What the insiders are doing
... is protecting themselves. There is in our view compelling and credible evidence that for several decades there has been a large-scale, covert program to build a large number (possibly thousands worldwide) of deep underground bases, in some cases entire self-sufficient cities.
These have cost trillions of dollars and this has not been done for the fun of it. This has been the largest construction program in the known history of the human race, and has been under way for fifty years. It has been kept entirely secret, and is a response to a serious threat of some kind. Below, we present some possibilities for what that threat may be.
In our view it is ethically unconscionable that the public has not yet been told what is certainly well understood at the highest levels of the military and government. One of Project Camelot's purposes is to discover the nature of this threat and make it publicly known.
4) The Biggest Picture
What follows here is a simple summary of a complex and unbelievable array of events and factors. Please see The Big Picture for some more on this, which is also a work in progress.
In our view it is compelling that the American military learned of a major threat to the survival of the species - possibly as long ago as the late 1940s. Time-portal technology gained at least partially from our visitors (whether they are space travelers, or time travelers as we believe), convinced the military that a major future catastrophe was possible or probable.
In response, MJ-12 (or whichever appropriate executive committee) decided three things:
• To embark on protective measures immediately.
• To keep the knowledge under the highest degree of classification.
• To embark on an accelerated program of ET liaison and high-tech research in attempts to increase their control and avert the situation.
At least one faction of this group is also interested in facilitating the worst-case scenario out of self-interest and a desire for domination. This agenda is very much involved in population control/ elimination plans detailed, for example, in The Report From Iron Mountain.
5) What was observed
One source, which we have not yet reported, has told us that on 5 November, 1971, using a device called a chronovisor, the US Supreme Court Building in Washington, DC, was observed "under about a hundred feet of brackish water".
We do NOT know the date of the event which was observed here, nor what the incident was determined to be that had caused this event.
Dan Burisch has referred to the threat of a pole shift round about 2012 and how this information was learned from time-traveling future humans. We consider his testimony credible and important. Henry Deacon has substantiated this, as have several others (including the source mentioned above).
Similar leaks of classified information, warnings, dreams, intuitions and channeled messages by the thousand - as well as the well-known mystery of the Mayan calendar - all combine to give credence to the idea that in or around 2012 there will be (or was due to be) a major global catastrophe of some kind - in all probability a pole shift.