A belief is synonymous with a theory. If you should ever verify a belief to be true, then it is no longer a belief. It becomes a fact. So that would be a way to verify a belief is actually false. By default, an unverifiable belief is a false belief.
I can't help you. You're to far gone.
Did you see anything in the bibliography that even remotely resembled science? It's all Hogwash.
So far gone that I'm already back. Didn't we have this discussion before?
+2046920400, -1108839600|1<->4|0,+1404014400
To my friends, brothers, enemies, and Others:
Know that John Titor is unbreakable; for he is not One Man -- he is not a singular immortal -- just a symbol for the Cross of two eternal, celestial, Brothers-In-Arms, of the same, single Father.
Peace be with you, ALL.
JDT, please don't speak like Jesus, that will make you the false-Christ/anti-Christ and The Lord might condemn you all (your team) in the last day when Christ returns. Be warned.
JDT said:This conversation reminds me of a friend of mine, a dear artist, who spoke the words:
Cogito ergo sum.
I'm curious who this artist friend of yours is. Care to share?
JDT said:I am an Author, writing a story, nothing more.