BTW Darby... are talking about the "Wheat Gluten" study?
Is that why Creddo got banned in the past?
You seem to have a lot of preconceived beliefs. Do you have any facts to support those beliefs? Or can you even tell the difference between a belief and a fact?
If you can no longer distinguish between a belief and a fact, then you have to accept that you are schizophrenic. You have technically become a crazy person.
Science has crossed the borders of fact as well. The concept of theory is analogous to religion. Neither one will ever become fact.
Don't you find it very odd that our educational system is actually the basis for widespread schizophrenia? Is this a method of control? Through false beliefs?
You've been successfully conned. (or brainwashed) Snap out of it. If you still can.
We are all "schizophrenic", in your vague sense of the word. We are all of the same mind and body, separates of the same Whole. We are of THIS EARTH. We just spend our whole lives trying to fight this fact. We are our own storytellers, some of us have just forgotten who wrote it in the first place.
The concept of scientific theory is analogous to religion, you are right. However, a scientific theory is separate from religion in that a theory has grounds of natural science to back it up; Scientific theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
most religions, over time, have asked for baseless belief. A true God would not ask for baseless belief, just acknowledgement in the truest sense. A loving God does not force belief, but grants acknowledgement when one truly asks.
I have found my Father, as I asked for Him. But this just comes to the same point: How can you separate real from unreal when both can be equated as delusions due to being of the same "natural" sensory input?
Trick question, you can't. You're just along for the ride, and you take what's on your plate as it's given to you. Welcome to the Fallacy of Induction.
Want another trick question? Who's richer, Pocahontas or Bill Gates?
No one can call you Schizophrenic unless they are qualified as a doctor.
However, self-check is important. Symptoms as below:
Schizophrenia (/ˌskɪtsɵˈfrɛniə/ or /ˌskɪtsɵˈfriːniə/) is a mental disorder often characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to recognize what is real. Common symptoms include false beliefs, auditory hallucinations, confused or unclear thinking, inactivity, and reduced social engagement and emotional expression. Diagnosis is based on observed behavior and the person's reported experiences.
Schizophrenia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Einstein and JDT, both of you please calm down. Let's be nice to each other on this online forum.
The following article, do you two see it as a fact, or belief?
Time Travel and Modern Physics (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
The following article, do you two see it as a fact, or belief?
Time Travel and Modern Physics (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
I couldn't find any verifiable facts or beliefs in the link. Just looks like a treatise on fictional entertainment. The guy is writing about time travel. That would make the headlines if real facts about time travel were discovered. All I could find was hearsay and hogwash.
Dear Einstein, I have a thought-experiment for you. I want you to find a desk, and then, clear everything from it. Next, I want you to place only on that desk, objects that you can prove with absolute certainty to exist.servantx
I couldn't find any verifiable facts or beliefs in the link. Just looks like a treatise on fictional entertainment. The guy is writing about time travel. That would make the headlines if real facts about time travel were discovered. All I could find was hearsay and hogwash.