John Titor ______________ AKA "JT" EXPOSED..

Re: Larger jars of peanuts

The issue here is not me, as whether I am perceived as foreign national, or otherwise.

What is at issue here, is a possible hoax and a breaking of the law, as it has been intimated at link, that the John Titor affair, was a possible contrivance of quite a few professors, within academia.

The derived possible Trojan horse, may have been devised by some in the realm of the colleage set, in order to throw a monkey wrench into the many views of time travel, that others have?
The link is given, additional proof is also provided.

So someone' please, do a little investigative work, for yourselves, in order to see as to whether the said Titor C204 unit, is a contrivance or the real thing? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
*Said is usually used in the legal sense, when describing an event, that is only supposed, as full clarent proof has not been established as of yet.
Re: Larger jars of peanuts

Ok creedo.. this is TOO GOOD *NOT* to post...

Creedo... our resident schizo... sent me a PM Re Sigmund;

Yes I'm glad; however I'm not crazy.

As I had said once before, in time travel one deals with multiple realties, not singular events sometimes.

This is why the nature of true time travel, is such a hard endeavor to master.

Again the diatribical definition that you have given, was refuted in the 1970s, as placed in a well put article in Psychology Today.

It was later found, again as posted in a Scientific American article on said subject, that the etiology, was probably based in a cocci, not a loose set of definitions that let one open to a law suet, for malpractice.

This is the same ploy as now ventured for the supposed non verbal learning disabilities in some children, or NVLD, a paper which I have viewed,

Again, as I was asked for input on this new series of clinical diagnoses and I will again say the same; that this is a loose set of only rough surmised clinical diagnoses, with no one particular definical cause.

Try opening a book and pick on someone who is more ignorant, that your projected harassments target?

You see.. he is trying to refute the list of diagnostic criteria I quoted from the DSM-IV-TR... Saying it was "refuted in the 1970s". Um.. I got news for you retardo... the DSM IV (that's FOURTH EDITION) TR (Text Revised) was published in 2000. You are FuLl oF Sh1T. You are an ASSHAT, a charlatan, and (just cuz I want to say it) a DOOFUS.

I mean GIMME A FRICKIN BREAK MAN!!! I have an MS in Neuroscience from the University of New Orleans.... and *you* are trying to tell *ME* that "that definition of schizophrenia" was debunked in the 1970s? I think that perhaps the 1970s was the last decade that you had a coherent thought.

And when I said that I think that you have shizophrenia, I wasn't trying to insult you... I was TRYING to convince you to seek the medical help that you oh-so-obviously NEED!
Re: Larger jars of peanuts

This is what was sent to me in a private e-mail.

Ok retardo... that definition of Schizophrenia was FROM THE F**KING DSM-IV-TR. GET A CLUE YOU MORON! I have a Master's in Neuroscience from the University of *** *******. You're an idiot... You have NO idea what the h**l you're talking about..

ROFL "the diatribical definition that you have given, was refuted in the 1970s, as placed in a well put article in Psychology Today. "

Yeah.. right... The DSM-IV-TR was F**KING PUBLISHED IN 2000 you hack! You f**king charlatan.

Harrasment is very much a real factor here on this posting board.
Re: Larger jars of peanuts


You have no respose to my allegation that you are full of crap?

You asserted that the quote I offered was "refuted in the 1970's", but I have countered that it was published in 2000. Is it you contention that I am lying? That I am incorrect? Or are you dodging the issue that you are just plain wrong, and/or lying?

Come on! Adress the issue.

I'm calling shenanigans!
Re: Larger jars of peanuts

OK.. Enough lolli pop games.

Creedo PM's me:
No your info is in error.

Clinnical is always braod and somtimes nonspecific.

All I know, is if I had a problem, I certainly would not want to deal with you!?

You don't respect retarded citizens either, doesn't say much for you?

To which I responded:

Are YOU trying to tell ME?!?! that *I* am wrong when I HAVE A COPY OF THE DSM-IV-TR SITTING RIGHT NEXT TO ME ON MY BOOKSHELF????????

Listen... No matter HOW much you would dearly like to be correct, you're not. End of story. You are wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, WRONG!

You *don't* know what you're talking about. *I*, on the otherhand, *do* know what I'm talking about. Get over it.

Do yourself a favor and go to . There you will find a page discussing the DSM IV TR. Or better yet, BUY YOUR SELF A COPY at .

You are a complete idiot.

Look man. The DSM IV-TR is current. You really don't know what you're talking about. Stop arguing with me and bow aout gracefully.

How long did you think it would be that you could spew out the nonseniscal garbage that you post daily before *someone* who actually knows what they are talking about would call you on your [censored]?

I mean... GIMME A FRIGGEN BREAK! Wanting to be smart and respected and *actualy* being smart and being respected are two different things entirely. Just *wanting* something bad enough will not make it so. You can't pull it off, so give up. LOL

Creedo's said intellect is quantively, and, uh.. logistically NONexistent in the said real world.

Your freakin NINNY!
Re: Primative man\'s mental capacity

As asked issues addressed:

In the Scientific American article it was expressed that a variety of microscopic pathogens, had innervaided into the brain, so causing the syndrome of multiphase correspondences, to other supposed realms.

This was aired by Sci American.

So the treatment would lie in the area of an antipathogennic; not main a diagnosis, which is solely, clinically based.

The diagnosis does not mean much, unless there is both a proper definition of schizophrenia and or a proper treatment of these defined indicators?

2.Your manners as far as any sort of clinician, are abysminally lacking.

You do not seem to posses either kindness, nor emotional tact, which would suet you as any sort of health professional.

Your professional manners are more attuned, to a roughen, that frequents violent parties.
This said, to the point where the authorities must be notified, in order to remove you.

You do not swear on the posting board, as you have in the posted correspondences to me, as you are under the private opinion that if you swear to me in private, that I will be societally impressed to your authority.

It would be a conservative assessment, (to a say the least), you have little practical experience in any kind of interpersonal relationships, with anything living, let alone patient contact.

If I were a family member that observed your tactics here, placed upon a loved-one in any clinical setting, where you would supposedly serve, in the role as a health clinician?.. I would immediately report you to administration and request that you either be fired, or have a peer review board, question any valid license that you might hold?

3.Please note to others on this board, who are question Sigmund's apparent tactics, that the discussion of time travel.Only some aspects, of interposed one to clinical diagnosis-like etiologies as far as the mental set goes, as a schizophrenic diagnosis.

However' this more often than not, is not a clinical diagnosis of anything, other than a reference to said or supposed time travel phenomenon.

4.I do not wish for you to write me anymore, if your going to continue to be as obnoxious in your private address to me.

Your are obnoxious and rude and should work at a rudimentary job, rather than be near something so complex, as the human mind. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Re: Primative man\'s mental capacity

Dear Creedo,

Your post makes no sense. Learn to use proper English sentences when you try to debate with me, and I'll be better able to respond to your nonsense. I'm not sure what you mean by "roughen", perhaps you mean "ruffian". I don't know. I am trained as a scientist. I don't know where you're coming from. Um.. I don't really know what to say to you other than you're nuts; don't know what you're talking about, and you're full of poo poo (read shi!t).

Um... I'm not a "clinician". I don't talk to people about their "feelings" or how they want to boff their mother. As far as Psychology goes... I used to cut the heads off of rats and ascertain the levels of FOS protien expression in the cerebellum and other things like mapping the expression of D4 receptors in the human genome.

As far as schizophrenia being pathogenic, you're either absolutely stupid, or insane. It's genetic. Schizophrenia is due to an over-production of dopamine in the Basal Ganglia or Substantia Nigra. You *DON'T* know what you're talking about so please (I'm begging you) BOW OUT GRACEFULLY and STFU... cuz you're nothing but smoke and mirrors (and only to 14 year impressionable kids, at that), and that's all.
Re: Primative man\'s mental capacity


As far as schizophrenia being pathogenic, you're either absolutely stupid, or insane.

Since I graduated has the work of Singh and Kay been completely disproved?

When I did my work in Exp. Psy. (Neuro Pharm emphasis) it was given that dopaminergics were the instant cause of schizophrenias but factors other than genetics could be the ultimate cause - for instance LSD-25 overdose resulting in a permenant drug induced psychosis (schizophrenia).
Re: Primative man\'s mental capacity


The article was titled, Schizophrenia caused by a schizo-coccus?

This was posted in Scientific American, which states that through a series of bacterial cocci, an elemental viral invasion, is the reason for so,me of the symptoms of schizophrenia?

Is Carlos Novela, also considered schizophrenic, as he has said know of probable other timelines and or realities?What about the others who have placed time travel ideas forward?

I'm not going to talk to you any more Sigmund.

You posses little or no couth and use obscenity in place of knowledge.

(STFU) in this forum, is also violation of TOS rules and I will bring this to the attention of Raul.
Re: Primative man\'s mental capacity

psychoses and schizophrenia are not the same Darby. LSD acts on 5-HT (SEROTONIN) receptors. as far as LSD induced psychosis goes, mechanisms of action are believed to be in the ARAS (acending reticular activating system) and Raphe system. Completely different from schizophrenia. While there are many plausible theories regarding contributors to the onset of schizophrenia, most, if not all *serious* neurscientist agree that *Genetics* set the predisposition for the ultimate manifestation of schizophrenia. Among the more popualar theories for contributing factors to developing schizophrenia are: Fever in vitro, viral infection in vitro, fungal infection in vitro, and trauma. However, all of these theories include as a prerequisite, a genetic predispostion for the disorder (as further support, an overwhelming host of twins studies corroborate this assertion). Further support of the biogenic model of schizophrenia lies in studies of cocaine and amphetamine induced psychoses, which show a more classical symptomology than serotonergic models (e.g., presence of negative symptoms, in addition to positive symptoms, whereas serotonergic psychoses almost always lack the negative symptoms). Furthermore, the lack of ONE SINGLE instance of schizophrenia in a Parkinsonian patient (who suffer from a dearth of dopamine, which is why catecholinergic precursors such as L-dopa are efficacious) further supports the claim that schizophrenia is, indeed, due to an excess of dopamine in the interstitial fluid caused by an overproduction of dopamine in the basal ganglia and substantia nigra.
Re: Primative man\'s mental capacity

So, creedo... how do ya like that?

No obscenities... and a WHOLE lotta knowledge. So wtf do YOU know about schizophrenia?


Re: Primative man\'s mental capacity

BTW Darby... are talking about the "Wheat Gluten" study? I hardly consider "wheat gluten" to be a pathogen in the classical sense. For clarification of terms, let's define "pathogenic" as bacterial or viral. I would classify wheat gluten as toxicologic. And in Singh and Kay's study, they found that wheat gluten exacerbated the symtoms of schizophrenics currently on a neuroleptic regimen.

While I am aware of viral theories of schizophrenia, any of them worth their salt merely cite viruses as more of an inciting incident, with genetic predisposition being a prerequisite.

Useful links: (great page FULL of links to resources)

Have fun reading!
Re: Primative man\'s mental capacity

Nice I got on hehehehe WW2ol Invasion!!! hehehe
i gota the leet timetraveling skills see the pic below thats me in a B5N2 on a torpedo run attack on the HMS.Titanic. You thought it hit a iceberg!!! LOL I just sunk it 3 minutes ago an now I came in to post about it.
Re: Primative man\'s mental capacity

Im a time traveller. I have a Kamen R-V3 strapped into the side car of my BMW R75 which makes time travel possible. I just thought I'd drop by and let everyone know to stay below ground on 12/23/2071.

Re: Primative man\'s mental capacity

Oh my...... Creedo, your ruse isn't working. Vampires with iq's above 250? Nonsense, Ive never met a vampire with an iq above 180, and I've met some pretty damn smart vampires. You're also all wrong about alien iq's. Since their iq's are measured on the pylongian scale, theres not really an equivalent for us earth beings.

I call bs.
Re: Primative man\'s mental capacity

That 14 year old comment wouldn't have happened to be a shot at me? who defended Creedos posts in a different forum now would it?

You sure don't talk like a person with any sort of medical degree.

If you don't agree with what he says, or he proved you wrong, be the biggerman and just stop posting about it. Even if you think he didn't prove you wrong, man, just let it go, plus you can just live in denile about it.

I mean is it really worth getting carpril tunnel or getting kicked off the fourms over?