John Titor ______________ AKA "JT" EXPOSED..

Re: John Titor ______________ AKA \"JT\" EXPOSED..

OK, I guess it is time for my kid gloves to come off to address your blatant hipocrisy:

In this thread what this group has shown, is limited intelligence.

Perhaps by your standards of IQ, but by the accepted norms I will trade mine with yours and we could see where we stand in an objective evaluation of intelligence.

2.Pot shots at another poster, do not make the academic grade,

Indeed, and if only you would live by your own words, you might begin to be convincing. As we shall see with more of your own words...

Take the example of Holland and the Netherlands...*snip*

See what I mean, just because you people in this thread can't sit down with a book, take the time and read what I have said, does not mean that this does not exist?

The difference here is that one can visit Holland, measure sea level, and see for oneself that it is a fact that people are living below sea level. Your analogy is way off base, as the written references you provide (when they are available) rarely offer any scientific proof.

If you want to berate me like a bunch of kindergartners, then do so.

Hipocrisy. You demean people and look down your nose at them for not being able to understand your clearly disjointed communication style, and then have the gall to claim we are wrong for asking you to raise above your own kindergarten level of sentence structure.

Most of you, probably did not follow the logic of the post I put down or even tried to use both web sources and or diagram what I had said?

1. Logic is a science, and you show no capability of forming logical contexts within the rules of this science. If you'd like, I can give you some textbook references on logic, starting with Plato.

2. The web source you provided ( ), claiming it held "proof" is non-existent. And when your friend, Hertz, pointed this out to you, you had no reply. Of course, to be fair, you claimed in your post that this site may not be in business anymore, but what does this say of your purported "proof", and your childish complaining that we do not study the information you provide?

3. If diagramming is so important to understand what you are saying (and as an engineer, I will agree that diagrams are important in understanding technical concepts) then why do you not offer diagrams yourself? You are aware, I am sure, that one can include graphics in one's post. Here is a good one to study:


Therefore any retort in the negative to berate me, only undercuts your own position

Yes indeed, so you should probably consider this little bit of wisdom before you start telling people they are of "limited intelligence." More of your hipocrisy.

I really don't care what you think of me?

Is that a question or a statement? Regardless, you can tell I don't really care what you think about me either. Does this have any bearing on people's request that you clarify your statements, or provide some useable sources that will?

if you can't use book source and web sources when they are offered; then sit in ignorance!?

Again I refer you to your broken link reference. And to make sure you don't slip through the cracks on some of your book references (ISBN numbers would help, if you have them!) here are some comments on my research on those titles, where I could find them:

1. Charles Berlitz on Atlantis. The title was not as you had posted. Rather, the title is "Atlantis: The Eighth Continent" and was published in 1985. However, you may wish to update your research to a book written by Richard Ellis, a valid oceanic scientist/researcher. The book is called "Imagining Atlantis" (ISBN 0375705821), and it thoughtfully debunks Berlitz, among others. You can even read the synopsis of the book here. But even if you don't accept this debunking, surely you don't think your reference is better than mine, right? That leaves us at a stalemate until you produce more scientific, objective proof.

2. Deloris Cannon. You gave no book title or ISBN for this reference, and I could find no books by her, at least under this spelling of her name. However, I did find a woman by this name who is a past life regression therapist who seems to have a fetish for UFO abductions. This doesn't smell much like objective, scientific research.

3. Barbara Marciniak (note I got the spelling of her name correct). At last, a title you got correct. ISBN 1879181215, published in 1994. And seeing how Amazon has it on sale at a bargain of $11.20, I might even order it and have a read. But from the looks of Barbara's other books, she is definitely a New Ager, and while it may not disqualify her potential for providing scientific evidence, it should at least set off some "caution" alerts. Still, in only 288 pages, and in that Barbara claims this information was "channelled" to her by actual Pleiadians, it is hard to imagine there is much there in the form of objective, scientific proof. Is this what you read that you claim to be science???? Here is a quote from one John Horvath, who read this book and reviewed it for Amazon:

"This book is by far the most self-serving example of literature I have ever come in contact with. Are we really to believe that Pleiadian beings used the author to write this book, and that they somehow are these benevolent creatures out to help us - to save us from ourselves? Where is skepticism in all of this, where is rationale? Are we naive enough to simply take all of this in without question? Come on now. "

Now I don't want it to appear that I have an ego as large as yours, Creedo, but I am a fairly intelligent person who is always willing to read references that people give me, if they are SCIENTIFIC enough to be worth my time in REAL research. But so far, what you have presented is New Age heresay, with very little scientific basis. So if you can't clarify your statements, or if you can't provide better references for what you claim to be "truth" and "fact", then you should at least lay off those of us who call your statements into question, and ESPECIALLY avoid acting all snooty and "more advanced" than the rest of us.

Kind Regards,
Re: John Titor ______________ AKA \"JT\" EXPOSED..

In this thread what this group has shown, is limited intelligence.

ahem... I know Holland (or the Netherlands if you will) is a small spot on the map. But if you insist on commenting on it, you might want to get your facts straight. Living below sealevel a hoax? Where the *beep* do you get your information from? 24% of our country is below sealevel and that's a known fact. If you want to know more about Holland, I suggest you go to which is the website of our ministry of foreign affairs.
Brussels, for your information, is the capitol of Belgium.

If people in Holland Brussels and this area respected themselves well of course they would send for loads of dirt, in order to rise their level, above the sea.

Good thinking, sherlock. Holland is one of the most progressive countries in the world when it comes to watermanagement, but hey, if you have a better idea I suggest you offer your services to our government.

Therefore any retort in the negative to berate me, only undercuts your own position, as your personal view, not research has come forward to the post.

need I say more?

I'm not going to explain myself further, if you can't use book source and web sources when they are offered; then sit in ignorance!?

Then I guess I'll be sitting right next to you.

You have to understand that I do not wish to offend you, I'm only saying that 9 out of 10 times I don't understand what you're saying. But perhaps it's just my ignorance.

Re: John Titor ______________ AKA \"JT\" EXPOSED..

Oh Roel' can you ever forgive me? I have offended Holland.

Whatever am I to do with myself.

I'm sorry, was only making reference to the people who lived below sea level, to point out absurdity.

Schizophrenia in the classical sense, is a loose bunch of diagnoses, which only illuminate certain symptomologies.

The classical definition of schizophrenia, is not an exact disease, only a rough gathering of opinions.Not really one issue.

This was said until a very well place article was posted in Scientific American Magazine, saying, that adult modern schizophrenia, may be caused by a cocci?

The predication that pundits of anyone on this board that brings for any information as said being unusual, is that this statement is of course, not hierarchically imbued.

So say if I were to point to certain town records and individual report.

Say forinstance on relative times modem vampirism, to where a village members corps was uncovered; however they could only open their eyes, however could not attain movement, then this say would be subject to ones classical definition of what is politically correct to say.

Why I have spoken at all, is for histrionically notes prevasity, as the modified groups from the town's case-in-point, were the forefathers of a new possible group based in in the U.S. toady.

This say is a dihedral angle within philosophy of how standard logic works.
As this say, expressed by the worlds best physicist, state that three dimnsionalism, must be expressed in geometry.

This is to where more than one dimension would have to be noted, in order for the universe, to be comply multinatured, within its encompassments.

So on this board, same frequency analysis to logics sake, always have a certain disatvange.

This board in a lea-off, or a sheltered area, if you will?

Iron-clad, jack-booted perceptionst who extol virtue of what's normal, in a not normal natured time travel board, stick our like flashing lights.

In order for one to participate in this subject matter, in time travel, they must be able to adopt a social reference to one or more dimensions.

So in part, this board and some board-memebers actions, functions on the classical, but not certain definition of schizophrenia.

I make no apologies here, but only point to the factor, of the nature of this board, as being multi-versed, in differing realties, all at one time?
Re: John Titor ______________ AKA \"JT\" EXPOSED..

Ahhh, I see! Why didn't you say this before Creedo? It all makes sense now... !

Oh and one more thing...

I'm sorry, was only making reference to the people who lived below sea level, to point out absurdity.

How can people living below sealevel be a reference to point out absurdity?
Re: John Titor ______________ AKA \"JT\" EXPOSED..

Ahhh, I see! Why didn't you say this before Creedo? It all makes sense now... !

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif Yeah...exactly! Methinks we have a CreedoBot on our hands, and a severely distended one at that! :D

Kind Regards,
Re: John Titor ,_________ Re; to Hertz

Hertz, are you trying to tell us that you are JT back again?

Bull /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Re: John Titor ______________ AKA \"JT\" EXPOSED..

Actually, creedo, schizophrenia is a fairly well understood, easily quantifiable psychological/neurological disorder. Below, from the DSM IV-TR. Now... not having met you and interviewed you extensively, I cannot say definitively that you do, in fact, suffer from schizophrenia... but your disturbed ramblings on this board are certainly suggestive of a postivie diagnoses. (btw... I have a Master's in Neuroscience... i.e., I know what I'm talking about..)

Diagnostic criteria for Schizophrenia

A. Characteristic symptoms: Two (or more) of the following, each present for a significant portion of time during a 1-month period (or less if successfully treated):

(1) delusions

(2) hallucinations

(3) disorganized speech (e.g., frequent derailment or incoherence)

(4) grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior

(5) negative symptoms, i.e., affective flattening, alogia, or avolition

Note: Only one Criterion A symptom is required if delusions are bizarre or hallucinations consist of a voice keeping up a running commentary on the person's behavior or thoughts, or two or more voices conversing with each other.

B. Social/occupational dysfunction: For a significant portion of the time since the onset of the disturbance, one or more major areas of functioning such as work, interpersonal relations, or self-care are markedly below the level achieved prior to the onset (or when the onset is in childhood or adolescence, failure to achieve expected level of interpersonal, academic, or occupational achievement).

C. Duration: Continuous signs of the disturbance persist for at least 6 months. This 6-month period must include at least 1 month of symptoms (or less if successfully treated) that meet Criterion A (i.e., active-phase symptoms) and may include periods of prodromal or residual symptoms. During these prodromal or residual periods, the signs of the disturbance may be manifested by only negative symptoms or two or more symptoms listed in Criterion A present in an attenuated form (e.g., odd beliefs, unusual perceptual experiences).

D. Schizoaffective and Mood Disorder exclusion: Schizoaffective Disorder and Mood Disorder With Psychotic Features have been ruled out because either (1) no Major Depressive, Manic, or Mixed Episodes have occurred concurrently with the active-phase symptoms; or (2) if mood episodes have occurred during active-phase symptoms, their total duration has been brief relative to the duration of the active and residual periods.

E. Substance/general medical condition exclusion: The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition.

F. Relationship to a Pervasive Developmental Disorder: If there is a history of Autistic Disorder or another Pervasive Developmental Disorder, the additional diagnosis of Schizophrenia is made only if prominent delusions or hallucinations are also present for at least a month (or less if successfully treated).

Classification of longitudinal course (can be applied only after at least 1 year has elapsed since the initial onset of active-phase symptoms):

Episodic With Interepisode Residual Symptoms (episodes are defined by the reemergence of prominent psychotic symptoms); also specify if: With Prominent Negative Symptoms

Episodic With No Interepisode Residual Symptoms

Continuous (prominent psychotic symptoms are present throughout the period of observation); also specify if: With Prominent Negative Symptoms

Single Episode In Partial Remission; also specify if: With Prominent Negative Symptoms

Single Episode In Full Remission

Other or Unspecified Pattern
Re: John Titor ,_________ Re; to Hertz

What is this "jt movie" you keep talking about, Hertz?
Can we see it, or what? I'm sorry about my impatience, but you're supplying excessive suspense. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
Re: John Titor ,_________ Re; to Hertz


whats up with all the attacks and what not on creedo? So you don't understand some of his posts, big fricken deal, I don't understand Quantam Physics but you don't see me making fun of the guy who made them. If the links don't work then it's not his fault, it's the site it self. If your not getting anything, try reading slower. This is not by all means an attack upon your said intellegence, but just me trying to defend creedo, who has many good ideas and is quite knowledgebale in more than a few subjects.


whats the deal with living under sea level, I personally don't see how that couldn't be possible? so whats the signifigence?
re:Attack of the psychologist!!

Thank you overflow, your help was appreciated.

*Please note on the said Titor exposé, that there are matches with said U.S. Navy Diver's underwater communication, from ship to underwater working divers, as in photographic proof archival stores?

I do not know or realize that this may or may not be same said proposed C204 or other said models of Titor used vehicle?

*Other concerning, note below posting with this consideration only.

It has been said that the Titor exposé was a carefully panned ruse constructed by academia, in order to be invalidation into the prospective time travel areas of discussion.

This is why I feel that one of the MOPs from had possibly warned of a potential charge of high treason, to another said member of

This warning was for any affiliation with any said sort of supposed construction.

This claim by this MOP, was in constrained lines, with the claims of a possible revolution to come.

Please note to all, that time travel discussion boards, may or may not have visitors, to these boards that are either real, fake or possable time travelers.

This is a Boolean state of algebraic circumstances, that is constantly on.

In any contact with any said time traveler, always make sure that you have at least triple verification, in order to for your own use only, verify that contact as being valid?

There are certain said legal consideration to said constition, if this construction was for the said purpose of political enactment against any hierarchy.

This is not a set to this reality response, however a set to any reality response?

See links below, but remember you venture into real time travel,potentials, is at times, according to your own risk?

All rights included below, property of Time Travel Hotel

See post>I am fake and Sorry:>Timetraveler23posted 10/00/24:I John Titor I am a fake my name really isnt Jonh Titor it is graig
Re: John Titor ,_________ Re; to Hertz


whats the deal with living under sea level, I personally don't see how that couldn't be possible? so whats the signifigence?

Ehm, well.. there is no deal... I once mentioned it in another thread (in a completely different context) and creedo started talking about it in this thread. Like you, I personally don't see why that couldn't be possible and I don't know what significance it has in this context. I was merely educating creedo, who was under the assumption that it might be a hoax /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Creedo undoubtly has some great ideas, but unlike you I don't understand what he writes in his posts. Perhaps you can clarify some of his posts? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: John Titor ,_________ Re; to Hertz

One of the tenants of time travel boards, is that you don't ask for any badges and or explanations.
Re: John Titor ,_________ Re; to Hertz

No one can be told what creedos posts are about it's somthing you have to see for your self.

(creedo) I'm still clueless about the below sea level thing, why would this be implausible?
Re: John Titor ,_________ Re; to Hertz

Kev' this say was an analogy to catch Roel's attention, by setting the issue in his lap.

An analogy is usually considered a contemporary comparison, which does not hold relative value, in hence time.

So it's a spent issue.
Re: John Titor ,_________ Re; to Hertz

ok I got now,

so i guess hertz trying to debunk JT turned out to be the hoax?
Re: refered from another board:

from link

Guest Posted on Jan 28 2004, 08:47 PM said;
MJ, can you tell me where you saw this similar looking device. I believe JT to be a fake and believe it is only a matter of time before he is figured out fully!

mickeljohnson replies;I did not say any of the content within my sentence, that you imply here.

Principally what is being put forth here, is that the size shape and description of the said C204 said General Electric Time Displacement Unit.Said photograph of unit, bears algebraic similarities, to both size, general overall description, as well as probable weight characteristics, to a more vintage U.S. Navy shipboard, to underwater divers communications transducer.

This particular model, is among many technical items recorded in U.S. Navy photo-files.

The description of this picture is, two navy officers, held in a kneeling position place left, to the communications device, which is on shipboard deck, in the opened position.

I believe that one of these officers is wearing a set of headphones, with an adjustable, while both are working the dials on the transducer unit.

This photo is during board day and is apparently taken from either scaffolding alongside of this ship, or from another boat, next to the larger naval vessel?

This photo may be held in many diver's manuals, both military and civilian.

If there is both an i.d. and or any model number printed on the outside of this case, which is shown from three quarters of a view below, then matching the nature of the said comparison to the said C204 unit, should be elementary?

I never said the word, he, in any or my post here, as if to expose someone.

It is just that the full nature of the John Titor case, has not been solved yet.

This evidence is added, as to all possible variables.So this one crucial photograph may, or may not uncover any further saids nature as to whether the John Ttor case, was real, or something contrived?
Re: John Titor ,_________ Re; to Hertz

No one can be told what creedos posts are about it's somthing you have to see for your self.

Yes Morpheus.

I don't think English is Creedo's first language, a lot of the the things he says don't make sense because his phrasing is bad. And he loves the word "said", in fact he uses it at least once in pretty much every sentence he writes.

Some of his ideas are quite interesting and he definitely has a unique perspective on things and most of the time I enjoy reading his post's but sometimes he just goes off on a tangent and it makes him difficult to follow.