Re: John Titor ______________ AKA \"JT\" EXPOSED..
OK, I guess it is time for my kid gloves to come off to address your blatant hipocrisy:
In this thread what this group has shown, is limited intelligence.
Perhaps by your standards of IQ, but by the accepted norms I will trade mine with yours and we could see where we stand in an objective evaluation of intelligence.
2.Pot shots at another poster, do not make the academic grade,
Indeed, and if only you would live by your own words, you might begin to be convincing. As we shall see with more of your own words...
Take the example of Holland and the Netherlands...*snip*
See what I mean, just because you people in this thread can't sit down with a book, take the time and read what I have said, does not mean that this does not exist?
The difference here is that one can visit Holland, measure sea level, and see for oneself that it is a fact that people are living below sea level. Your analogy is way off base, as the written references you provide (when they are available) rarely offer any scientific proof.
If you want to berate me like a bunch of kindergartners, then do so.
Hipocrisy. You demean people and look down your nose at them for not being able to understand your clearly disjointed communication style, and then have the gall to claim we are wrong for asking you to raise above your own kindergarten level of sentence structure.
Most of you, probably did not follow the logic of the post I put down or even tried to use both web sources and or diagram what I had said?
1. Logic is a science, and you show no capability of forming logical contexts within the rules of this science. If you'd like, I can give you some textbook references on logic, starting with Plato.
2. The web source you provided ( ), claiming it held "proof" is non-existent. And when your friend, Hertz, pointed this out to you, you had no reply. Of course, to be fair, you claimed in your post that this site may not be in business anymore, but what does this say of your purported "proof", and your childish complaining that we do not study the information you provide?
3. If diagramming is so important to understand what you are saying (and as an engineer, I will agree that diagrams are important in understanding technical concepts) then why do you not offer diagrams yourself? You are aware, I am sure, that one can include graphics in one's post. Here is a good one to study:
Therefore any retort in the negative to berate me, only undercuts your own position
Yes indeed, so you should probably consider this little bit of wisdom before you start telling people they are of "limited intelligence." More of your hipocrisy.
I really don't care what you think of me?
Is that a question or a statement? Regardless, you can tell I don't really care what you think about me either. Does this have any bearing on people's request that you clarify your statements, or provide some useable sources that will?
if you can't use book source and web sources when they are offered; then sit in ignorance!?
Again I refer you to your broken link reference. And to make sure you don't slip through the cracks on some of your book references (ISBN numbers would help, if you have them!) here are some comments on my research on those titles, where I could find them:
1. Charles Berlitz on Atlantis. The title was not as you had posted. Rather, the title is "Atlantis: The Eighth Continent" and was published in 1985. However, you may wish to update your research to a book written by Richard Ellis, a valid oceanic scientist/researcher. The book is called "Imagining Atlantis" (ISBN 0375705821), and it thoughtfully debunks Berlitz, among others. You can even read the synopsis of the book
here. But even if you don't accept this debunking, surely you don't think your reference is better than mine, right? That leaves us at a stalemate until you produce more scientific, objective proof.
2. Deloris Cannon. You gave no book title or ISBN for this reference, and I could find no books by her, at least under this spelling of her name. However, I did find a woman by this name who is a past life regression therapist who seems to have a fetish for UFO abductions. This doesn't smell much like objective, scientific research.
3. Barbara Marciniak (note I got the spelling of her name correct). At last, a title you got correct. ISBN 1879181215, published in 1994. And seeing how Amazon has it on sale at a bargain of $11.20, I might even order it and have a read. But from the looks of Barbara's other books, she is definitely a New Ager, and while it may not disqualify her potential for providing scientific evidence, it should at least set off some "caution" alerts. Still, in only 288 pages, and in that Barbara claims this information was "channelled" to her by actual Pleiadians, it is hard to imagine there is much there in the form of objective, scientific proof. Is this what you read that you claim to be science???? Here is a quote from one John Horvath, who read this book and reviewed it for Amazon:
"This book is by far the most self-serving example of literature I have ever come in contact with. Are we really to believe that Pleiadian beings used the author to write this book, and that they somehow are these benevolent creatures out to help us - to save us from ourselves? Where is skepticism in all of this, where is rationale? Are we naive enough to simply take all of this in without question? Come on now. "
Now I don't want it to appear that I have an ego as large as yours, Creedo, but I am a fairly intelligent person who is always willing to read references that people give me, if they are SCIENTIFIC enough to be worth my time in REAL research. But so far, what you have presented is New Age heresay, with very little scientific basis. So if you can't clarify your statements, or if you can't provide better references for what you claim to be "truth" and "fact", then you should at least lay off those of us who call your statements into question, and ESPECIALLY avoid acting all snooty and "more advanced" than the rest of us.
Kind Regards,