I am from the year 2522

Re: uysr

From working all the time? What is it that you do then exactly? What is the real nature of your work....sounds like it's making you tired....
Re: uysr

I watch and observe people and how they act, watch the news. I see if anyone is following me.

I know it doesn't sound much but we get bored easily and without a life simulator I am very bored.
Re: uysr

So you wander around all day watching people? Isn't that considered "stalking" in the future? Anyway, I was wondering how long you've been here & what you've actually learned about us from your observations? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: uysr

I don't stalk people. I watch what they do. I don't just watch one person, I watch groups of people like black rappers which I think are kind of strange.

I have learned from this time that people are fiercely competitive when it comes to anything and you seem to be obsessed with penis's because atleast once per day I here some teenager going my penis is bigger than yours then the other arguing about it.
Re: uysr

:D :D :D :D Teenage boys are always obsessed with their penis sizes!! What a classic!!! We are a competative race, I'll give you that. I wouldn't be taking too much time studying black rappers, just quietly, most of us don't even like rap music! hahahaha You crack me up, youtravel back in time to watch rappers & hear people comparing the size of their penises!! HAve you gotten anything else out of the place, or is that it? You might need to stop hanging around Secondary Schools hey?!! :D :D
Re: uysr

You know, I was directed to this site as a comedy site by someone on another board. And boy were they right. I simply had to join to say a few things.

Okay, if we accept that Chronohistorian is so bad at typing because he's never used a machine like this before and he hasn't improved in 3 weeks (being kind as he says he's been here since Nov 11th 2003 and I find it hard to believe that he's not used a computer in that time before he posted here) because (presumably) there is no such thing as hand-eye co-ordination in the future. And we can maybe accept that he hasn't found out what a spellchecker is yet because he's so unused to this technology and isn't an investigatiove person at all (unusually for a historian, but what do
I know?), so hasn't poked around in the menus and programmes on his computer. And he can't use the shift key to capitalise consistantly because...they don't capitalise in the future, maybe.

So we accept all that...does that mean the the English language has changed that much in the future? Are words and phrases like "farer" and "I aren't" and "atleast" and "I here some teenager going my penis is bigger than yours" how people talk in the future? So the spelling of the word "hear" has changed to "here", but the slang of saying that people "go" something, rather than "say"ing something has remained the same? Who would have thought that, eh?

Anyway, questions...

Did you really say that people from more than 500 years in the future know that Britany Spears posed for Playboy? That seems like highly specialised knowledge to me. I mean, go back 40/50 years, and I only know that Maralyn Monroe did. I have no clue about anybody else, even ultra-famous ones like Jayne Mansfield. Unless, that is, as well as your specialisation in pre-2000 history, you have a specialisation in naughties soft pornography.

And yet they don't know how to spell Britany's name?

You find black rappers strange? What about white rappers? And you're in England from the future at this time and you find that the strangest thing in music? You don't find the Cheeky Girls at all puzzling? You specialise in pre-2000 history, yet you have not encountered rap before? Even though it was the biggest musical revolution (aside from dance music) of the last 3 decades and is still one of the most influential genres to this day? And you've not encountered it before?

You say that you talk to your computer rather than typing? Yet, to surf the net you have it wired directly into your brain? In such a way that even if you think of something like naked women you can't help but go to loads of porn sites? Isn't that a bit, well, stupid? And arse-backwards?

Well, why not give us some more slang from your time? What is the most common language in your time? If it's English, how did it overcome the current movement towards Mandarin as the most widely-spoken language (as opposed to merely the one spoken by the most people), as opposed to English? If it's Mandarin, then could you give us a few choice phrases?

That'll do for now, and I don't expect to get much in the way of reasoned or coherent replys anyway, but this is quite fun.

Oh, BTW, hello everybody, I'm a newbie. Nice place you've got here.
Re: uysr

Sarah-I live in england like I said.

I don't "hang" around schools and why compare penis sizes? this seems a bit strange to me.

trollface-like I said the english language hasn't changed much but we never argue about penis sizes, I find that quite funny.

Not everyone knows about britney spears but I saw her on the menu in the lifesimulator at one time.

I have never said I have never encountered rap music, I just think it is a bit strange.

like I said before the most spoken language is arabic.
Re: uysr

The English language hasn't changed much, but the slang of youths is now academic language, what now comes accross as inarticulate is correct, and the spelling of words like "hear" has changed so that someone typing correctly in the future just happens to sound exactly like someone inarticulate and not very literate from this time? Okay, I'll grant you that the English language is an ever-evolving one. However, can you tell me when it slowed down it's rate of evolution? I mean, you look at texts from even 20 years ago and the language is different. 500 years ago and, well, even educated adults need notes to understand what Shakespeare actually was saying; what the word "wherefore" actually meant, and so on...

Okay, so you just happened accross Britany. Well, then, why didn't you do much research, any recce, before coming to this time? Because, I'll tell you what, acadamia must have changed a hell of a lot in the future, if you don't have to be educated or articulate to do it, you don't have valid research methods, or specific research aims and you do little to no preperation before embarking on an 8 year project. Maybe you can explain in more than simple generalities exactly what preperation you have done before you came here and what your goals are. You won't convince me you're from the future, but you should be able to have a shot at convincing me that you actually know what you're talking about.

Oh, and, I might not be able to test your future knowledge, but I can test your knowledge of the history you claim to be an expert in. Why was the telephone exchange invented? In the latter half of the 20th century, what was the bloodiest war since the end of WWII? In what many Americans consider to be the biggest cultural event of the 20th century, Woodstock, there was a famous public saftey announcement over the tannoy. What was it?

Ah, so the most widely-spoken language is Arabic (or is it the most-spoken language, or both? There's a big difference)? In which case, you'll have no problem translating the above paragraph into Arabic for me. As I know a couple of Arabic speakers, it'll be easy to tell if you've just used Babelfish or a similar programme, or whether you can speak it yourself...
Re: uysr

Why are you guys even humouring this "time traveller". Hey chronohistorian or whatever your name is, don't you think if they were going to send someone back in time they would send someone with an IQ over 10? Do you really think anyone buys any of your jibberish. Maybe if you want to fool the people who frequent this board your mom or dad should proof read your posts and help you to write messages that make more sense. Come on people, if your going to try to be the next John Titor, try to come up with some better material than we've seen here lately. I didn't want to get sucked into this thread but it's really annoying me and probably everyone else here.
hi ch (the comedian/dungeon master),

What is the humour like in the future? Has it morphed in to 'alienour'? Sounds like it's more hilarious than today?

gamey, setty
I did preparation such as researching your culture and how you see events and similar things like that.
I have valid research methods, it is proven that observing people can be a very good research method.

I can't really remember why the telephone exchange was invented but I think it was so that the troops could get information easily to base.

The bloodiest war is probably vietnam.

The public safety announcement was about performers injuring their heads but not really sure.

If you read back I said I could not speak arabic.

Rhudey-why don't you believe the fact that I have never typed before coming to this time? do you really think that we will be typing in 500 years? if you do then you are the one with the bad IQ.

We tend to make jokes about other alien races which you people probably wouldn't understand
Re: uysr

Dearest Chrono

I know you live in England....you told me before....Thank you

Are you asleep?

I;m going to switch off now


Re: uysr

Your answers are vague enough to mean anything, you sound like a fortune teller at the local carnival. So when Michael Jackson "disappears" from history for 25 years, what happens when he "pops" up again?


How was world hunger addressed?
Where do your water sources come from since in this generation clean water supplies are becoming depleted?
What effect do greenhouse gasses have on your world, what solutions did you come up with?
What is your major source of fuel (ie. for houses, cars, planes, time machines, etc.)?
What are the major diseases affecting your timeframe?
What is the nearest planet with intelligent life and where is it (i.e. what solar system)?
What has become of the rainforests?
What do you do with your garbage, already there are issues with declining space in landfills!

Why do you refer to 'us and them', like you are not human? To see, try one of your jokes or two! How exactly do you know that others will not be able to understand your humour?
Chrono' have you folks broken the two hundred million light year away barrier in your time, can you go that far?

And if you did, were there any contacts with cat-eyed people in your era?

You should get more rest and have your doctor take care of you, youre showing definite signs of wear.

Thanks and get some sleep.
after 25 years michael jackson dies.

We stopped world hunger with a little bit of communism, as there is enough food for everyone on earth we rationed it out. You had food tokens which were given to you once per week. You paid with the food tokens and money. This also stopped obesity.
We also have GM crops and venus is a farming planet.

Your water resources won't be getting depleted for long. Stopping fires will soon be done with dry water saving more normal water to drink.

In about 90 years there is a mini ice age which covers most of europe but nasa changes that after they invent terraforming technology.

Our major source of fuel is lunarium in space ships and renewable energy in other transport.

The major disease that we have in my time is epidermolosa but it is very rare

The nearest planet is lizara with the lizarans on in andromeda.

The rainforests still exist but there is only about 10% of the original amazon left.

like I said before we recycle our garbage.

We can travel light speed. it takes us about 1 hour to reach andromeda in an exploration/war ship

There is an alien race that look like cats, they are called the skaarans and they hate earthlings, we have had battles with them in the past.

I don't need a doctor at the moment, it just feels a bit weird because whatever time I go to bed I wake up between 7am and 8am and there isn't even an alarm waking me up.