Re: Where no man has gone before.........
How things were supposed to go, they didn't.
The Lexiton lay listing to port, with one engine pod badly damaged. The Concord and Excalibur, also showed stillness, in the pattern that M-5 and the Enterprise had laid down.
Uurha at the com, was taking in frantic calls from the other star ships that Enterpise had taken out, when the automate, had switched the photon explosive, from low energy flash fissile, to high energy yeald.
Professor Daystrom knew that his child, M-5 had done wrong. However completely ignoring Kirk, Spock and McCoy, as he now tried a soft spoken command interface protocol.
Daystrom spoke, "M-5, You know that you are great, I am great and together we must now solve this problem that we are in"?
Spock held his hands together behind his back, very inwardly disturbed at the sight of seeing someone so brilliant as Daystom, loosing his mental composure, as a result of his machine committing homicide.
To understand why this future mess had occurred, one must go back to Earth in the town known as San Francisco, in the late 1960s, during the intellectual and drug revolution, which was in this area.
There was a writer by the name of Hunter Thompson who told of the funny people who lived in this area, known as Cal Berkley.
These people had upper caliber mentalities, but because of the use of dilasergic acid, more commonly known as the LSD period, there was splitting of ideological mentalities, as mankind then, grew once more, very close to the God factor.
Thompson said of some people who religiously took LSD, which was not really an antisocial archetype drug.
This drug something that could route the internal neural synaptical firings, by chemically rerouting hearing to sight, sound to speech and other factors, so that as people said then, "One could get at their bad psychic garbage and throw this out"!
There were those special class of gardeners, who kept fully loaded 357 and 44 caliber cylinder, or automatic weapons in their gardens, which they cultured their plants.
As they said then, during the process of gardening, it was proper under the influence,. never to shoot more than you could kill, NOR, was it proper ever to garden without one's fully loaded high powered sidearm, due to them coming through the gardens.
Nobody knew what them were.>They weren't nomes, they weren't fairies, nor trolls, however THEM, or they.
If they came through your garden while you were gardening, then you must, without any recourse of action, discharge your fully loaded weapon at them.
History tells that there were no recorded fatalities from them and LSD influced gardening.
The most important thing that one can tell you here, is that it was always better to be safe than sorry.
They found it in a laboratory.
This was called emergent intelligence and the funny people factor talking to plants and worrying about THEM, started to filter into the early robots people had in their homes and apartments.
Those people who understood how plants thought, also started to regard their home robots, as part of the family and these machines started to also fulfill this role.
There was the family entertainment center, the family poodle and the home-bot, who secretly knew what everyone was saying.
Time passed and centuries later in the work of a Professor Daystrom, the semi-posatronic matrix into being, as a ship's control.
This was a new concept, to let an entire ships automate be taken over by an intelligent helms-computer; however they allowed this to happen.
The big mistake Daystrom made before his complete mental breakdown, was that no safety governener was ever added to the new M-5, or M-6 series.
These ships automate computers, had total authority, however they sometime did not regard themselves, as part of the family........In others words, they felt they owned the family?!
Getting back to our mess, when Spock and Kirk, tricked M-5 into shutting down, the one adage that Kirk had assured his compatriots about as a result of making the Enterprise play dead.
This was so that it was no destroyed, was believing in the trust factor, in simple man to man humanity.
The perusing ships did not destroy the M-5 manned star ship, simply because of a school acquaintance that Kirk had known at the academy.
In Kirk's words, "I knew him at the academy and I had judged his character and felt that he had judged mine".
I felt he did not fire on us, as I believed in his humanity.
This one critical factor known as humanity, human trust, the ability to believe in one another as trusted fellows, saved the Enterprise from becoming a pile of space rubble.
The simple factor of man's trust, to fellow man.